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Guide to Crawl's options

This document explains all of the options in the latest version of
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. If you get stuck or some things don't seem to
work properly, ask for help in ##crawl on freenode, or on the Crawl
forums at

The contents of this text are:

0-  Generalities.
0-a     Standard and additional option files.
0-b     Options on the command line.
0-c     Options and how to set them.
0-d     List options.
0-e     Aliases and variables.
1-  Starting Screen.
                name, remember_name, weapon, species, background,
                random_pick, good_random, restart_after_game,
                default_manual_training, autopickup_starting_ammo
2-  File System and Sound.
                crawl_dir, morgue_dir, save_dir, macro_dir, sound
3-  Interface.
3-a     Dropping and Picking up.
                autopickup, autopickup_exceptions, default_autopickup,
                autopickup_no_burden, pickup_thrown, chunks_autopickup,
                assign_item_slot, drop_mode, pickup_mode, drop_filter,
3-b     Targetting.
                default_target, target_unshifted_dirs, darken_beyond_range
3-c     Passive Sightings (detected and remembered entities).
                detected_monster_colour, detected_item_colour,
                remembered_monster_colour, clean_map
3-d     Branding (Item and Monster Highlighting).
                friend_brand, neutral_brand, stab_brand, may_stab_brand,
                heap_brand, feature_item_brand, trap_item_brand
3-e     Level Map Functions.
                level_map_cursor_step, level_map_title, show_waypoints
3-f     Viewport Display Options.
                view_max_width, view_max_height, view_lock_x,
                view_lock_y, view_lock, center_on_scroll,
                symmetric_scroll, scroll_margin_x, scroll_margin_y,
3-g     Travel and Exploration.
                travel_delay, explore_delay, rest_delay, travel_avoid_terrain,
                explore_greedy, explore_stop, explore_stop_pickup_ignore,
                explore_wall_bias, explore_improved, auto_sacrifice,
                travel_key_stop, tc_reachable, tc_dangerous, tc_disconnected,
                tc_excluded, tc_exclude_circle,
                runrest_ignore_message, runrest_stop_message,
                runrest_ignore_poison, runrest_ignore_monster,
                trapwalk_safe_hp, rest_wait_both, auto_exclude
3-h     Command Enhancements.
                auto_list, auto_switch, easy_open, easy_unequip,
                equip_unequip, easy_confirm, allow_self_target,
                confirm_butcher, easy_eat_chunks, auto_drop_chunks,
                prompt_for_swap, easy_quit_item_prompts,
                easy_exit_menu, sort_menus, spell_slot, autofight_stop,
                autofight_throw, autofight_throw_nomove, autofight_fire_stop
3-i     Message and Display Improvements.
                hp_warning, mp_warning, hp_colour, mp_colour, stat_colour,
                status_caption_colour, enemy_hp_colour, clear_messages,
                show_more, small_more, show_inventory_weights,
                show_newturn_mark, show_gold_turns, show_game_turns,
                mlist_min_height, msg_min_height, msg_max_height,
                messages_at_top, skill_focus,
                mlist_allow_alternate_layout, mlist_targetting,
                menu_colour, message_colour, force_more_message,
                msg_condense_repeats, msg_condense_short, show_travel_trail,
3-j     Missiles.
                fire_items_start, fire_order
3-k     Message Channels.
                plain, prompt, god, pray, duration, danger, food, warning,
                recovery, talk, talk_visual, intrinsic_gain, mutation,
                monster_spell, monster_enchant, friend_spell, friend_enchant,
                monster_damage, rotten_meat, equipment, floor, multiturn,
                examine, examine_filter, diagnostics, error, tutorial
3-l     Inscriptions.
                autoinscribe, autoinscribe_cursed
3-m     Macro related Options.
                flush.failure, flush.command, flush.message,
                additional_macro_file, bindkey
3-n     Tiles Options.
                tile_show_items, tile_skip_title, tile_menu_icons,
                tile_player_col, tile_monster_col, tile_neutral_col,
                tile_peaceful_col, tile_friendly_col, tile_plant_col,
                tile_item_col, tile_unseen_col, tile_floor_col,
                tile_wall_col, tile_mapped_wall_col, tile_door_col,
                tile_downstairs_col, tile_upstairs_col,
                tile_feature_col, tile_trap_col, tile_water_col,
                tile_lava_col, tile_excluded_col,
                tile_excl_centre_col, tile_update_rate,
                tile_runrest_rate, tile_key_repeat_delay,
                tile_tooltip_ms, tile_tag_pref, tile_full_screen,
                tile_window_width, tile_window_height,
                tile_map_pixels, tile_cell_pixels, tile_force_overlay,
                tile_font_crt_file, tile_font_stat_file,
                tile_font_msg_file, tile_font_tip_file,
                tile_font_lbl_file, tile_font_crt_size,
                tile_font_stat_size, tile_font_msg_size,
                tile_font_tip_size, tile_font_lbl_size,
                tile_font_ft_light, tile_show_minihealthbar,
                tile_show_minimagicbar, tile_show_demon_tier,
                tile_water_anim, tile_layout_priority,
4-  Character Dump.
4-a     Saving.
4-b     Items and Kills.
                kill_map, dump_kill_places, dump_kill_breakdowns,
                dump_item_origins, dump_item_origin_price, dump_message_count,
                dump_order, dump_book_spells
4-c     Notes.
                user_note_prefix, note_items, note_monsters,
                note_hp_percent, note_skill_levels, note_all_skill_levels,
                note_skill_max, note_xom_effects, note_messages,
5-  Miscellaneous.
5-a     All OS.
                mouse_input, wiz_mode, char_set, colour, cset, feature,
                mon_glyph, item_glyph, use_fake_player_cursor,

5-b     DOS and Windows.
5-c     Unix.
                background_colour, use_fake_cursor

6-  Lua.
6-a     Including lua files.
6-b     Executing inline lua.
6-c     Conditional options.
6-d     Conditional option caveats.


0-  Generalities on options.

0-a     Standard and additional option files.

Crawl uses the first file of the following list as its option file:
* settings/init.txt
* init.txt (in the Crawl directory)
* .crawlrc (in the Unix home directory)

Alternatively, you can use the command line option
    -rc <file>
which tells Crawl to use precisely that file.

On the starting screen, Crawl tells you which init file it uses, if any.

It is possible to include additional files within the options file via
    include = <file>
Note that these are treated as if their content was entered verbatim
in the options file. By default, Crawl searches for all these included
files in the settings/ directory but you can specify a special folder
using the command line option
    -rcdir <dir>

External option files have several uses: They allow quick customisation
of Crawl's general appearance (colouring/suppression of messages, and
the inventory style). More elaborate option magic (usually containing
lua) can also be conveniently hidden this way. Finally, there are some
additional option files coming with this release; these allow to set
many options to old defaults, i.e. those of Crawl 0.3.4 and before.
See the header of the default init.txt for more details.

0-b     Options on the command line.

A quick way to make small changes to the options, without having to
switch to a different option file, is to use the command line options
-extra-opt-first or -extra-opt-last, which make it as if the given
option was (respectively) at the top or bottom of the option file. For

    -extra-opt-last wiz_mode=yes

will cause any new game to start in wizard mode. -extra-opt-first and
-extra-opt-last can be used multiple times on the same command line.

0-c     Options and how to set them.

There are three broad types of Crawl options: true/false values
(booleans), arbitrary values, and lists of values. In this document,
options are usually described with their default values (if there is a
default); this should also explain which of the above-mentioned types
it is. Each option should have some remarks on how it's typically used
- but keep in mind that the options you want to use depend on your
playing style and sometimes also on your operating system.

The standard init.txt distributed with Crawl includes all boolean
options, commented out. The commented-out values are always the
_non-defaults_, so you can toggle boolean options by uncommenting

There are two styles you can use to set options. The classic
name=value syntax, one option per-line:
    remember_name  = true
    explore_greedy = false
    drop_mode      = multi

And the NetHack-style combined option line:
    OPTION = remember_name, !explore_greedy, drop_mode:multi

The second style is useful to specify simple options in a few lines,
but it cannot be used for options that take complex lists of values
(such as the autopickup_exceptions option).

Some options need a path as an argument; here you have to use a
filesystem path suitable for your system. Other options accept regular
expressions (regexes): here you can simply use ordinary strings, adapt
the suggested regexes to your needs or search the internet for regex

Note that, in the tutorial, some of your options settings may get
overwritten to facilitate the explanations. This concerns the
following options, and their enforced setting for tutorial games
are as follows:
   clear_messages      = true
   auto_list           = true
   weapon              = hand axe, for Berserkers
and, for Tiles,
   tile_tag_pref       = tutorial

0-d     List options.

A number of options can have a list of values. Most but not all of these
options allow setting multiple values in a single line, separated by commas.
It is possible to reset, add items to, or remove items from such an option.
   Add values to the end of the list (append):
      drop_filter += useless, enchant
   Add values to the beginning of the list (prepend):
      drop_filter ^= rotting
   Remove values from the list (exact match only):
      drop_filter -= enchant
   Reset the list:
      drop_filter = bad_item, dangerous_item
   Empty the list:
      drop_filter =

The "listopt = value" syntax first clears the list, then adds values. In
previous versions of Crawl it was a synonym for +=, and only bare
"listopt =" cleared the list.

For many options, such as drop_filter, there is effectively no difference
between appending and prepending. However, other options, such as
message_colour, do care about the order of items; these will be noted as
"Ordered list options" in their descriptions. In most cases, earlier items
take precedence over later ones, so += defers to existing matches (including
defaults) while ^= overrides them. So, for example, with the sequence of
   message_colour  = cyan:hits
   message_colour ^= red:crimson
   message_colour += yellow:killer
the message "The crimson imp hits you!" will be displayed in red, while "The
killer bee hits you!" will be displayed in cyan.

0-e     Aliases and variables.

For long option names, you can define option aliases by doing:
    alias := long_option_name
For instance, you can use:
    ae := autopickup_exceptions
and thereafter use "ae" instead of "autopickup_exceptions":
    ae += >uselessness, >inaccuracy

You can define shortcuts for option values (variables). For example,
    $useless := darkgrey
could be used in conjunction with
    menu_colour += $useless:random uselessness

To prevent a variable from being changed you can make it a constant:
    constant = useless

This is useful if you wish to prevent an included file from altering
a variable.

