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		<title>TripleA :: Read Me (rev 1.0, accurate for TripleA v0.6.0.1)</title>

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				Revision 1.0<br/>
				Written by George El-Haddad<br/>
		<h2>Other Document :: Links</h2>
			<li><a href="TripleA_RuleBook.pdf"><b>New Game Playing Guide (Rulebook/Manual)</b></a></li>
			<li><a href="doc/game_playing_guide.html">Old Game Playing Guide</a></li>
			<li><a href="doc/developer_documentation.html">Developer Documentation</a></li>
			<li><a href="doc/map_and_map_skin_making_overview.html"><b>How to make maps and map skins</b></a></li>
			<li><a href="doc/How to create custom games.html">How to create XMLs for custom games</a></li>
			<li><a href="maps/the_pact_of_steel/games/pact_of_steel_2.xml">Example Game XML: Pact of Steel 2 game xml</a></li>
			<li><a href="doc/Engine code overview.html">Engine Code Introduction</a></li>
			<li><a href="doc/Release Model.html">Software Life Cycle Model</a></li>
			<li><a href="changelog.txt">Change Log</a></li>
		<h2>Read Me :: Quick Nav</h2>
			<li><b>1.0</b> <a href="#sec_1">What is TripleA ?</a></li>
			<li><b>2.0</b> <a href="#sec_2">About TripleA</a></li>
			<li><b>3.0</b> <a href="#sec_3">Getting Started</a></li>
			<li><b>4.0</b> <a href="#sec_4">Playing A Game</a></li>
			<li><b>5.0</b> <a href="#sec_5">The TripleA Community</a></li>
			<li><b>6.0</b> <a href="#sec_6">Developer Documentation</a></li>
			<li><b>7.0</b> <a href="#sec_7">Contributing to TripleA</a></li>
			<li><b>8.0</b> <a href="#sec_8">Credits & Acknowledgements</a></li>
		<h2><a name="sec_1">1.0</a> What is TripleA ?</h2>
				Triplea is a networked open source strategy gaming engine. It allows people to
				implement and play various strategy board games (such as a well known popular war game based on World War II </a>&reg;).
				The TripleA engine has full networking support for online play, support for sounds, XML support
				for game files, and has its own imaging subsystem that allows for customized user
				editable maps to be used. TripleA is versatile, scalable and robust.
				Triplea is released under the GNU Public License <a target="_blank" href="">(GPL)</a>.
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
		<h2><a name="sec_2">2.0</a> About TripleA</h2>
				TripleA was started in Oct 2001 by an unemployed sgb who was looking for a way
				to build up his resume after the end of the tech bubble. Unfortunately sgb was
				too successful, and soon after the 0.1 release (which he managed to demo in a
				job interview) he secured gainful employment.
				sgb working full time dramatically slowed the progress of TripleA for a long time.
				Numerous people made contributions to the project, including both DMA02 and IronCross
				from a very early stage, but with sgb doing most of the development, and with the limited
				early graphics, the project did not improve dramatically.
				TripleA would have continued on this slow trajectory, but two events occurring
				relatively closely revitalized the project. The first was the contribution by Logan
				of new graphics. Now the game actually looked alright. The second event was the release
				of the revised map and rules. With no competing real time game, interest in TripleA increased.
				TripleA 0.3.1 was probably the first version that was really playable in networked mode.
				And since then, increasing community interest, and with great contributions from a number of
				people, TripleA continues to grow and prosper.
			<p>- Sean Bridges</p>
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
		<h2><a name="sec_3">3.0</a> Getting Started</h2>
				TripleA can come in two different packages, a binary package and a source package.
				A binary package is one where the entire game is ready to be played right out of the box.
				A source package is one in which the source code of the game is provided. The individual
				who uses the source package is expected to compile (build) the game before being able to
				play it. The source package is mainly directed towards developers and others who are
				interested in modifying the game for one reason or another.
				TripleA is programmed exclusively in the JAVA programming language which allows it to be
				platform independent. That means that TripleA can run on many operating systems so long as
				it has a Sun Compliant Java Virtual Machine. Such operating systems where TripleA has been
				successfully tested on are: GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/XP, Mac OS X, SGI IRIX,
				and IBM OS/2.
				Even though TripleA is exclusively a strategy gaming engine with a robust framework, it comes
				with some games included. It would be rather boring if you just got the engine without any
				interesting games included. TripleA comes with the following supported games that uses its
				game engine (just to name a few):
					<li>Capture The Flag</li>
					<li>Big World 1942</li>
					<li>Big World 1942 with v3 rules</li>
					<li>Pact of Steel</li>
					<li>New World Order</li>
					<li>The Great War</li>
					<li>Napoleonic Empires</li>
					<li>Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth</li>
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
		<h2><a name="sec_4">4.0</a> Playing A Game</h2>
				It's finally time to test out TripleA's capabilities by actually playing
				a game on it! Please refer to our complete game playing guide to get you
				started on this subject.
				Go to the <a href="doc/game_playing_guide.html">Game Playing Guide</a>

