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    <div class="sect1" title="What Is Subversion?">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="svn.intro.whatis"></a>What Is Subversion?</h2>
      <a id="idp6792624" class="indexterm"></a>
      <a id="idp6794016" class="indexterm"></a>
      <a id="idp6795024" class="indexterm"></a>
      <p>Subversion is a free/open source <em class="firstterm">version control
      system</em> (VCS).  That is, Subversion manages files and
      directories, and the changes made to them, over time.  This
      allows you to recover older versions of your data or examine the
      history of how your data changed.  In this regard, many people
      think of a version control system as a sort of <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">time
      <p>Subversion can operate across networks, which allows it to
      be used by people on different computers.  At some level, the
      ability for various people to modify and manage the same set of
      data from their respective locations fosters collaboration.
      Progress can occur more quickly without a single conduit through
      which all modifications must occur.  And because the work is
      versioned, you need not fear that quality is the trade-off for
      losing that conduit—if some incorrect change is made to
      the data, just undo that change.</p>
      <a id="idp6798608" class="indexterm"></a>
      <a id="idp6799792" class="indexterm"></a>
      <p>Some version control systems are also <em class="firstterm">software
      configuration management</em> (SCM) systems.  These
      systems are specifically tailored to manage trees of source code
      and have many features that are specific to software
      development—such as natively understanding programming
      languages, or supplying tools for building software.
      Subversion, however, is not one of these systems.  It is a
      general system that can be used to manage
      <span class="emphasis"><em>any</em></span> collection of files.  For you, those
      files might be source code—for others, anything from
      grocery shopping lists to digital video mixdowns and
      <div class="sect2" title="Is Subversion the Right Tool?">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.intro.righttool"></a>Is Subversion the Right Tool?</h3>
        <p>If you're a user or system administrator pondering the use
        of Subversion, the first question you should ask yourself is:
        "Is this the right tool for the job?"  Subversion is a
        fantastic hammer, but be careful not to view every problem as
        a nail.</p>
        <p>As a first step, you need to decide if version control in
        general is required for your purposes.  If you need to archive
        old versions of files and directories, possibly resurrect
        them, and examine logs of how they've changed over time, then
        version control tools can do that.  If you need to collaborate
        with people on documents (usually over a network) and keep
        track of who made which changes, a version control tool can do
        that, too.  In fact, this is why version control tools such as
        Subversion are so often used in software development
        environments—working on a development team is an
        inherently social activity where changes to source code files
        are constantly being discussed, made, evaluated, and even
        sometimes unmade.  Version control tools facilitate that sort
        of collaboration.</p>
        <p>There is cost associated with using version control, too.
        Unless you can outsource the administration of your version
        control system to a third-party, you'll have the obvious costs
        of performing that administration yourself.  When working with
        the data on a daily basis, you won't be able to copy, move,
        rename, or delete files the way you usually do.  Instead,
        you'll have to do all of those things through the version
        control system.</p>
        <p>Even assuming that you are okay with the cost/benefit
        tradeoff afforded by a version control system, you shouldn't
        choose to use one merely because it <span class="emphasis"><em>can</em></span>
        do what you want.  Consider whether your needs are better
        addressed by other tools.  For example, because Subversion
        replicates data to all the collaborators involved, a common
        misuse is to treat it as a generic distribution system.
        People will sometimes use Subversion to distribute huge
        collections of photos, digital music, or software packages.
        The problem is that this sort of data usually isn't changing
        at all.  The collection itself grows over time, but the
        individual files within the collection aren't being changed.
        In this case, using Subversion is
        <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">overkill.</span>”</span><sup>[<a id="idp6808832" href="#ftn.idp6808832" class="footnote">2</a>]</sup> There are simpler tools that
        efficiently replicate data <span class="emphasis"><em>without</em></span> the
        overhead of tracking changes, such as <span class="command"><strong>rsync</strong></span>
        or <span class="command"><strong>unison</strong></span>.</p>
        <p>Once you've decided that you need a version control
        solution, you'll find no shortage of available options.  When
        Subversion was first designed and released, the predominant
        methodology of version control was <em class="firstterm">centralized
        version control</em>—a single remote master
        storehouse of versioned data with individual users operating
        locally against shallow copies of that data's version history.