See settings/standard_colours.txt and settings/food_colouring.txt
for usage of aliases and variables.

1-  Starting Screen.

The following options are a convenience to help you quickly start your
game of Crawl.

name = Delilah
        If set, that's the name all your Crawl characters will get.

remember_name = true
        Crawl remembers the options (species, background etc.) you used
        to create your last character. You may recycle them in the
        starting screen for a new character. If this option is set to
        true, Crawl will also remember the last name you used.

        If you use this option and want to enter a name _after_
        choosing your species and background, you must enter . at the
        initial name prompt - hitting Enter at the name prompt will
        simply reuse your old name if remember_name is set.

weapon = (short sword | falchion | quarterstaff | hand axe | spear | mace
          | trident | unarmed | random | viable)
        Specifying the weapon option allows you to bypass the weapon
        selection screen. Tridents and falchions are restricted to only
        fighters and gladiators, quarterstaves are restricted to gladiators,
        and unarmed is restricted to races with claws. The standard weapon
        prompt will be shown if an illegal choice for the selected
        background is specified. The "viable" option makes a random choice
        from among the "good" weapons for the chosen character.

species = (Human |...| Vampire | random | viable)
        The usual abbreviations (Hu, HE, etc.) work. Because species and
        background selections from options are applied before player choices,
        "viable" is essentially the same as "random" unless the background
        option is also set.

background = (Fighter |...| Wanderer | random | viable)
        Here again the abbreviations (Fi, Wz, Pr, etc.) can be used. The same
        caveat applies to "viable": it is only really meaningful if the
        species option is also set.

random_pick = false
        The random_pick option will randomly generate a character.
        The above options (weapons and species/background options) will
        override where appropriate.

good_random = true
        Whenever random_pick is used, species or background are set
        random, or a remembered random choice is executed in the character
        selection, the game will only pick good (viable) combinations.

restart_after_game = true/false
        When a game ends, Crawl will return to the main menu if
        restart_after_game is set. This option is enabled by default
        for tiles builds and disabled by default for other builds.

default_manual_training = false
        When set to true, new characters will start with skill training
        set to manual mode instead of automatic mode.

autopickup_starting_ammo = true
        When set, at game start, autopickup is forced on (as per the \
        menu) for the player's starting ammunition type (including stones
        for Earth Elementalists). Even when this option is set, autopickup
        of those items can be disabled from the \ menu once the game has

2-  File System.

crawl_dir = <path>
        The path used for the relative paths when looking for other
        files. Defaults to the directory that contains the Crawl

morgue_dir = morgue
        Directory where morgue dumps files (morgue*.txt and
        morgue*.lst) as well as character dumps files are written.

save_dir = saves
        Directory where saves and bones are stored. This option may be
        ignored depending on the settings used to compile Crawl, but
        should be honoured for the official Crawl binaries.

macro_dir = settings/
        Directory for reading macro.txt.
        For tile games, wininit.txt will also be stored here.
        It should end with the path delimiter.

sound ^= <regex>:<path to sound file>, <regex>:<path>, ...
        (Ordered list option)
        Plays the sound file if a message contains regex. The regex
        should not include commas or colons. For example
             sound += LOW HITPOINT WARNING:sound\sounds2\danger3.wav
        Getting appropriate sound files may be difficult. Check other
        roguelikes or old computer RPGs. Alternatively, ask for help
        in the newsgroup

3-  Interface.

3-a     Picking up and Dropping.

autopickup = $?!+"/%
        The above is the default list. The valid symbols are
        )       Weapons
        (       Missiles
        [       Armour
        /       Wands
        %       Food
        ?       Scrolls
        " or =  Jewellery
        !       Potions
        + or :  Books
        |       Staves
        \       Rods
        0       Orbs
        }       Misc. items
        X       Corpses
        $       Gold
        Note that _whether_ items are picked up automatically or not, is
        controlled by the in-game toggle Ctrl-A. Also note that picking
        up takes a turn, but only one turn (regardless of the number of
        items). If you teleport or blink onto a square with interesting
        items, these will not be picked up.

autopickup_exceptions ^= <pickup-regex, >don't-pickup-regex, ...
        (Ordered list option)
        A set of regexes that force matching items to be picked up (if
        prefixed with <), or never picked up (if prefixed with >).
        Excludes (>) take precedence over includes (<), so if the same
        item is matched by both an exclude and an include, it will not
        be subject to autopickup.

        An example:
             autopickup_exceptions += <curare-tipped needle
        Forces autopickup to grab all curare-tipped needles, even if
        missiles are not set in the "autopickup" option.

        Whitespace between <> and the match expression is significant,
        so the following won't work:
             autopickup_exceptions += <   ebony casket

        autopickup_exceptions replace the older ban_pickup. Using
             autopickup_exceptions += >uselessness, >inaccuracy
        is the same as using
             ban_pickup += uselessness, inaccuracy

        If the regexes are not prefixed with < or >, > is implied, so
        the option setting above can also be written as
             autopickup_exceptions += uselessness, inaccuracy

        You can use multiple autopickup_exceptions lines. Some examples:
             autopickup_exceptions += inaccuracy, scrolls? of paper
             autopickup_exceptions += immolation, curse (armour|weapon)
             autopickup_exceptions += uselessness, noise, torment

        Unless you clear the list of exceptions, you won't need to set
        autopickup exceptions for potions except maybe for very special

default_autopickup = true
        When set to false, the game starts with autopickup turned off.
        You can still toggle autopickup in-game with Ctrl-A.

autopickup_no_burden = true
        When set, autopickup will not pick up items which would increase
        your burden status (from unencumbered to burdened, or from
        encumbered to overloaded.)

pickup_thrown = true
        pickup_thrown = true causes autopickup to pick up thrown/fired
        missiles, which can make life much easier for hunter types. Be
        aware that autopickup uses a turn, though it won't trigger if
        there are hostile monsters in sight.

chunks_autopickup = true
        If true then butchered flesh will be automatically picked up
        right after they're generated (and after switching back from
        the butchering weapon to the usual weapon, if necessary).
        Respects all of the autopickup options. Requires '%' to be
        in the autopickup line.
        Does not apply to Vampires who will pick up bottled potions
        of blood regardless of this option, and not pick up chunks.

assign_item_slot = (forward | backward)
        When picking up items, the inventory slot into which the item
        goes is normally the first free slot from a-zA-Z (this is the
        default "forward" behaviour). Setting assign_item_slot to
        "backward" changes the slot assignment to the first letter after
        the last slot.
        For instance, if you have items on 'a' and 'c', then with
          assign_item_slot = forward, the next item will go into 'b',
          assign_item_slot = backward, the next item will go to 'd'
        With "backward", items dropped/fired and picked up later are
        more likely to get their old slot back.

drop_mode = (multi | single)
        Single is the classic behaviour; when you select an inventory
        letter, that item will be dropped immediately. Multidrop allows
        you to select multiple items to be dropped. (You can also switch
        to multidrop from the classic drop menu using the '@' key).

        Multidrop is the default and can be very convenient, but be
        aware that every item dropped takes one turn. (This is different
        from picking up.)
        When selecting multidrops, the top right corner shows the
        estimated number of turns.

        The order in which items get dropped is from top to bottom in
        the inventory listing, but equipped items will be dropped last,
        and may be dropped out of order.

pickup_mode = (multi | single | auto:X)
        Single is the classical behaviour (and default): when picking up
        items, you are prompted for them one by one. Multi makes a menu
        appear, where you can choose which items to pick up. Note that
        no matter how many items you choose, picking up will always take
        one turn.
        If pickup_mode is auto:X, where X is some number (for example,
        auto:5), then pickup will give a menu if there are at least X
        items on your square, and will prompt one by one otherwise.

drop_filter += <regex>, <regex>, ...
        (List option)
        When selecting items using the global (de)select keys (',' or
        '-') in a multidrop menu, you can choose to select only items
        that match a search regex using this option.

        For instance, to quickly select carrion and rotting chunks of
        meat, you could use:
             drop_filter += skeleton, rotting, corpse
        Other choices can come in handy as well, e.g. if you want to
        regularly sacrifice all weapons except axes, use:
             drop_filter += axe, broadaxe

        drop_filter will match against the same keywords menu_colour uses,
        except that it lacks identification status and corpse/chunk
        information. It defaults to useless_item.

        When a drop_filter is set, using the select/deselect keys will
        set/clear selection of items that match the filter

default_friendly_pickup = (friend | player | none | all)
        Using an in-game toggle, you can control what types of items
        your allies will pick up:
             none   = They won't pick up anything at all.
                      (This is the old friendly pick up behaviour.)
             friend = They may pick up anything they or another ally
                      dropped, e.g. if another ally dies.
                      (This is the default setting.)
             player = Like 'friend', but they may also pick up anything
                      you've dropped or thrown.
             all    = They may pick up anything they want to have.
                      (This is how it works for hostile monsters.)

        This option controls which is the default setting for this toggle
        when you start a new game, or when you enter a level for the first

        Note that this only works for intelligent allies (such as you
        can get when worshipping Beogh or when summoning intelligent
        monsters), and that monsters have their own reasonings for which
        items they may need, and when they feel safe enough to pick them
        up. Except for "none", these options won't let you override these
        Also, friendly jellies won't ever eat any items, regardless of
        this option.

3-b     Targetting.

default_target = true
        If set to true (the default), targetting will start on either
        your previous target (if it is still visible) or the closest
        monster (if not) rather than on the character. If no monsters
        are in view, targetting will start on the character regardless.

        If default_target = false, the targetting cursor will always
        start aimed at the character.

        default_target is mutually exclusive with
        target_unshifted_dirs. Using default_target will automatically
        disable target_unshifted_dirs.

target_unshifted_dirs = false
        If set to true, targetting will use the old Stone Soup 0.1 /
        Crawl 4.0 targetting keymap where unshifted direction keys fire
        in that direction immediately. The default is to use the new
        targetting keymap where unshifted direction keys move the
        targetting cursor (and shifted directions fire in the given
        direction immediately).

