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<title>The while Statement - GNU Octave</title>
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<h3 class="section">10.3 The while Statement</h3>

<p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bwhile_007d-statement-698"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bendwhile_007d-statement-699"></a><a name="index-loop-700"></a><a name="index-body-of-a-loop-701"></a>
In programming, a <dfn>loop</dfn> means a part of a program that is (or at least can
be) executed two or more times in succession.

   <p>The <code>while</code> statement is the simplest looping statement in Octave. 
It repeatedly executes a statement as long as a condition is true.  As
with the condition in an <code>if</code> statement, the condition in a
<code>while</code> statement is considered true if its value is non-zero, and
false if its value is zero.  If the value of the conditional expression
in a <code>while</code> statement is a vector or a matrix, it is considered
true only if it is non-empty and <em>all</em> of the elements are non-zero.

   <p>Octave's <code>while</code> statement looks like this:

<pre class="example">     while (<var>condition</var>)
   <p class="noindent">Here <var>body</var> is a statement or list of statements that we call the
<dfn>body</dfn> of the loop, and <var>condition</var> is an expression that
controls how long the loop keeps running.

   <p>The first thing the <code>while</code> statement does is test <var>condition</var>. 
If <var>condition</var> is true, it executes the statement <var>body</var>.  After
<var>body</var> has been executed, <var>condition</var> is tested again, and if it
is still true, <var>body</var> is executed again.  This process repeats until
<var>condition</var> is no longer true.  If <var>condition</var> is initially
false, the body of the loop is never executed.

   <p>This example creates a variable <code>fib</code> that contains the first ten
elements of the Fibonacci sequence.

<pre class="example">     fib = ones (1, 10);
     i = 3;
     while (i &lt;= 10)
       fib (i) = fib (i-1) + fib (i-2);
   <p class="noindent">Here the body of the loop contains two statements.

   <p>The loop works like this: first, the value of <code>i</code> is set to 3. 
Then, the <code>while</code> tests whether <code>i</code> is less than or equal to
10.  This is the case when <code>i</code> equals 3, so the value of the
<code>i</code>-th element of <code>fib</code> is set to the sum of the previous two
values in the sequence.  Then the <code>i++</code> increments the value of
<code>i</code> and the loop repeats.  The loop terminates when <code>i</code>
reaches 11.

   <p>A newline is not required between the condition and the
body; but using one makes the program clearer unless the body is very
