

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > 92b51a27c6cd54e20f5b85cda3ccc441 > files > 2


Release 2.0.0
- feature 3263230: allow to export/import FindBugs workspace preferences via Eclipse File->Export->Preferences and File->Import->Preferences.
  (work from Dominik Weidemann, Konrad Reiche, Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: change bug reporting to use confidence instead of priority (Bill Pugh, Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: allow to reuse class data for project libraries (speeds up analysis on slow file systems like Clearcase views) (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: allow FB analysis run independently from compile/build job (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: cloud support for Eclipse plugin (Keith Lea)
- feature: Bug Annotations view is now called Bug Review view and can work with the cloud (Keith Lea)
- feature: bug rank settings control for Eclipse plugin (Keith Lea)
- feature: allow to specify custom FindBugs plugins from Eclipse UI as workspace preference (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: allow to enable/disable FindBugs plugins from Eclipse UI as workspace preference (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: added "findbugsPlugins" extension point for custom FindBugs Eclipse plugins (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: use ".settings/edu.umd.cs.findbugs.core.prefs" as a name for the FB *core* preferences, instead of ".fbprefs"  (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: allow to run FB analysis on working sets (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: decorate working sets and source root directories with bug counts (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: show some previously hidden FB workspace preferences and allow user to change them easily (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: exported some findbugs packages as requested by 2974281 (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: added context menu on project to open FB analysis results xml in the Eclipse editor (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature 2818893 and 2855997: allow user to choose which marker type (INFO/WARNING/ERROR) should be generated for different bug priorities (Andrey Loskutov)

- patch 2891041: do not analyze derived "source" folders because they probably contain auto-generated classes (Alessandro Nistico)
- patch 2911925: for the issue: "eclipse plugin ignores CPE_CONTAINER classpath entries" (Michael Kober)

- bugfix 3046886: allow filter files be stored relative to the workspace (e.g. if they are located in a different project) (Andrey Loskutov)
- bugfix 3054146: we filter too much (Andrey Loskutov)
- bugfix 2787728: store filter paths platform independent. Additionally remember last used directory for the filter dialogs (Andrey Loskutov)
- bugfix 3040465: warn user that "Project->Build Automatically" option is unset (Andrey Loskutov)
- bugfix: fixed NPE in action while running multiple jobs and starting next FB jobs at same time (Andrey Loskutov)

Release 1.3.9
- feature 2734173 (work in progress): allow to analyze classes inside archives, external classes/libraries (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature: offer user to switch to the FB perspective after analysis (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature (work in progress): added FindBugs console for debugging/profiling/monitoring FindBugs in production (Andrey Loskutov)
- bugfix: enabled quick fix resolutions again (Tomas Pollak)

Release 1.3.8 - Andrey Loskutov
- feature 1516701: if filter file is located inside workspace/project, do not use
    absolute pathname for it. Solves the issue if projects on different workstations are
    located in different roots, but use shared config file.
- feature: added FindBugs perspective link to all Java perspectives
- feature 2022229: have workspace level preferences for FindBugs
    per default, workspace settings are used for new plugins
    plugins with existing .fbprefs files are assumed to have custom preferences until they explicitely disable project prefs
    per default, Eclipse will not enable categories EXPERIMENTAL,I18N,MALICIOUS_CODE,SECURITY for new projects
    FilterFiles tab: now dialog will disallow invalid selection of filter files
- internal rework of job scheduling: use same rule for all FB jobs.
- code cleanup of ClearMarkers and ClearMarkersEditor actions
- bugfix clear bug collection file if user run "clear markers" action on project.
- bugfix: fixed NPE in changesets if they contains deleted files
- feature: property view shows bug counts info for elements selected in bug explorer
- feature: added "navigate - Show In - Bug Explorer" menu entry in all Java perspectives
- feature: added "Show Bug Details" action to Java editor ruler
- feature: replaced bug details view with standart properties view, supporting Java editor
    bug details view exists no more, perspective definition changed
- bugfix: fixed bug explorer (common navigator) errors with Eclipse 3.5
- feature: filtering by specific pattern from bug explorer
- feature (in progress): bug filtering configuration dialog
- feature 1516701/bug 2522989: Allow external and/or network filter files: now Eclipse plugin supports (any) absolute OS paths for filter files
    Filter files can be now anywhere in the project OR in the file system
    On changes in relevant FB preferences, user will be asked to run FB analysis again
    "Reset to defaults" now *really* reset to defaults (detectors configuration and filters fixed)
    User preferences will be now re-read from disk if file was changed or before opening prefs dialog
- bug fix: sometimes bugs in anonymous inner classes was shown at wrong locations
- feature: changes in build.xml and plugin folder structure
- bugfix: applied patch 2143140 (Unchecked conversion fixes for Eclipse plugin) (Jerry James)

