

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 022f809f8abf0ab06bc8c4ebf0a1b175 > files > 8


<refentry id="{@id}">
  <refname>Using the PHP_Parser_MsgServer class</refname>
  <refpurpose>inter-class double-blind communication and true abstraction</refpurpose>
    Gregory Beaver
    <authorblurb>Tag Documentation written by {@link}</authorblurb>
   <copyright>Copyright 2004, Gregory Beaver</copyright>
   <releaseinfo>PHP_Parser 0.3+</releaseinfo>
    <command>require_once 'PHP/Parser/MsgServer.php';</command>
 <refsect1 id="{@id description}">
   Most well-designed packages or applications rely upon communication
   between several inter-dependent segments of code.  In PHP, these
   segments are best represented by classes.  In a traditional application,
   a class defines public methods, and to access these methods, one simply
   instantiates a class as follows:
   <programlisting role="php">
class MainClass {
    var $_used;
    function MainClass()
        $this->_used = new Used();

class Used {
   This is perfectly acceptable.  What, however, if a few months/years down the
   line, a user downloads your package and decides that the Used class simply 
   doesn't do what he or she needs it to do?  There is only one good choice:
   subclass MainClass.
   This is complicated by programs with user interfaces like phpDocumentor
   and PEAR.  What if a user wishes to use a different Packager class for pear
   package?  This user has no choice but to directly modify the source for
   pearcmd.php, and that is always a bad option when it comes time to upgrade.
   What if the user forgets about these customizations and over-writes them
   before realizing it?
   This class solves the problems created by complex interdependent classes.
   In the example above, the user would simply write a plugin for the pear
   command, and register that plugin as a new handler for the functionality
   needed.  pearcmd.php would not need to know that anything has changed, as
   the interface between the classes is well-defined.  Only the implementation
   has changed.
   In phpDocumentor, the Parser class needs to communicate with the storage and
   sorting classes like IntermediateParser and its cousins
   Classes/ProceduralPages.  The HighlightParser class needs to communicate
   with the current Converter class in order to do its work properly.  Often, a
   class will need to query another class, and then work with the response.
   These kind of relationships make it very difficult to upgrade design, should
   anything change.
   The MsgServer class allows the details of communication to be abstracted into
   a simple format.  Now, the class <classname>MainClass</classname> from our sample above
   doesn't care whether it is dealing with a <classname>Used</classname>,
   <classname>Abused</classname> or some other unwritten future class - or even a
   combination of more than one class!
   The MsgServer class relies upon registration of objects called listeners.
   Listeners in turn register with {@link catchMessage()} to respond to message
   types, defined by any string or integer.  Finally, any portion of code can
   send a message out to registered listeners with the {@link sendMessage()} method,
   and even send and receive information using the {@link sendMessageGetAnswer()} method.
   Now our example looks like:
   <programlisting role="php">
class Used {
    function handleMessage($msgtype, $msg)
        switch ($msgtype) {
            case 'phone' :
                return '555-1212';
            case 'email' :
                return '';

class Abused {
    function handleMessage($msgtype, $msg)
        switch ($msgtype) {
            case 'phone' :
                return '(303) 555-1212';
            case 'email' :
                return '';

class MainClass {
    function test()
        // retrieve message server, or make new server 
        $server = &PHP_Parser_MsgServer::singleton();
        $msgtype = 'phone';
        $ret = $server->sendMessageGetAnswer($msgtype, false);
        if (!is_array($ret)) {
            echo 'No registered listeners catch the phone message';
        foreach ($ret as $id => $contact) {
            echo 'Class Ided as "'.$id.'" returned Phone : ' 
                 . $contact->getPhone()."\n";

$first = new User;
$third = new Abuser;

// prints 'No registered listeners catch the phone message'

$server = &PHP_Parser_MsgServer::singleton();
// register a class as a listener
$server->registerListener('first', $first);
// tell the server to catch the 'phone' message
$server->catchMessage('phone', 'first');

// prints 'Class Ided as "first" returned Phone : 555-1212'

// register another class as a listener
$server->registerListener('third', $third);
// tell the server to catch the 'phone' message
$server->catchMessage('phone', 'third');

// prints:
// Class Ided as "first" returned Phone : 555-1212
// Class Ided as "third" returned Phone : (303) 555-1212
   So, to summarize, the MsgServer class solves the communication issues that
   surround upgrading a package:
      Anonymous interaction through a well-defined API keeps the need for
      redundant modifications to a minimum
      Classes with new functionality can be swapped in and out without any
      modification to the original code in a program
      More listeners can be added to a message type with no modification,
      allowing unlimited scalability completely new code can be swapped in.
      For instance, a new CMS could be installed and work right off the bat
      with existing code written for the old CMS