        Subversion quickly emerged after its initial introduction as
        the clear leader in this field of version control, earning
        widespread adoption and supplanting installations of many
        older version control systems.  It continues to hold that
        prominent position today.</p>
        <p>Much as changed since that time, though.  In the years
        since the Subversion project began its life, a newer
        methodology of version control called <em class="firstterm">distributed
        version control</em> has likewise garnered widespread
        attention and adoption.  Tools such as Git
        (<a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a>) and Mercurial
        (<a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a>) quickly rose
        to the tops of the distributed version control system (DVCS)
        ranks.  Distributed version control harnesses the growing
        ubiquity of high-speed network connections and low storage
        costs to offer an approach which differs from the centralized
        model in key ways.  First and most obvious is the fact that
        there is no remote, central storehouse of versioned data.
        Rather, each user keeps and operates against very
        deep—complete, in a sense—local version history
        data stores.  Collaboration still occurs, but is accomplished
        by trading <em class="firstterm">changesets</em> (collections of
        changes made to versioned items) directly between users' local
        data stores, not via a centralized master data store.  In
        fact, any semblance of a canonical <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">master</span>”</span>
        source of a project's versioned data is by convention only, a
        status attributed by the various collaborators on that
        <p>There are pros and cons to each version control approach.
        Perhaps the two biggest benefits delivered by the DVCS tools
        are incredible performance for day-to-day operations (because
        the primary data store is locally held) and vastly better
        support for merging between branches (because merge algorithms
        serve as the very core of how DVCSes work at all).  The
        downside is that distributed version control is an inherently
        more complicated model, which can present a non-negligible
        challenge to comfortable collaboration.  Also, DVCS tools do
        what they do well in part because of a certain degree of
        control withheld from the user which centalized systems freely
        offer—the ability to implement path-based access
        control, the flexibility to update or backdate individual
        versioned data items, etc.  Fortunately, many wise
        organizations have discovered that this needn't be a religious
        debate, and that Subversion and a DVCS tool such as Git can be
        used together harmoniously within the organization, each
        serving the purposes best suited to the tool.</p>
        <p>Alas, this book is about Subversion, so we'll not attempt
        a full comparison of Subversion and other tools.  Readers who
        have the option of choosing their version control system are
        encouraged to research the available options and make the
        determination that works best for themselves and their fellow
        collaborators.  And if, after doing so, Subversion is the
        chosen tool, there's <span class="emphasis"><em>plenty</em></span> of detailed
        information about how to use it successfully in the chapters
        that follow!</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Subversion's History">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.intro.history"></a>Subversion's History</h3>
        <a id="idp6821392" class="indexterm"></a>
        <a id="idp6822784" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p>In early 2000, CollabNet,
        Inc. (<a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a>) began seeking
        developers to write a replacement for CVS.  CollabNet
        offered<sup>[<a id="idp6824656" href="#ftn.idp6824656" class="footnote">3</a>]</sup> a collaboration software suite
        called CollabNet Enterprise Edition (CEE), of which one
        component was version control.  Although CEE used CVS as its
        initial version control system, CVS's limitations were obvious
        from the beginning, and CollabNet knew it would eventually
        have to find something better.  Unfortunately, CVS had become
        the de facto standard in the open source world largely because
        there <span class="emphasis"><em>wasn't</em></span> anything better, at least
        not under a free license.  So CollabNet determined to write a
        new version control system from scratch, retaining the basic
        ideas of CVS, but without the bugs and misfeatures.</p>
        <p>In February 2000, they contacted Karl Fogel, the author of
        <em class="citetitle">Open Source Development with CVS</em>
        (Coriolis, 1999), and asked if he'd like to work on this new
        project.  Coincidentally, at the time Karl was already
        discussing a design for a new version control system with his
        friend Jim Blandy.  In 1995, the two had started Cyclic
        Software, a company providing CVS support contracts, and
        although they later sold the business, they still used CVS
        every day at their jobs.  Their frustration with CVS had led
        Jim to think carefully about better ways to manage versioned
        data, and he'd already come up with not only the Subversion
        name, but also the basic design of the Subversion data store.
        When CollabNet called, Karl immediately agreed to work on the
        project, and Jim got his employer, Red Hat Software, to
        essentially donate him to the project for an indefinite period
        of time.  CollabNet hired Karl and Ben Collins-Sussman, and
        detailed design work began in May 2000.  With the help of some
        well-placed prods from Brian Behlendorf and Jason Robbins of
        CollabNet, and from Greg Stein (at the time an independent
        developer active in the WebDAV/DeltaV specification process),
        Subversion quickly attracted a community of active developers.
