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<h4 class="subsection">3.1.1 Numeric Objects</h4>

<p><a name="index-numeric-constant-210"></a><a name="index-numeric-value-211"></a>
Octave's built-in numeric objects include real, complex, and integer
scalars and matrices.  All built-in floating point numeric data is
currently stored as double precision numbers.  On systems that use the
IEEE floating point format, values in the range of approximately
 2.2251e-308 to 1.7977e+308
 can be stored, and the relative precision is approximately
The exact values are given by the variables <code>realmin</code>,
<code>realmax</code>, and <code>eps</code>, respectively.

   <p>Matrix objects can be of any size, and can be dynamically reshaped and
resized.  It is easy to extract individual rows, columns, or submatrices
using a variety of powerful indexing features.  See <a href="Index-Expressions.html#Index-Expressions">Index Expressions</a>.

   <p>See <a href="Numeric-Data-Types.html#Numeric-Data-Types">Numeric Data Types</a>, for more information.
