

distrib > Mageia > 3 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > d1ab1d109bcb81825bf087273e3c298a > files > 142


 * This file is aimed to provide an example on how to code a vehicle in NML
 * In this case a train is coded, other vehicle types work in a similar fashion.
 * To keep the code readable, not every property or variable is documented in
 * detail, refer to the vehicle-specific reference in the documentation.
 * The coded vehicle is quite complex, in order to show the various possibilities.
 * For a more simple example, refer to the example road vehicle.
 * The vehicle coded here is a Dutch EMU, the ICM 'Koploper'
 * Graphics are by Purno, the original NFO code is written by DJNekkid
 * As in real life, you can choose between a 3- and 4-part variant,
 * to be selected via refitting. This adds some complexity, which
 * provided the needed excuse to implement a lot of callbacks :)
 * Apart from this file, you will also need the following
 * - Graphics, found in icm.png (in the same folder)
 * - Language files, to be placed in the 'lang' folder.
 *      Currently english.lng and dutch.lng are supplied.

 * First, define a grf block. This defines some basic properties of the grf,
 * which are required for the grf to be valid and loadable. Additionally,
 * user-configurable parameters are defined here also.
grf {
    /* This grf is part of NML, therefore "NML" is chosen as the first three
     * characters of the GRFID. It is the first real grf defined as part of
     * NML, therefore the last character is set to 0. Successive grfs will
     * have 1, 2, etc. there, to make sure each example grf has a unique GRFID.
    grfid: "NML\00";
    /* GRF name and description strings are defined in the lang files */
    name: string(STR_GRF_NAME);
    desc: string(STR_GRF_DESC);
    /* This is the first version, start numbering at 0. */
    version: 0;
    min_compatible_version: 0;

    /* Define user-configurable parameters */
    param {
        /* There is one parameter, which can be used to alter the colour scheme */
        colour_scheme {
            type: int;
            name: string(STR_PARAM_COLOUR_SCHEME_NAME);
            desc: string(STR_PARAM_COLOUR_SCHEME_DESC);
            /* There are currently three possible values:
             * - 1cc
             * - 2cc (default)
             * - real-world
            min_value: 0;
            max_value: 2;
            def_value: 1;
            names: {
                0: string(STR_PARAM_COLOUR_SCHEME_1CC);
                1: string(STR_PARAM_COLOUR_SCHEME_2CC);
                2: string(STR_PARAM_COLOUR_SCHEME_REAL);

/* Define a rail type table,
 * this allows referring to railtypes
 * irrespective of the grfs loaded.
railtypetable {

/* Next: a series of templates for the graphics
 * Templates allow you to avoid repetitive coding of sprite offsets,
 * as long as you consistently use the same alignment
 * Note that layout in png differs slightly from the orignal graphics in the 2cc set */

/* Basic template for 4 vehicle views */
template tmpl_vehicle_basic(x, y) {
    // parameters x, y: coordinates of top-left corner of first sprite
    [x,      y,  8, 24,  -3, -12] //xpos ypos xsize ysize xrel yrel
    [x +  9, y, 22, 20, -14, -12]
    [x + 32, y, 32, 16, -16, -12]
    [x + 65, y, 22, 20,  -6, -12]

/* Template for a vehicle with only 4 views (symmetric) */
template tmpl_vehicle_4_views(num) {
    // parameter num: Index in the graphics file, assuming vertical ordering of vehicles
    tmpl_vehicle_basic(1, 1 + 32 * num)

/* Template for a vehicle with 8 views (non-symmetric) */
template tmpl_vehicle_8_views(num, reversed) {
    // parameter num: Index in the graphics file, assuming vertical ordering of vehicles
    // parameter reversed: Reverse visible orientation of vehicle, if set to 1
    tmpl_vehicle_basic(reversed ? 89 : 1, 1 + 32 * num)
    tmpl_vehicle_basic(reversed ? 1 : 89, 1 + 32 * num)

/* Template for a single vehicle sprite */
template tmpl_vehicle_single(num, xsize, ysize, xrel, yrel) {
    [1, 1 + 32 * num, xsize, ysize, xrel, yrel]

