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Using Qt Designer

Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user
interfaces.  It allows you to design widgets, dialogs or complete main windows
using on-screen forms and a simple drag-and-drop interface.  It has the ability
to preview your designs to ensure they work as you intended, and to allow you
to prototype them with your users, before you have to write any code.

Qt Designer uses XML ``.ui`` files to store designs and does not generate any
code itself.  Qt includes the ``uic`` utility that generates the C++ code that
creates the user interface.  Qt also includes the ``QUiLoader`` class that
allows an application to load a ``.ui`` file and to create the corresponding
user interface dynamically.

PyQt4 does not wrap the ``QUiLoader`` class but instead includes the
:mod:`~PyQt4.uic` Python module.  Like ``QUiLoader`` this module can load
``.ui`` files to create a user interface dynamically.  Like the :program:`uic`
utility it can also generate the Python code that will create the user
interface.  PyQt4's :program:`pyuic4` utility is a command line interface to
the :mod:`~PyQt4.uic` module.  Both are described in detail in the following

Using the Generated Code

The code that is generated has an identical structure to that generated by Qt's
``uic`` and can be used in the same way.

The code is structured as a single class that is derived from the Python
``object`` type.  The name of the class is the name of the toplevel object set
in Designer with ``Ui_`` prepended.  (In the C++ version the class is defined
in the ``Ui`` namespace.)  We refer to this class as the *form class*.

The class contains a method called ``setupUi()``.  This takes a single argument
which is the widget in which the user interface is created.  The type of this
argument (typically ``QDialog``, ``QWidget`` or ``QMainWindow``) is set in
Designer.  We refer to this type as the *Qt base class*.

In the following examples we assume that a ``.ui`` file has been created
containing a dialog and the name of the ``QDialog`` object is ``ImageDialog``.
We also assume that the name of the file containing the generated Python code
is :file:``.  The generated code can then be used in a number
of ways.

The first example shows the direct approach where we simply create a simple
application to create the dialog::

    import sys
    from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QDialog
    from ui_imagedialog import Ui_ImageDialog

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = QDialog()
    ui = Ui_ImageDialog()

The second example shows the single inheritance approach where we sub-class
``QDialog`` and set up the user interface in the ``__init__()`` method::

    from PyQt4.QtGui import QDialog
    from ui_imagedialog import Ui_ImageDialog

    class ImageDialog(QDialog):
        def __init__(self):

            # Set up the user interface from Designer.
            self.ui = Ui_ImageDialog()

            # Make some local modifications.
            self.ui.colorDepthCombo.addItem("2 colors (1 bit per pixel)")

            # Connect up the buttons.

The third example shows the multiple inheritance approach::

    from PyQt4.QtGui import QDialog
    from ui_imagedialog import Ui_ImageDialog

    class ImageDialog(QDialog, Ui_ImageDialog):
        def __init__(self):

            # Set up the user interface from Designer.

            # Make some local modifications.
            self.colorDepthCombo.addItem("2 colors (1 bit per pixel)")

            # Connect up the buttons.

It is also possible to use the same approach used in PyQt v3.  This is shown in
the final example::

    from ui_imagedialog import ImageDialog

    class MyImageDialog(ImageDialog):
        def __init__(self):

            # Make some local modifications.
            self.colorDepthCombo.addItem("2 colors (1 bit per pixel)")

            # Connect up the buttons.

For a full description see the Qt Designer Manual in the Qt Documentation.

The :mod:`~PyQt4.uic` Module

The :mod:`~PyQt4.uic` module contains the following functions and objects.

.. module:: PyQt4.uic

.. data:: widgetPluginPath

    The list of the directories that are searched for widget plugins.
    Initially it contains the name of the directory that contains the widget
    plugins included with PyQt4.

.. function:: compileUi(uifile, pyfile[, execute=False[, indent=4[, pyqt3_wrapper=False[, from_imports=False[, resource_suffix='_rc']]]]])

    Generate a Python module that will create a user interface from a Qt
    Designer ``.ui`` file.

