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<h4 class="subsection">A.2.6 Sparse Matrices with Mex-Files</h4>

<p>The Octave format for sparse matrices is identical to the mex format in
that it is a compressed column sparse format.  Also in both, sparse
matrices are required to be two-dimensional.  The only difference is that
the real and imaginary parts of the matrix are stored separately.

   <p>The mex-file interface, as well as using <code>mxGetM</code>, <code>mxGetN</code>,
<code>mxSetM</code>, <code>mxSetN</code>, <code>mxGetPr</code>, <code>mxGetPi</code>,
<code>mxSetPr</code> and <code>mxSetPi</code>, the mex-file interface supplies the

<pre class="example">     mwIndex *mxGetIr (const mxArray *ptr);
     mwIndex *mxGetJc (const mxArray *ptr);
     mwSize mxGetNzmax (const mxArray *ptr);
     void mxSetIr (mxArray *ptr, mwIndex *ir);
     void mxSetJc (mxArray *ptr, mwIndex *jc);
     void mxSetNzmax (mxArray *ptr, mwSize nzmax);
   <p class="noindent"><code>mxGetNzmax</code> gets the maximum number of elements that can be stored
in the sparse matrix.  This is not necessarily the number of non-zero
elements in the sparse matrix.  <code>mxGetJc</code> returns an array with one
additional value than the number of columns in the sparse matrix.  The
difference between consecutive values of the array returned by
<code>mxGetJc</code> define the number of non-zero elements in each column of
the sparse matrix.  Therefore

<pre class="example">     mwSize nz, n;
     mwIndex *Jc;
     mxArray *m;
     n = mxGetN (m);
     Jc = mxGetJc (m);
     nz = Jc[n];
   <p class="noindent">returns the actual number of non-zero elements stored in the matrix in
<code>nz</code>.  As the arrays returned by <code>mxGetPr</code> and <code>mxGetPi</code>
only contain the non-zero values of the matrix, we also need a pointer
to the rows of the non-zero elements, and this is given by
<code>mxGetIr</code>.  A complete example of the use of sparse matrices in
mex-files is given by the file <samp><span class="file">mysparse.c</span></samp> as seen below

<pre class="example"><pre class="verbatim">     #include "mex.h"
     mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, 
                  const mxArray *prhs[])
       mwSize n, m, nz;
       mxArray *v;
       mwIndex i;
       double *pr, *pi;
       double *pr2, *pi2;
       mwIndex *ir, *jc;
       mwIndex *ir2, *jc2;
       if (nrhs != 1 || ! mxIsSparse (prhs[0]))
         mexErrMsgTxt ("expects sparse matrix");
       m = mxGetM (prhs [0]);
       n = mxGetN (prhs [0]);
       nz = mxGetNzmax (prhs [0]);
       if (mxIsComplex (prhs[0]))
           mexPrintf ("Matrix is %d-by-%d complex",
                      " sparse matrix", m, n);
           mexPrintf (" with %d elements\n", nz);
           pr = mxGetPr (prhs[0]);
           pi = mxGetPi (prhs[0]);
           ir = mxGetIr (prhs[0]);
           jc = mxGetJc (prhs[0]);
           i = n;
           while (jc[i] == jc[i-1] &amp;&amp; i != 0) i--;
           mexPrintf ("last non-zero element (%d, %d) =", 
                      ir[nz-1]+ 1, i);
           mexPrintf (" (%g, %g)\n", pr[nz-1], pi[nz-1]);
           v = mxCreateSparse (m, n, nz, mxCOMPLEX);
           pr2 = mxGetPr (v);
           pi2 = mxGetPi (v);
           ir2 = mxGetIr (v);
           jc2 = mxGetJc (v);
           for (i = 0; i &lt; nz; i++)
               pr2[i] = 2 * pr[i];
               pi2[i] = 2 * pi[i];
               ir2[i] = ir[i];
           for (i = 0; i &lt; n + 1; i++)
             jc2[i] = jc[i];
           if (nlhs > 0)
             plhs[0] = v;
       else if (mxIsLogical (prhs[0]))
           bool *pbr, *pbr2;
           mexPrintf ("Matrix is %d-by-%d logical",
                      " sparse matrix", m, n);
           mexPrintf (" with %d elements\n", nz);
           pbr = mxGetLogicals (prhs[0]);
           ir = mxGetIr (prhs[0]);
           jc = mxGetJc (prhs[0]);
           i = n;
           while (jc[i] == jc[i-1] &amp;&amp; i != 0) i--;
           mexPrintf ("last non-zero element (%d, %d) = %d\n",
                      ir[nz-1]+ 1, i, pbr[nz-1]);
           v = mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix (m, n, nz);
           pbr2 = mxGetLogicals (v);
           ir2 = mxGetIr (v);
           jc2 = mxGetJc (v);
           for (i = 0; i &lt; nz; i++)
               pbr2[i] = pbr[i];
               ir2[i] = ir[i];
           for (i = 0; i &lt; n + 1; i++)
             jc2[i] = jc[i];
           if (nlhs > 0)
             plhs[0] = v;
           mexPrintf ("Matrix is %d-by-%d real",
                      " sparse matrix", m, n);
           mexPrintf (" with %d elements\n", nz);
           pr = mxGetPr (prhs[0]);
           ir = mxGetIr (prhs[0]);
           jc = mxGetJc (prhs[0]);
           i = n;
           while (jc[i] == jc[i-1] &amp;&amp; i != 0) i--;
           mexPrintf ("last non-zero element (%d, %d) = %g\n",
                     ir[nz-1]+ 1, i, pr[nz-1]);
           v = mxCreateSparse (m, n, nz, mxREAL);
           pr2 = mxGetPr (v);
           ir2 = mxGetIr (v);
           jc2 = mxGetJc (v);
           for (i = 0; i &lt; nz; i++)
               pr2[i] = 2 * pr[i];
               ir2[i] = ir[i];
           for (i = 0; i &lt; n + 1; i++)
             jc2[i] = jc[i];
           if (nlhs > 0)
             plhs[0] = v;