

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > b98f399bf623f0c045fd8c57d91055c8 > files > 1


# Devmon config file

# Variable/value pairs in this file are delimited by an equals sign, and
# all values are case insensitive unless otherwise stated


######## These options are local to this machine, and changing them will not
######## affect the runtime parameters of other nodes in a Devmon cluster
######## (assuming you are running in with MULTINODE=YES)

# MULTINODE: Determines if this node is a single node system. Acceptable 
# values are 'yes' and 'no' [DEFAULT: NO]

# BBHOSTS: Location of the bb-hosts file on this system.  This file is only
# used when running devmon with the --readbbhosts flag.  In a multi-node
# cluster, the only system that needs to have this set is the one that 
# the display server is running on;  other systems can leave this at default.
# (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: /home/hobbit/server/etc/bb-hosts or
# BBHOSTS environment variable set]

# BBTAG:  This is the indentifier (aka tag) that you use in your bb-hosts
# which allows Devmon to determine which of the options after a host
# are Devmon specific.
# (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: DEVMON]

# SNMPCIDS: The SNMP cids used during the bb-hosts discovery process
# (i.e. running with the --readbbhosts flag) This should be a comma delimited 
# list of values;  you order the list from most common to least common, left 
# to right, as this will help speed the device type discovery process.
# (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: public,private]

# NODENAME: Sets the name of this Devmon node.  A value of of 'HOSTNAME' 
# will cause the host to determine its hostname via the 'hostname' command 
# (the non-FQDN name will be used).  Only useful if in multinode mode.
# (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: HOSTNAME]

# PIDFILE: Sets the full path to the Devmon process ID file.  The directory 
# containing this file should be read/writable by the user running the Devmon 
# process. (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: /run/devmon/]

# LOGFILE: Sets the full path to the Devmon log file. The file should either
# exist and be writable by the Devmon user, or the Devmon user should have 
# read/write privileges to the log directory (case sensitive)
# To disable logging to a file, leave this value blank (i.e. 'LOGFILE=')
# [DEFAULT: /var/log/devmon/devmon.log]

# DBHOST: Should contain the IP or DNS name of the database server
# in a multinode cluster. [DEFAULT: localhost]

# DBNAME: Specifies the name of the Devmon database
# on the database server.  (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: devmon]

# DBUSER: Sets the name of the devmon user on the database.  This user should
# have full read/write priveledges on the database specified by the DBNAME 
# variable. (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: devmon]

# DBPASS: Sets the password used the DBUSER to connect to the DBNAME database 
# on DBHOST. (case sensitive) [DEFAULT: devmon]


######### Changing any of these options (followed by running devmon with the
######### --syncconfig flag, if you are running in multinode mode) will change 
######### the global runtime parameters for all devmon nodes in this cluster.  
######### Change these options with care, as they can have a major impact on 
######### way Devmon functions!

### BB/HOBBIT specific options

# BBTYPE: Determines how devmon will format its output pages.Accetable values 
# are 'bb' or 'hobbit', either each option setting the output format to that 
# of its respective server type [DEFAULT: hobbit]

# DISPSERV: Should contain the DNS name or IP address of th BB or hobbit 
# display server. [DEFAULT: localhost or BBDISP environment variable if set]

# DISPPORT: Specifies the port on the remote display server to connect to
# [DEFAULT: 1984 or BBPORT environment variable if set]

# BBDATEFORMAT:  This is the format string that devmon should use in
# date/time strings sent to Hobbit/BB in the status message.
# [DEFAULT: '', or the value of the BBDATEFORMAT enviroment variable if set]

# MSGSIZE: Sets the max message size in bytes of the datagrams that Devmon
# sends to the bb display server [DEFAULT: 8096]

# MSGSLEEP: The number of milliseconds to sleep between each message sent
# to the bb displayer server.  Set this number higher if your bb server
# is having problems coping with an influx of Devmon data. [DEFAULT: 10]

### Polling control specific options

# CYCLETIME: The length of the polling cycle, aka how often Devmon
# will attempt to query remote hosts and send messages to the bb display
# server.  Measured in seconds.  [DEFAULT: 60]

# DEADTIME: The amount of time before the devmon cluster considers a
# particular node "dead".  This value should be at least twice your 
# cycletime variable, if not a little bit more.  [DEFAULT: 180]

# CLEARTIME: The amount of time in seconds Devmon will wait before
# reporting a clear test.  In high-latentcy networks, this helps
# prevent excessive amounts of clear reports. [DEFAULT: 180]

# NUMFORKS: The number of child processces that Devmon should spawn
# to handle SNMP transations.  Too many will bog down your machine,
# while too few will cause your test cycles to run much slower.
# It best to experiment with this, but the default works well.
# [DEFAULT: 10]

# NUMFORKS: The maximum amount of time in seconds that a child process
# should spend polling a single host.  The can help recover forks
# in case one hangs on a remote host.  This value should be greater

### SNMP specific options

# SNMPTIMEOUT: Number of seconds before an snmp query will time out
# Setting this lower might increase the speed of your SNMP queries, but
# on high latentcy connections that might result in missed poll cycles
# [DEFAULT: 2] (must be greater than 0)

# SNMPTRIES: Number of attempts an SNMP query will make before it gives 
# up.  More than 5 or so might be overkill here  
# [DEFAULT: 5] (must be greater than 0)