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</div><hr /><div id="sqlite.installation" class="section">
  <h2 class="title">Installation</h2>
  <p class="para">
   Since PHP 5.0 this extension was bundled with PHP. Beginning with PHP 5.4,
   this extension is available only via PECL.
  <p class="para">
   Windows users must enable <var class="filename">php_sqlite.dll</var> inside
   of <var class="filename">php.ini</var> in order to use these functions.
   A <acronym title="Dynamic Link Library">DLL</acronym> for this
<acronym title="PHP Extension and Application Repository">PECL</acronym> extension is currently unavailable. See also the
<a href="" class="link">building on Windows</a>
  <p class="para">
   Windows builds must also enable PDO because as of PHP 5.1.0 it depends
   on it. So, <var class="filename">php.ini</var> will end up with something like this:
   <div class="informalexample">
    <div class="example-contents">
<div class="inicode"><pre class="inicode">extension=php_pdo.dll

   On Linux or Unix operating systems, if you build PDO as a shared
   extension, you must build SQLite as a shared extension using the
   <strong class="command">--with-sqlite=shared</strong> configure option.
  <p class="para">
   The PHP 5.0.x series of Windows builds enabled this extension by
   default, where no <acronym title="Dynamic Link Library">DLL</acronym> file is necessary.
  <p class="para">
   SQLite 3 is supported through <a href="ref.pdo-sqlite.html" class="link">PDO SQLite</a>.
  <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
   <strong>Windows installation for unprivileged accounts</strong><br />
   <p class="para">
    On Windows operating systems, unprivileged accounts don&#039;t have the
    <var class="varname"><var class="varname">TMP</var></var> environment variable set by default. This will
    make sqlite create temporary files in the windows directory, which is
    not desirable. So, you should set the <var class="varname"><var class="varname">TMP</var></var> environment
    variable for the web server or the user account the web server is
    running under. If Apache is your web server, you can accomplish this via
    a <strong class="command">SetEnv</strong> directive in your <var class="filename">httpd.conf</var> file. For
    <div class="informalexample">
     <div class="example-contents">
<div class="apache-confcode"><pre class="apache-confcode">SetEnv TMP c:/temp</pre>

    If you are unable to establish this setting at the server
    level, you can implement the setting in your script:
    <div class="informalexample">
     <div class="example-contents">
<div class="phpcode"><code><span style="color: #000000">
<span style="color: #0000BB">&lt;?php<br />putenv</span><span style="color: #007700">(</span><span style="color: #DD0000">'TMP=C:/temp'</span><span style="color: #007700">);<br /></span><span style="color: #0000BB">?&gt;</span>

    The setting must refer to a directory that the web server
    has permission to create files in and subsequently write
    to and delete the files it created.
    Otherwise, you may receive the following error message:
    <span class="computeroutput">
     malformed database schema -
     unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables
 </div><hr /><div class="manualnavbar" style="text-align: center;">
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 <div class="next" style="text-align: right; float: right;"><a href="sqlite.configuration.html">Runtime Configuration</a></div>
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