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  <title>SDO-DAS-Relational Functions</title>

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</div><hr /><div id="ref.sdodasrel" class="reference">
 <h1 class="title">SDO-DAS-Relational Functions</h1>

 <div class="partintro">
  <div class="section" id="sdodasrel.classes">
    <h2 class="title">Predefined Classes</h2>
   <p class="para">
    The Relational DAS provides two classes: the Relational DAS itself and 
    the subclass of Exception that can be thrown. The Relational DAS has 
    four publicly useful calls: the constructor,
     <span class="function"><strong>createRootDataObject()</strong></span>
    call to obtain the root object of an empty data graph,
     <span class="function"><strong>executeQuery()</strong></span>
    call to obtain a data graph containing data from a relational database,
    and the
     <span class="function"><strong>applyChanges()</strong></span>
    call to write changes made to a data graph back to the relational 

   <div class="section" id="sdodasrel.sdo-das-relational">
    <h2 class="title">
     <strong class="classname">SDO_DAS_Relational</strong>
    <p class="para">
     The only object other than an SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception with which 
     the application is expected to interact.
    <div class="section" id="sdodasrel.sdo-das-relational.methods">
     <h2 class="title">Methods</h2>
     <ul class="itemizedlist">
      <li class="listitem">
       <p class="para">
        <a href="sdo-das-relational.construct.html" class="link">
        - construct the Relational DAS with a model derived from the 
        passed metadata
      <li class="listitem">
       <p class="para">
        <a href="sdo-das-relational.createrootdataobject.html" class="link">
        - obtain an otherwise empty data graph containing just the special 
        root object
      <li class="listitem">
       <p class="para">
        <a href="sdo-das-relational.executequery.html" class="link">
        - execute an SQL query passed as a literal string and return  
        the results as a normalised data graph
      <li class="listitem">
       <p class="para">
        <a href="sdo-das-relational.executepreparedquery.html" class="link">
        - execute an SQL query passed as a prepared statement, with a 
        list of values to substitute for placeholders, and return the 
        results as a normalised data graph
      <li class="listitem">
       <p class="para">
        <a href="sdo-das-relational.applychanges.html" class="link">
        - examine the change summary in the data graph and apply those 
        changes back to the database, subject to an assumption 
        of optimistic concurrency

   <div class="section" id="sdodasrel.sdo-das-relational-exception">
    <h2 class="title">
     <strong class="classname">SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception</strong>
    <p class="para">
     Is a subclass of PHP&#039;s
     <a href="class.exception.html" class="classname">Exception</a>.
     It adds no behaviour to
     <a href="class.exception.html" class="classname">Exception</a>.
     Thrown, with useful descriptive text, to signal errors in the 
     metadata or unexpected failures to perform SQL operations.



<h2>Table of Contents</h2><ul class="chunklist chunklist_reference"><li><a href="sdo-das-relational.applychanges.html">SDO_DAS_Relational::applyChanges</a> — Applies the changes made to a data graph back to the database.</li><li><a href="sdo-das-relational.construct.html">SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct</a> — Creates an instance of a Relational Data Access Service</li><li><a href="sdo-das-relational.createrootdataobject.html">SDO_DAS_Relational::createRootDataObject</a> — Returns the special root object in an otherwise 
   empty data graph. Used when creating a data graph from scratch.</li><li><a href="sdo-das-relational.executepreparedquery.html">SDO_DAS_Relational::executePreparedQuery</a> — Executes an SQL query passed as a prepared statement, with a 
   list of values to substitute for placeholders, and return the 
   results as a normalised data graph.</li><li><a href="sdo-das-relational.executequery.html">SDO_DAS_Relational::executeQuery</a> — Executes a given SQL query against a relational database 
   and returns the results as a normalised data graph.</li></ul>
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