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        <h1>Inline Scripts</h1>
        <p><strong>mitmproxy</strong> has a powerful scripting API that allows you to modify flows
on-the-fly or rewrite previously saved flows locally. </p>

<p>The mitmproxy scripting API is event driven - a script is simply a Python
module that exposes a set of event methods. Here's a complete mitmproxy script
that adds a new header to every HTTP response before it is returned to the

<div class="example"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">response</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">context</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">flow</span><span class="p">):</span>
    <span class="n">flow</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">response</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">headers</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s">&quot;newheader&quot;</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="s">&quot;foo&quot;</span><span class="p">]</span>

<div class="example_legend">(examples/</div></div>

<p>The first argument to each event method is an instance of ScriptContext that
lets the script interact with the global mitmproxy state. The <strong>response</strong>
event also gets an instance of Flow, which we can use to manipulate the
response itself.</p>

<p>We can now run this script using mitmdump or mitmproxy as follows:</p>

<pre class="terminal">
> mitmdump -s

<p>The new header will be added to all responses passing through the proxy.</p>



<p>Called once on startup, before any other events.</p>

<h3>clientconnect(ScriptContext, ClientConnect)</h3>

<p>Called when a client initiates a connection to the proxy. Note that
a connection can correspond to multiple HTTP requests.</p>

<h3>request(ScriptContext, Flow)</h3>

<p>Called when a client request has been received. The <strong>Flow</strong> object is
guaranteed to have a non-None <strong>request</strong> attribute.</p>

<h3>response(ScriptContext, Flow)</h3>

<p>Called when a server response has been received. The <strong>Flow</strong> object is
guaranteed to have non-None <strong>request</strong> and <strong>response</strong> attributes.</p>

<h3>error(ScriptContext, Flow)</h3>

<p>Called when a flow error has occurred, e.g. invalid server responses, or
interrupted connections. This is distinct from a valid server HTTP error
response, which is simply a response with an HTTP error code. The <strong>Flow</strong>
object is guaranteed to have non-None <strong>request</strong> and <strong>error</strong> attributes.</p>

<h3>clientdisconnect(ScriptContext, ClientDisconnect)</h3>

<p>Called when a client disconnects from the proxy.</p>


<p>Called once on script shutdown, after any other events.</p>


<p>The main classes you will deal with in writing mitmproxy scripts are:</p>

<table class="table">
        <td>Describes a client connection.</td>
        <td>Describes a client disconnection.</td>
        <td>A communications error.</td>
        <td>A collection of objects representing a single HTTP transaction.</td>
        <td>HTTP headers for a request or response.</td>

        <td>A dictionary-like object for managing sets of key/value data. There
        is also a variant called CaselessODict that ignores key case for some
        calls (used mainly for headers).</td>
        <td>An HTTP response.</td>
        <td>An HTTP request.</td>
        <td> A handle for interacting with mitmproxy's from within scripts.  </td>
        <td>Exposes information SSL certificates.</td>

<p>The canonical API documentation is the code. You can view the API documentation
using pydoc (which is installed with Python by default), like this:</p>

<pre class="terminal">
> pydoc libmproxy.flow.Request

<h2>Running scripts on saved flows</h2>

<p>Sometimes, we want to run a script on <strong>Flow</strong> objects that are already
complete.  This happens when you start a script, and then load a saved set of
flows from a file (see the "scripted data transformation" example on the
<a href="../mitmdump.html">mitmdump</a> page). It also happens when you run a
one-shot script on a single flow through the <em>|</em> (pipe) shortcut in mitmproxy.</p>

<p>In this case, there are no client connections, and the events are run in the
following order: <strong>start</strong>, <strong>request</strong>, <strong>response</strong>, <strong>error</strong>, <strong>done</strong>.  If
the flow doesn't have a <strong>response</strong> or <strong>error</strong> associated with it, the
matching event will be skipped. </p>



    <p>© mitmproxy project, 2013</p>