

distrib > Mageia > 4 > i586 > by-pkgid > e239b43987d17440a04447deae144757 > files > 5


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<article id="autostart" lang="&language;">

<releaseinfo>&kde; 4.12</releaseinfo>

<keyword>System Settings</keyword>
<keyword>desktop file</keyword>
<keyword>script file</keyword>

<sect1 id="kcm_autostart">
<title>Autostart Manager</title>

<para>This module is a configuration tool for managing what programs start up with your personal &kde;. It allows you to add programs or scripts so they automatically start during the startup of your &kde; session and to manage them. </para>

<note><para>Please note that in this module all changes are immediately applied.</para></note>

<para>The program scans <filename>~/.config/autostart/</filename>, your <filename class="directory">KDE  Autostart</filename> folder (<filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/Autostart</filename> as default), <filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/env</filename> and <filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/shutdown</filename> folders to check what programs and scripts are already there and displays them. It allows you to manage them easily. 
<!--Found this on
The following folders are all checked for .desktop files:
see also
<note><para>Note that you can change the location of your <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> 
folder in <menuchoice><guimenu>Account Details</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Paths</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
in the <guilabel>Common Appearance and Behaviour</guilabel> category of the &systemsettings; and set a different folder 
than <filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/Autostart</filename>.</para></note>
<!-- add info about system autostart desktop files, which are not handled here?
eg /usr/share/autostart/kalarm.autostart.desktop installed with kalarm on my 11.04 system
kalarm has a settings option "Start at login" which handles the autostart
how to prevent eg kopete from autostart at login?
<sect2 id="current">
<title>Files display</title>
<para>The main part of the module displays the programs that are loaded when &kde; starts and scripts that are run when &kde; starts, shutdowns or before &kde; starts.</para>

You cannot amend this column. It states the name of the program or script you want to start with &kde;. The name is extracted from the Desktop file from the Name key for a program and is the filename for a script.

This column lists the commands that are run to start the program. Commands can be modified through the <guibutton>Properties</guibutton> button or by double clicking the program/script row. The command is extracted from the Desktop file from the Exec key.
For a script the command is the path to the script.

This setting is only available for programs through Desktop files. You can keep a program in the <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder but disable it from being run at &kde; start. Setting the program to <guilabel>Disabled</guilabel> will not run it on start.
Setting a program to <guilabel>Disabled</guilabel> sets the Desktop file Hidden property to true in the <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Run On</guilabel></term>
Programs (Desktop files) can only be run on startup. Scripts can be run on <guilabel>Startup</guilabel>, <guilabel>Shutdown</guilabel> or <guilabel>Pre-KDE Startup</guilabel>. This column allows you to change when your script is run. Startup is when &kde; starts, shutdown is when you log out of &kde; and pre-KDE startup is before &kde; starts. 
Scripts and desktop files set to run on <guilabel>Startup</guilabel> are copied or symlinked in <filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/Autostart</filename> and will be run during &kde; startup.
Scripts set on to be ran on <guilabel>Shutdown</guilabel> are copied or symlinked in the <filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/shutdown</filename> directory and will be automatically run during &kde; shutdown after the user has logged out. 
Scripts set to run at <guilabel>Pre-&kde; Startup</guilabel> are copied or symlinked in <filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/env</filename> and are sourced during &kde; startup (the <filename>startkde</filename> script will look for scripts here).
Only scripts with the <filename>sh</filename> extension can be read by &kde; for <guilabel>Pre-&kde; startup</guilabel> and <guilabel>Shutdown</guilabel> modes.

<sect2 id="actions">
On the right you have some buttons to change the way Autostart is configure. You can add programs or scripts, remove them or change their properties.

<varlistentry><term><guibutton>Add Program</guibutton></term>
Clicking this button displays the standard &kde; <guilabel>Choose Application</guilabel> dialog and allows you to choose which program you want to start. After choosing the program, clicking <guibutton>OK</guibutton> brings you the properties for this program. 
This will copy the program Desktop file in your <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder. 

<varlistentry><term><guibutton>Add Script</guibutton></term>
This button opens a dialog which asks you for the location of the script you want to add. If you keep <guilabel>Create as symlink</guilabel> checked (default) then the script will be added as a symlink. If you uncheck this option then the script will be copied in the corresponding local folder.
Remove will immediately remove the Desktop file for the program or the script or symbolic link in the <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder.
This button (only enabled for programs &ie; Desktop files) allows you to change the properties of the program or script. You have general properties, permissions properties, a preview when applicable and properties related to the application for programs.
This button only applies to programs (&ie; Desktop files). A dialog asks you if you only want the program to autostart only in &kde; (and not in other desktop environments you might run). By default, the program will autostart in all desktop environments you might run. Checking <guilabel>Autostart only in KDE</guilabel> will autostart the program only if you start the &kde; desktop environment.
This sets the value KDE to the OnlyShowIn key of the program Desktop file.
<!-- see also Service Manager - Startup Services:
This shows all KDE services that can be loaded on KDE startup. Checked services will be invoked on next startup.

and Session Management - Restore sessions?

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