    :param uifile:
        the file name or file-like object containing the ``.ui`` file.
    :param pyfile:
        the file-like object to which the generated Python code will be written
    :param execute:
        is optionally set if a small amount of additional code is to be
        generated that will display the user interface if the code is run as a
        standalone application.
    :param indent:
        the optional number of spaces used for indentation in the generated
        code.  If it is zero then a tab character is used instead.
    :param pyqt3_wrapper:
        is optionally set if a small wrapper is to be generated that allows the
        generated code to be used as it is by PyQt v3 applications.
    :param from_imports:
        is optionally set to generate import statements that are relative to
        ``'.'``.  At the moment this only applies to the import of resource
        is the suffix appended to the basename of any resource file specified
        in the ``.ui`` file to create the name of the Python module generated
        from the resource file by ``pyrcc4``.  The default is ``'_rc'``, i.e.
        if the ``.ui`` file specified a resource file called ``foo.qrc`` then
        the corresponding Python module is ``foo_rc``.

.. function:: compileUiDir(dir[, recurse=False[, map=None[, \*\*compileUi_args]]])

    Create Python modules from Qt Designer ``.ui`` files in a directory or
    directory tree.

    :param dir:
        the name of the directory to scan for files whose name ends with
        ``.ui``.  By default the generated Python module is created in the same
        directory ending with ``.py``.
    :param recurse:
        is optionally set if any sub-directories should be scanned.
    :param map:
        an optional callable that is passed the name of the directory
        containing the ``.ui`` file and the name of the Python module that will
        be created.  The callable should return a tuple of the name of the
        directory in which the Python module will be created and the (possibly
        modified) name of the module.
    :param compileUi_args:
        are any additional keyword arguments that are passed to
        :func:`~PyQt4.uic.compileUi` that is called to create each Python

.. function:: loadUiType(uifile[, from_imports=False[, resource_suffix='_rc']])

    Load a Qt Designer ``.ui`` file and return a tuple of the generated
    *form class* and the *Qt base class*.  These can then be used to
    create any number of instances of the user interface without having to
    parse the ``.ui`` file more than once.

    :param uifile:
        the file name or file-like object containing the ``.ui`` file.
    :param from_imports:
        is optionally set to use import statements that are relative to
        ``'.'``.  At the moment this only applies to the import of resource
        is the suffix appended to the basename of any resource file specified
        in the ``.ui`` file to create the name of the Python module generated
        from the resource file by ``pyrcc4``.  The default is ``'_rc'``, i.e.
        if the ``.ui`` file specified a resource file called ``foo.qrc`` then
        the corresponding Python module is ``foo_rc``.
        the *form class* and the *Qt base class*.

.. function:: loadUi(uifile[, baseinstance=None[, package=''[, resource_suffix='_rc']]])

    Load a Qt Designer ``.ui`` file and returns an instance of the user

    :param uifile:
        the file name or file-like object containing the ``.ui`` file.
    :param baseinstance:
        the optional instance of the *Qt base class*.  If specified then the
        user interface is created in it.  Otherwise a new instance of the base
        class is automatically created.
    :param package:
        the optional package that is the base package for any relative imports
        of custom widgets.
        is the suffix appended to the basename of any resource file specified
        in the ``.ui`` file to create the name of the Python module generated
        from the resource file by ``pyrcc4``.  The default is ``'_rc'``, i.e.
        if the ``.ui`` file specified a resource file called ``foo.qrc`` then
        the corresponding Python module is ``foo_rc``.
        the ``QWidget`` sub-class that implements the user interface.


The :program:`pyuic4` utility is a command line interface to the
:mod:`~PyQt4.uic` module.  The command has the following syntax::

    pyuic4 [options] .ui-file

The full set of command line options is:

.. program:: pyuic4

.. cmdoption:: -h, --help

    A help message is written to ``stdout``.

.. cmdoption:: --version

    The version number is written to ``stdout``.

.. cmdoption:: -i <N>, --indent <N>

    The Python code is generated using an indentation of ``<N>`` spaces.  If
    ``<N>`` is 0 then a tab is used.  The default is 4.

.. cmdoption:: -o <FILE>, --output <FILE>

    The Python code generated is written to the file ``<FILE>``.

.. cmdoption:: -p, --preview

    The GUI is created dynamically and displayed.  No Python code is generated.

.. cmdoption:: -w, --pyqt3-wrapper

    The generated Python code includes a small wrapper that allows the GUI to
    be used in the same way as it is used in PyQt v3.

