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<h1>PyQt4 and Qt v5<a class="headerlink" href="#pyqt4-and-qt-v5" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
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<h2>Building Against Qt v5<a class="headerlink" href="#building-against-qt-v5" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>PyQt4 can be built against Qt v5 in exactly the same way that it is built
against Qt v4.  However only a Qt v4 compatible subset of Qt v5 is supported,
<ul class="simple">
<li>any classes added in Qt v5 <em>are not</em> supported</li>
<li>any new features added in Qt v5 to classes that exist in Qt v4 <em>are</em>
<li>any features that are marked as deprecated in Qt v5 <em>are</em> supported.</li>
<p>The <a class="reference internal" href=""><em class="xref std std-option">--no-deprecated</em></a> option to PyQt4&#8217;s
<strong class="program"></strong> can be used to disable the support for the deprecated
features.  This can be useful in the porting of PyQt4 applications to PyQt5.</p>

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<li><a class="reference internal" href="#building-against-qt-v5">Building Against Qt v5</a></li>

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