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<h4 class="subsection">G.1.2 Build Tools</h4>

<p>The following tools are required:

<dt>C++, C, and Fortran compilers<dd>The Octave sources are primarily written in C++, but some portions are
also written in C and Fortran.  The Octave sources are intended to be
portable.  Recent versions of the GNU compiler collection (GCC) should
work (<a href=""></a>).  If you use GCC, you should avoid
mixing versions.  For example, be sure that you are not using the
obsolete <code>g77</code> Fortran compiler with modern versions of <code>gcc</code>
and <code>g++</code>.

     <br><dt>GNU Make<dd>Tool for building software (<a href=""></a>). 
Octave's build system requires GNU Make.  Other versions of Make will
not work.  Fortunately, GNU Make is highly portable and easy to install.

     <br><dt>AWK, sed, and other Unix utilities<dd>Basic Unix system utilities are required for building Octave.  All will
be available with any modern Unix system and also on Windows with either
Cygwin or MinGW and MSYS. 

   <p>Additionally, the following tools may be needed:

<dt>Bison<dd>Parser generator (<a href=""></a>). 
You will need Bison if you modify the <code>oct-parse.yy</code> source file or
if you delete the files that are generated from it.

     <br><dt>Flex<dd>Lexer analyzer (<a href=""></a>).  You will need
Flex if you modify the <code>lex.ll</code> source file or if you delete the
files that are generated from it.

     <br><dt>Autoconf<dd>Package for software configuration
(<a href=""></a>).  Autoconf is required if
you modify Octave's <code></code> file or other files that it

     <br><dt>Automake<dd>Package for Makefile generation
(<a href=""></a>).  Automake is required if
you modify Octave's <code></code> files or other files that they
depend on.

     <br><dt>Libtool<dd>Package for building software libraries
(<a href=""></a>).  Libtool is required by