        If you use target_unshifted_dirs, default_target will be
        automatically disabled.

darken_beyond_range = true
        If set to true, everything beyond range when targetting will be
        coloured grey. Setting this to false will also suppress the brief
        flash if there are no visible monsters within range, both for
        ASCII and the Tiles version.

3-c     Passive Sightings (detected or remembered entities).

detected_monster_colour = lightred
        Monsters found by detect creatures will be coloured this colour.

detected_item_colour = green
        Items found by detect items will be given this colour.

remembered_monster_colour = darkgrey
        The colour for monsters you have seen before. Note that the
        value of this option is meaningless if you set clean_map.

clean_map = false
        Cleans up out of sight monsters and clouds on the map. This is
        like pressing Ctrl-C (clearing both main screen and level map)
        all the time.
        Setting this to true can be disconcerting for summoners.

3-d     Branding (Item and monster highlighting).

Branding refers to displaying particular monsters (e.g. summons) or
items in a special way; special as in reversing fore- and background.
There are several branding choices (these will not work everywhere; it
depends on OS and terminal):
   standout         -- often the same as reverse, might be underline or
   bold             -- used by colour curses for brightening foreground
   blink            -- used by colour curses for brightening background
   reverse          -- this will probably work
   dim              -- probably no effect
   underline        -- this will probably work
   highlight:colour -- set background colour of branded monsters to
The last can be abbreviated to hi:colour.
See part DOS and Windows (5-b) for dos_use_background_intensity.

By default, only two of the item brands are active (and set to reverse):
   heap_brand, feature_item_brand
They can be deactivated by setting them to "none".

friend_brand = hi:green
        Brand friends in some way. This is very helpful for summoners. The
        default setting shows friends with a green background. If the friend is
        itself green, it'll show up as black on green.

neutral_brand = hi:lightgrey
        Brand neutral monsters in some way. Useful both to get out of
        a neutral monster's path, and to avoid accidentally killing it.
        The default setting shows neutrals with a dark grey background. Since
        there are no darkgrey monster glyphs anymore, this works fine.

stab_brand = hi:blue
        Some deities object to you stabbing monsters. Certain backgrounds
        specialise in stabbing monsters. Still other characters are
        happy if they spot a monster before the monster spots them. In
        all these cases, it helps to identify monsters that are unaware
        of the character (and hence susceptible to being stabbed) without
        using the 'x' command. All the normal 'brand' options apply.

may_stab_brand = hi:yellow
        Stabbing may be possible even if the monster is not asleep (if
        it's confused or distracted, for instance). This option brands
        monsters that you *might* be able to stab.

heap_brand = reverse
        Brand heaps of items (more than one item or stack).

feature_item_brand = reverse
        Brands features (stairs, shops, altars) that would otherwise be
        hidden by items. If you use this brand, the items on the square
        are hidden by the feature symbol and the feature symbol is

trap_item_brand = reverse
        Brands traps that would otherwise be hidden by items. If you
        use this brand, the items on the square are hidden by the trap
        symbol (^) and the trap symbol is branded.

3-e     Level Map Functions.

level_map_cursor_step = 7
        How many squares the cursor moves on the level map when using

level_map_title = true
        Whether to show the level name at the top of the level map

show_waypoints = true
        Whether to display a number on the level map to indicate
        waypoints (placed with the Ctrl-W command).

3-f     Viewport Display Options.

The viewport is the portion of the map that is displayed during normal
play. The viewport is 33x17 by default, but if you use larger terminal
sizes, you can set these options to make the game show a larger
viewport. (These options are not fully available on DOS.)

None of these options affects gameplay. In particular, your character's
line-of-sight is unaffected by these options.

view_max_width = 33 (max 81)
        Sets the maximum width of the viewport (defaults to 33).
        Making this larger will allow Crawl to show a wider viewport
        on larger terminals. This is ignored in tiles, the viewport will
        always use all the available space.

view_max_height = 21 (max 71)
        Similar to view_max_width, but sets the viewport's maximum height.
        In tiles, this value is used to set when space starts to be affected
        to the message area instead of the viewport. When the message area
        reaches msg_max_height, the remaining space goes to the viewport.
        If for performance reason you need a smaller viewport, either reduce
        the window size, or increase the message area.

* Note that using large viewports can slow the game down.

view_lock_x = true
        Keeps the player character centered horizontally in the
        viewport, continuously scrolling the viewport to match the
        PC's movements. If this is not set, the player character can
        move horizontally within the viewport, and the viewport will
        scroll only when the character's line-of-sight reaches the
        left or right edge.

view_lock_y = true
        Keeps the character centered vertically in the viewport.

view_lock = true
        Aliased option that sets both view_lock_x and view_lock_y.

center_on_scroll = false
        If this is set, the viewport centers on the player character
        whenever it scrolls (this option is irrelevant if view_lock_x
        and view_lock_y are set).

symmetric_scroll = true
        If this is set, the viewport will scroll in a manner consistent
        with the character movement that caused the scroll.

        To illustrate, let's say the PC is at the lower edge of the
        viewport, but is near the horizontal center. Now the PC moves
        diagonally down and right, forcing the viewport to scroll up
        one line. If symmetric_scroll is set, the viewport will also
        scroll left one column to match the PC's diagonal movement. If
        symmetric_scroll is not set, the viewport will only scroll up,
        not horizontally. symmetric_scroll can be less disorienting
        than free scrolling.

        This option is not relevant if view_lock or center_on_scroll
        are set.

scroll_margin_x = 2
        How far from the left or right edges scrolling starts. By
        default, if the PC's circle of line-of-sight is closer than
        two squares from the edge, the viewport scrolls. If set at
        zero, the viewport scrolls only when the LOS circle reaches
        the viewport edge.

scroll_margin_y = 2
        How far from the top or bottom edges scrolling starts.

scroll_margin = 2
        An aliased option that sets both scroll_margin_x and

3-g     Travel and Exploration.

travel_delay = 20 (defaults to -1 for online servers)
        How long travel waits after each move (milliseconds), and also
        how long auto-explore waits after each move unless explore_delay
        is set. Depends on platform. Setting to -1 will jump to end of
        travel - you will not see the individual moves.

explore_delay = -1
        How long auto-explore waits after each move (milliseconds). Depends on
        platform. In particular, setting travel_delay = -1 and
        explore_delay = 20 means you will see the invividual moves of
        autoexplore, but not the invidivual moves of other forms of travel.
        Setting to -1 means the auto-explore delay will be the same as

rest_delay = 0 (defaults to -1 for online servers)
        How long resting waits after each move (milliseconds). Depends on
        platform. Setting rest_delay = -1 will prevent the display updating
        during resting.

travel_avoid_terrain = (shallow water | deep water)
        Prevent travel from routing through shallow water. By default,
        this option is disabled. For merfolk and/or characters with
        permanent flight,
             travel_avoid_terrain = shallow water, deep water
        will prevent travel or explore from going through any water.
        This option is not a true list option; in particular, it is not
        possible to reset the option or to remove terrain types.

explore_greedy = true
        Greedy explore travels to items that are eligible for
        autopickup in addition to exploring the level, but is
        otherwise identical to regular explore. Explore greed is
        disabled if autopickup is off (Ctrl-A).

explore_stop  = items,stairs,shops,altars,portals,branches,runed_doors
explore_stop += greedy_pickup_smart,greedy_visited_item_stack
explore_stop += greedy_sacrificeable
        (List option)
        Explore will stop for one of these conditions. Whatever you
        set this option to, anything that stops travel will also stop

        The "branches" condition stops for branch entrances but not for
        other kinds of stairs or portals.

        NOTE: runrest_ignore_message has no effect on explore_stop.

        When using non-greedy explore, items causes explore to stop
        when any new item comes into view. When using greedy explore,
        the conditions act as follows:

        items: stop when items that aren't eligible for autopickup come
            into view.

        greedy_items: stop when items that are eligible for autopickup
            come into view.

        greedy_pickup: stop after you automatically pick up any item
            eligible for autopickup, excluding gold, but including
            items thrown/fired by the player. You can make certain items
            *not* trigger this with the option explore_stop_pickup_ignore

        greedy_pickup_gold: stop when automatically picking up gold during
            greedy explore.

        greedy_pickup_smart: Similar to greedy_pickup, but tries to be
            smart about it, meaning only stopping for items which aren't
            similar to any you already have in your inventory. It
            doesn't stop for automatically picking up items which were
            thrown/fired by the player; you can add "greedy_pickup_thrown"
            if you want to stop for those.

        greedy_pickup_thrown: Stops after you pick up any item you've
            thrown/fired. greedy_pickup automatically does this, but
            greedy_pickup_smart does not. explore_stop_pickup_ignore
            does not affect this condition.

        greedy_visited_item_stack: Stop when visiting a stack of items
            previously unknown to the player, even if the stack contains
            nothing eligible for autopickup.

        greedy_sacrificeable: Visit and stop at stacks containing items which
            can be sacrificed to your god.

        glowing_items: like items, but only for items which are

        artefacts: like items, but only for artefacts.

        runes: like items, but only for runes.

explore_stop_pickup_ignore += <regex>, <regex>, ...
        (List option)
        If explore_stop has greedy_pickup or greedy_pickup_smart set,
        then picking up any items matching any of the regexes in the list
        will *not* stop auto-explore.

        This option has no effect on items which were thrown by the player.

explore_wall_bias = 0
        Adjusts how much autoexplore favours attempting to discover room
        perimeters and corners. At higher values, autoexplore will more
        heavily favour visiting squares that are next to walls; at 0 it
        will not favour them at all.

explore_improved = false
        If set to true explore will attempt to reduce zig-zagging during
        auto-explore. On average it increases the number of turns taken
        by about 0.9%, sometimes actually speeding it up slightly and
        sometimes increasing the turns taken by up to 5%, with
        pathological cases causing a 13% increase.

auto_sacrifice = false
       If set to true, eligible items will be automatically sacrificed during
       When set to "before_explore", if you are standing on items which can be
       sacrificed when you start auto-explore, they will be automatically
       When set to "prompt", you will have a confirmation prompt before the
       items are sacrificed.
       When set to "prompt_ignore", items will not be automatically sacrificed,
       but you will be reminded and asked whether to ignore them if you attempt
       to continue exploring without sacrificing.