/* Define the spritesets, these allow referring to these sprites later on */
spriteset (set_icm_front_lighted, "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_8_views(0, 0) }
spriteset (set_icm_rear_lighted,  "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_8_views(1, 1) }
spriteset (set_icm_front,         "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_8_views(2, 0) }
spriteset (set_icm_rear,          "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_8_views(3, 1) }
spriteset (set_icm_middle,        "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_4_views(4)    }
spriteset (set_icm_purchase,      "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_single(5, 53, 14, -25, -10) }
spriteset (set_icm_invisible,     "icm.png") { tmpl_vehicle_single(6,  1,  1,   0,   0) }

/* --- Graphics callback  --- */

/* Only the frontmost vehicle should have its lights on */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_graphics_front, position_in_consist) {
    0: set_icm_front_lighted;

/* Only the rearmost vehicle should have red lights */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_graphics_rear, position_in_consist_from_end) {
    0: set_icm_rear_lighted;

/* In the 3-part version, the 3rd car is invisible */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_graphics_middle, ((position_in_consist % 4) == 2) && (cargo_subtype == 0)) {
    1: set_icm_invisible;

/* Choose between front, middle and back parts */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_graphics, position_in_consist % 4) {
    0:      sw_icm_graphics_front;
    1 .. 2: sw_icm_graphics_middle;
    3:      sw_icm_graphics_rear;

/* --- Cargo subtype text --- */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_cargo_subtype_text, cargo_subtype) {
    0: return string(STR_ICM_SUBTYPE_3_PART);
    1: return string(STR_ICM_SUBTYPE_4_PART);
    return 0xFF;

/* --- Colour mapping callback  --- */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_colour_mapping, colour_scheme) {
    /* Emulate 1cc by making the first colour always yellow, this looks much better (and more realistic) */
    0: return palette_2cc(COLOUR_YELLOW, company_colour1);
    /* Use the default, i.e. 2 company colours */
    1: return base_sprite_2cc + CB_RESULT_COLOUR_MAPPING_ADD_CC;
    /* Use realistic colours, i.e. yellow + dark blue */
    2: return palette_2cc(COLOUR_YELLOW, COLOUR_DARK_BLUE);
    CB_FAILED; // should not be reached

/* --- Start/stop callback  --- */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_start_stop, num_vehs_in_consist) {
    /* Vehicles may be coupled to a maximum of 4 units (12-16 cars) */
    1 .. 16: return 0xFF;
    return string(STR_ICM_CANNOT_START);

/* --- Articulated part callback  --- */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_articulated_part, extra_callback_info1) {
    /* Add three articulated parts, for a total of four */
    1 .. 3: return icm;
    return 0xFF;

/* --- Wagon attach callback  --- */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_can_attach_wagon, vehicle_type_id) {
    /* SELF refers to the wagon here, check that it's an ICM */
    icm: return CB_RESULT_ATTACH_ALLOW;
    return string(STR_ICM_CANNOT_ATTACH_OTHER);

/* --- Shorten vehicle callback  --- */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_shorten_3_part_vehicle, position_in_consist % 4) {
    /* In the three part version, shorten the 2nd vehicle to 1/8 and the 3rd to 7/8
     * The rear (7/8) part is then made invisisble */
    1: return SHORTEN_TO_1_8;
    2: return SHORTEN_TO_7_8;
    return SHORTEN_TO_8_8;

switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_shorten_vehicle, cargo_subtype) {
    0: sw_icm_shorten_3_part_vehicle;
    return SHORTEN_TO_8_8; // 4-part vehicle needs no shortening

/* Power, weight and TE are all applied to the front vehicle only */
switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_power, cargo_subtype) {
    0: return int(1260 / 0.7457); // kW
    return int(1890 / 0.7457); // kW

switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_weight, cargo_subtype) {
    0: return 48 * 3; // 48 ton per wagon
    return 48 * 4;

switch(FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, sw_icm_te, cargo_subtype) {
    /* Base TE coefficient = 0.3
     * 3 parts: 1/3 of weight on driving wheels
     * 4 parts: 3/8 of weight on driving wheels */
    0: return int(0.3 * 255 / 3);
    return int(0.3 * 255 * 3 / 8);

/* Adjust depot view of trains */
traininfo_y_offset = 2;
train_width_32_px = 1;

