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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="repstat"></a>DbEnv::rep_stat()</h2>
      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;

DbEnv::rep_stat(DB_REP_STAT **statp, u_int32_t flags); </pre>
         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_stat()</code> method returns the replication subsystem
         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_stat()</code> method creates a statistical structure of type
         <code class="literal">DB_REP_STAT</code> and copies a pointer to it into a user-specified memory
         Statistical structures are stored in allocated memory.  If application-specific allocation
         routines have been declared (see <a class="xref" href="envset_alloc.html" title="DbEnv::set_alloc()">DbEnv::set_alloc()</a> 
         for more information), they are used to allocate the memory; otherwise, the standard
         C library <span class="bold"><strong>malloc</strong></span>(3) is used.  The caller is responsible
         for deallocating the memory.  To deallocate the memory, free the memory reference;
         references inside the returned memory need not be individually freed.
         The following <code class="literal">DB_REP_STAT</code> fields will be filled in:
      <div class="itemizedlist">
        <ul type="disc">
                    <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_bulk_fills;</strong></span>
                    The number of times the bulk buffer filled up, forcing the buffer
                    content to be sent.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_bulk_overflows;</strong></span>
                         The number of times a record was bigger than the entire bulk buffer,
                         and therefore had to be sent as a singleton.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_bulk_records;</strong></span>
                        The number of records added to a bulk buffer.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_bulk_transfers;</strong></span>
                         The number of bulk buffers transferred (via a call to the
                         application's <span class="bold"><strong>send</strong></span> function).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_client_rerequests;</strong></span>
                         The number of times this client site received a "re-request" message,
                         indicating that a request it previously sent to another client could
                         not be serviced by that client.  (Compare to <span class="bold"><strong>st_client_svc_miss</strong></span>.)
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_client_svc_miss;</strong></span>
                         The number of "request" type messages received by this client that
                         could not be processed, forcing the originating requester to try
                         sending the request to the master (or another client).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_client_svc_req;</strong></span>
                         The number of "request" type messages received by this client.
                         ("Request" messages are usually sent from a client to the master, but
                         a message marked with the 
                         <a class="link" href="reptransport.html#transport_DB_REP_ANYWHERE">DB_REP_ANYWHERE</a> 
                         flag in the invocation of the application's <span class="bold"><strong>send</strong></span> function may be sent to another client
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_dupmasters;</strong></span>
                         The number of duplicate master conditions originally detected at this
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_egen;</strong></span>
                        The election generation number for the current or next election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>int st_election_cur_winner;</strong></span>
                        The environment ID of the winner of the current or last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_gen;</strong></span>
                        The master generation number of the winner of the current or last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_LSN st_election_lsn;</strong></span>
                        The maximum LSN of the winner of the current or last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_nsites;</strong></span>
                         The number of sites responding to this site during the current election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_nvotes;</strong></span>
                        The number of votes required in the current or last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_priority;</strong></span>
                         The priority of the winner of the current or last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_sec;</strong></span>
                    The number of seconds the last election took (the total election time
                    is <span class="bold"><strong>st_election_sec</strong></span> plus <span class="bold"><strong>st_election_usec</strong></span>).