Release 1.3.7 - Andrey Loskutov
- bugfix: made FindBugs -> Load XML action available for single projects only, make consistent with Save XML
- feature 2148441: added FindBugs -> Save XML action to projects menu (Tomas Pollak)
- feature in progress: initial implementation for "Filter Bug by Id..." dialog in bug explorer view
- feature: added "Empty Parent Bug Groups" and "Filter Bugs by Id" filters in bug explorer view
- feature: selected grouping will persist after bug explorer view is closed
- feature: added "Toggle Filter->This Pattern Type" for pattern and pattern type entries
- feature: added properties page for bug pattern entries (right click -> Show Details)
- fix: changed bug counts decorator to count bugs for the current package only (without children)
- feature: complete internal makeover of Bug Explorer view: freely configurable grouping
- feature: last used "Group By..." order used in Bug Explorer view is remembered and restored
- feature: added "Group By..." dialog for Bug Explorer view
- feature: added some predefined "Group By" configurations for Bug Explorer view
- feature: added "Show In Package Explorer" context menu to bug groups
- feature: double click on a "Class" group in the Bug Explorer view opens associated editor
- feature: selection of multiple entries in the Bug Explorer view shows their total bug count in the view status line
- feature: refactored reporter algorithm which improves performance on multi-project build
- feature removed: do NOT automatically link bugs selected in bug explorer view to the opened editor (causes too much side effects)

Release 1.3.6 - Andrey Loskutov
- fine tuning for reported markers: add only one marker for fields, add marker on right position
- feature: link bugs selected in bug explorer view to the opened editor and vice versa
- feature: select bugs selected in editor ruler in the opened bug explorer view
- feature: consistent abbreviations used in both bug explorer and bug details view
- feature: added "Expand All" button to the bug explorer view
- feature: added "Go Into/Go Up" buttons to the bug explorer view
- feature: added "Copy to clipboard" menu/functionality to the details view list widget
- fix for CNF exception if loading the backup solution for broken browser widget

Release 1.3.5 - FindBugs team
- new feature: bug details (path, pattern id and warning) can be copied from marker/but explorer views (Andrey Loskutov)
- feature 1800221: build automatically allows start FB only for incremental builds (Arnout Engelen)
- feature: FB plugin will start only limited number (by CPU cores + 1) of parallel jobs (Andrey Loskutov)
- fixed bug 2032970: Eclipse plugin confused which generics in inner class declarations (Andrey Loskutov)
- fix for FB warnings reported on inner classes but shown at parent class declaration (Andrey Loskutov)
- fix for bug 2030157: problem selection is broken on 3.4 (Andrey Loskutov)
- fix for bug 2023146: annotate from Problems View is broken on 3.4 (Andrey Loskutov)
- fix for bug 2030167: no working set content shown (Andrey Loskutov)
- fix for bug 1982455: exclude baseline bugs setting not saved in preferences (Andrey Loskutov)
- fix for "The following classes needed for FindBugs analysis were missing:" issue on plugin projects (Andrey Loskutov)

Release 1.3.3 - FindBugs team
- new feature: export basic FindBugs numbers for projects via File->Export->Java->BugCounts (Andrey Loskutov)
- new feature: jobs for different projects will be run in parallel per default if running on a
  multi-core PC ("fb.allowParallelBuild" system property not used anymore) (Andrey Loskutov)
- fixed performance slowdown in the multi-threaded build, caused by workspace operation locks during
 assigning marker attributes (Andrey Loskutov)