/* Increase base cost to provide a greater range for running costs */
basecost {

/* Define the actual train */
item(FEAT_TRAINS, icm) {
    /* Define properties first, make sure to set all of them */
    property {
        name: string(STR_ICM_NAME);
        climates_available: bitmask(CLIMATE_TEMPERATE, CLIMATE_ARCTIC, CLIMATE_TROPICAL); // not available in toyland
        introduction_date: date(1983, 1, 1);
        model_life: VEHICLE_NEVER_EXPIRES;
        vehicle_life: 30;
        reliability_decay: 20;
        refittable_cargo_classes: bitmask(CC_PASSENGERS);
        non_refittable_cargo_classes: bitmask();
        refittable_cargo_types: bitmask(); // refitting is done via cargo classes only, no cargoes need explicit enabling/disabling
        loading_speed: 6; // It's an intercity train, loading is relatively slow
        cost_factor: 45;
        running_cost_factor: 100; // Changed by callback
        sprite_id: SPRITE_ID_NEW_TRAIN;
        speed: 141 km/h; // actually 140, but there are rounding errors
        misc_flags: bitmask(TRAIN_FLAG_2CC, TRAIN_FLAG_MU);
        refit_cost: 0;
        // callback flags are not set manually
        track_type: ELRL; // from rail type table
        ai_special_flag: AI_FLAG_PASSENGER;
        power: 1260 kW; // Changed by CB
        running_cost_base: RUNNING_COST_ELECTRIC;
        dual_headed: 0;
        cargo_capacity: 36; // lower than in real world, for gameplay
        weight: 144 ton; // Total weight, changed by callback
        ai_engine_rank: 0; // not intended to be used by the ai
        engine_class: ENGINE_CLASS_ELECTRIC;
        extra_power_per_wagon: 0 kW;
        tractive_effort_coefficient: 0.1; // Changed by callback
        air_drag_coefficient: 0.06;
        shorten_vehicle: SHORTEN_TO_8_8;
        /* Overridden by callback to disable for non-powered wagons */
        visual_effect_and_powered: visual_effect_and_powered(VISUAL_EFFECT_ELECTRIC, 2, DISABLE_WAGON_POWER);
        extra_weight_per_wagon: 0 ton;
        bitmask_vehicle_info: 0;
    /* Define graphics and callbacks
     * Setting all callbacks is not needed, only define what is used */
    graphics {
        default: sw_icm_graphics;
        purchase: set_icm_purchase;
        cargo_subtype_text: sw_icm_cargo_subtype_text;
        additional_text: return string(STR_ICM_ADDITIONAL_TEXT);
        colour_mapping: sw_icm_colour_mapping;
        start_stop: sw_icm_start_stop;
        articulated_part: sw_icm_articulated_part;
        can_attach_wagon: sw_icm_can_attach_wagon;
        running_cost_factor: (cargo_subtype == 1) ? 150 : 100;
        purchase_running_cost_factor: return 100;
        /* Capacity is per part */
        cargo_capacity: return (cargo_subtype == 0) && ((position_in_consist % 4) == 2) ? 0 : 36;
        /* In the purchase menu, we want to show the capacity for the three-part version,
         * i.e. divide the capacity of three cars across four */
        purchase_cargo_capacity: return 36 * 3 / 4;
        /* Only the front vehicle has a visual effect */
        visual_effect_and_powered: return (position_in_consist % 4 == 0) ?
                                        visual_effect_and_powered(VISUAL_EFFECT_ELECTRIC, 2, DISABLE_WAGON_POWER) :
                                        visual_effect_and_powered(VISUAL_EFFECT_DISABLE, 0, DISABLE_WAGON_POWER);
        shorten_vehicle: sw_icm_shorten_vehicle;
        /* Only the front vehicle has power */
        purchase_power: return int(1260 / 0.7457); // kW
        power: sw_icm_power;
        /* Only the front vehicle has weight */
        purchase_weight: return 144; //tons
        weight: sw_icm_weight;
        /* Only the front vehicle has TE */
        purchase_tractive_effort_coefficient: return int(0.3 * 255 / 3); // Only 1/3 of the weight is on the driving weels.
        tractive_effort_coefficient: sw_icm_te;


/* Define properties valid only in OpenTTD r22713 or later only for those versions.
 * Earlier versions will choke on those and otherwise disable the NewGRF.
if (version_openttd(1,2,0,22713) < openttd_version) {
	item(FEAT_TRAINS, icm) {
		property {
			cargo_age_period: 185; // default value