                        <span class="bold"><strong>int st_election_status;</strong></span>
                        The current election phase (0 if no election is in progress).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_tiebreaker;</strong></span>
                        The tiebreaker value of the winner of the current or last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_usec;</strong></span>
                    The number of microseconds the last election took (the total election
                    time is <span class="bold"><strong>st_election_sec</strong></span> plus
                    <span class="bold"><strong>st_election_usec</strong></span>).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_election_votes;</strong></span>
                        The number of votes received during the current election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_elections;</strong></span>
                        The number of elections held.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_elections_won;</strong></span>
                        The number of elections won.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>int st_env_id;</strong></span>
                        The current environment ID.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_env_priority;</strong></span>
                        The current environment priority.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_gen;</strong></span>
                        The current master generation number.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_log_duplicated;</strong></span>
                        The number of duplicate log records received.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_log_queued;</strong></span>
                        The number of log records currently queued.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_log_queued_max;</strong></span>
                        The maximum number of log records ever queued at once.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_log_queued_total;</strong></span>
                The total number of log records queued.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_log_records;</strong></span>
                        The number of log records received and appended to the log.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_log_requested;</strong></span>
                        The number of times log records were missed and requested.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>int st_master;</strong></span>
                        The current master environment ID.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_master_changes;</strong></span>
                        The number of times the master has changed.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_max_lease_sec;</strong></span>
                        The number of seconds of the longest lease (the total lease time is
                        <span class="bold"><strong>st_max_lease_sec</strong></span> plus <span class="bold"><strong>st_max_lease_usec</strong></span>).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_max_lease_usec;</strong></span>
                    The number of microseconds of the longest lease (the total lease time
                    is <span class="bold"><strong>st_max_lease_sec</strong></span> plus <span class="bold"><strong>st_max_lease_usec</strong></span>).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_LSN st_max_perm_lsn;</strong></span>
                    The LSN of the maximum permanent log record, or 0 if there are no
                    permanent log records.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_msgs_badgen;</strong></span>
                        The number of messages received with a bad generation number.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_msgs_processed;</strong></span>
                        The number of messages received and processed.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_msgs_recover;</strong></span>
                        The number of messages ignored due to pending recovery.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_msgs_send_failures;</strong></span>
                        The number of failed message sends.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_msgs_sent;</strong></span>
                        The number of messages sent.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_newsites;</strong></span>
                        The number of new site messages received.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_LSN st_next_lsn;</strong></span>
                    In replication environments configured as masters, the next LSN
                    to be used. In replication environments configured as clients, the next
                    LSN expected.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_next_pg;</strong></span>
                        The next page number we expect to receive.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_nsites;</strong></span>
                        The number of sites used in the last election.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_nthrottles;</strong></span>
                    Transmission limited. This indicates the number of times that data
                    transmission was stopped to limit the amount of data sent in response
                    to a single call to <a class="xref" href="repmessage.html" title="DbEnv::rep_process_message()">DbEnv::rep_process_message()</a>.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_outdated;</strong></span>
                        The number of outdated conditions detected.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_pg_duplicated;</strong></span>
                        The number of duplicate pages received.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_pg_records;</strong></span>
                        The number of pages received and stored.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_pg_requested;</strong></span>
                        The number of pages missed and requested from the master.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_startsync_delayed;</strong></span>
                    The number of times the client had to delay the start of a cache flush
                    operation (initiated by the master for an impending checkpoint)
                    because it was missing some previous log record(s).
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_startup_complete;</strong></span>
                    The client site has completed its startup procedures and is now
                    handling live records from the master.
                         <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_status;</strong></span>
                        The current replication mode.  Set to 
                        <a class="link" href="repmgrstart.html#repmgrstart_DB_REP_MASTER">DB_REP_MASTER</a> 
                        if the environment is a replication master, 
                        <a class="link" href="repmgrstart.html#repmgrstart_DB_REP_CLIENT">DB_REP_CLIENT</a> 
                        if the environment is a replication client, or 0 if replication is not
                    <span class="bold"><strong>uintmax_t st_txns_applied;</strong></span>
                    The number of transactions applied.
                    <span class="bold"><strong>DB_LSN st_waiting_lsn;</strong></span>
                    The LSN of the first log record we have after missing log records
                    being waited for, or 0 if no log records are currently missing.
                    <span class="bold"><strong>u_int32_t st_waiting_pg;</strong></span>
                    The page number of the first page we have after missing pages being
                    waited for, or 0 if no pages are currently missing.
              The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_stat()</code> method may not be called before the 
              <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DbEnv::open()">DbEnv::open()</a>  method is called.
         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_stat()</code> <span>
                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
                failure, and returns 0 on success.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1705537"></a>Parameters</h3>
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1705411"></a>flags</h4>
                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0
                          or the following value:
          <div class="itemizedlist">
            <ul type="disc">
                                  <code class="literal">DB_STAT_CLEAR</code>
                                Reset statistics after returning their values.
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1706745"></a>statp</h4>
                          The <span class="bold"><strong>statp</strong></span> parameter references memory
                          into which a pointer to the allocated statistics structure is copied.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1706599"></a>Errors</h3>
                         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_stat()</code> <span>
                method may fail and throw a <a class="link" href="dbexception.html" title="Chapter 6. The DbException Class">DbException</a> 
                exception, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one
                of the following non-zero errors:
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1705312"></a>EINVAL</h4>
                If the database environment was not already opened; or if an invalid 
                flag value or parameter was specified.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1706356"></a>Class</h3>
                <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DbEnv Handle">DbEnv</a>  
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1706380"></a>See Also</h3>
                     <a class="xref" href="rep.html#replist" title="Replication and Related Methods">Replication and Related Methods</a> 
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