

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > b98f399bf623f0c045fd8c57d91055c8 > files > 15


Devmon changelog.  Contributors of specific features/patches are listed
in parenthesis next to the respective entry.

Devmon v0.3.1-beta1 :: Released 2009-01-23
 Changes since 0.3.0
  - Fix loading non-standard ports from the config file
  - Fix segfault in hobbitd_rrd caused by do_devmon.c and data with spaces in 
     repeater names
  - Fix multiple custom threshholds and exceptions on the same test
  - Send messages to BB/Hobbit/Xymon in debug mode (--debug)
     For the previous behaviour (messages printed to stdout in debug
     and not sent to BB/Hobbit/Xymon), use '--debug -p'
  - Improve error handling, by opening log file immediately after forking, and
     returning non-zero exit codes when exiting due to error (e.g. log_fatal)
  - Fix thresh usage in options example in "USING" documentation
  - Add INDEX transform
  - Ensure repeaters created by CHAIN transform are tagged as such (so they can 
     be primary OID)
  - Close and re-open log files on HUP
  - Init script changes
    -Merge Mandriva init script changes:
     -run as non-root (optional, set RUNASUSER= in /etc/sysconfig/devmon)
     -use reload (or readbbhosts) argument to run --readbbhosts
     -fix return codes
    -Use better killproc (internal_killproc) on platforms without a killproc that
      takes a pid file option (makes stopping devmon more reliable)
    -Add a rotate function/argument
  - Strip spaces off names of repeaters before creating rrd section of message
  - Set a timeout on the socket to hobbit (hardcoded to 10s for now)
  - Use Hobbit/BB environment variables if present
  - Adjust init script to run devmon under Hobbit or BB environment
  - Honour Hobbit BBLOCATION / NET tag 
  - Handle line continuations in bb-hosts file (W.J.M. Nelis)
  - Support BBDATEFORMAT (should provide better dates in Hobbit/BB status messages
     by default if BBDATEFORMAT is set in hobbitserver.cfg) (W.J.M Nelis)
  - Add new STATUS: key for message file, which allows extending the first
     line of the status message
  - Filters in hobbitdboard are regex's, anchor the conn text (Simeon Berkley)

Devmon v0.3.0 :: Released 2008-04-03
 Changes since 0.3.0-rc1
  - Ensure that send_msgs returns when display server is inaccessible.
    This change fixes the "Devmon turns purple" issue (Buchan Milne)
  - Fix Hobbit-only dont-poll-if-down feature (Buchan Milne)
  - Distribute a more complete patch for hobbit that includes do_devmon.c

 Changes since 0.3.0-beta2
  - Ignore hidden template directories (e.g. .svn) (Francois Lacroix)
  - Add negated regexp threshold (Nathan Hand)
  - Poll each leaf separately (Francois Lacroix)
  - Add 'plain' table option, allowing unformatted repeaters
  - Ignore rows which have empty values for one of the repeaters (to avoid
      some of the sub-interfaces on Cisco ATM interfaces making the page clear)
  - Template changes
     Tests for fans, power, temp, log added to compaq-server (Buchan Milne)
     Add lines to cpu message files for cisco
       devices to get cpu graphs from Hobbit
     Alarm/graph on any device name that is not explicitly ignored (so Fa.+ 
       works on 6509, S.+ works on 7600 using 6509 template etc.)
     Add temp test for cisco-6509
  - Documentation on graphing (Francois Lacroix and Buchan Milne)
  - Hobbit rrd collector module for devmon (do_devmon.c) (Buchan Milne)
  - Perl extra-script equivalent (Francois Lacroix and Buchan Milne)
  - Patch for Hobbit, to enable devmon rrd collector, ensure devmon graphs
      work better by default (use multigraphs for if_load, avoid extra broken
      graphs etc.)
  - Hobbit graph definitions for some devmon RRD-enabled tests (if_load,if_dsc,
      temp) and one for the connects test (for NCV)
  - New Templates:
     dell-poweredge for Dell PowerEdge servers running OMSA (Buchan Milne)
     ibm-rsa2 for IBM Remote Server Adapters (Simeon Berkley)
     apc-9617 (Simeon Berkley)
     f5-bigip-lite and f5-bigip (Francois Lacroix)
     cisco-asa for ASA or PIX with IOS 7.x, or FWSM 3.x (Francois Lacroix)
     cisco-pix for PIX 6.x (Buchan Milne)
     linux-openwrt, to demonstrate use of 'plain' option (Buchan Milne)
     cisco-4500, cisco-msfc2, cisco-5500, cisco-6506, cisco-2811,
       cisco-3640 (Francois Lacroix)
     dell-perc for older Dell PowerEdge servers running percsnmp (Buchan Milne)

  - Fix numeric thresholds on branch OIDs (Francois Lacroix)
  - Allow FQDN in NODENAME, and use unstripped FQDN by default (so dm
      test for devmon node works where hostname is FQDN) (Buchan Milne)

 Changes since 0.2.2

  - If you specify a non-absolute path to a config file (using -c)
    and the file doesn't exist in the current working dir, devmon
    will look in its own directory for the file.
  - Moved default location for PID file to /var/run/
  - Moved templates to their own distribution file and added several
    community-created templates (with proper kudos noted in each template)
  - Changed UNPACK transform type to support more complicated
    (and powerful) unpack expressions, and separator characters.
  - Changed the way numeric primary keys are sorted in tables
    to allow numeric ascending sorts for multi-level leaves.
  - Changed the docs/INSTALLATION to clarify how DEVMON operates.
  - Removed the .rrd OID flag and replaced it with an RRD table
  - Recoded most translation subroutines to optimize performance
  - Added more debug output, and defined the --debug flag in the help output

