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<h1 id="wikilinks">WikiLinks</h1>
<h2 id="summary">Summary</h2>
<p>An extension to Python-Markdown that adds <a href="">WikiLinks</a>. Specifically, any 
<code>[[bracketed]]</code> word is converted to a link.</p>
<p>This extension has been included in the Markdown library since 2.0.</p>
<h2 id="syntax">Syntax</h2>
<p>A <code>[[bracketed]]</code> word is any combination of  upper or lower case letters,
number, dashes, underscores and spaces surrounded by double brackets. Therefore </p>
<p>Would produce the following html:</p>
<pre><code>&lt;a href="/Bracketed/" class="wikilink"&gt;Bracketed&lt;/a&gt;
<p>Note that wikilinks are automatically assigned <code>class="wikilink"</code> making it 
easy to style wikilinks differently from other links on a page if one so 
desires. See below for ways to alter the class.</p>
<p>You should also note that when a space is used, the space is converted to an
underscore in the link but left as-is in the label. Perhaps an example 
would illustrate this best:</p>
<pre><code>[[Wiki Link]]
<pre><code>&lt;a href="/Wiki_Link/" class="wikilink"&gt;Wiki Link&lt;/a&gt;
<h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>
<p>From the Python interpreter:</p>
<pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; text = "Some text with a [[WikiLink]]."
&gt;&gt;&gt; html = markdown.markdown(text, ['wikilink'])
<p>The default behavior is to point each link to the document root of the current 
domain and close with a trailing slash. Additionally, each link is assigned to 
the html class <code>wikilink</code>. This may not always be desirable. Therefore, one can
customize that behavior within Python code. Four settings are provided to 
change the default behavior:</p>
<p><strong>base_url</strong>: String to append to beginning of URL. </p>
<p>Default: <code>'/'</code></p>
<p><strong>end_url</strong>: String to append to end of URL.</p>
<p>Default: <code>'/'</code></p>
<p><strong>html_class</strong>: CSS hook. Leave blank for none.</p>
<p>Default: <code>'wikilink'</code></p>
<p><strong>build_url</strong>: Callable which formats the URL from it's parts.</p>
<p>For an example, let us suppose links should always point to the subdirectory 
<code>/wiki/</code> and end with <code>.html</code></p>
<pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; html = markdown.markdown(text, 
...     ['wikilink(base_url=/wiki/,end_url=.html)']
... )
<p>The above would result in the following link for <code>[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
<pre><code>&lt;a href="/wiki/WikiLink.html" class="wikilink"&gt;WikiLink&lt;/a&gt;
<p>If you want to do more that just alter the base and/or end of the URL, you 
could also pass in a callable which must accept three arguments (<code>label</code>, 
<code>base</code>, and <code>end</code>). The callable must return the URL in it's entirety.</p>
<pre><code>def my_url_builder(label, base, end):
    # do stuff
    return url

md = markdown.Markdown(
        extension_configs={'wikilinks' : [('build_url', my_url_builder)]}
<p>The option is also provided to change or remove the class attribute.</p>
<pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; html = markdown.markdown(text, 
...     ['wikilink(html_class=myclass)']
... )
<p>Would cause all wikilinks to be assigned to the class <code>myclass</code>.</p>
<pre><code>&lt;a href="/WikiLink/" class="myclass"&gt;WikiLink&lt;/a&gt;
<p>The same options can be used on the command line as well:</p>
<pre><code>python -m markdown -x wikilink(base_url=,end_url=.html,html_class=foo) src.txt
<p>Some may prefer the more complex format when calling the <code>Markdown</code> class directly:</p>
<pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; md = markdown.Markdown( 
...     extensions = ['wikilink'], 
...     extension_configs = {'wikilink': [
...                                 ('base_url', ''), 
...                                 ('end_url', '.html'),
...                                 ('html_class', '') ]},
...     safe_mode = True
... )
&gt;&gt;&gt; html = md.convert(text)
<h2 id="using-with-meta-data">Using with Meta-Data</h2>
<p>The WikiLink Extension also supports the <a href="meta_data.html">Meta-Data</a> Extension.
Please see the documentation for that extension for specifics. The supported 
meta-data keywords are:</p>
<p>When used, the meta-data will override the settings provided through the
<code>extension_configs</code> interface. </p>
<p>This document:</p>
wiki_end_url:  .html

A [[WikiLink]] in the first paragraph.
<p>would result in the following output (notice the blank <code>wiki_html_class</code>):</p>
<pre><code>&lt;p&gt;A &lt;a href=""&gt;WikiLink&lt;/a&gt; in the first paragraph.&lt;/p&gt;
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    <h3>Table Of Contents</h3>
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<li><a href="#wikilinks">WikiLinks</a><ul>
<li><a href="#summary">Summary</a></li>
<li><a href="#syntax">Syntax</a></li>
<li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
<li><a href="#using-with-meta-data">Using with Meta-Data</a></li>

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         title="previous chapter">Table of Contents Extension</a></p>
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         title="next chapter">Extension API</a></p>
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