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<h1>Module <a href="type_Ocsigen_comet.html">Ocsigen_comet</a></h1>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> Ocsigen_comet: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="Ocsigen_comet.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><div class="info module top">
Ocsigen_comet server extension : provides low-level server to client communication
<hr width="100%">

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="Ocsigen_comet.Channels.html">Channels</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="Ocsigen_comet.Channels.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="Ocsigen_comet.Security.html">Security</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="Ocsigen_comet.Security.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>

  On the server side :
    1) create needed channels
    2) transmit their identifiers to clients
    3) write when appropriate (using the outcome mechanism if necessary

  On the client :
    1) make a XmlHttpRequest (XHR) with a list of channel identifiers.
    2) wait for the reply
    3) GOTO 1

  Encoding for client-to-server requests:
    * The content type header should be set to <code class="code">application/x-ocsigen-comet</code>
      (without quotes)
    * A POST parameter is required. Its name should be <code class="code">registration</code> and its
      content should be a list of channel identifiers separated by <code class="code">\n</code>
      (newline) characters.
    * Name and content of the said POST parameter should be encoded according to
      the <code class="code">escape</code> JavaScript primitive

  Encoding for server-to-client answer:
    * The server answer is either empty (when no channel was written upon before
      timeout) or a list of pairs of channel identifiers and message content.
      The pairs are separated by <code class="code">:</code> (colon) while the list elements are
      separated by <code class="code">\n</code> (newline) characters.
    * In the list, channels that no longer exists on the server side are marked
      as pairs of channel identifier and the special string <code class="code">ENDED_CHANNEL</code>.
      When receiving such a message, the client should lose hope of ever
      connecting to that particular channel ever again.<br>
Conf-file options:

    One can use the configuration file to tweak Ocsigen_comet settings. The supported
    options are:

    * max_virtual_channels:
      * default: <code class="code">None</code>
      * syntax: "" is for <code class="code">None</code>, "i" is for <code class="code">Some (int_of_string i)</code>
      * <code class="code">max_virtual_channels</code> is an upper limit to the number of active
        channels. It does not limit the number of connections but the number of
        values of type <code class="code">Ocsigen_comet.Channels.t</code> that can be used simultaneously. If
        one calls <code class="code">Ocsigen_comet.Channels.create</code> while the number of channels is
        already maxed out, the exception
        <code class="code">Ocsigen_comet.Channels.Too_many_virtual_channels</code> is raised.<br>

    Comet provides commands (to be piped into Ocsigen's command pipe). The
    complete list of commands is described here. Don't forget to use the Comet
    prefix: each command is to be prefixed by "comet:" (without quotes).

    * deactivate:
      * deactivate is a command that stops all Comet activity. It is equivalent
        to a call to <code class="code">Ocsigen_comet.Security.deactivate</code>.

    * activate:
      * activate is the dual command to deactivate. It resumes Comet activity
        (or do nothing is Comet is already activated) with exactly the same
        effect as a call to <code class="code">Ocsigen_comet.Security.activate</code> would have.

    * set_timeout:
      * parameter: f (float)
      * optional parameter: s ("KILL")
      * set_timeout allows one to dynamically change the value of Comet
        connections timeout to <code class="code">f</code>. Previously activated connections are closed
        if the second optional parameter is used. If not, connections are
        carried out with their old timeout unchanged.<br>
Note to Eliom users:
    Although it is possible to use Ocsigen_comet as an extension to the Ocsigen Server,
    it is recommended to use the higher level Eliom modules, namely Eliom_comet
    (for server side) and Eliom_client_comet (for client side). The former
    provides typed channels (with automatic marshaling) and channel wrapping,
    the later automates decoding and demarshaling and manages channel
    registration and deregistration.

    The low level Ocisgen server extension can however be used with classic
    Javascript clients (whereas the high level Eliom module requires Ocaml
    compatible unmarshalling which may be difficult to find in a non
    js_of_ocaml/O'browser based client). It may also be used to add your own
    high level wrapper with a custom communication protocol.<br>