.. cmdoption:: -x, --execute

    The generated Python code includes a small amount of additional code that
    creates and displays the GUI when it is executes as a standalone

.. cmdoption:: --from-imports

    Resource modules are imported using ``from . import`` rather than a simple

.. cmdoption:: --resource-suffix <SUFFIX>

    The suffix ``<SUFFIX>`` is appended to the basename of any resource file
    specified in the ``.ui`` file to create the name of the Python module
    generated from the resource file by :program:`pyrcc4`.  The default is
    ``_rc``.  For example if the ``.ui`` file specified a resource file called
    ``foo.qrc`` then the corresponding Python module is ``foo_rc``.

Note that code generated by :program:`pyuic4` is not guaranteed to be
compatible with earlier versions of PyQt4.  However, it is guaranteed to be
compatible with later versions.  If you have no control over the version of
PyQt4 the users of your application are using then you should run
:program:`pyuic4`, or call :func:`~PyQt4.uic.compileUi()`, as part of your
installation process.  Another alternative would be to distribute the ``.ui``
files (perhaps as part of a resource file) and have your application load them

.. _ref-designer-plugins:

Writing Qt Designer Plugins

Qt Designer can be extended by writing plugins.  Normally this is done using
C++ but PyQt4 also allows you to write plugins in Python.  Most of the time a
plugin is used to expose a custom widget to Designer so that it appears in
Designer's widget box just like any other widget.  It is possibe to change the
widget's properties and to connect its signals and slots.

It is also possible to add new functionality to Designer.  See the Qt
documentation for the full details.  Here we will concentrate on describing
how to write custom widgets in Python.

The process of integrating Python custom widgets with Designer is very similar
to that used with widget written using C++.  However, there are particular
issues that have to be addressed.

- Designer needs to have a C++ plugin that conforms to the interface defined by
  the ``QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface`` class.  (If the plugin exposes more
  than one custom widget then it must conform to the interface defined by the
  ``QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface`` class.)  In addition the plugin
  class must sub-class ``QObject`` as well as the interface class.  PyQt4 does
  not allow Python classes to be sub-classed from more than one Qt class.

- Designer can only connect Qt signals and slots.  It has no understanding of
  Python signals or callables.

- Designer can only edit Qt properties that represent C++ types.  It has no
  understanding of Python attributes or Python types.

PyQt4 provides the following components and features to resolve these issues as
simply as possible.

- PyQt4's QtDesigner module includes additional classes (all of which have a
  ``QPy`` prefix) that are already sub-classed from the necessary Qt classes.
  This avoids the need to sub-class from more than one Qt class in Python.  For
  example, where a C++ custom widget plugin would sub-class from ``QObject``
  and ``QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface``, a Python custom widget plugin would
  instead sub-class from ``QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin``.

- PyQt4 installs a C++ plugin in Designer's plugin directory.  It conforms to
  the interface defined by the ``QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface``
  class.  It searches a configurable set of directories looking for Python
  plugins that implement a class sub-classed from
  ``QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin``.  Each class that is found is instantiated
  and the instance created is added to the custom widget collection.

  The :envvar:`PYQTDESIGNERPATH` environment variable specifies the set of
  directories to search for plugins.  Directory names are separated by a path
  separator (a semi-colon on Windows and a colon on other platforms).  If a
  directory name is empty (ie. there are consecutive path separators or a
  leading or trailing path separator) then a set of default directories is
  automatically inserted at that point.  The default directories are the
  :file:`python` subdirectory of each directory that Designer searches for its
  own plugins.  If the environment variable is not set then only the default
  directories are searched.  If a file's basename does not end with ``plugin``
  then it is ignored.

- A Python custom widget may define new Qt signals using

- A Python method may be defined as a new Qt slot by using the
  :func:`~PyQt4.QtCore.pyqtSlot` decorator.

- A new Qt property may be defined using the :func:`~PyQt4.QtCore.pyqtProperty`

Note that the ability to define new Qt signals, slots and properties from
Python is potentially useful to plugins conforming to any plugin interface and
not just that used by Designer.

For a simple but complete and fully documented example of a custom widget that
defines new Qt signals, slots and properties, and its plugin, look in the
:file:`examples/designer/plugins` directory of the PyQt4 source package.  The
:file:`widgets` subdirectory contains the :file:`` custom widget and
the :file:`python` subdirectory contains its :file:`` plugin.