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<div class="sect1" title="Cache Groups">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="caching.groups"></a>Cache Groups</h2></div></div></div>
      You can do more elaborate grouping by setting up
      <em class="parameter"><code>$cache_id</code></em> groups. This is
      accomplished by separating each sub-group with a vertical bar
      <code class="literal">|</code> in the <em class="parameter"><code>$cache_id</code></em> value.
      You can have as many sub-groups as you like.
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem"><p>
      You can think of cache groups like a directory hierarchy. For instance, a
      cache group of <code class="literal">'a|b|c'</code> could be thought of as the
      directory structure <code class="literal">'/a/b/c/'</code>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
      <code class="literal">clear_cache(null,'a|b|c')</code>
      would be like removing the files
      <code class="literal">'/a/b/c/*'</code>. <code class="literal">clear_cache(null,'a|b')</code>
      would be like removing the files <code class="literal">'/a/b/*'</code>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
      If you specify a
      <a class="link" href="" title="$compile_id"><em class="parameter"><code>$compile_id</code></em></a>
      such as <code class="literal">clear_cache(null,'a|b','foo')</code> it is treated as
      an appended cache group <code class="literal">'/a/b/c/foo/'</code>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
      If you specify a template name such as
      <code class="literal">clear_cache('foo.tpl','a|b|c')</code> then Smarty will attempt
      to remove <code class="literal">'/a/b/c/foo.tpl'</code>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
      You CANNOT remove a specified template name under
      multiple cache groups such as <code class="literal">'/a/b/*/foo.tpl'</code>, the
      cache grouping works
      left-to-right ONLY. You will need to group your templates under a single
      cache group heirarchy to be able to clear them as a group.
      Cache grouping should not be confused with your template directory
      heirarchy, the cache grouping has no knowledge of how your templates are
      structured. So for example, if you have a template structure like
      <code class="filename">themes/blue/index.tpl</code> and you want to be able to
      clear all the cache files for the <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">blue</span>”</span> theme, you will need
      to create a cache group
      structure that mimics your template file structure, such as
      <code class="literal">display('themes/blue/index.tpl','themes|blue')</code>, then
      clear them with
      <code class="literal">clear_cache(null,'themes|blue')</code>.
<div class="example">
<a name="id3118380"></a><p class="title"><b>Example 14.9. $cache_id groups</b></p>
<div class="example-contents"><pre class="programlisting">

$smarty = new Smarty;

$smarty-&gt;caching = true;

// clear all caches with 'sports|basketball' as the first two cache_id groups

// clear all caches with "sports" as the first cache_id group. This would
// include "sports|basketball", or "sports|(anything)|(anything)|(anything)|..."

// clear the foo.tpl cache file with "sports|basketball" as the cache_id


<br class="example-break">
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