       This option has no effect when explore_stop doesn't include

travel_key_stop = true
        If set to true then travel will stop at any keypress.

tc_reachable      = blue
tc_dangerous      = cyan
tc_disconnected   = darkgrey
tc_excluded       = lightmagenta
tc_exclude_circle = red
        The above five settle the colouring of the level map ('X').
        They are
          reachable: all squares safely reachable (without leaving the
          dangerous: squares which are only connected to you via traps,
          disconnected: squares which cannot be reached without leaving
                        the level
          excluded: the colour for the centre of travel exclusions ('e')
          excluded_circle: the colour for travel exclusions apart from

runrest_ignore_message += <regex>, <regex>, ...
runrest_stop_message += <regex>, <regex>, ...
        (List option)
        Use these to force messages to interrupt travel and resting, or
        not. These are matched against full message text. To limit a
        substring match to a message channel, prefix the substring with
        the channel name and a colon (see section 3-k below on Message
        Channels). For instance, if you want travel to stop when you're
        hit by divine retribution, you could use:
             runrest_stop_message += god:wrath finds you
        Or to remind yourself to renew expiring spells:
             runrest_stop_message += Your transformation is almost over
             runrest_stop_message += You are starting to lose your buoyancy
        Or you can explicitly ignore some messages:
             runrest_ignore_message += offer a prayer,prayer is over
             runrest_ignore_message += pleased with you,exalted

        Note that monster talk and dungeon noises already do not
        interrupt running or resting, by default.

        Multiple lines can be used. The earliest match among both
        ignore and stop messages overrides later lines. The file
        runrest_messages.txt contains a number of default settings.

        Resetting either option has the effect of resetting both.

        Note also that runrest_ignore_message has no effect on what
        explore_stop stops for.

runrest_ignore_poison = <poison damage>:<minimum hp>
        Poison damage of x will be ignored if you have at least y hp if
        you've defined a runrest_ignore_poison = x:y option. Running here
        means shift-running and resting only. Only one runrest_ignore_poison
        line is considered. Note that for this work, you should also tell
        Crawl to ignore the "You feel sick" messages. For example,
             runrest_ignore_message ^= You feel.*sick
             runrest_ignore_poison = 4:100

runrest_ignore_monster ^= <regex>:<distance>, <regex>:<distance>, ...
        (Ordered list option)
        Any monster matching the regular expression will only interrupt your
        activity if the distance between you and the monster is less than the
        specified number. E.g. with
             runrest_ignore_monster ^= fish:3
        all of big fish, jellyfish, giant goldfish and lavafish will be
        considered safe for travel, explore and resting as long as the
        distance is at least 3. If a monster matches multiple expressions,
        its distance is compared with the first match.

trapwalk_safe_hp = <trap_name>:<minimum_hp>, ...
        Any square containing one of the listed trap types will be
        considered safe for travel if your hp is greater than or
        equal to the number connected to the trap in question.
        Note that this is not a list option: setting this option always
        overrides any previous setting.

        All the existing trap types can be used, but in practice only
        the mechanical traps (dart, bolt, arrow, needle, spear, blade)
        make sense. Note that travel tries to avoid traps if this is
        easily possible. Defaults to none. For example,
              trapwalk_safe_hp = dart:15, needle:25, spear:50

rest_wait_both = false
        If rest_wait_both is set to true then resting will only stop
        when both HP and MP are fully restored, not when either one of
        them is restored.

auto_exclude += <monster name>, <monster name>, ...
        (List option)
        Whenever you encounter a sleeping or stationary monster during
        exploration that is included in this list, automatically a
        travel exclusion is set centered on this monster, meaning
        autoexplore won't ever bring you in its line of sight. If the
        monster dies or wakes up while you are in sight, this exclusion
        is automatically removed again.

3-h     Command Enhancements.

auto_list = true
        When set (the default), the appropriate inventory items are
        automatically listed for commands like eat and read. This is
        like immediately hitting '?', and can be confusing to beginners
        because they won't get to see the prompts. This option does not
        apply to spell casting... Conjurers would probably find that
        really annoying.

auto_switch = false
        If you've got a melee weapon in slot a and a ranged weapon in
        slot b (or the opposite), this option will allow you to
        automatically switch to the appropriate weapon when firing or
        attacking in melee.

easy_open = true
        Open doors by moving on to them. Highly convenient. Note that
        travel and exploration will automatically open doors depending
        on this option.

easy_unequip = true
        Allows auto removal of armour and jewellery when dropping it.

equip_unequip = false
        If this is true, 'W'ear will also allow you to 'T'ake off worn
        armour, and vice versa, and the same is true for 'P'utting on/
        'R'emoving jewellery.

easy_confirm = (none | safe | all)
        Make confirmation questions easier to answer:
           none = force capitals on Y/N questions
           safe = force only on dangerous questions (default)
            all = never force capitals
        WARNING TO KEYPAD USERS: The number 7 is mapped to the letter
        'y', which can result in accidentally answering yes to

allow_self_target = (yes | no | prompt)
        Allow targetting yourself with risky magic (e.g., the spell
        Bolt of Fire or a wand of slowing.)
        When set to 'yes', you are a valid target. When set to 'no',
        you cannot target yourself with such spells. When set to
        'prompt' (the default), you will be required to confirm
        self-targetting. This option has no effect on area-effect
        spells, such as Mephitic Cloud, where you are always a valid target.

confirm_butcher = (always | never | auto)
        If auto (default) you will be prompted for which corpses to butcher if
        there are multiple corpses on the square, and not prompted otherwise.
        If never, you will automatically butcher the first available corpse,
        even if there are multiple corpses on the square. If always, you will
        be prompted before butchering any number of corpses.

easy_eat_chunks = false
        If this is set to true then when using the (e)at command, the
        game will automatically determine the oldest chunk that is safe
        to eat, and eat it without prompting.
        You will always be prompted to eat harmful chunks.
        Note that this option is ignored for each of the undead species.

auto_eat_chunks = false
        Setting this option to true will allow you to automatically eat a chunk
        if you get hungry while you are travelling, auto-exploring or resting.

auto_drop_chunks = (never | rotten | yes)
        If you try to pick something up but cannot due to burden, this
        option will try dropping useless chunks to make room. Normally,
        dropping chunks is a waste of time (as the problem will soon rot
        away) so this is done only at pick up time. If set to "rotten", only
        spoiled chunks will be considered useless, and only if you are not
        a saprovore. If fully enabled, chunks that would spoil before you
        would need them will be dropped as well, ordered by quality and age.

prompt_for_swap = true
        If true, then if an auto-switch butchery is interrupted by a
        hostile monster, the game will ask if you wish to switch back to
        your weapon. It will also prompt you if after butchery is interupted
        you teleport or change levels and find yourself near hostile monsters.

easy_quit_item_prompts = true
        Setting this option to true allows the quitting of item listing
        with Space (as well as Escape, which always works). These lists
        are essentially all of those that are requesting an inventory
        item and accept '?' and '*'. The identify list will never easy

easy_exit_menu = false
        In multidrop (and pickup) menus, paging past the end will drop
        out of the menu if easy_exit_menu is true.

sort_menus = [menu:](true | false | auto:X)[:sort_order]
        Controls if and how items are sorted in inventory and pickup

        When sort_menus = false (the default), items are not sorted, and
        will be ordered by inventory letter (or in the order they're
        stacked for items on the floor).

        When sort_menus = true, items are sorted according to the specified
        sort_order, with the default being:
             equipped, basename, qualname, curse, qty

        If sort_menus = auto:X, items are sorted if there are at least
        X items in the same category. For instance:
             sort_menus = auto:5
        will sort item classes that have at least 5 items. For instance,
        having 4 kinds of potions would not sort them, but having 5

        You can explicitly specify sort criteria in the sort_menus
        option as:
             sort_menus = true : art, basename, qualname, curse, qty

        Two items will be compared based on the first sort criteria
        where they differ. So with the sort_menus line given above,
        if only one of two different items is a known artefact, it will be
        listed first, else (if both or neither are artefacts) if their
        basenames are different they will be alphabetically compared using
        their basenames; if the basenames are the same but the qualified
        names are different it will compare their qualified names, and so

        The available sort criteria are:

        * basename:
          This is the name of the item type. The basename for all of
          "a +0 robe", "an embroidered robe" and "the cursed +2 robe of
          Ponies" is just "robe". The basename for both of "a brass
          ring" and "a ring of fire resistance" are "ring".

        * qualname:
          The name of the item without articles (a/an/the), quantities,
          enchantments, or curse-status. The qualified names for the
          robes described above are "robe", "embroidered robe" and "robe
          of Ponies", respectively. The qualified names for the rings
          described above are "brass ring" and "ring of fire
          resistance", respectively.

        * fullname:
          This is the name of the item as displayed in menus (including
          (quantities, curse-status, etc.)

        * curse:
          Curse-status of the item (if known). Uncursed items show up

        * equipped:
          Equipped items show up first.

        * art:
          Identified artefacts show up first.

        * ego:
          Identified ego items show up first.

        * glowing:
          Unidentified glowing/shiny/runed/etc items show up first.

        * identified:
          Identified items show up before unidentified ones of the
          same type. An item is regarded as identified once you know
          its subtype or ego.

        * qty:
          The quantity for stackable items (such as scrolls, potions,

        * slot:
          The inventory letter for items in inventory; irrelevant for
          items on the floor.

        * freshness:
          The freshness of chunks of meat; irrelevant for everything
          else. It makes the oldest chunks of meat show up first, with
          rotting chunks listed last for non-Saprovores.
          If this sort criteria is placed before (or in the absence of)
          basename and qualname, then non-chunk food items will be
          sorted between the non-rotting and rotting chunks.

        * charged:
          Makes wands known or assumed to have some charges left appear
          before wands known to be empty; irrelevant for all other item

        You can ask for a descending order sort by prefixing one or more
        sort criteria with > as:
             sort_menus = true : basename, >qty

        You can also request sorting only for specific menus:
             sort_menus = pickup: true
             sort_menus = inv: true
        (Menu types must be specified as name:, with no space between
        name and colon.)

