

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > 62978d69192dd7c3640b3a6bb086f7d7 > files > 10


# Generate 256-color test files.
# Takes one or more of six arguments: basic, bright, fg256 (foreground), bg256
# (background), grey, or ansi256.  Generates a test file for either basic ANSI
# colors or 256-color emulators, testing that region of colors.
# This script requires Term::ANSIColor 4.00 or later already be installed or
# that this script be run manually under Perl with flags pointing to where the
# module is.
# Copyright 2012 Kurt Starsinic <>
# Copyright 2012 Russ Allbery <>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp qw(croak);
use Term::ANSIColor 4.00 qw(color);

# Screen width for centering headings.
use constant SCREEN_WIDTH => 80;

# The basic attributes and eight colors.
use constant ATTRIBUTES => qw(bold dark italic underline blink concealed);
use constant COLORS     => qw(black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white);

# print and printf with error checking.  autodie unfortunately can't help us
# with these because they can't be prototyped and hence can't be overridden.

## no critic (Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking)
sub print_checked  { print @_  or croak 'print failed';  return }
sub printf_checked { printf @_ or croak 'printf failed'; return }
## use critic

# Not useful for this file.
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers)

# The sample background or foreground colors for 256-color tests.
my @SAMPLES = qw(000 222 555);

# The list of all possible RGB values.
my @RGB;
for my $r (0 .. 5) {
    for my $g (0 .. 5) {
        push @RGB, map { "$r$g$_" } 0 .. 5;

# Center a text string with spaces.
# $text  - Text to center
# $width - Width in which to center the text
# Returns: Text centered within that width
sub center {
    my ($text, $width) = @_;
    my $padding  = $width - length $text;
    my $trailing = int($padding / 2);
    my $leading  = $padding - $trailing;
    return (q{ } x $leading) . $text . (q{ } x $trailing);

# Print out the test file that tries all the basic eight ANSI colors.
# Returns: undef
#  Throws: Text exception on I/O failure
sub print_basic_test {
    print_checked("Basic ANSI colors (eight-color, or dim)\n\n");
    for my $bg (COLORS) {
        printf_checked('%4s %-7s ', q{ }, $bg);
        for my $fg (COLORS) {
            print_checked(color($fg, "on_$bg"), center($fg, 8));
        print_checked(color('reset'), "\n");
        printf_checked('%4s %-7s ', 'bold', $bg);
        for my $fg (COLORS) {
            print_checked(color($fg, 'bold', "on_$bg"), center($fg, 8));
        print_checked(color('reset'), "\n");
    print_checked("\nAttributes: ");
    for my $fg (ATTRIBUTES) {
        print_checked(center($fg, 10));
    print_checked("\n", q{ } x 12);
    for my $fg (ATTRIBUTES) {
        print_checked(color($fg), center('testing', 10), color('reset'));

# Print out the test file that tries all the bright colors from the
# sixteen-color palette.
# Returns: undef
#  Throws: Text exception on I/O failure
sub print_bright_test {
    print_checked("Bright ANSI colors (sixteen-color)\n\n");
    for my $bg (COLORS) {
        printf_checked('%6s %-7s ', 'dim', $bg);
        for my $fg (COLORS) {
            my $escape = color("bright_$fg", "on_$bg");
            print_checked($escape, center($fg, 8));
        print_checked(color('reset'), "\n");
        printf_checked('%6s %-7s ', 'bright', $bg);
        for my $fg (COLORS) {
            my $escape = color("bright_$fg", "on_bright_$bg");
            print_checked($escape, center($fg, 8));
        print_checked(color('reset'), "\n");

# Print out the test file that tries all valid RGB foreground colors.
# Returns: undef
#  Throws: Text exception on I/O failure
sub print_fg256_test {
    print_checked("RGB000 - RGB555 from 256-color palette (foreground)\n");
    for my $bg (@SAMPLES) {
        for my $i (0 .. $#RGB) {
            if (($i % 18) == 0) {
                printf_checked("%s\nbg %03d %s",
                    color('reset'), $bg, color("on_rgb$bg"));
            printf_checked('%s%03d ', color("rgb$RGB[$i]"), $RGB[$i]);
    print_checked(color('reset'), "\n\n");

