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<title>Quiver Group - GNU Octave</title>
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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Quiver Group</h5>

<p><a name="index-group-objects-1581"></a><a name="index-quiver-group-1582"></a>
Quiver series objects are created by the <code>quiver</code> or <code>quiver3</code>
functions.  Each <code>hggroup</code> element of the series contains three line
objects as children representing the body and head of the arrow,
together with a marker as the point of origin of the arrows.  The
properties of the quiver series are

<dt><code>autoscale</code><dt><code>autoscalefactor</code><dd>Flag whether the length of the arrows is scaled or defined directly from
the <var>u</var>, <var>v</var> and <var>w</var> data.  If the arrow length is flagged
as being scaled by the <code>autoscale</code> property, then the length of the
autoscaled arrow is controlled by the <code>autoscalefactor</code>.

     <br><dt><code>maxheadsize</code><dd>This property controls the size of the head of the arrows in the quiver
series.  The default value is 0.2.

     <br><dt><code>showarrowhead</code><dd>Flag whether the arrow heads are displayed in the quiver plot.

     <br><dt><code>color</code><dd>The RGB color or color name of the line objects of the quiver.  See <a href="Colors.html#Colors">Colors</a>.

     <br><dt><code>linewidth</code><dt><code>linestyle</code><dd>The line width and style of the line objects of the quiver.  See <a href="Line-Styles.html#Line-Styles">Line Styles</a>.

     <br><dt><code>marker</code><dt><code>markerfacecolor</code><dt><code>markersize</code><dd>The line and fill color of the marker objects at the original of the
arrows.  See <a href="Colors.html#Colors">Colors</a>.

     <br><dt><code>xdata</code><dt><code>ydata</code><dt><code>zdata</code><dd>The origins of the values of the vector field.

     <br><dt><code>udata</code><dt><code>vdata</code><dt><code>wdata</code><dd>The values of the vector field to plot.

     <br><dt><code>xdatasource</code><dt><code>ydatasource</code><dt><code>zdatasource</code><dt><code>udatasource</code><dt><code>vdatasource</code><dt><code>wdatasource</code><dd>Data source variables. 