        By default only pickup menus are sorted, and the sort criteria are:
             "equipped, basename, qualname, curse, qty".
        All other menus (drop, inv) will be sorted by inventory letter.

        The menu selectors available are:

        pickup: All pickup menus, stash-search menus, etc. for items not
                in your inventory.
        drop:   The item drop menu.
        inv:    Inventory listings for any command (but not for dropping
        any:    All menus; this is the default when unspecified.

        For example,
             sort_menus = true : equipped, basename, qualname, curse, qty
        will produce the same inventory and drop menus as by default,
        with the exception that all worn/wielded items come first. This
        can be convenient if you use the '.' command to select
        subsequent items.
        If you define sort_menus differently for two or more selectors,
        the last one matching will always take precedence, i.e. "any"
        as last setting would override any of the others.

spell_slot ^= <regex>:<list of spell letters>
        (Ordered list option, one value per line)
        When you memorise any spell that matches the regex, it will
        assign itself to the first available letter in the list. (If
        all letters in the list are occupied for each regex the spell
        matches, it will use the default ordering abc...xyzABC..XYZ.)
        If a spell matches multiple expressions, only the first is

        * if you want Haste to be placed on H:
            spell_slot ^= Haste:H
        * if you want Deflect Missiles to be placed on r normally or R if
          r is unavailable:
            spell_slot ^= Deflect:rR
        * if you want to change the default spell slot assignment
          to use capital letters: (place this after all other
          spell_slot lines):
            spell_slot += .*:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

autofight_stop = 30
        Autofight will not act if your HP is at or lower than this
        percentage of your max HP. For example, to remove this stop
        you would want:
            autofight_stop = 0

autofight_throw = false
        If your quiver contains a throwable item, autofight will throw it
        at enemies out of melee range. Without this option, only a wielded
        launcher (a bow, crossbow, sling or blowgun) will be considered.

autofight_throw_nomove = true
        This works same as above, except that only for ===hit_adjacent
        rather than ===hit_closest; this is usually bound to shift-Tab.

autofight_fire_stop = false
        When firing missiles or throwing objects using autofight, if this
        option is true, shots will stop at the target (like "f.") rather than
        continuing past. Note that this setting may be decidedly suboptimal
        for missiles of penetration.

3-i     Messages and Display Enhancements.

hp_warning = 10
        hp_warning gives "* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *" on the
        danger channel when the player takes damage and their hitpoints
        are less than this percentage of their maximum (use 0 to turn
        off these messages).

mp_warning = 0
        mp_warning gives "* * * LOW MAGIC WARNING * * *" on the danger
        channel when the player's magic points drop below this
        percentage of their maximum (use 0 to turn off these messages).

hp_colour = 50:yellow, 25:red
        (List option)
        hp_colour colours your Health appropriately in the status
        display. In the default setting, your health will appear in
        red if at less than 25%, yellow if at less than 50%, and in
        the default colour otherwise.

mp_colour = 50:yellow, 25:red
        (List option)
        mp_colour does to Magic what hp_colour does to Health.

stat_colour = 1:lightred, 3:red
        (List option)
        stat_colour colours your stats if they drop below a given value,
        in the order of their definition. This check takes place before
        the ones for e.g. Might or degeneration.
        For normal grey colouring, set it to
           stat_colour = 7

status_caption_colour = brown
        Sets the colour that is used to display the captions in the status
        area (for instance the "Health:" in "Health: 10/10").

enemy_hp_colour = green green brown brown magenta red lightgrey
        Colours enemy health appropriately in the monster pane. The
        colourings correspond to full health, lightly wounded, moderately
        wounded, heavily wounded, severely wounded, almost dead, and
        undead (or otherwise unable to be determined).

clear_messages = false
        Setting this option to true will cause messages to cleared
        between player actions (default is false which will delay the
        clearing of messages until the message space is full).

show_more = true
        Setting this option to false will cause the game not to prompt
        if more than a window-full of messages are output at once. This
        option has no effect if clear_messages is set.

small_more = false
        With small_more = false (default), the --more-- prompt is on a
        separate line at the bottom of the message window. With
        small_more = true, it is just the bottom left character if
        clear_messages is not set.

show_inventory_weights = false
        When this is set to true, inventory listings will mention the
        weight of each item.
        Note: This option doesn't currently work for Tiles unless you use
              tile_menu_icons = false.

show_newturn_mark = true
        When set to false, this option disable the underscore (_) displayed in
        front of the first line of a turn.

show_gold_turns = true
        If set to false, this option hides the extra line in the stat area
        which displays the current gold and turn counters. In Tiles, this
        option is ignored. Use the tile_layout_priority option instead.

show_game_turns = true
        By default, the turn counter in the stat area displays game turns, which
        means absolute turns of constant duration. Most actions take one turn,
        but some are quicker (putting a ring, wielding a weapon, ...) and
        others are slower (ending a transformation, changing armour,...). The
        duration of the last action is displayed in parenthesis, after the turn
        When set to false, the turn counter will display player turns instead,
        which is the number of actions done, regardless of their duration. It
        is this turn count which is used for scoring (and this turn count is
        always visible on the % overview screen).

item_stack_summary_minimum = 5
        If you step over a stack with this number or more of items in
        it, the first description line will contain a summary of all the
        items in the stack (up to 50 items), in a format which looks
        like this:
          Items here: !! """ % ( )))))) [[[
        Known artefacts will be coloured in yellow; glowing or runed
        items will be in white, unless you already know that they are
        not ego items.

mlist_min_height = 4
        If there is extra space available for the message area and
        monster list, the monster list will expand to this height
        before letting the message area get more.
        (Note that the monster list is only available for ASCII.)

msg_min_height = 7
        You can reduce this to give more space to the map display. The
        minimum value is 5.

msg_max_height = 10
        In console, if there is extra space available after the monster list
        has expanded, the message area will expand up to this height.
        The monster list will get the rest.
        In tiles, control the maximum size of the message area. The viewport
        will get the rest.

messages_at_top = false
        Put the message window at the top of the screen. This moves
        the last message close to the center of the view when not
        using clear_messages=true.

mlist_allow_alternate_layout = false
        Display the monster list wherever Crawl may find space on
        your console display, usually to the left of the map, rather
        than using the fixed position below the stat area.
        This option is not supported in the tiles build.

mlist_targetting = false
        Using the monster list you can directly target monsters in
        targetting mode. There's a toggle that allows you to turn this
        feature on and off. This option controls the initial setting
        at game start or reload.

menu_colour ^= <match>:<colour>:<regex>, <colour>:<regex>, ...
        (Ordered list option)
        This prints a line (of the inventory, a menu, or the discoveries
        screen) containing regex in the stated colour. There can be
        several statements in a list, and also several menu_colour
        lines. When using several menu_colour lines, the colour of the
        _first_ matching regex is applied. For a list of colours, check
        the colour option in 5-a.

        The match specifies which listings are affected by the
        colouring. If you specify 'any', or completely skip the <match>:
        part, then all listings are used. Possible values for match are:
           ability       (the A screen)
           description   (the \ screen)
           equip         (the [, (, ), " screens)
           help          (the manual)
           inventory     (inventory and pickup menus)
           pickup        (specific to pickup menus)
           shop          (shop menus)
           notes         (the ?: screen)
           resists       (the % screen)
           spell         (the Z and I screens)
           stash         (the results from Ctrl-F)

        Crawl has a couple of prefixes defined to make inventory colouring
        easier. These are, in order of definition:
           identified      (The item is fully identified.)
           known           (You recognize the item's subtype.)
           unidentified    (You don't recognize the item's subtype.)

        Items are also prefixed with their base type (armour, weapon, wand,

        The following only apply to items whose subtype is known.
           forbidden       (Your god would hate it if you used this item.)

           emergency_item  (This item is invaluable in emergencies.)
           good_item       (This item is generally a good item.)
           dangerous_item  (Using this item can be dangerous.)
           bad_item        (This item is generally a bad item.)
           useless_item    (This item is of no use to you.)

           inedible        (You cannot eat this, or get no nutrition from it.)
           preferred       (The food type your character prefers, for example
                            for herbivores/carnivores.)
           poisonous       (Chunks/corpses that are poisonous)
           mutagenic       (Chunks/corpses that are mutagenic)
           contaminated    (Chunks/corpses that may cause sickness, but
                            ignored for Kobolds, Ogres, Trolls, and Ghouls.)
           rot-inducing    (Chunks/corpses that cause rotting.)

           equipped        (Equipped items.)
           artefact        (For artefacts, whether identified or not.)

        When looking for menu_colour matches, these prefixes are prepended to
        the actual item name, e.g. in the form of
           identified forbidden wand of draining (4)
           unidentified equipped artefact sparkling ring (left hand)

        The same prefixes can also be used for highlighting prompts pertaining
        to items matching the description, or to define autopickup_exceptions.

