

distrib > Mageia > 3 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > d1ab1d109bcb81825bf087273e3c298a > files > 118


 * This file is aimed to provide an example on how to code a railtype in NML.
 * To keep the code readable, not every property or variable is documented in
 * detail, refer to the object-specific reference in the documentation.
 * The NewGRF implements a graphical replacement for the normal and electric
 * rails. Since almost all sprites (except caternary) are supplied, you can
 * use this grf to see in detail what sprites are needed and in what order.
 * Essentially this is a cut-down version of the Swedish Rails grf, drawn by
 * Irwe and coded by planetmaker. Support for parameters, time-dependent
 * graphics and snow support has been removed to keep this example within
 * reasonable size. Due to the large quantity of sprites required for a
 * railtype grf, the number of lines of code is still relatively high.
 * All real sprites have been templated, even if the template is used only
 * once. This allows adding e.g. snowed graphics fairly easily.
 * Apart from this file, you will also need the following
 * - Graphics, found in in the gfx folder
 * - Language files, to be placed in the 'lang' folder.
 *      Currently english.lng is supplied.

 * Header, containing some general stuff:

 * First, define a grf block. This defines some basic properties of the grf,
 * which are required for the grf to be valid and loadable.
grf {
    /* This grf is part of NML, therefore "NML" is chosen as the first three
     * characters of the GRFID. It is the third real grf defined as part of
     * NML, therefore the last character is set to 2. Successive grfs will
     * have 3, 4, etc. there, to make sure each example grf has a unique GRFID.
    grfid : "NML\02";
    name : string(STR_GRF_NAME);
    desc : string(STR_GRF_DESCRIPTION);
    version : 0; // must be numeric
    min_compatible_version : 0;

/* Check for NuTracks and disable, if we're not active _after_ NuTracks */
if (!grf_order_behind("DJT\01")) {
    error(FATAL, MUST_LOAD_AFTER, "NuTracks");

/* Default ground tile template (re-use as needed) */
template ground_tile(x, y) { [x, y, 64, 31, -31, 0, TILE] }

 * Track underlays (tracks + ballast):
/* Underlays (single track bits with ballast)\
 * Used for bridge surfaces also, therefore the template is split */
template tmpl_underlay_straight() {
    ground_tile(75, 0)
    ground_tile( 0, 0)
template tmpl_underlay_slope() {
    [ 75, 40, 64,39, -31, -8]
    [150, 40, 64,23, -31,  0]
    [225, 40, 64,23, -31,  0]
    [300, 40, 64,39, -30, -9]
template tmpl_underlay_diagonal() {
    ground_tile(150,  0)
    ground_tile(225,  0)
    ground_tile(  0, 40)
    ground_tile(300,  0)

template tmpl_underlay_railtypes() {

    /* X-crossing */
    ground_tile(0, 120)

    /* underlay for crossings w/o tracks */
    ground_tile(  0, 80)
    ground_tile(225, 80)
    ground_tile(150, 80)
    ground_tile( 75, 80)
    ground_tile(300, 80)
/* Spriteset containing all underlays */
spriteset(track_underlays, "gfx/rails_overlays.png") {

 * Track overlays (tracks without ballast):

/* Template for overlays; 2x straight track, 4x diagonal track, 4x slope */
template tmpl_overlay_railtypes() {
    [  0,155, 40,21, -19,  5]
    [ 50,155, 40,21, -19,  5]

    [100,155, 40, 7, -19,  4]
    [150,155, 40, 7, -21, 20]
    [200,155, 12,19,  11,  6]
    [250,155, 12,19, -21,  6]

    [  0,195, 64,39, -33, -8]
    [ 75,195, 64,23, -31,  0]
    [150,195, 64,23, -31,  0]
    [225,195, 64,39, -32, -9]
/* Spriteset for overlays */
spriteset(track_overlays, "gfx/rails_overlays.png") {

 * Level crossings:

/* Level crossings require differing sprites depending
 * on the open/closed state and on the driving side */