        It turned out that many people had encountered the same
        frustrating experiences with CVS and welcomed the chance to
        finally do something about it.</p>
        <p>The original design team settled on some simple goals.  They
        didn't want to break new ground in version control methodology,
        they just wanted to fix CVS.  They decided that Subversion would
        match CVS's features and preserve the same development model,
        but not duplicate CVS's most obvious flaws.  And although it did
        not need to be a drop-in replacement for CVS, it should be
        similar enough that any CVS user could make the switch with
        little effort.</p>
        <p>After 14 months of coding, Subversion became
        <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">self-hosting</span>”</span> on August 31, 2001.  That is,
        Subversion developers stopped using CVS to manage Subversion's
        own source code and started using Subversion instead.</p>
        <p>While CollabNet started the project, and still funds a
        large chunk of the work (it pays the salaries of a few
        full-time Subversion developers), Subversion is run like most
        open source projects, governed by a loose, transparent set of
        rules that encourage meritocracy.  In 2009, CollabNet worked
        with the Subversion developers towards the goal of integrating
        the Subversion project into the Apache Software Foundation
        (ASF), one of the most well-known collectives of open source
        projects in the world.  Subversion's technical roots,
        community priorities, and development practices were a perfect
        fit for the ASF, many of whose members were already active
        Subversion contributors.  In early 2010, Subversion was fully
        adopted into the ASF's family of top-level projects, moved its
        project web presence to
        <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a>, and was
        rechristened <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">Apache Subversion</span>”</span>.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Subversion's Architecture">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.intro.architecture"></a>Subversion's Architecture</h3>
        <a id="idp6834256" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p><a class="xref" href="svn.intro.whatis.html#svn.intro.architecture.dia-1" title="Figure 1. Subversion's architecture">Figure 1, “Subversion's architecture”</a> illustrates
        a <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">mile-high</span>”</span> view of Subversion's
        <div class="figure">
          <a id="svn.intro.architecture.dia-1"></a>
          <p class="title">
            <strong>Figure 1. Subversion's architecture</strong>
          <div class="figure-contents">
              <img src="images/ch01dia1.png" alt="Subversion's architecture" />
        <br class="figure-break" />
        <p>On one end is a Subversion repository that holds all of
        your versioned data.  On the other end is your Subversion
        client program, which manages local reflections of portions of
        that versioned data.  Between these extremes are multiple
        routes through a Repository Access (RA) layer, some of which
        go across computer networks and through network servers which
        then access the repository, others of which bypass the network
        altogether and access the repository directly.</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="Subversion's Components">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.intro.components"></a>Subversion's Components</h3>
        <a id="idp6853104" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p>Subversion, once installed, has a number of different
        pieces.  The following is a quick overview of what you get.
        Don't be alarmed if the brief descriptions leave you
        scratching your head—<span class="emphasis"><em>plenty</em></span> more
        pages in this book are devoted to alleviating that
        <div class="variablelist">
          <a id="idp6855840" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6856848" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6857856" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6858864" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6859872" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6860880" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6861888" class="indexterm"></a>
          <a id="idp6862896" class="indexterm"></a>
              <span class="term">svn</span>
              <p>The command-line client program</p>
              <span class="term">svnversion</span>
              <p>A program for reporting the state (in terms of
              revisions of the items present) of a working copy</p>
              <span class="term">svnlook</span>
              <p>A tool for directly inspecting a Subversion repository</p>
              <span class="term">svnadmin</span>
              <p>A tool for creating, tweaking, or repairing a Subversion
              <span class="term">mod_dav_svn</span>
              <p>A plug-in module for the Apache HTTP Server, used to
              make your repository available to others over a
              <span class="term">svnserve</span>
              <p>A custom standalone server program, runnable as a
              daemon process or invokable by SSH; another way to make
              your repository available to others over a network</p>
              <span class="term">svndumpfilter</span>
              <p>A program for filtering Subversion repository dump
              <span class="term">svnsync</span>
              <p>A program for incrementally mirroring one
            repository to another over a network</p>
              <span class="term">svnrdump</span>
              <p>A program for performing repository history dumps
              and loads over a network</p>
      <div class="sect2" title="What's New in Subversion">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="svn.intro.whatsnew"></a>What's New in Subversion</h3>
        <a id="idp6880112" class="indexterm"></a>
        <p>The first edition of this book was published by O'Reilly
        Media in 2004, shortly after Subversion had reached 1.0.