        If you want to colour all items that contain a certain prefix, use
          menu_colour ^= lightgreen:poisonous

        To colour worn stuff and highlight cursed items (except where other,
        presumably more important, message colours match), use
          menu_colour += inventory:lightred:equipped.* cursed
          menu_colour += inventory:green:equipped
          menu_colour += inventory:red: cursed

        To colour identified artefacts, try
          menu_colour ^= inventory:white:( [-+] the)
          menu_colour ^= inventory:white:identified.*artefact

        If you frequently die because you forget to use emergency items,
          menu_colour ^= inventory:cyan:emergency_item
          menu_colour ^= inventory:lightcyan:wand of (fire|cold|draining)

        If you'd like to see rotting chunks and corpses at a glance, use
          menu_colour ^= inventory:red: rotting

        menu_colour can also be applied to colour the in-game notes (to
        be read with '?:'). The following line will show level ups in
          menu_colour ^= notes:white:Reached XP level

message_colour ^= <colour>:<channel>:<regex>, <colour>:<regex>, ...
        (Ordered list option)
        message_colour allows you to override colours for individual
        messages. For instance, if you find the low hp warning to be
        insufficiently attention grabbing, you could do something like
             message_colour += yellow:LOW HITPOINT WARNING
        You can also narrow the message match to a specific channel:
             message_colour += lightred:god:xom
        If you don't want to see a message at all, you can mute it:
             message_colour += mute:You start resting

force_more_message += <regex>, <regex>
        (List option)
        Any message that contains a regex specified here, will enforce a
        -More- prompt, so it can be used to highlight really important
        The syntax is identical to that of runrest_ignore_message (3-g).

msg_condense_repeats = true
        If the same message is repeated multiple times during the same
        turn, then it will be output in a condensed format indicating
        how many times it was repeated. If the same output (including the
        counter) is repeated over several turns, the Show Previous Message
        command (Ctrl-P) will likewise condense them into one. For example:
            The killer bee misses you. x5

msg_condense_short = true
        If set, short messages on the same channel don't all start a new

show_travel_trail = false
        When set to true, the path taken during autoexplore or travel
        will be highlighted. If a travel trail is currently being displayed,
        the Clear Map command (Ctrl-C) clears the trail instead of the map
        (pressing it a second time then clears the map as usual).

skill_focus = true
        When set to true, skills cycle between disabled, enabled and focus in
        the skill screen. When set to false, they only toggle between enabled
        and disabled. Setting the option to "toggle" adds a toggle to the skill
        screen to change the behaviour in-game.

monster_list_colour += <key>:<colour>, <key>:<colour>
monster_list_colour -= <key>
        (List option)
        Change the colours used to display monster names in the monster list.
        Valid keys, and their default colours, are:

           Monster attitudes:
             friendly       - green
             neutral        - brown ("indifferent")
             good_neutral   - brown ("peaceful")
             strict_neutral - brown ("fellow slime")

           Threat levels for hostile monsters:
             trivial        - darkgrey
             easy           - lightgrey
             tough          - yellow
             nasty          - lightred

         Removing a key with -= currently has the same effect as setting its
         colour to lightgrey.

         Note that, for TSO worshippers, monsters whom it is forbidden to
         attack will appear in the "evil colour" (magenta by default)
         regardless of this option.

3-j     Missiles.

fire_items_start = a
        Sets the first inventory item to consider when selecting
        missiles to fire. The default is a.

fire_order  = launcher, return
fire_order += javelin / dart / stone / rock / spear / net / handaxe / dagger
fire_order += inscribed
        (Ordered list option)
        Controls the order of items autoselected for firing. Items
        should be separated by commas and items that appear first get
        higher priority.

        Items in any position may be slash-separated to indicate that
        these are of equal priority. If this is the case, the first item
        in your inventory that fits one of these will be picked for

        'launcher' refers to firing the appropriate missile for the
        wielded weapon (i.e. crossbow, bow, sling, blowgun). You'll almost
        certainly want it first, as it'll be ignored when you're not
        wielding a ranged weapon. 'return' refers to (identified)
        weapons of returning.

        'inscribed' refers to any item with the "+f" inscription. See
        the "Inscriptions" section of Crawl's manual for more information
        about inscriptions.

(See also pickup_thrown in 3-a.)

3-k     Message Channels.

Crawl communicates to the players with its message window. Every message
belongs to one of the so-called channels. The behaviour of each channel
can be changed with the option

     channel.CHANNEL_NAME = (COLOUR | mute | default | on | off | plain)

CHANNEL_NAME can currently be one of these:
   plain           = regular text (and things "uncoloured")
   prompt          = input prompts to the player
   god             = messages from the gods
   pray            = standard praying messages (start/end of prayer)
   duration        = messages about character spells/effects wearing off
   danger          = serious threats to the character's existence
   food            = warnings about food
   warning         = various other warnings
   recovery        = recovery from disease/stat loss/poison conditions
   talk            = monsters talking
   talk_visual     = monster performing some action that the player sees
   timed_portal    = portal timeout messages
   sound           = other sounds
   intrinsic_gain  = level/stat/species power gains
   mutation        = gain/lose mutations
   monster_spell   = messages about monsters gesturing or casting spells
   monster_enchant = messages pertaining to monster enchantments
   friend_spell    = as monster_spell, but only for friendly monsters
   friend_enchant  = as monster_enchant, but only for friendly monsters
   friend_action   = other actions by friendly monsters
   monster_damage  = messages telling how damaged a monster is
   monster_target  = messages marking the monster as a target (unused)
   banishment      = messages about banishing and being banished to the Abyss
   rotten_meat     = messages about chunks/corpses becoming rotten
   equipment       = messages indicating worn/wielded equipment
   floor           = messages when looking at or walking over a floor item
   multiturn       = indicates long actions (wearing armour, dissecting etc.)
   examine         = messages from examining your surroundings
   examine_filter  = boring messages from examining your surroundings
   diagnostics     = debugging messages
   error           = error messages
   tutorial        = messages from the tutorial
   orb             = messages about the Orb of Zot
   hell_effect     = messages about environmental effects of the Hells

The channel options are
   mute      = show no messages from channel (dangerous, be careful!)
   default   = turn channel on to its default scheme
   alternate = turn channel on to its alternate "colourful" scheme
   on        = same as default
   plain     = make channel the same colour as the "plain" channel
               (won't do anything silly like "mute" if plain == mute,
   off       = same as plain

COLOUR can be any of the colours described in section 5-a (colour option).

The only multi-colour channels currently are monster_damage and god. All
other channels are defaulted to on.

3-l     Inscriptions.

See the "Inscriptions" section of the crawl manual for more information
about inscriptions.

autoinscribe += <regex>:<inscription>
        (Ordered list option, one value per line)
        Any item whose description contains the regex will be automatically
        inscribed (if autopickup is toggled on).

        For example, it can be used to avoid accidentally using charges of
        important wands, as in
             autoinscribe += wand of heal wounds:!V

        The menu colour prefixes (forbidden etc.) can also be used here.
        For example:
             autoinscribe += (bad|dangerous)_item.*scroll:!r
        will prevent accidentally reading any identified bad or
        potentially dangerous scrolls.

        Unlike most ordered list options, multiple matching entries all have
        an effect: the order only determines the order of the inscriptions.

autoinscribe_cursed = true
        Automatically inscribes items with "was cursed" when using a scroll of
        remove curse.

show_god_gift = unident|yes|no
        Appends {god gift} to items that originated as one. If set to
        "unident", items will lose this tag once their properties are
        fully known. Regardless of this setting, you can see the item's
        origin in its description.

3-m     Macro related Options.

flush.failure = true
flush.command = false
flush.message = false
        These are useful when using macros. Setting one of these
        sub-options to true will cause the entire input buffer to be
        dumped and thus effectively stop the macro. The sub-options
        currently are
           failure -- when spells/abilities get miscast
           command -- whenever the game is about to get the next command
           message -- whenever the game outputs a non-mute message

additional_macro_file = path/to/filename
        Add an additional macro file to be loaded after macro.txt.
        You can have multiple additional_macro_file lines.

bindkey = [^D] CMD_BUTCHER
        Change which key invokes which command at a lower level of
        operation than macros. Useful in that macros cannot (yet)
        invoke each other, but a macro can invoke a command whose
        key has changed.
        The syntax is always the same: [key] command
        First, in square brackets, list the key you want to use, with
        ^X meaning Ctrl-X. After that name the command to be bound to
        that key. You can bind several commands to the same key, as long
        as they take effect in different areas of the game, i.e. one
        targetting command and one for the main game. Likewise, you can
        bind the same command to different keys.
        For a full list of possible commands, see keybind.txt.

3-n     Tiles Options.
In non-tile games the tile options are ignored.

tile_show_items = <glyphs>
        This option controls the order of items in the tiles
        inventory. By default, its value is: !?/%=([)X}:|\
        Items with glyphs not in the list will be shown last.

tile_skip_title = false
        When this is set to true, you won't be prompted for a key at the title
        screen when the game has finished loading and will be taken directly to
        the starting menu.

tile_menu_icons = true
        Causes inventory menus and a few other ones to include tiled icons
        and the menus to be displayed in up to two columns to make up for
        the reduction of space.
        If you would rather have the plain menus set this option to false.

tile_player_col      = white
tile_monster_col     = red
tile_neutral_col     = red
tile_peaceful_col    = lightred
tile_friendly_col    = lightred
tile_plant_col       = darkgreen
tile_item_col        = green
tile_unseen_col      = black
tile_floor_col       = lightgrey
tile_wall_col        = darkgrey
tile_mapped_wall_col = blue
tile_door_col        = brown
tile_downstairs_col  = magenta
tile_upstairs_col    = blue
tile_feature_col     = cyan
tile_trap_col        = yellow
tile_water_col       = grey
tile_lava_col        = grey
tile_excluded_col    = darkcyan
tile_excl_centre_col = darkblue
tile_window_col      = yellow

These options allow configuring the colours used for the minimap of
the dungeon level.
   tile_player_col       - colour of player position, as well as of
                           map centre during level map mode ('X')
   tile_monster_col      - colour of hostile monsters
   tile_neutral_col      - colour of neutral monsters
   tile_peaceful_col     - colour of peaceful monsters
   tile_friendly_col     - colour of friendly monsters
   tile_plant_col        - colour of zero xp monsters (plant and fungus)
   tile_item_col         - colour of known or detected items
   tile_unseen_col       - colour of unseen areas (usually stone)
   tile_wall_col         - colour of any wall type
   tile_mapped_wall_col  - colour of walls detected via magic mapping
   tile_door_col         - colour of known doors, open or closed
   tile_downstairs_col   - colour of downstairs, including branch stairs
   tile_upstairs_col     - colour of upstairs, including branch stairs
   tile_feature_col      - colour of any non-stair feature
                           (altar, shop, portal, fountain, ...)
   tile_trap_col         - colour of known traps of any type
   tile_water_col        - colour of both shallow and deep water
   tile_lava_col         - colour of lava
   tile_excluded_col     - colour of squares excluded for autotravel
                           (will only override tile_floor_col colour)
   tile_excl_centre_col  - colour of exclusion centre (overrides
                           tile_floor_col and tile_item_col, only)
   tile_window_col       - colour of the rectangular view window

tile_update_rate = 1000
        The number of milliseconds that tick by before the screen is redrawn
        without any input. If game response is slow, try increasing this
        number. If, on the other hand, response time is fine but it takes too
        long for redrawings to happen, set it to a lower value.