/* Template for the track overlays (x/y) */
template tmpl_rails_crossing(x,y) {
    [x,    y, 44, 23, -21, 4]
    [x+50, y, 44, 23, -21, 4]

template tmpl_level_crossing_railtypes_open(y) {
    tmpl_rails_crossing(5, 5)

    [ 0,  y, 5,12, -3,  -8]
    [ 50, y, 8,21, -5, -14]
    [100, y, 6,23, -7, -20]
    [150, y, 5,12, -5,  -8]
    [200, y, 7,21,  3, -15]
    [250, y, 5,12, -1,  -8]
    [300, y, 5,12, -3, -10]
    [350, y, 8,22, -3, -19]

template tmpl_level_crossing_railtypes_closed(y) {
    tmpl_rails_crossing(5, 5)

    [ 0,  y,  5, 12,  -3,  -8]
    [ 50, y, 19, 19,  -4,  -6]
    [100, y, 23, 17, -24,  -9]
    [150, y,  5, 12,  -5,  -8]
    [200, y, 25, 14,   3,  -9]
    [250, y,  5, 12,  -1,  -8]
    [300, y,  5, 12,  -3, -10]
    [350, y, 19, 14, -15, -11]

template tmpl_level_crossing_railtypes_left_open(y) {
    tmpl_rails_crossing(5, 5)

    [ 0,  y, 7, 21,  0, -14]
    [ 50, y, 5, 12, -2,  -6]
    [100, y, 5, 12, -3,  -9]
    [150, y, 7, 21, -7, -15]
    [200, y, 5, 12,  4,  -7]
    [250, y, 7, 22,  0, -17]
    [300, y, 6, 21, -2, -19]
    [350, y, 5, 12, -3,  -9]
template tmpl_level_crossing_railtypes_left_closed(y) {
    tmpl_rails_crossing(5, 5)

    [  0, y, 21, 19, -14,  -6]
    [ 50, y, 5,  12,  -2,  -6]
    [100, y, 5,  12,  -3,  -9]
    [150, y, 23, 15, -23,  -9]
    [200, y, 5,  12,   4,  -7]
    [250, y, 23, 17,   0,  -7]
    [300, y, 21, 13,  -2, -11]
    [350, y, 5,  12,  -3,  -9]
// right hand traffic:
spriteset(lc_right_closed, "gfx/lc_right.png") {
spriteset(lc_right_open, "gfx/lc_right.png") {

// left hand traffic:
spriteset(lc_left_closed, "gfx/lc_left.png") {
spriteset(lc_left_open, "gfx/lc_left.png") {

switch(FEAT_RAILTYPES, SELF, right_level_crossing_state_switch, level_crossing_status) {
    LEVEL_CROSSING_CLOSED: lc_right_closed;
switch(FEAT_RAILTYPES, SELF, left_level_crossing_state_switch, level_crossing_status) {
    LEVEL_CROSSING_CLOSED: lc_left_closed;
switch(FEAT_RAILTYPES, SELF, level_crossing_switch, traffic_side) {
    TRAFFIC_SIDE_LEFT: left_level_crossing_state_switch;

 * Tracks in tunnels:
/* Template for tunnel track overlays */
template tmpl_tunnel_tracks() {
    ground_tile(75,  0)
    ground_tile( 0,  0)
    ground_tile(75, 50)
    ground_tile( 0, 50)
spriteset(tunnel_overlays, "gfx/tunnel_track.png") {

 * Depots:
/* Template for depot sprites */
template tmpl_depot() {
    [200, 10, 16,  8,  17,   7]
    [118,  8, 64, 47,  -9, -31]
    [  0, 10, 16,  8, -31,   7]
    [ 37,  8, 64, 47, -53, -31]
    [ 37, 63, 64, 47, -53, -31]
    [118, 63, 64, 47,  -9, -31]

/* Depots have differing sprites for normal and e-rail */
spriteset(depot_normal_rail, "gfx/depot_normal.png") {
spriteset(depot_electric_rail, "gfx/depot_electric.png") {

