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<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em class="comment">/*</em>
<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em class="comment"> * $Header: /home/jerenkrantz/tmp/commons/commons-convert/cvs/home/cvs/jakarta-commons//httpclient/src/test/org/apache/commons/httpclient/,v 1.2 2004/02/22 18:08:49 olegk Exp $</em>
<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em class="comment"> * $Revision: 480424 $</em>
<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em class="comment"> * $Date: 2006-11-29 06:56:49 +0100 (Wed, 29 Nov 2006) $</em>
<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em class="comment"> * ====================================================================</em>
<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em class="comment"> *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more</em>
<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em class="comment"> *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with</em>
<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em class="comment"> *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.</em>
<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em class="comment"> *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0</em>
<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em class="comment"> *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with</em>
<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em class="comment"> *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at</em>
<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em class="comment"> *      <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a></em>
<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em class="comment"> *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software</em>
<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em class="comment"> *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,</em>
<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <em class="comment"> *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.</em>
<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <em class="comment"> *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and</em>
<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <em class="comment"> *  limitations under the License.</em>
<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <em class="comment"> * ====================================================================</em>
<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <em class="comment"> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</em>
<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <em class="comment"> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</em>
<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <em class="comment"> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</em>
<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <em class="comment"> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>>.</em>
<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <em class="comment"> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</em>
<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <em class="comment"> *</em>
<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em class="comment"> */</em>
<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  
<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.commons.httpclient;
<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  
<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <em>/**</em>
<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <em> * Executes a method from a new thread.</em>
<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <em> * </em>
<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <em> * @author Michael Becke</em>
<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <em> */</em>
<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <strong>class</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/commons/httpclient/ExecuteMethodThread.html">ExecuteMethodThread</a> <strong>extends</strong> Thread {
<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>      
<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>      <strong>private</strong> HttpMethod method;
<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>      <strong>private</strong> HttpClient client;
<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>      
<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>      <strong>private</strong> Exception exception;
<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>      
<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/commons/httpclient/ExecuteMethodThread.html">ExecuteMethodThread</a>(HttpMethod method, HttpClient client) {
<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>          <strong>this</strong>.method = method;
<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>          <strong>this</strong>.client = client;            
<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>      }
<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  
<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> run() {
<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>          <strong>try</strong> {
<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>              client.executeMethod(method);
<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>              method.getResponseBodyAsString();
<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>          } <strong>catch</strong> (Exception e) {
<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>              <strong>this</strong>.exception = e;
<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>          } <strong>finally</strong> {
<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>              method.releaseConnection();
<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>          }
<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>      }
<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>      
<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>      <em>/**</em>
<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <em>     * @return HttpMethod</em>
<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <em>     */</em>
<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>      <strong>public</strong> HttpMethod getMethod() {
<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>          <strong>return</strong> method;
<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>      }
<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>      
<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>      <em>/**</em>
<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <em>     * Gets the exception that occurred when executing the method.</em>
<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <em>     * </em>
<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <em>     * @return an Exception or &lt;code>null&lt;/code> if no exception occurred</em>
<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <em>     */</em>
<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>      <strong>public</strong> Exception getException() {
<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>          <strong>return</strong> exception;
<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>      }
<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  
<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>  }
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