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<h3 class="section">19.5 Miscellaneous Techniques</h3>

<p><a name="index-execution-speed-2157"></a><a name="index-speedups-2158"></a><a name="index-optimization-2159"></a>
Here are some other ways of improving the execution speed of Octave

<li>Avoid computing costly intermediate results multiple times. 
Octave currently does not eliminate common subexpressions.  Also, certain
internal computation results are cached for variables.  For instance, if
a matrix variable is used multiple times as an index, checking the
indices (and internal conversion to integers) is only done once.

     <li>Be aware of lazy copies (copy-on-write). 
<a name="index-copy_002don_002dwrite-2160"></a><a name="index-COW-2161"></a><a name="index-memory-management-2162"></a>When a copy of an object is created, the data is not immediately copied, but
rather shared.  The actual copying is postponed until the copied data needs to
be modified.  For example:

     <pre class="example">          a = zeros (1000); # create a 1000x1000 matrix
          b = a; # no copying done here
          b(1) = 1; # copying done here
     <p>Lazy copying applies to whole Octave objects such as matrices, cells,
struct, and also individual cell or struct elements (not array

     <p>Additionally, index expressions also use lazy copying when Octave can
determine that the indexed portion is contiguous in memory.  For example:

     <pre class="example">          a = zeros (1000); # create a 1000x1000 matrix
          b = a(:,10:100);  # no copying done here
          b = a(10:100,:);  # copying done here
     <p>This applies to arrays (matrices), cell arrays, and structs indexed
using &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">()</span></samp>&rsquo;.  Index expressions generating comma-separated lists can also
benefit from shallow copying in some cases.  In particular, when <var>a</var> is a
struct array, expressions like <code>{a.x}, {a(:,2).x}</code> will use lazy
copying, so that data can be shared between a struct array and a cell array.

     <p>Most indexing expressions do not live longer than their parent
objects.  In rare cases, however, a lazily copied slice outlasts its
parent, in which case it becomes orphaned, still occupying unnecessarily
more memory than needed.  To provide a remedy working in most real cases,
Octave checks for orphaned lazy slices at certain situations, when a
value is stored into a "permanent" location, such as a named variable or
cell or struct element, and possibly economizes them.  For example:

     <pre class="example">          a = zeros (1000); # create a 1000x1000 matrix
          b = a(:,10:100);  # lazy slice
          a = []; # the original a array is still allocated
          c{1} = b; # b is reallocated at this point
     <li>Avoid deep recursion. 
Function calls to m-file functions carry a relatively significant overhead, so
rewriting a recursion as a loop often helps.  Also, note that the maximum level
of recursion is limited.

     <li>Avoid resizing matrices unnecessarily. 
When building a single result matrix from a series of calculations, set the
size of the result matrix first, then insert values into it.  Write

     <pre class="example">          result = zeros (big_n, big_m)
          for i = over:and_over
            ridx = ...
            cidx = ...
            result(ridx, cidx) = new_value ();
     <p class="noindent">instead of

     <pre class="example">          result = [];
          for i = ever:and_ever
            result = [ result, new_value() ];
     <p>Sometimes the number of items can not be computed in advance, and
stack-like operations are needed.  When elements are being repeatedly
inserted or removed from the end of an array, Octave detects it as stack
usage and attempts to use a smarter memory management strategy by
pre-allocating the array in bigger chunks.  This strategy is also applied
to cell and struct arrays.

     <pre class="example">          a = [];
          while (condition)
            a(end+1) = value; # "push" operation
            a(end) = []; # "pop" operation
     <li>Avoid calling <code>eval</code> or <code>feval</code> excessively. 
Parsing input or looking up the name of a function in the symbol table are
relatively expensive operations.

     <p>If you are using <code>eval</code> merely as an exception handling mechanism, and not
because you need to execute some arbitrary text, use the <code>try</code>
statement instead.  See <a href="The-try-Statement.html#The-try-Statement">The try Statement</a>.

     <li>Use <code>ignore_function_time_stamp</code> when appropriate. 
If you are calling lots of functions, and none of them will need to change
during your run, set the variable <code>ignore_function_time_stamp</code> to
<code>"all"</code>.  This will stop Octave from checking the time stamp of a function
file to see if it has been updated while the program is being run. 