 * Bridge surfaces:
/* Bridge surface, uses the same sprites as track underlays, but in a different order */
template tmpl_bridges_underlay() {
/* Spriteset for bridge surfaces */
spriteset(bridge_underlay, "gfx/rails_overlays.png") {

 * Fences:

/* Template for fences, parametrized to allow multiple sets of fences (unused) */
template tmpl_fences(y) {
    [ 0, y, 32,20, -30, -4]
    [ 48, y, 32,20, 0, -3]
    [ 96, y, 2,30, 0,-17]
    [112, y, 64, 5, -30, -4]
    [192, y, 32,12, -30, -4]
    [240, y, 32,12, 2, -3]
    [288, y, 32,28, -31,-12]
    [350, y, 32,28, 1,-10]

/* Spriteset for (company-coloured) fences */
spriteset(fencesCC, "gfx/fences.png") {

 * GUI sprites:

/* Template for a single icon sprite */
template tmpl_gui_icon(x, y) {
    [x, y, 20, 20, 0, 0]

/* Template for a single cursor sprite */
template tmpl_gui_cursor(x, y) {
    [x, y, 32, 32, 0, 0]
/* Template for all the GUI sprites (8 icons + 8 cursors) */
template tmpl_gui() {
    tmpl_gui_icon(  0, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon( 25, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon( 50, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon( 75, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon(100, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon(125, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon(150, 0)
    tmpl_gui_icon(175, 0)

    tmpl_gui_cursor(200, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(250, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(300, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(350, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(400, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(450, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(500, 0)
    tmpl_gui_cursor(550, 0)

/* Spritesets for the normal and electric GUI */
spriteset(gui_normal, "gfx/gui_rail.png") {
spriteset(gui_electric, "gfx/gui_erail.png") {

 * Railtype definitions:

/* Define the normal rails */
item(FEAT_RAILTYPES, rail) {
    /* Set only the most essential properties,
     * Lots of compatible railtypes are defined to allow compatibility with
     * various other sets out there */
    property {
        label: "RAIL"; // Let this railtype replace the default normal rails
        compatible_railtype_list: ["RAIL", "ELRL", "_040", "_080", "RLOW", "RMED", "RHIG", "E040", "E080", "ELOW", "EMED", "EHIG", "HSTR", "DBNN", "DBNE", "DBHN", "DBHE"];
        powered_railtype_list: ["RAIL", "ELRL", "_040", "_080", "RLOW", "RMED", "RHIG", "E040", "E080", "ELOW", "EMED", "EHIG", "HSTR", "DBNN", "DBNE", "DBHN", "DBHE"];

    /* Associate graphics with this railtype */
    graphics {
        track_overlay: track_overlays;
        underlay: track_underlays;
        level_crossings: level_crossing_switch;
        tunnels: tunnel_overlays;
        depots: depot_normal_rail;
        bridge_surfaces: bridge_underlay;
        fences: fencesCC;
        gui: gui_normal;
        /* Caternary is not not implemented here, use the default */

/* Define the electric rails */
item(FEAT_RAILTYPES, elrail) {
    /* Set only the most essential properties,
     * Lots of compatible railtypes are defined to allow compatibility with
     * various other sets out there */
    property {
        label: "ELRL"; // Let this railtype replace the default electric rails
        compatible_railtype_list: ["RAIL", "ELRL", "_040", "_080", "RLOW", "RMED", "RHIG", "E040", "E080", "ELOW", "EMED", "EHIG", "HSTR", "DBNN", "DBNE", "DBHN", "DBHE"];
        powered_railtype_list: ["ELRL", "E040", "E080", "ELOW", "EMED", "EHIG", "HSTR", "DBNE", "DBHE"];

    /* Associate graphics with this railtype */
    graphics {
        track_overlay: track_overlays;
        underlay: track_underlays;
        level_crossings: level_crossing_switch;
        tunnels: tunnel_overlays;
        depots: depot_electric_rail;
        bridge_surfaces: bridge_underlay;
        fences: fencesCC;
        gui: gui_electric;
        /* Caternary is not not implemented here, use the default */