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<h1 id="python-markdown-23-release-notes">Python-Markdown 2.3 Release Notes</h1>
<p>We are pleased to release Python-Markdown 2.3 which adds one new extension,
removes a few old (obsolete) extensions, and now runs on both Python 2 and 
Python 3 without running the 2to3 conversion tool. See the list of changes 
below for details.</p>
<p>Python-Markdown supports Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3.</p>
<h2 id="backwards-incompatible-changes">Backwards-incompatible Changes</h2>
<p>Support has been dropped for Python 2.5. No guarantees are made that the
library will work in any version of Python lower than 2.6. As all supported
Python versions include the ElementTree library, Python-Markdown will no 
longer try to import a third-party installation of ElementTree.</p>
<p>All classes are now "new-style" classes. In other words, all classes
subclass from 'object'. While this is not likely to affect most users, 
extension authors may need to make a few minor adjustments to their code.</p>
<p>"safe_mode" has been further restricted. Markdown formated links must be
of a known whitelisted scheme when in "safe_mode" or the url is discarded.
The whitelisted schemes are: 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'mailto', and
'news'. Schemeless urls are also permitted, but are checked in other ways - 
as they have been for some time.</p>
<p>The ids assigned to footnotes now contain a dash (<code>-</code>) rather than a colon
(<code>:</code>) when <code>output_format</code> it set to "html5" or "xhtml5". If you are making
reference to those ids in your JavaScript or CSS and using the HTML5 output,
you will need to update your code accordingly. No changes are necessary if
you are outputing XHTML (the default) or HTML4.</p>
<p>The "force_linenos" config setting of the CodeHilite extension has been
marked as <strong>Pending Deprecation</strong> and a new setting "linenums" has been added to
replace it. See documentation for the <a href="extensions/codehilite.html">CodeHilite Extension</a> for an explanation
of the new "linenums" setting. The new setting will honor the old 
"force_linenos" if it is set, but it will raise a PendingDeprecationWarning 
and will likely be removed in a future version of Python-Markdown.</p>
<p>The "RSS" extension has been removed and no longer ships with Python-Markdown.
If you would like to continue using the extension (not recomended), it is 
archived on <a href="">Github</a>.</p>
<p>The "HTML Tidy" Extension has been removed and no longer ships with Python-Markdown.
If you would like to continue using the extension (not recomended), it is 
archived on <a href="">Github</a>. Note that the 
underlying library, uTidylib, is not Python 3 compatable. Instead, it is 
recommended that the newer <a href="">PyTidyLib</a> (version 0.2.2+ for Python 3 
compatability - install from github not PyPI) be used. As the API for that 
library is rather simple, it is recommended that the output of Markdown be 
wrapped in a call to PyTidyLib rather than using an extension (for example: 
<code>tidylib.tidy_fragment(markdown.markdown(source), options={...})</code>).</p>
<h2 id="whats-new-in-python-markdown-23">What's New in Python-Markdown 2.3</h2>
<p>The entire code base now universally runs in Python 2 and Python 3 without
any need for running the 2to3 conversion tool. This not only simplifies testing,
but by using unicode_literals, results in more consistent behavior across
Python versions. Additionally, the relative imports (made possible in Python 2
via absolute_import) allows the entire library to more easily be embedded in a 
subdirectory of another project. The various files within the library will 
still import each other properly even though 'markdown' may not be in Python's
root namespace.</p>
<p>The <a href="extensions/admonition.html">Admonition Extension</a> has been added, which implements <a href="">rST-style</a> 
admonitions in the Markdown syntax. However, be warned that this extension 
is experimental and the syntax and behavior is still subject to change. Please 
try it out and report bugs and/or improvements.</p>
<p>Various bug fixes have been made.  See the
<a href="">commit log</a>
for a complete history of the changes.</p>
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    <h3>Table Of Contents</h3>
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<li><a href="#python-markdown-23-release-notes">Python-Markdown 2.3 Release Notes</a><ul>
<li><a href="#backwards-incompatible-changes">Backwards-incompatible Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="#whats-new-in-python-markdown-23">What's New in Python-Markdown 2.3</a></li>

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      <p class="topless"><a href="change_log.html"
         title="previous chapter">Change Log</a></p>
    <h4>Next topic</h4>
      <p class="topless"><a href="release-2.2.1.html"
         title="next chapter">Release Notes for v2.2.1</a></p>
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