				Once you beat the AI, you can find live opponents in the IRC chat room, or at
				For more detauls see <a href="">FindOpponents</a>
				on our wiki.
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
		<h2><a name="sec_5">5.0</a> The TripleA Community</h2>
				With the success of the engine and growing popularity of the games it
				supports among strategy gamers, it was inevitable that a community would
				assemble and evolve. The TripleA community is a group of individuals from
				all over the globe who share the passion of strategy war gaming and/or
				developing custom variants using the engine.
				The community has established it self to be one where everyone is courteous
				to one another and where ideas are expressed and respected by all. The main
				objective of the community is to interact with one another and have fun by
				engaging in a good game or discussion concerning the TripleA engine.
				Anyone can participate in the community. Below are links to community pages:
					<li><a target="_blank" href="">TripleA Home Page</a></li>
					<li><a target="_blank" href="">TripleA User/Development Forum</a></li>
					<li><a target="_blank" href="">TripleA War Club</a></li>
				Both the sites above have a link to a Java applet where one can join our dedicated
				IRC chatroom. Access to the chatroom is not exclusive to the forums themselves.
				For more information about getting into the IRC chatroom and a guide on getting
				help with IRC programs on various operating systems, please refer to our
				<a target="_blank" href="">IRC Community Guide</a>.
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
		<h2><a name="sec_6">6.0</a> Developer Documentation</h2>
				For those who are interested in the internal workings of TripleA and are interested
				in modifying the engine, the developer documentation page will be your ideal source
				of information. Everything (as much as we can possibly include) is covered. From
				editing the xml game files to engine code to using the map utilities to compiling
				the source on various platforms.<br/>
				Visit our <a href="doc/developer_documentation.html">Developer Documentation</a> page for more details.
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>

		<h2><a name="sec_7">7.0</a> Contributing to TripleA</h2>
				 TripleA is a volunteer project. That means that all work done on TripleA is done out
				 everyone's free time. No one is forced to do anything they don't want to do. We also
				 do not oblige persons to contribute, but we welcome anyone who wishes to give a little
				 back and help make TripleA better. 
				TripleA is currently in need of the following:
					<li>Java Developers: We need more programmers to help maintain the engine and develop new features</li>
					<li>Optional game rules, such as LHTR and AARE</li>
					<li>More Development on our current AI subsystem</li>
					<li>A battle calculator</li>
					<li>Other games for TripleA such as other completely different board games</li>
					<li>A Game Server to act as a central place where clients can join, chat, and start games.</li>
					<li>Better sounds</li>
					<li>Better graphics and images</li>
					<li>Documentation writers for game variants and other related game playing documents</li>
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
		<h2><a name="sec_8">8.0</a> Credits & Acknowledgements</h2>
					<li><b>Iron Cross</b> : TripleA readme Banner and background watermark</li>
					<li><b>Ali Ibrahim</b> : readme <a href="doc/game_playing_guide.html#sec_8">Game Properties</a> and <a href="doc/game_playing_guide.html#sec_8.1">Low Luck sections</a></li>
					<li><b>Naiby</b> : readme <a href="doc/game_playing_guide.html#sec_2.4">Practical Guidelines for PBEM section</a></li>
					<li><b>Sean Bridges</b> : <a href="#sec_2">About TripleA section</a> (and of course for TripleA itself)</li>
					<li><b>Mark Christopher Duncan</b> : <a href="doc/map_and_map_skin_making_overview.html">Map Skin Making section</a> (and of course for TripleA itself)</li>
				<a href="#top">- Top -</a>
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