Release 1.3.2 - FindBugs team
- new feature: added Bug explorer view (replacing Bug tree view), based on Common Navigator framework (Andrey Loskutov)
- bug 1873860 fixed: empty projects are no longer shown in Bug tree view  (Andrey Loskutov)
- new feature: bug counts decorators for projects, folders and files (has to be activated
  via Preferences -> general -> appearance -> label decorations)(Andrey Loskutov)
- patch 1746499: better icons (Alessandro Nistico)
- patch 1893685: Find bug actions on change sets bug (Alessandro Nistico)
- fixed bug 1855384: Bug configuration is broken in Eclipse (Andrey Loskutov)
- refactored FindBugs properties page (Andrey Loskutov)
- refactored FindBugs worker/builder/run action (Andrey Loskutov)
- partial fix for bug 1186991: FB detects now only bugs from classes on project's classpath (no double work on
  duplicated class files) (Andrey Loskutov)
- fixed bug introduced by the bad patch for 1867951: FB cannot be executed incrementally
  on a folder of file (Andrey Loskutov)
- fixed job rule: now jobs for different projects may run in parallel if running on a
  multi-core PC and "fb.allowParallelBuild" system property is set to true (Andrey Loskutov)
- fixed FB auto-build not started if .fbprefs or .classpath was changed (Andrey Loskutov)
- fixed not reporting bugs on secondary types (classes defined in java files with
  different name) (Andrey Loskutov)

Release 1.3.1 - FindBugs team
- fixed bug 1828973: OutOfMemoryError in Eclipse, caused by ThreadLocals usage in FindBugs2 engine (Andrey Loskutov)

Release 1.3.0 - FindBugs team
- User may configure filters based on "baseline" bug instances in an xml file
- Merged "extended" preferences pane with the main preferences pane
- Include/Exclude filter-file selector now sanity-checks selection

Release 1.2.2 - major code cleanup and refactoring by Andrey Loskutov
- fixed non-Eclipse-like behavoir of view selection/activation/opening (work in progress)
- bud tree view monitors resource changes now
- refactoring of all FindBugs views
- created new icons for findbugs action and views
- created new FindBugs perspective
- fixed popup contribution for the problems view (was never functional)
- no system.out.println callls without if(DEBUG) flag
- no printStackTrace() callls without if(DEBUG) flag
- other code cleanup

Release 0.1.0 - some enhancements by Peter Friese
- The resource navigator will now display the FindBugs context menu and the
  FindBugs properties page. However, both will only be active on Java projects.
- FindBugs problem markers will be displayed as a little bug icon in the icon
  bar of the editor. Please note that it is NOT possible to use custom icons in
  the task list - Find Bugs problem markers will be displayed with WARNING severity.
  TODO: make this configurable on the property page (and maybe also on a a preference

Release 0.0.7 - some enhancements by Andrey Loskutov
- Added bug codes column and sorting on bug codes column in properties page
- Reporter reports now what going on while finding bugs
- fixed progress monitor stats
- progress monitor "cancel" button working now
- Added selectable bug detectors list on props page
- Added sorting to this list
- Added automatically save/load of selected bug detectors in project properties
- Fixed missing line information for inner classes (should be solved in core later)
- Fixed missing classpath configuration before running findbugs

Release 0.0.3 on 02-10-2003.

Version: 01-10-2003
- Added a progress monitor for the context menu action.

Version: 29-09-2003
- Added the menu icon to the jar.

Release 0.0.2 on 29-09-2003.

Version: 26-09-2003
- Added a context menu entry named "Find Bugs" to the context menu of the
  project. Upon activation, the whole project will be scanned.

Version: 24-09-2003
- Project will be fully scanned when the plug-in is activated.
- Our markers will be removed if the plug-in is disabled.
- The problem marker has a more friendly name ("FindBugs Problem") and is no
  longer a subordinate of the Java problem marker.

Version: 26-08-2003
 - As of today, the core findbugs files are located in the plug-in "edu.umd.cs.findbugs",
   from where they are referenced by our plug-in de.tobject.findbugs.

Version: 25-08-2003
 - The markers will now also show up in the overview ruler.
 - Currently, it is not possible to put the core findbugs files into a separate
   plug-in. Reason: in FindBugsBuilder.getPlugInLocation, we get the plug-in
   location. This currently works only for the plug-in we're living in.
 - Tracing support implemented according to Eclipse guidelines. Tracing of the
   plug-in can now be turned on and off on the "Run as..." dialog.