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  <title>pdo_stmt_t definition</title>

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</div><hr /><div id="internals2.pdo.pdo-stmt-t" class="sect1">
 <h2 class="title">pdo_stmt_t definition</h2>
 <p class="para">
  All fields should be treated as read-only unless explicitly stated
 <div class="figure">
  <h1 class="title">pdo_stmt_t</h1>
  <div class="example-contents"><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">/* represents a prepared statement */
struct _pdo_stmt_t {
    /* driver specifics */
    struct pdo_stmt_methods *methods;</pre>
</div><a name="" id="">*</a><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">void *driver_data;</pre>
</div><a name="" id="">**</a><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">/* if true, we&#039;ve already successfully executed this statement at least
     * once */
    unsigned executed:1;</pre>
</div><a name="" id="">***</a><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">/* if true, the statement supports placeholders and can implement
     * bindParam() for its prepared statements, if false, PDO should
     * emulate prepare and bind on its behalf */
    unsigned supports_placeholders:2;</pre>
</div><a name="" id="">****</a><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">/* the number of columns in the result set; not valid until after
     * the statement has been executed at least once.  In some cases, might
     * not be valid until fetch (at the driver level) has been called at least once.
     * */
    int column_count;</pre>
</div><a name="" id="">*****</a><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">struct pdo_column_data *columns;</pre>
</div><a name="" id="">******</a><div class="ccode"><pre class="ccode">/* points at the dbh that this statement was prepared on */
    pdo_dbh_t *dbh;

    /* keep track of bound input parameters.  Some drivers support
     * input/output parameters, but you can&#039;t rely on that working */
    HashTable *bound_params;
    /* When rewriting from named to positional, this maps positions to names */
    HashTable *bound_param_map; 
    /* keep track of PHP variables bound to named (or positional) columns
     * in the result set */
    HashTable *bound_columns;

    /* not always meaningful */
    long row_count;

    /* used to hold the statement&#039;s current query */
    char *query_string;
    int query_stringlen;

    /* the copy of the query with expanded binds ONLY for emulated-prepare drivers */
    char *active_query_string;
    int active_query_stringlen;

    /* the cursor specific error code. */
    pdo_error_type error_code;

    /* used by the query parser for driver specific
     * parameter naming (see pgsql driver for example) */
    const char *named_rewrite_template;

  <tr><td><a href="">*</a></td><td>
   <p class="para">
    The driver <em class="emphasis">must</em> set this during
     <span class="function"><strong>SKEL_handle_preparer()</strong></span>.

  <tr><td><a href="">**</a></td><td>
   <p class="para">
    This item is for use by the driver; the intended usage is to store a
    pointer (during  <span class="function"><strong>SKEL_handle_factory()</strong></span>) 
    to whatever instance data is required to maintain a connection to
    the database.

  <tr><td><a href="">***</a></td><td>
   <p class="para">
    This is set by PDO after the statement has been executed for the first
    time.  Your driver can inspect this value to determine if it can skip
    one-time actions as an optimization.

  <tr><td><a href="">****</a></td><td>
   <p class="para">
    Discussed in more detail in <a href="internals2.pdo.implementing.html#internals2.pdo.preparer" class="xref">SKEL_handle_preparer</a>.

  <tr><td><a href="">*****</a></td><td>
   <p class="para">
    Your driver is responsible for setting this field to the number of
    columns available in a result set.  This is usually set during
     <span class="function"><strong>SKEL_stmt_execute()</strong></span> but with some database
    implementations, the column count may not be available until
     <span class="function"><strong>SKEL_stmt_fetch()</strong></span> has been called at least once.
    Drivers that implement  <span class="function"><strong>SKEL_stmt_next_rowset()</strong></span> should
    update the column count when a new rowset is available.

  <tr><td><a href="">******</a></td><td>
   <p class="para">
    PDO will allocate this field based on the value that you set for the
    column count.  You are responsible for populating each column during
     <span class="function"><strong>SKEL_stmt_describe()</strong></span>.  You must set the
    <em><code class="parameter">precision</code></em>, <em><code class="parameter">maxlen</code></em>,
    <em><code class="parameter">name</code></em>, <em><code class="parameter">namelen</code></em> and
    <em><code class="parameter">param_type</code></em> members for each column.
    The <em><code class="parameter">name</code></em> is expected to be allocated using
     <span class="function"><strong>emalloc()</strong></span>; PDO will call  <span class="function"><strong>efree()</strong></span> at
    the appropriate time.

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