tile_runrest_rate = 100
        The number of milliseconds that tick by before the screen is redrawn
        when running or resting. If Crawl is slow while running or resting,
        increase this number.

tile_key_repeat_delay = 200
        If you hold down a key, there's a delay until the pressed key will
        take action. This option controls this delay, in milliseconds. If it
        is set to 0 key presses will never repeat.

tile_tooltip_ms = 500
        The number of milliseconds before a tooltip appears when hovering the
        mouse over part of the screen. Setting this option to 0 will
        deactivate the tooltips entirely.

tile_tag_pref = (none| named | enemy | tutorial )
        This option defaults to "enemy" normally and "tutorial" in tutorial
        modes. This setting determines which monsters receive text tag
            none     - turns off all tags.
            named    - shows names of all named monsters, ally or enemy
            enemy    - shows names of named enemy monsters
            tutorial - shows names of all monsters not yet killed this game
                       and of named enemy monsters
        Examples for named monsters are uniques and ghosts.

tile_window_width  = 0
tile_window_height = 0
        The width and height of the window, in pixels. If set to zero, it
        will auto-size the window.

tile_map_pixels = 3
        The maximum number of pixels each minimap square should take up. If you
        have a low resolution, and feel like the inventory is too small, you
        can try setting this to 1 to get more space for the inventory. The
        downside is that traveling by clicking on the minimap becomes much

tile_cell_pixels = 32
        The width and height of tiles in the dungeon view. If you want
        to see the tiles in all their glory and have a large
        resolution, set this to 48 or even 64; but note that tiles
        will be automatically scaled down to fit the visible area on
        the screen.

tile_filter_scaling = false
        Used in conjonction with tile_cell_pixels. Setting it to true filter
        the textures resulting in a smoother but blurrier image.

tile_force_overlay = false
        Setting this option to true will force the message window to appear as
        an overlay on top of the screen. If you use this option, making your
        tile_font_msg_size smaller will make the overlay smaller while retaining
        the same number of lines. Increase the view_max_height option if you
        find yourself with unused screen estate.

tile_full_screen = false
        Setting this option to true will start Crawl in full screen mode.

tile_font_crt_file  = VeraMono.ttf
tile_font_stat_file = VeraMono.ttf
tile_font_msg_file  = VeraMono.ttf
tile_font_tip_file  = VeraMono.ttf
tile_font_lbl_file  = Vera.ttf
        Fonts used in various sections of the screen. If you want to use
        another font, you'll have to place the corresponding *.ttf file into
        the dat/tiles/ folder.
        Screen regions are as follows:
            crt  - non-map screens (menus, message history, etc.)
            stat - stat area (hit points, AC, etc.)
            msg  - message area
            tip  - tooltips (mouseover information)
            lbl  - item/monster names in inventory/main map

tile_font_crt_size  = 15
tile_font_stat_size = 16
tile_font_msg_size  = 14
tile_font_tip_size  = 15
tile_font_lbl_size  = 14
        Font size for the screen regions listed above.

tile_font_ft_light = false
        Selects 'light' font hinting.

tile_show_minihealthbar = true
tile_show_minimagicbar  = true
        Will show health and magic bars on top of the player tile when the
        player gets hurt or spends magic.

tile_show_demon_tier = true
        Will overlay demon tiles with an icon intended to represent their
        tier (or difficulty rank) among demons, as is the case for non-Tiles

tile_water_anim = true
        If disabled, animation of liquids will be suppressed.

tile_layout_priority = minimap, inventory, gold_turn, command, spell, monster
        (Ordered list option)
        This option allows you to control the order in which elements are
        placed on the right of the screen, below the stat area. On small
        resolution, there won't be enough room for everything, so only the
        first items will be placed. You can also remove items you don't want
        to be permanently displayed. The inventory tab will always be placed at
        the bottom but is initialised at a minimum size (4 lines). If you put a
        tab before it on the option line, the tab will still be placed above it,
        but it will have priority over it so the inventory might not be able to
        expand to its maximum size (6 lines). The minimap is always placed
        between the stat area and the tabs. The memorisation and skill tabs can
        be added to the list too, but are not by default.

tile_force_regenerate_levels = false
        If set to true, this will cause the tiles information of existing
        levels to be regenerated when loading the level, thus repairing
        save files where this information has become corrupted. This
        shouldn't be ever needed anymore.

4-  Character Dump.

4-a     Saving.

dump_on_save = true
        If set to true, a character dump will automatically be created or
        updated when the game is saved.

4-b     Items and Kills.

The character dump or morgue files end with a list of all monsters that
perished while the character was active. By default, dead monsters are
grouped in three parts:
   Vanquished Creatures    -- monsters killed by the character
   Collateral Kills        -- kills of friendly monsters
   Others                  -- all other casualties (e.g. traps, hostile

kill_map = friend:you, other:you
        will merge friendly and other kills into the main vanquished
        creatures list. Note that the merging is only for display (the
        game still maintains three separate lists internally) and that
        kill places (see below) may be in the wrong order for merged
        entries. The default is an empty list.

dump_kill_places = (none | all | single)
        In the Vanquished Creatures list, this option controls how the
        locations of each kill are displayed. Use 'none' to suppress
        place display altogether, 'all' to display all known (up to 5)
        kill places, anything else to the default of showing kill places
        only for single kills

dump_item_origins = artefacts, rods
        The game remembers where you find items. If you want this item
        origin memory listed in your dumps, use this option to select
        which items get annotated. Available selectors are:
                artefacts, ego_arm, ego_weap, jewellery, runes,
                rods, staves, books, all, none.
        If you use multiple dump_item_origins lines, the last line takes
        effect; all preceding lines are ignored.

        If you don't want any items to be annotated, set
        dump_item_origins to none, and set dump_item_origin_price to -1.

dump_item_origin_price = -1
        Item origins are dumped if the price of the item is greater than
        or equal to this amount. Set this to -1 to prevent selection by

dump_message_count = 20
        The number of last messages to be displayed in character dump

dump_order  = header,hiscore,stats,misc,notes,inventory,
dump_order += skills,spells,overview,mutations,messages,screenshot,
dump_order += monlist,kills,action_counts
        (Ordered list option)
        Controls the order of sections in the dump.

        Two optional dump sections are "turns_by_place" and
        "kills_by_place", which add detailed statistics to where turns
        were spent and monsters were killed. You can add them to your
        dump as:
             dump_order += turns_by_place, kills_by_place

        Another optional dump section is "vaults", which will list the
        locations and names of all the vaults that have been generated
        in the game. This will only be included in the final dump
        which happens when you die, quit or win (or in ordinary dumps
        while in wizard mode).

dump_book_spells = true
        By default all randart spellbooks in inventory will have all their
        spells listed in the dump. If this option is set to true, spells will
        also be dumped for non-randart spellbooks.

4-c     Notes.

Crawl can automatically log certain events during play. You can read
these in the dump or morgue files. Below are options for tweaking this behaviour.
The following events are logged:
        - Gaining or losing a level
        - Entering a dungeon level for the first time
        - Memorizing a spell of higher level than any learned before
        - Becoming a worshipper of a god
        - Abandoning a god
        - Being put under penance and being forgiven
        - Receiving a gift from a god (except Xom)
        - Death of a named orcish ally (when worshipping Beogh)
        - Being able to invoke a godly power for the first time
        - Picking up a rune, the Orb of Zot, or an artefact for the first time.
        - Identifying items.
        - Killing OOD or unique monsters (see below)
        - Reaching critical HP levels (see below)
        - Gaining or losing mutations
        - Reaching significant levels in a skill (see below)
        - Dying
You can use the command ':' for manually adding notes.

user_note_prefix = <string>
        Prefixes manually added notes with the given string, to make
        them easier to find.

note_items += <regex>, <regex>, ...
        (List option)
        When an item is identified for the first time, it will be
        noted if its short description matches a regex. E.g.
             note_items += rod,book,acquirement
        Artefacts (fixed, unrand, or random) will always be noted when
        identified, regardless of note_items.

        The description matched against has the same prefixes as notes
        for the menu_colour option (e.g., "emergency_item").

note_monsters += <regex>, <regex>, ...
        (List option)
        Monsters whose name matches an item in this comma-separated list
        are considered interesting. You can have multiple note_monsters
        lines. E.g.
             note_monsters += Klown,orb of fire

note_hp_percent = 5
        If your HP falls below a certain note_hp_percentage of your max
        hit points, a note will be taken. There is some code to avoid
        repetitions of notes based on the same incident.

note_skill_levels = 1,5,10,15,27
        This sets which skill levels are noteworthy. It's a single line,
        although you can use += as a continuation.

note_all_skill_levels = false
        This is a shortcut for note_skill_levels = 1,2,..,27. If you set
        this to true, all skill levels are considered noteworthy.

note_skill_max = true
        Setting this option will cause a note whenever a new maximum in
        skill levels is reached. If note_skill_max is true and
        note_skill_levels is nonempty, notes will be taken whenever
        either of the criteria are met.

note_xom_effects = true
        This will add a note whenever Xom does something.

note_messages += <regex>, <regex>, ...
        (List option)
        Messages which match an item in this comma-separated list are
        considered interesting. You can have multiple note_messages
        lines. E.g.
             note_messages += Something interferes
             note_messages += protects you from harm
        If you want all banishments to the Abyss noted, use
             note_messages += [bB]anish.*Abyss
        If you want a note when your draconian scales turn <colour>, use
             note_messages += Your scales start

note_chat_messages = false
        If set to false, this will disable logging of chat messages
        from other players. (This setting only applies on the online

5-  Miscellaneous.

5-a     All OS.

mouse_input = false
        When enabled, the mouse_input option allows the game to use
        mouse input events on certain platforms (Windows and Unix).
        Note that the extent of mouse support varies greatly across
        platforms and is strongly influenced by your terminal settings.

        On Unixes, you're only likely to get mouse support working with
        ncurses in xterms (specifically your $TERM probably needs to
        contain "xterm" for ncurses to activate its mouse events;
        if you're running Crawl in GNU screen in an xterm, the mouse
        will probably not work).

