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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Contour Groups</h5>

<p><a name="index-series-objects-1575"></a><a name="index-contour-series-1576"></a>
Contour group objects are created by the <code>contour</code>, <code>contourf</code>
and <code>contour3</code> functions.  The are equally one of the handles returned
by the <code>surfc</code> and <code>meshc</code> functions.  The properties of the contour
group are

<dt><code>contourmatrix</code><dd>A read only property that contains the data return by <code>contourc</code> used to
create the contours of the plot.

     <br><dt><code>fill</code><dd>A radio property that can have the values "on" or "off" that flags whether the
contours to plot are to be filled.

     <br><dt><code>zlevelmode</code><dt><code>zlevel</code><dd>The radio property <code>zlevelmode</code> can have the values "none", "auto" or
"manual".  When its value is "none" there is no z component to the plotted
contours.  When its value is "auto" the z value of the plotted contours is
at the same value as the contour itself.  If the value is "manual", then the
z value at which to plot the contour is determined by the <code>zlevel</code>

     <br><dt><code>levellistmode</code><dt><code>levellist</code><dt><code>levelstepmode</code><dt><code>levelstep</code><dd>If <code>levellistmode</code> is "manual", then the levels at which to plot the
contours is determined by <code>levellist</code>.  If <code>levellistmode</code> is
set to "auto", then the distance between contours is determined by
<code>levelstep</code>.  If both <code>levellistmode</code> and <code>levelstepmode</code>
are set to "auto", then there are assumed to be 10 equal spaced contours.

     <br><dt><code>textlistmode</code><dt><code>textlist</code><dt><code>textstepmode</code><dt><code>textstep</code><dd>If <code>textlistmode</code> is "manual", then the labeled contours
is determined by <code>textlist</code>.  If <code>textlistmode</code> is set to
"auto", then the distance between labeled contours is determined by
<code>textstep</code>.  If both <code>textlistmode</code> and <code>textstepmode</code>
are set to "auto", then there are assumed to be 10 equal spaced
labeled contours.

     <br><dt><code>showtext</code><dd>Flag whether the contour labels are shown or not.

     <br><dt><code>labelspacing</code><dd>The distance between labels on a single contour in points.

<br><dt><code>linecolor</code><dd>The properties of the contour lines.  The properties <code>linewidth</code> and
<code>linestyle</code> are similar to the corresponding properties for lines.  The
property <code>linecolor</code> is a color property (see <a href="Colors.html#Colors">Colors</a>), that can also
have the values of "none" or "auto".  If <code>linecolor</code> is "none", then no
contour line is drawn.  If <code>linecolor</code> is "auto" then the line color is
determined by the colormap.

     <br><dt><code>xdata</code><dt><code>ydata</code><dt><code>zdata</code><dd>The original x, y, and z data of the contour lines.

     <br><dt><code>xdatasource</code><dt><code>ydatasource</code><dt><code>zdatasource</code><dd>Data source variables. 
