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<h4 class="subsection">A.1.8 Calling Octave Functions from Oct-Files</h4>

<p>There is often a need to be able to call another octave function from
within an oct-file, and there are many examples of such within octave
itself.  For example the <code>quad</code> function is an oct-file that
calculates the definite integral by quadrature over a user supplied

   <p>There are also many ways in which a function might be passed.  It might
be passed as one of

     <ol type=1 start=1>
<li>Function Handle

     <li>Anonymous Function Handle

     <li>Inline Function


   <p>The example below demonstrates an example that accepts all four means of
passing a function to an oct-file.

<pre class="example"><pre class="verbatim">     #include &lt;octave/oct.h>
     #include &lt;octave/parse.h>
     DEFUN_DLD (funcdemo, args, nargout, "Function Demo")
       int nargin = args.length();
       octave_value_list retval;
       if (nargin &lt; 2)
         print_usage ();
           octave_value_list newargs;
           for (octave_idx_type i = nargin - 1; i > 0; i--)
             newargs (i - 1) = args(i);
           if (args(0).is_function_handle ()
               || args(0).is_inline_function ())
               octave_function *fcn = args(0).function_value ();
               if (! error_state)
                 retval = feval (fcn, newargs, nargout);
           else if (args(0).is_string ())
               std::string fcn = args (0).string_value ();
               if (! error_state)
                 retval = feval (fcn, newargs, nargout);
             error ("funcdemo: expected string,",
                    " inline or function handle");
       return retval;
   <p>The first argument to this demonstration is the user supplied function
and the following arguments are all passed to the user function.

<pre class="example">     funcdemo (@sin,1)
     &rArr; 0.84147
     funcdemo (@(x) sin(x), 1)
     &rArr; 0.84147
     funcdemo (inline ("sin(x)"), 1)
     &rArr; 0.84147
     funcdemo ("sin",1)
     &rArr; 0.84147
     funcdemo (@atan2, 1, 1)
     &rArr; 0.78540
   <p>When the user function is passed as a string, the treatment of the
function is different.  In some cases it is necessary to always have the
user supplied function as an <code>octave_function</code> object.  In that
case the string argument can be used to create a temporary function like

<pre class="example">     std::octave fcn_name = unique_symbol_name ("__fcn__");
     std::string fname = "function y = ";
     fname.append (fcn_name);
     fname.append ("(x) y = ");
     fcn = extract_function (args(0), "funcdemo", fcn_name,
                             fname, "; endfunction");
     if (fcn_name.length ())
       clear_function (fcn_name);
   <p>There are two important things to know in this case.  The number of input
arguments to the user function is fixed, and in the above is a single
argument, and secondly to avoid leaving the temporary function in the
Octave symbol table it should be cleared after use.