# Print out the test file that tries all valid RGB background colors.
# Returns: undef
#  Throws: Text exception on I/O failure
sub print_bg256_test {
    print_checked("RGB000 - RGB555 from 256-color palette (background)\n");
    for my $fg (@SAMPLES) {
        for my $i (0 .. $#RGB) {
            if (($i % 18) == 0) {
                printf_checked("%s\nfg %03d %s",
                    color('reset'), $fg, color("rgb$fg"));
            printf_checked('%s%03d ', color("on_rgb$RGB[$i]"), $RGB[$i]);
    print_checked(color('reset'), "\n\n");

# Print out the test file that shows all valid grey-scale colors.
# Returns: undef
#  Throws: Text exception on I/O failure
sub print_grey_test {
    print_checked("Grey0 - Grey23 from 256-color palette\n\n");
    for my $bg (0 .. 23) {
        printf_checked('%2d %s', $bg, color("on_grey$bg"));
        for my $fg (0 .. 23) {
            printf_checked('%s%d ', color("grey$fg"), $fg);
        print_checked(color('reset'), "\n");

# Print out the test file that shows the 16 ANSI colors from the 256-color
# palette.
# Returns: undef
#  Throws: Text exception on I/O failure
sub print_ansi256_test {
    print_checked("ANSI colors 0 - 15 from 256-color palette\n\n");
    for my $bg (0 .. 15) {
        printf_checked('%2d %s', $bg, color("on_ansi$bg"));
        for my $fg (0 .. 15) {
            printf_checked('%s%d ', color("ansi$fg"), $fg);
        print_checked(color('reset'), "\n");

# Main routine.  Scan @ARGV for which test files to print out.
my %tests = (
    basic   => \&print_basic_test,
    bright  => \&print_bright_test,
    fg256   => \&print_fg256_test,
    bg256   => \&print_bg256_test,
    grey    => \&print_grey_test,
    ansi256 => \&print_ansi256_test,
for my $file (@ARGV) {
    if ($tests{$file}) {
    } else {
        die "Unknown test file: $file\n";


=for stopwords
fg256 bg256 RGB rgb000 rgb222 rgb555 ansi256 CPAN Starsinic Allbery grey

=head1 NAME

generate-colors - Generate color test patterns for ANSI terminal support


B<generate-colors> I<type> [I<type> ...]


Perl 5.6 and Term::ANSIColor 4.00 or later.


B<generate-colors> generates test and demonstration tables for ANSI color
and text attribute support for eight-color, sixteen-color, and 256-color
terminal emulators.  The I<type> command-line argument specifies a table
to print to standard output.  Multiple I<type> arguments can be specified,
and each of those tables will be printed in the order given.

The supported values of I<type> are:

=over 8

=item basic

The basic eight ANSI colors as both foreground and background, as well as
examples of bold for each color and a separate table of the non-color text
attributes supported by Term::ANSIColor.

=item bright

The "bright" ANSI colors from the sixteen-color palette (colors 8 through
15) on all possible color backgrounds (colors 0 through 15).

=item fg256

All of the 216 colors in the 256-color palette that are specified by three
RGB values (each from 0 to 5) as foreground colors, shown against three
possible backgrounds (rgb000, rgb222, and rgb555).

=item bg256

The same as C<fg256> except showing all of the background colors for three
different possible foreground colors (rgb000, rgb222, and rgb555).

=item grey

The 24 grey-scale colors in the 256-color palette, shown as both foreground
and background.

=item ansi256

The 256-color palette devotes the lowest 16 colors to duplicating the colors
from the sixteen-color palette.  This test table shows all sixteen as both
foreground and background colors, but using the 256-color escape sequence
format to specify them.  It's possible that this test will not work with
some emulators that support C<basic> and C<bright> if 256-color support is
not implemented.


=head1 SEE ALSO


This script is an example in the Term::ANSIColor distribution, available
from its web site at L<> or
from CPAN.

=head1 AUTHORS

Original script written by Kurt Starsinic.  It was restructured and updated
by Russ Allbery to add the C<basic> and C<bright> test tables.


Copyright 2012 Russ Allbery <>.  Copyright 2012 Kurt
Starsinic <>.  This program is free software; you may
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
