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eZ Components - Configuration

.. contents:: Table of Contents


The Configuration component allows you to read settings from configuration
files. Those settings can come from any backend in theory, but currently there
are two reader classes: ezcConfigurationIniReader for reading plain
configuration files and ezcConfigurationArrayReader for reading parsed
configuration files in the form of a PHP array.

The Configuration component also allows you to modify settings in configuration
files and write those changes back to disk. There are two writer classes:
ezcConfigurationIniWriter for writing plain configuration files and
ezcConfigurationArrayWriter for writing parsed configuration files in the form
of a PHP array.

The format for the plain configuration files can be found in the section 
`File format`_.

Class overview

  This is the main class. It is responsible for calling the
  configured backends to read configuration data and return the settings to
  the application. It implements the singleton pattern and can be
  used in most situations where no special handling of configuration data is

ezcConfigurationIniReader and ezcConfigurationArrayReader
  Both classes inherit from ezcConfigurationFileReader and provide lower-level
  access to reading configuration files. They also provide a method for
  validating configuration files.

ezcConfigurationIniWriter and ezcConfigurationArrayWriter
  These classes write configuration files in formats that
  ezcConfigurationIniReader and ezcConfigurationArrayReader support.

  This is the basic class to query and modify configuration settings. Objects of
  this class are returned by ezcConfigurationFileReader::getConfig() and can be
  stored in files through the ezcConfigurationFileWriter::setConfig() method.

Basic usage

There are two basic ways to use Configuration. The first is through the
manager class ezcConfigurationManager. This is suitable for most applications
for retrieving configuration settings.

The second way is through the individual reader and writer classes themselves.
They provide you with more finegrained control over the settings.

Using the manager

In this first example you see how configuration settings stored in the file
"settings.ini" are accessed:

.. include:: tutorial_example_01.php

In line 4 and 5 we retrieve an instance of the ezcConfigurationManager class
and initialize the system with the init() method. The two arguments specify
which reader to use (ezcConfigurationIniReader) and where to find the configuration
information. The second argument is the location, and its meaning is dependent
on the reader class. 

In line 7 we retrieve the setting "password" from the settings group "db" in
the configuration named "settings". With
ezcConfigurationIniReader and ezcConfigurationArrayReader, the name of the
configuration corresponds to a specific file on disk.

Lines 10-11 and 13-14 show two different ways to receive a list of
settings. The first method returns an associative array, while the second
method returns a numerical indexed array that you can use with, for example, the
list() construct.

To return a setting, there is the ezcConfigurationManager::getSetting() method
and a number of additional methods. These alternative methods
also check whether the type of setting is correct. See, for example, the
ezcConfigurationManager::fetchArraySetting() description in the API

The ezcConfigurationManager::hasSetting() method can be used to find out
whether a specific setting exists and the
ezcConfigurationManager::hasSettings() method verifies whether all of the settings in
a specific list exist. It is recommended to use these
methods to see if a setting or list of settings exists before accessing them
with one of the get*Setting() methods. This will prevent errors and exceptions.

Using the reader classes directly

Instead of using the manager class, you can also retrieve the
configuration data directly with the reader classes. The following example
illustrates this:

.. include:: tutorial_example_02.php

In line 4, we instantiate an object of the ezcConfigurationIniReader class and
initialize it in line 5. It is also possible to initialize the reader directly
through the constructor but in that case you need to specify the full file name
to the configuration file. In this example, you could simply change the
classname to ezcConfigurationArrayReader, for example. Lines 7 to 12 show how
to use the validate() method to find out if your configuration file in in the correct
format. Line 14 retrieves the settings from the configuration file
and returns them as an ezcConfiguration object. You can then read
and modify the settings. (See the API documentation of
ezcConfiguration for the corresponding methods).

Writing configuration files

After modifying an ezcConfiguration object with the designated methods, there
are multiple classes to write the configuration object back to disk. In the
next example, we write an ezcConfiguration object stored in the variable $cfg to

.. include:: tutorial_example_03.php

In line 4 we instantiate the writer object, using
ezcConfigurationArrayWriter to write the configuration data as a PHP
structure. The component also provides a ezcConfigurationIniWriter class that
writes a file that ezcConfigurationIniReader can read. After initializing
the object in line 5, we use the save() method in line 6 to write the
configuration file.

File format

General information regarding configuration data

The configuration format consists of four elements:

- Groups allow you to group similar settings into one group and also
  allow you to have multiple settings with the same name but in different
  groups. This means that you don't have to prefix your settings with the group

- Settings contain values and are identified by names.

- Values can be of the following types: boolean, integers, floats,
  arrays and strings.

- Comments belong to either a group or a setting and can be added to
  describe what the group contains or what a setting controls.

Group and setting identifiers can only contain the characters a to z, A to Z, 0
to 9, underscore (_), dash (-) and dot (.). The case of settings are preserved,
but accessing them can be done with any case. This means that you cannot have two
identical settings identifiers that differ only in case.