        On Windows, you'll need to disable QuickEdit Mode on your
        console for Crawl to use the mouse (QuickEdit is disabled by
        default, so you shouldn't need to change anything if you're
        using a stock console). You can disable QuickEdit by
        right-clicking the titlebar of your command-prompt, selecting
        Properties and disabling QuickEdit in the Options tab.

wiz_mode = (no | never | yes)
        Wizard mode options (available only in WIZARD compiles):
          yes   -- start games in wizard mode (game will not be scored)
          no    -- still allows player to enter wizard mode after start
                   of game
          never -- never allow a wizard command to be used

char_set = (default | ascii | ibm | dec | unicode)
        Chooses different pre-set character sets for the game play screen.
        Unlike previous versions of Crawl, this does not select the I/O
        encoding anymore.

        Setting char_set = ibm or dec has a side effect of making numeric
        codes inside cset, feature and mon_glyph lines interpreted as,
        respectively, CP437 codes or VT100 line-drawing characters + 128.

        Has negligible effect in the Tiles build.

        Useful for terminals where some colours are hard to read (and
        cannot be adjusted), as well as for creating a custom scheme,
        especially when used with the background option on a terminal
        with a non-black background.
        Format is colour.OLDCOLOUR = NEWCOLOUR, later rules take
        precedence and the NEWCOLOUR is always literal (ie. it won't
        re-evaluate to a different colour).
        The colours are:
                black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, lightgrey,
                darkgrey, lightblue, lightgreen, lightcyan, lightred,
                lightmagenta, yellow, white
        with lightgray = lightgrey, darkgray = darkgrey. Some examples:
          colour.lightgrey = black
          colour.lightcyan = cyan
          colour.yellow    = brown

cset = <dungeon_character_name : symbol>
        a list of these is allowed, as well.

        The possible entries for dungeon_character_name are:
           wall, wall_magic, floor, floor_magic, door_open, door_closed,
           trap, stairs_down, stairs_up, grate, altar, arch, fountain, wavy,
           statue, invis_exposed, item_detected, item_orb, item_rune,
           item_weapon, item_armour, item_wand, item_food, item_scroll,
           item_ring, item_potion, item_missile, item_book, item_stave,
           item_miscellany, item_corpse, item_gold, item_amulet, cloud,
           tree, fired_flask, fired_bolt, fired_chunk, fired_book,
           fired_weapon, fired_zap, fired_burst, fired_stick, fired_trinket,
           fired_scroll, fired_debug, fired_armour, fired_missile,
        Most of these are self-explanatory. "arch" is used for shops and
        portals. "floor_magic" and "wall_magic" are used to display
        magic-mapped squares on the level map. "invis_exposed" is the
        character for water creatures submerged in shallow water, or
        invisible creatures wading in shallow water. "wavy" is water and

        Symbols can be specified using a letter, or by its ASCII/Unicode
        code: a decimal number or a hexadecimal one (prefixed with x).
        For compatibility with old config files, you can use cset_ibm or
        cset_dec to use IBM code page 437 or vt100 graphic characters.

        For an example on IBM displays,
             cset_ibm = wall:219, arch:0, wavy:x7E
        shows walls as solid blocks, shops and portals as '0', and water
        as '~'.

feature = <regex> { <symbol>, <magicmap symbol>, <view colour>,
                    <levelmap_magic_colour>, <levelmap_seen_colour>,
                    <emphasised_colour>, <levelmap_emphasised_colour> }
        where <regex> is a regular expression describing a dungeon
        feature. This regex should match the description when using the
        'x' command. In case the regex matches several descriptions, all
        such features are affected.

        The list in {...} specifies the appearance of the dungeon
        feature(s), and should be self-explanatory. <symbol> can be used
        to override the above cset options, or also to distinguish among
        subtypes of a character.

        'magic' always refers to magic mapping. So the <magicmap symbol>
        entry determines what symbol will be used for features only
        detected via magic mapping.

        'emphasised_colour' refers to the colour used to highlight
        unvisited stone stairs; for non-stair features, setting emphasis
        colours does nothing useful.

        Leading parameters in the {...} list can be omitted by leaving
        them blank and using placeholder commas. Trailing parameters can
        be omitted without placeholder commas.

        Multiple feature option lines can be used, as can multiple
        feature descriptions strung together on the same line separated
        by semicolons.

         * Colour rock walls red:
             feature = rock wall { , , red }
         * Use # for metal walls in all character sets:
             feature = metal wall {#}
         * Colour upstairs green and downstairs red:
             feature = stone staircase leading up {,,,,green}
             feature = stone staircase leading down {,,,,red}

        Symbols can be specified as with cset:
             feature = metal wall {#}
             feature = metal wall {35}
             feature = metal wall {x23}
        all do the same thing.

mon_glyph = <monster name or symbol> : <colour> <glyph>
        The mon_glyph option allows you to customise the symbol and
        colour used to display a monster.

        You can customise symbols based on monster names or their
        existing symbols. For instance, if you want to put elves on E
        and elementals on e, you can do this:

             mon_glyph = e : E
             mon_glyph = E : e

        You can specify a different symbol, or a colour, or both, in any
        order. Here are more examples:

             mon_glyph = deep elf annihilator : E lightmagenta
             mon_glyph = Xtahua : lightmagenta D
             mon_glyph = large zombie : darkgrey
             mon_glyph = small simulacrum : x

        (The left hand side of the : is case-sensitive.)

        You can specify symbols using their code points using the syntax
        as shown in the "feature" option. If you're using
        char_set=unicode, you can use unicode code points:

             mon_glyph = draconian scorcher : x6e9

        A single _ is treated as a space; if you want a real underscore,
        put a \ in front of it like this:

             mon_glyph = player ghost : \_

        You can also redefine several "pseudo" monsters, them being:

             sensed monster
             {trivial,easy,tough,nasty,friendly} sensed monster
             merged slime creature
             vampire bat

item_glyph = <regexp> : <colour> <glyph>
        Customizes the symbol and/or colour of all items matching the regexp.
        Unlike mon_glyph, this is a partial name match.

        Items are prefixed by tags, both those from stash tracking and from
        menu colouring. Thus, you can colour {artefact} or useless_item.

        Multiple rules can modify a single item, which is useful if you want
        to change the colour and glyph separately:
            item_glyph += corpse : x625
            item_glyph += poisonous.* corpse : lightgreen

use_fake_player_cursor = true
        Makes the main view highlight the player without using the
        terminal cursor. This means it won't flicker when the cursor
        is turned off to move elsewhere for drawing, and allows
        turning the cursor off by default. Has no effect in the Tiles build.

show_player_species = false
        Displays your character as a member of its species. For example, if
        you're a Hill Orc, you will be shown as an 'o' rather than '@'. Has
        no effect in Tiles.

5-b     DOS and Windows.

dos_use_background_intensity = false
        On DOS and Windows, if you're using a console that can do
        high-intensity background colours, set this option to true for
        superior friend-branding. If your console doesn't like this
        option, some friendly monsters will appear as blinking
        characters (and setting this option to false may be advisable to
        preserve your sanity in such cases).

5-c     Unix.

background_colour = black
        Sets the default background colour by name (defaults to BLACK).
        This may be useful if you're using a terminal with a background
        colour other than black (such as an xterm), but this option is
        still experimental and the results may not be very good.

use_fake_cursor = true
        If true, Crawl draws the cursor explicitly on the level-map and
        targetting screens instead of relying on the term to draw the
        cursor. Use this if your term cannot show a cursor over
        darkgrey/black squares.
        On non-Unix builds this option defaults to false.

6-  Lua.

6-a  Including lua files.

Lua files are scripts which can provide existing commands with a new
meaning or create new commands (to be used in macros). To use Lua
files, Crawl needs to be compiled with support for user Lua scripts.
You can if your Crawl has Lua support by hitting ?V in-game. The list
of features Crawl displays should include "Lua user scripts".

Lua files are included using the lua_file option (one file per line):

lua_file = <path/name.lua>

Lua functions can be macroed in-game by setting the macro action to "===",
followed by the function name.

The wizard-mode Lua interpreter (&^T) will, the first time it's invoked,
load all of the files that are specified with the terp_file option:

terp_file = <path/name.lua>

The Lua in these files will have access to all of the Crawl Lua internals
(that is, will be run in the context of dlua, not clua).

6-b     Executing inline lua.

Lua code can be used directly in your init.txt/.crawlrc. You can
execute Lua code using the following syntax.

: Single line of lua code

< Possibly multi-line
  Lua code >

{ Possibly multi-line
  Lua code }

In the second and third cases, the restriction is that the delimiter
characters appear at the beginning and end of a line, respectively.
The difference between the <> and {} is when the code gets executed.
Code {}, it is executed right away. Other Lua code is executed only
after the entire init file is read in.


# Print a welcome message
: crawl.mpr("Hello " ..

-- Another welcome message (lua code uses lua comments)
crawl.mpr("Hi there")

function ch_autopickup(it) [ ... body omitted ... ] end

6-c     Conditional options.

You can use Lua to selectively include parts of your init.txt (based
on character type, for instance) using the same syntax.


: if you.race() == "Mummy" then
autopickup = $?+"/
: else
autopickup = $?+"/!%
: end

Options can be rerefenced by lua via "options.option_name". For

:if string.find(options.autopickup, "!") then
# Do something here if potions are included in autopickup

"options.option_name" can even be used for options that crawl itself
doesn't recognize. This can be combined with setting options on the
command line (see section 0-b) to use the command line to control
conditionalization of options in the options files. For example, on the
command line you could set the option "foobar" with "-extra-opt-first
foobar=true", and then do:

:if options.foobar then
# Do things here

6-d     Conditional option caveats.

Note that none of the options listed under "Starting Screen" (section 1)
can be set conditionally. This is because the options files are
actually read in twice: once before character creation with Lua turned
off, and a second time after character creation with Lua turned on. If
you attempt to set a starting-screen option conditionally then the value
furthest down in the options file will be used regardless of what
conditions you set.

The above caveat applies to the "wiz_mode" option as well. Instead of
conditionalized wiz_mode, you can add to the command line
"-extra-opt-last wiz_mode=yes" to make any new game start in wizard