

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > b9685a97298fd351f387ae1359e03cd1 > files > 5


Betreff: Re: OpenTTD Link
Von: Redfarn Jim <>
Datum: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 21:05:08 +0100

Hello Ingo,

I am strictly non-commercial and am happy for others to use my music.
I won't accept money at any time.

I now understand that the GPL license would allow others commercial use under certain conditions.
I am prepared to accept that use, provided that I was still acknowledged as the composer / originator.
I definitely would not want any money deriving from any commercial enterprise.

I would not like to lose the right to edit my music, on my website, should I wish to do so.
I am assuming that the GPL license would not prevent me from doing this.
Please tell me if this is not the case.

All the pieces that your group have selected are entirely my own compositions, except for:

1. "Careless Love" This comes under the "traditional" category and is therefore in the public domain.

2, "Moo Moo Boogie" was partly inspired by "Cow Cow Boogie".
In my opinion,  Moo Moo Boogie  is sufficiently different from Cow Cow Boogie not to raise any copyright issues.
In any case, the composer of Cow Cow Boogie died 66 years ago so that composition is also out of copyright.

Thank you for your care.



On 26 Jun 2010, at 15:32, planetmaker wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Jim,
> thanks for adding the link to OpenTTD :-) and of course all your music.
> Now we've listened to all your songs properly we decided that we'd like
> these songs for our music set:
> As you write on your website that the songs are "free for personal use",
> but the GPL license we use in principle also allows commercial use under
> certain conditions (we don't do it, we all work for free and don't sell
> anything), I'd like to briefly explain what the GPL license means in
> laymen's terms. Please tell me (again) that you're ok with this license
> - - there are some people in the community who are concerned that I have
> not been clear enough in my past e-mail :-) ; I'd then add your response
> to the documentation so that no one has to be concerned anymore :-)
> I've added them locally to the music set, but I haven't yet published
> it, awaiting your response.
> Cheers,
> Ingo
> Here attached the short human-readable break-down of it (quote from
> ). For the purpose of the
> music you can replace the words "programme" and "source code" by "midi
> files" (they are after all the 'source', the original work.
> ======================================================================
>   1.  The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
>   2. The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs.
>   3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
>   4. The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements
> to the public, so that the whole community benefits.
> You may exercise the freedoms specified here provided that you comply
> with the express conditions of this license. The principal conditions are:
>    * You must conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy
> distributed an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty
> and keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the
> absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a
> copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Program. Any
> translation of the GNU General Public License must be accompanied by the
> GNU General Public License.
>    * If you modify your copy or copies of the program or any portion of
> it, or develop a program based upon it, you may distribute the resulting
> work provided you do so under the GNU General Public License. Any
> translation of the GNU General Public License must be accompanied by the
> GNU General Public License.
>    * If you copy or distribute the program, you must accompany it with
> the complete corresponding machine-readable source code or with a
> written offer, valid for at least three years, to furnish the complete
> corresponding machine-readable source code.
> ======================================================================
> - -
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkwmD20ACgkQrNrK4E09wGqTkgCgpm9TwQl3X7WcVTO4WUm3+DM0
> gWkAn3wS81gkvWs6F+pcoNCr/1ziZaje
> =4XJY


Betreff: Addendum to OpenTTD JPL license issues.
Von: Redfarn Jim <>
Datum: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 21:19:32 +0100
An: Ingo von Borstel von Borstel <>

Dear Ingo,

I should also have said that "Big Man Boogie" is derived from a piece called "Clockwork Boogie"
by Steve Clayton (who lives in Germany).
However, I did write to Steve and he gave permission.




Betreff: Re: OpenTTD Link
Von: Redfarn Jim <>
Datum: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:53:13 +0100
An: Ingo von Borstel <>

Hello Ingo,

Thanks very much for your detailed clarification.

I am completely happy with everything.

I hope you have every success with your ongoing project.



On 26 Jun 2010, at 23:44, Ingo von Borstel wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Jim,
> thanks for your prompt reply. Let me answer your questions and concerns
> in place:
>> I am strictly non-commercial and am happy for others to use my music.
>> I won't accept money at any time.
> You don't have to :-)
>> I now understand that the GPL license would allow others commercial
>> use under certain conditions. I am prepared to accept that use,
>> provided that I was still acknowledged as the composer / originator.
> That's absolutely required by the GPL license. AND they always have to
> provide the source, your songs, for a shipping fee at most, if they
> utilize GPL-licensed work.
>> I definitely would not want any money deriving from any commercial
>> enterprise.
>> I would not like to lose the right to edit my music, on my website,
>> should I wish to do so. I am assuming that the GPL license would not
>> prevent me from doing this. Please tell me if this is not the case.
> It's one of the fundamental requirements of the GPL: give credits, also
> and especially if derivative work is created and your work used as part
> of it. It has to be clearly stated what part was your work (that's why I
> contacted you in the first place: I want and I have to give the proper
> credits of any work I want to use.
> Also you as author don't give up any rights in any way except that you
> cannot revoke the permission you gave. But this license is only about
> the rights you grant others; it's a non-exclusive license. You as author
> (and only you!) can re-license it under any conditions you like. It is
> and will remain your work. An author can always do with his stuff what
> he likes.
>> All the pieces that your group have selected are entirely my own
>> compositions, except for:
>> 1. "Careless Love" This comes under the "traditional" category and is
>> therefore in the public domain.
>> 2, "Moo Moo Boogie" was partly inspired by "Cow Cow Boogie". In my
>> opinion,  Moo Moo Boogie  is sufficiently different from Cow Cow
>> Boogie not to raise any copyright issues. In any case, the composer
>> of Cow Cow Boogie died 66 years ago so that composition is also out
>> of copyright.
>> I should also have said that "Big Man Boogie" is derived from a piece
>> called "Clockwork Boogie" by Steve Clayton (who lives in Germany).
>> However, I did write to Steve and he gave permission.
> Thanks for the clarification concerning "Careless Love", "Moo Moo
> Boogie" and "Clockwork Boogie". I hope I could help with my
> explanations, too, and that you find the license still acceptable :-)
> The main practical purpose (and why commercial permission as in GPL is
> kinda required) is that this pack may then also be put on e.g. CDs which
> are shipped with gaming magazines or so on (which are obviously sold).
> I propose that you'll be credited in the readme for each song like
> 5432gone_redfarn.mid:          Jim Redfarn
> (
> Please tell me, if you like to be credited differently.
> Best regards and looking forward to your reply
> Ingo
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkwmgtQACgkQrNrK4E09wGo9SQCgghBogmTthWOmUGYD84Bj+4tJ
> ZwEAni6GT1kCfsUrX9lsvPwKWg1HQotQ
> =lCJq