The following are legal names::


The following are illegal names::

  A simple name
  -=A simple name=-
In addition, the group names may contain forward slashes (/), for instance::


Ini file format

This is the format that is written by the ezcConfigurationIniWriter class and
read by the ezcConfigurationIniReader class. The parser itself is located in
the ezcConfigurationIniParser class.

The parser will remove leading and trailing whitespace from group names,
settings and setting values. If you wish to keep whitespace in a string, it will
have to be quoted.

Comments are written using a # (hash) and must be placed at the start of the
line. The whitespace block before the comment text on all the lines will be
trimmed away while whitespace after this block is kept. Trailing whitespace is
also trimmed. For instance, the follow comments: ::

  # A simple comment  
  #  A simple comment
  #       A simple comment

will become: ::

  #A simple comment
  # A simple comment
  #      A simple comment

Multiple comment lines will be read as one comment with multiple lines. If
there are empty lines in between comments, they will be read as empty lines in
the comment itself::

  # A single line comment
  Setting = value

  # Multiple lines
  # for this
  # comment
  Setting = value

  # Multiple lines
  # with empty lines
  # for this comment
  Setting = value

  # Multiple lines
  # with empty lines
  # for this comment
  # Actually same as above
  Setting = value

Comments are always placed *in front* of the group or setting. A line
that only contains whitespace will be ignored.

Files are always encoded in UTF-8 format, meaning that they can contain Unicode
characters or plain ASCII without specific encoding.

Groups are defined by placing an identifier inside square brackets. Any setting
that is read after this will be placed as part of this
group. Settings without groups are not allowed and will cause an error to be
issued. The group name will have its leading and trailing whitespace trimmed
away: ::

  [Another group]
  [ Yet another group ]

Settings are defined by placing an identifier followed by an equal sign (=),
finally followed by the value. The setting identifier and corresponding value
must be on the same line, and cannot span multiple lines: ::

  Setting1 = Some example string
  Setting2 = 42

The values of settings are generally strings, with the exception of:

1. Booleans, which can be written as *true* or *false*. If you need a string
   that contains the text *true* or *false* it must be quoted: ::

     SystemEnabled = true
     LogErrors = false

2. Numbers, which are written using English locale and can be in the following

  - decimal::

      [1-9][0-9]* | [0]

      MaxSize = 400
      MinSize = 0

  - hexadecimal::


      BackgroundColor = 0xaabbcc
      TextColor = 0x0102FE

  - octal::


      Permission = 0666

  - float::

      LNUM          [0-9]+
      DNUM          ([0-9]*[\.]{LNUM}) | ({LNUM}[\.][0-9]*)
      EXPONENT_DNUM ( ({LNUM} | {DNUM}) [eE][+-]? {LNUM})

      Price = 10.4
      Seed = 10e5

3. An explicit string, which is enclosed in double quotes ("). All whitespace is
   kept inside the quotes and characters are read literally with the exception
   of escaped characters. The escaped characters are:

  a) *\\"* which will be replaced with the quote character (")::

       "This contains \"quote\" characters"

  b) *\\\\* which will be replaced with the backslash character (\\)::

       "This contains a backslash \\"

In addition, it is possible to define arrays in a second way by using square
brackets ([]) after the setting name and before the equal (=) character. This
will make the setting an array and the value is parsed as explained above.
In addition, the square brackets may be enclosed around a string, turning the
array into a hash (or associative array) with the text being used as the key. ::

  List[] = First string
  List[] = Second string
  List[] = 5
  Hash[abc] = 4
  Hash["def"] = 5

Array file format

The *Array* format can be written using the ezcConfigurationArrayWriter class
and read with the ezcConfigurationArrayReader class. The format is a simple
`var_export`_ of the contained settings, which will be parsed for reading by
PHP. The file contains an array with two
elements: one for the groups and settings and one for the comments.
The file could be as follows:

.. include:: examples/settings.php

The # element in line 25 contains the comment for the group 'db' (line 23).

.. _var_export:

Lazy initialization

Lazy initialization is a mechanism to load and configure a component, only 
when it is really used in your application. This mechanism saves time for 
parsing the classes and configuration, when the component is not used at all
during one request. You can find a description how you can use it for your 
own components and how it works in the `ezcBase tutorial`__. The keyword for
the configuration component is *ezcInitConfigurationManager*.

__ introduction_Base.html#lazy-initialization

.. include:: tutorial_lazy_initialization.php

This example shows reading the database password like the first example in
this chapter. The main difference is, that we roll out the configuration to an
own class, and define a callback using ezcBaseInit::setCallback to this class,
which will be called with the configuration manager instance on the first
request for a yet uninitialized configuration manager.

ezcBaseInit::setCallback accepts as a first parameter a component specific key,
which lets the component later request the right configuration callback. The
second parameter is the name of the class to perform the static callback on.
This class must implement the ezcBaseConfigurationInitializer class.
Each component's lazy initialization calls the static method configureObject()
on the referenced class.

When the configuration manager is really required in the application, like
shown in line 19 of the example, the configuration manager creates a new
instance, checks if a configuration callback is provided, and uses the custom
class to configure itself.

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