

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > 6b0b251cce1bddfed33a6eaf2bff4a93 > files > 102



=head1 NAME - Two-population fake-parallel genetic algorithm


  prompt% ./ params.yaml conf.yaml


A somewhat more complex  example of how to run a Evolutionary algorithm based on
Algorithm::Evolutionary. See L<Algorithm::Evolutionary::Run> for param structure. It works for the time being only on A::E::Fitness namespace fitness functions.


use warnings;
use strict;

use lib qw(lib ../lib);
use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Run;

use POE;
use YAML qw(Dump LoadFile);
use IO::YAML;
use DateTime;

my $spec = shift || die "Usage: $0 params.yaml conf.yaml\n";
my $params_file = shift || "conf.yaml";
my $conf = LoadFile( $params_file ) || die "Can't open $params_file: $@\n";
my $last_evals = 0; # Number of guys evaluated by the other session

for my $s (1..$conf->{'sessions'}) {
  POE::Session->create(inline_states => { _start => \&start,
					  generation => \&generation,
					  finish => \&finishing},
		       args  => [$s]

my $io = IO::YAML->new($conf->{'ID'}.".yaml", ">");
$io->print( [ now(), 'Start' ]);
$poe_kernel->post( "Population 1", "generation", "Population 2");

$io->print( [ now(), "Exiting" ]);

sub now {
  my $now = DateTime->now();
  return $now->ymd."T".$now->hms;

sub start {
  my ($kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
  $kernel->alias_set("Population $session");
  my $algorithm =  new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Run $spec;
  $heap->{'algorithm'} = $algorithm;
  $heap->{'counter'} = 0;


sub generation {
  my ($kernel, $heap, $session, $next, $other_best ) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0, ARG1];
  my $alias =  $kernel->alias_list($session);
  my $algorithm = $heap->{'algorithm'};
  my @data = ( now(), $alias );
  if ( $other_best && $heap->{'counter'}) {
    push @data, { 'receiving' => $other_best };
    pop @{$algorithm->{'_population'}};
    push @{$algorithm->{'_population'}}, $other_best;
  my $best = $algorithm->results()->{'best'};
  push @data, {'best' => $best };
  my $these_evals = $heap->{'algorithm'}->results()->{'evaluations'};
  if ( ( $best->Fitness() < $algorithm->{'max_fitness'} ) 
       && ( ($these_evals + $last_evals) < $conf->{'max_evals'} ) ) {
      if ( ($alias eq 'Population 1') && ( $heap->{'counter'} < $conf->{'start_pop_2'}) ) {
	  $kernel->post( $alias, 'generation', "Population 2" );
      } else {
	  $kernel->post($next, 'generation', $session->ID, $best );    
	  $last_evals = $these_evals;
  } else {
    $kernel->post($session->ID, 'finish');
    $kernel->post($next, 'finish');
  $io->print( \@data );

sub finishing {
  my $heap   = $_[ HEAP ];
  $io->print( [now(), { Finish => $heap->{'algorithm'}->results }] ) ;

=head1 AUTHOR

J. J. Merelo C<>


=head1 Copyright
  This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
  or go to

  CVS Info: $Date: 2009/07/24 08:46:58 $ 
  $Header: /cvsroot/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/examples/,v 3.0 2009/07/24 08:46:58 jmerelo Exp $ 
  $Author: jmerelo $ 
  $Revision: 3.0 $
  $Name $