  - Added a timeout watchdog for all transforms, set at 5 seconds.
  - Added ability to specify SNMP port that a particular device uses
  - Added bi-directional communication with the hobbit server, allowing
    the client to avoid testing against devices which hobbit
    recognizes as unreachable (i.e. a red 'conn' test).
  - Added CHAIN transform, which allows you to chain OIDs together
  - Added ability to display template threshold values in devmon output

  - Fixed DBHOST config file entry so that it allows non
    alpha-numeric characters (which was preventing people from using
    FQDN hostnames).
  - Fixed cisco 3500 templates to correctly translate ifc speed
  - Fixed REGSUB transform to work leaf OIDs (Gaetan Frenoy)
Devmon v0.2.2 :: Released 05/18/2006

  - Fixed cisco templates that had an uneccesary ifSpeed entry
    in the oids file (which was causing the ifSpeed SPEED transform
    to behave erratically).
  - Fixed the TSWITCH transform so Devmon recognizes it correctly.
  - Implemented a workaround for snmp oids that contain
    extended information in the OID variable (i.e. Windows DHCP
    server embeds the subnet address in the SNMP OID).
    This should get rid of any 'xxx is non-numeric in sort' errors.
  - Fixed the MATH transform so that doesnt misinterpret
    some numbers as a divide by zero condition and returning 0.

Devmon v0.2.1    :: Not released

Devmon v0.2 beta :: Released 05/09/2006

  - Changed the way the TABLE: message directive is read.
    Options can now be added to the TABLE line to alter the
    default way that Devmon handles table data. 
    Example: TABLE: noalarmsmsg,border=0,pad=10
  - Removed NONHTMLTABLE directive and replaced it with the 'nonhtml'
    TABLE option.
  - Removed the colon from the data input portion of the 
    DELTA transform, which delineated the source OID alias
    and the optional upper limit (replaced it with whitespace,
    to make it more consistent with other transform variables).
  - Removed the (yy:mm:dd) text from the ELAPSED transform.  If you
    want to see this text, specify it explicitly in your message file
  - Changed SWITCH block to give it more functionality.  Existing
    SWITCH transforms should be compatible with this new version.
    Please see the docs/TEMPLATES files for the new version.
  - Various code optimizations, which will hopefully make the
    test logic a little faster.
  - Introduced the ability to do line continuation in a transform
    file via a backslash (\) at the end of a line, thus making
    transform files a little more readable when viewed in a 
    80 column terminal
  - Modified the if_load and if_stat threshold files to include
    the interface name and alias when reporting errors
  - Changed the way tests handle duplicate OID aliaes (i.e. ifInOps
    is used in if_stat, if_load, if_err, etc).  Now tests on the 
    same devices that share an oid name with another tests will 
    only perform the transform on that alias once. This has important
    implications if you use the same OID alias across multiple tests;
    please read 'oids' and 'transform' file sections in the 
    docs/TEMPLATE file for more information.

  - TSWITCH transform: similar to SWITCH transform except it can
    inhert threshold results from dependent OID aliases.
  - SUBSTR transform: get a substring of the specific oid
    (faster and more efficient than doing a REGSUB)
  - UNPACK transform: unpack oid data stored in binary form
  - CONVERT transform: convert either hex or octal to a
    decimal integer
  - AND transform: returns a value of 1 if ALL oids passed to
    it are non-zero.
  - OR transform: returns a value of 1 if ANY oids passed to
    it are non-zero.

  - 'border' TABLE option: change html table border value
  - 'pad' TABLE option: change html table cellpadding value
  - 'nonhtml' TABLE option: prints table in NCV format
  - 'noalarmsmsg' TABLE option:  prevents display of "Alarming on" text
    for a TABLE entry.
  - 'alarmsonbottom' TABLE option: prints "Alarming on" text at bottom
    of TABLE data, as opposed to the top.
  - Cisco 2801 template

  Bug fixes:
  - Fixed cisco CPU tests to alarm properly on reboot
  - Fixed the command line config override (Steve Aiello)
  - Fixed problem with non-HTML tables (Dan Vande More)

Devmon v0.1.2 beta :: Not released

  - Support for non-HTML(NCV) type tables
  - Support for embedding RRD data in HTML tables

  Bug fixes:
  - Worked around a bug in older versions of that would cause 
    devmon to crash when using 64bit counters
  - Fixed the order of alarm applications; now alarms by default

Devmon v0.1.1 beta :: Released 02/28/2006

  - Ability to resolve IPs from DNS for hosts in bb-hosts /w an IP of
  - Added -c command line param to override default devmon.cfg location
  - Added model() option to read_bb_hosts to override autodetection
  - Added upper limit option for DELTA transforms
  Bug fixes:
  - TEMPLATES: Changed if_load transform files to properly report % load 
    (Johann Eggers)
  - Fixed DELTA transform issues with 32 and 64bit counter wraps
  - Fixed 'inappropriate ioctl for device' error when forking
    (Craig Boyce & Steve Aiello)
  - Fixed extremely high polltimes when not polling any devices

Devmon v0.1 beta   :: Released 02/23/2006

   Initial release