

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > b0dc7f35f7f42a49386ed1f585516cb0 > files > 111


API stability

:doc:`The release of Django 1.0 </releases/1.0>` comes with a promise of API
stability and forwards-compatibility. In a nutshell, this means that code you
develop against a 1.X version of Django will continue to work with future
1.X releases. You may need to make minor changes when upgrading the version of
Django your project uses: see the "Backwards incompatible changes" section of
the :doc:`release note </releases/index>` for the version or versions to which
you are upgrading.

What "stable" means

In this context, stable means:

- All the public APIs (everything in this documentation) will not be moved
  or renamed without providing backwards-compatible aliases.

- If new features are added to these APIs -- which is quite possible --
  they will not break or change the meaning of existing methods. In other
  words, "stable" does not (necessarily) mean "complete."

- If, for some reason, an API declared stable must be removed or replaced, it
  will be declared deprecated but will remain in the API for at least two
  minor version releases. Warnings will be issued when the deprecated method
  is called.

  See :ref:`official-releases` for more details on how Django's version
  numbering scheme works, and how features will be deprecated.

- We'll only break backwards compatibility of these APIs if a bug or
  security hole makes it completely unavoidable.

Stable APIs

In general, everything covered in the documentation -- with the exception of
anything in the :doc:`internals area </internals/index>` is considered stable.


There are a few exceptions to this stability and backwards-compatibility

Security fixes

If we become aware of a security problem -- hopefully by someone following our
:ref:`security reporting policy <reporting-security-issues>` -- we'll do
everything necessary to fix it. This might mean breaking backwards
compatibility; security trumps the compatibility guarantee.

APIs marked as internal

Certain APIs are explicitly marked as "internal" in a couple of ways:

- Some documentation refers to internals and mentions them as such. If the
  documentation says that something is internal, we reserve the right to
  change it.

- Functions, methods, and other objects prefixed by a leading underscore
  (``_``). This is the standard Python way of indicating that something is
  private; if any method starts with a single ``_``, it's an internal API.

.. _misc-api-stability-localflavor:

Local flavors

:mod:`django.contrib.localflavor` contains assorted pieces of code
that are useful for particular countries or cultures. This data is
local in nature, and is subject to change on timelines that will
almost never correlate with Django's own release schedules. For
example, a common change is to split a province into two new
provinces, or to rename an existing province.

These changes present two competing compatibility issues. Moving
forward, displaying the names of deprecated, renamed and dissolved
provinces in a selection widget is bad from a user interface
perspective. However, maintaining full backwards compatibility
requires that we support historical values that may be stored in a
database -- including values that may no longer be valid.

Therefore, Django has the following policy with respect to changes in
local flavor:

* At the time of a Django release, the data and algorithms
  contained in :mod:`django.contrib.localflavor` will, to the best
  of our ability, reflect the officially gazetted policies of the
  appropriate local government authority. If a province has been
  added, altered, or removed, that change will be reflected in
  Django's localflavor.

* These changes will *not* be backported to the previous stable
  release. Upgrading a minor version of Django should not require
  any data migration or audits for UI changes; therefore, if you
  want to get the latest province list, you will either need to
  upgrade your Django install, or backport the province list you

* For one release, the affected localflavor module will raise a
  ``RuntimeWarning`` when it is imported.

* The change will be announced in the release notes as a backwards
  incompatible change requiring attention. The change will also be
  annotated in the documentation for the localflavor module.

* Where necessary and feasible, a migration script will be provided
  to aid the migration process.

For example, Django 1.2 contains an Indonesian localflavor. It has a
province list that includes "Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)" as a
province. The Indonesian government has changed the official name of
the province to "Aceh (ACE)". As a result, Django 1.3 does *not*
contain "Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)" in the province list, but
*does* contain "Aceh (ACE)".