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<a name="Short-circuit-Boolean-Operators"></a>
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Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="Element_002dby_002delement-Boolean-Operators.html#Element_002dby_002delement-Boolean-Operators">Element-by-element Boolean Operators</a>,
Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="Boolean-Expressions.html#Boolean-Expressions">Boolean Expressions</a>

<h4 class="subsection">8.5.2 Short-circuit Boolean Operators</h4>

<p><a name="index-short_002dcircuit-evaluation-652"></a>
Combined with the implicit conversion to scalar values in <code>if</code> and
<code>while</code> conditions, Octave's element-by-element boolean operators
are often sufficient for performing most logical operations.  However,
it is sometimes desirable to stop evaluating a boolean expression as
soon as the overall truth value can be determined.  Octave's
<dfn>short-circuit</dfn> boolean operators work this way.

<dt><var>boolean1</var><code> &amp;&amp; </code><var>boolean2</var><dd><a name="index-g_t_0026_0026-653"></a>The expression <var>boolean1</var> is evaluated and converted to a scalar
using the equivalent of the operation <code>all (</code><var>boolean1</var><code>(:))</code>. 
If it is false, the result of the overall expression is 0.  If it is
true, the expression <var>boolean2</var> is evaluated and converted to a
scalar using the equivalent of the operation <code>all
(</code><var>boolean1</var><code>(:))</code>.  If it is true, the result of the overall expression
is 1.  Otherwise, the result of the overall expression is 0.

     <p><strong>Warning:</strong> there is one exception to the rule of evaluating
<code>all (</code><var>boolean1</var><code>(:))</code>, which is when <code>boolean1</code> is the
empty matrix.  The truth value of an empty matrix is always <code>false</code>
so <code>[] &amp;&amp; true</code> evaluates to <code>false</code> even though
<code>all ([])</code> is <code>true</code>.

     <br><dt><var>boolean1</var><code> || </code><var>boolean2</var><dd><a name="index-g_t_007c_007c-654"></a>The expression <var>boolean1</var> is evaluated and converted to a scalar
using the equivalent of the operation <code>all (</code><var>boolean1</var><code>(:))</code>. 
If it is true, the result of the overall expression is 1.  If it is
false, the expression <var>boolean2</var> is evaluated and converted to a
scalar using the equivalent of the operation <code>all
(</code><var>boolean1</var><code>(:))</code>.  If it is true, the result of the overall expression
is 1.  Otherwise, the result of the overall expression is 0.

     <p><strong>Warning:</strong> the truth value of an empty matrix is always <code>false</code>,
see the previous list item for details. 

   <p>The fact that both operands may not be evaluated before determining the
overall truth value of the expression can be important.  For example, in
the expression

<pre class="example">     a &amp;&amp; b++
   <p class="noindent">the value of the variable <var>b</var> is only incremented if the variable
<var>a</var> is nonzero.

   <p>This can be used to write somewhat more concise code.  For example, it
is possible write

<pre class="example">     function f (a, b, c)
       if (nargin &gt; 2 &amp;&amp; ischar (c))
   <p class="noindent">instead of having to use two <code>if</code> statements to avoid attempting to
evaluate an argument that doesn't exist.  For example, without the
short-circuit feature, it would be necessary to write

<pre class="example">     function f (a, b, c)
       if (nargin &gt; 2)
         if (ischar (c))
   <p class="noindent">Writing

<pre class="example">     function f (a, b, c)
       if (nargin &gt; 2 &amp; ischar (c))
   <p class="noindent">would result in an error if <code>f</code> were called with one or two
arguments because Octave would be forced to try to evaluate both of the
operands for the operator &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&amp;</span></samp>&rsquo;.

   <p><span class="sc">matlab</span> has special behavior that allows the operators &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&amp;</span></samp>&rsquo; and
&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">|</span></samp>&rsquo; to short-circuit when used in the truth expression for <code>if</code> and
<code>while</code> statements.  The Octave parser may be instructed to behave in the
same manner, but its use is strongly discouraged.

<!-- do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation src/ -->
   <p><a name="doc_002ddo_005fbraindead_005fshortcircuit_005fevaluation"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Built-in Function: <var>val</var> = <b>do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation</b> ()<var><a name="index-do_005fbraindead_005fshortcircuit_005fevaluation-655"></a></var><br>
&mdash; Built-in Function: <var>old_val</var> = <b>do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation</b> (<var>new_val</var>)<var><a name="index-do_005fbraindead_005fshortcircuit_005fevaluation-656"></a></var><br>
&mdash; Built-in Function:  <b>do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation</b> (<var>new_val, "local"</var>)<var><a name="index-do_005fbraindead_005fshortcircuit_005fevaluation-657"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will
do short-circuit evaluation of &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">|</span></samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&amp;</span></samp>&rsquo; operators inside the
conditions of if or while statements.

        <p>This feature is only provided for compatibility with <span class="sc">matlab</span> and should
not be used unless you are porting old code that relies on this feature.

        <p>To obtain short-circuit behavior for logical expressions in new programs,
you should always use the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&amp;&amp;</span></samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">||</span></samp>&rsquo; operators.

        <p>When called from inside a function with the "local" option, the variable is
changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original
variable value is restored when exiting the function. 

   <p>Finally, the ternary operator (?:) is not supported in Octave.  If
short-circuiting is not important, it can be replaced by the <code>ifelse</code>

<!-- merge src/ -->
   <p><a name="doc_002dmerge"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Built-in Function:  <b>merge</b> (<var>mask, tval, fval</var>)<var><a name="index-merge-658"></a></var><br>
&mdash; Built-in Function:  <b>ifelse</b> (<var>mask, tval, fval</var>)<var><a name="index-ifelse-659"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Merge elements of <var>true_val</var> and <var>false_val</var>, depending on the
value of <var>mask</var>.  If <var>mask</var> is a logical scalar, the other two
arguments can be arbitrary values.  Otherwise, <var>mask</var> must be a logical
array, and <var>tval</var>, <var>fval</var> should be arrays of matching class, or
cell arrays.  In the scalar mask case, <var>tval</var> is returned if <var>mask</var>
is true, otherwise <var>fval</var> is returned.

        <p>In the array mask case, both <var>tval</var> and <var>fval</var> must be either
scalars or arrays with dimensions equal to <var>mask</var>.  The result is
constructed as follows:

     <pre class="example">          result(mask) = tval(mask);
          result(! mask) = fval(! mask);
        <p><var>mask</var> can also be arbitrary numeric type, in which case
it is first converted to logical. 
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     <p class="noindent"><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="doc_002dlogical.html#doc_002dlogical">logical</a>. 