        Since that time, the Subversion project has continued to
        release new major releases of the software.  Here's a quick
        summary of major new changes since Subversion 1.0.  Note that
        this is not a complete list; for full details, please visit
        Subversion's web site at
        <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a>.</p>
        <div class="variablelist">
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.1 (September 2004)</span>
              <p>Release 1.1 introduced FSFS, a flat-file repository
              storage option for the repository.  While the Berkeley DB
              backend is still widely used and supported, FSFS has
              since become the default choice for
              newly created repositories due to its low barrier to
              entry and minimal maintenance requirements.  Also in
              this release came the ability to put symbolic links
              under version control, auto-escaping of URLs, and a
              localized user interface.</p>
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.2 (May 2005)</span>
              <p>Release 1.2 introduced the ability to create
              server-side locks on files, thus serializing commit
              access to certain resources.  While Subversion is still
              a fundamentally concurrent version control system,
              certain types of binary files (e.g. art assets)
              cannot be merged together.  The locking feature fulfills
              the need to version and protect such resources.  With
              locking also came a complete WebDAV auto-versioning
              implementation, allowing Subversion repositories to be
              mounted as network folders.  Finally, Subversion 1.2
              began using a new, faster binary-differencing algorithm
              to compress and retrieve old versions of files.</p>
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.3 (December 2005)</span>
              <p>Release 1.3 brought path-based authorization
              controls to the <span class="command"><strong>svnserve</strong></span> server,
              matching a feature formerly found only in the Apache
              server.  The Apache server, however, gained some new
              logging features of its own, and Subversion's API
              bindings to other languages also made great leaps
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.4 (September 2006)</span>
              <p>Release 1.4 introduced a whole new
              tool—<span class="command"><strong>svnsync</strong></span>—for doing
              one-way repository replication over a network.  Major
              parts of the working copy metadata were revamped to no
              longer use XML (resulting in client-side speed gains),
              while the Berkeley DB repository backend gained the
              ability to automatically recover itself after a server
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.5 (June 2008)</span>
              <p>Release 1.5 took much longer to finish than prior
              releases, but the headliner feature was gigantic:
              semi-automated tracking of branching and merging.  This
              was a huge boon for users, and pushed Subversion far
              beyond the abilities of CVS and into the ranks of
              commercial competitors such as Perforce and ClearCase.
              Subversion 1.5 also introduced a bevy of other
              user-focused features, such as interactive resolution of
              file conflicts, sparse checkouts, client-side
              management of changelists, powerful new syntax for
              externals definitions, and SASL authentication support for
              the <span class="command"><strong>svnserve</strong></span> server.</p>
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.6 (March 2009)</span>
              <p>Release 1.6 continued to make branching and merging
              more robust by introducing tree conflicts, and offered
              improvements to several other existing features: more
              interactive conflict resolution options; de-telescoping
              and outright exclusion support for sparse checkouts;
              file-based externals definitions; and operational
              logging support for <span class="command"><strong>svnserve</strong></span> similar
              to what <span class="command"><strong>mod_dav_svn</strong></span> offered.  Also,
              the command-line client introduced a new shortcut syntax
              for referring to Subversion repository URLs.</p>
              <span class="term">Subversion 1.7 (October 2011)</span>
              <p>Release 1.7 was primarily a delivery vehicle for two
              big plumbing overhauls of existing Subversion
              components.  The largest and most impactful of these was
              the so-called <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">WC-NG</span>”</span>—a complete
              rewrite of the <span class="command"><strong>libsvn_wc</strong></span> working copy
              management library.  The second change was the
              introduction of a sleeker HTTP protocol for Subversion
              client/server interaction.  Subversion 1.7 delivered a
              handful of additional features, many bug fixes, and some
              notable performance improvements, too.</p>
      <div class="footnotes">
        <br />
        <hr width="100" align="left" />
        <div class="footnote">
          <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.idp6808832" href="#idp6808832" class="para">2</a>] </sup>Or as a friend puts
        it, <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">swatting a fly with a
        <div class="footnote">
          <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.idp6824656" href="#idp6824656" class="para">3</a>] </sup>CollabNet Enterprise Edition has since
        been replaced by a new product line called CollabNet
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      <p>You are reading <em>Version Control with Subversion</em> (for Subversion 1.7), by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick, and C. Michael Pilato.<br />
       This work is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License v2.0</a>.<br />
       To submit comments, corrections, or other contributions to the text, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p>