

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 18b532138400fec3d42b317c7cb814b4 > files > 12


                         a turn-based strategy game
                           released under GNU GPL

Table of Contents

1. About
2. Installation
   2.1 Building LGeneral on Mac OS X
3. Troubleshooting
4. Main Menu
5. Interface
6. Unit Menu
7. Differences between LGeneral and Panzer General
8. Bugs
9. Feedback

1. About

LGeneral is a turn-based strategy engine heavily inspired by Panzer General.
The engine itself does not provide playable data. However, the program lgc-pg 
(included to this package in subdirectory lgc-pg) allows conversion of the 
original PG data. If you do not own a copy of the game, there is a package at which contains this data. It is copyrighted by SSI, now
part of UBI Soft, but made available in the sense of abandonware. Please see
the README in the data package for more information. If you have gotten the
PG data, one way or the other, see README.lgc-pg to learn how to convert the 
data, after you have installed LGeneral itself as described below.

2. Installation

LGeneral runs in X and uses SDL (>= 1.1.4) and SDL_mixer (optional, any 
version). Both libraries can be found at
Now enter your favorite shell and type in the following stuff (in the
directory you extracted the LGeneral source)
  > ./configure [--disable-sound] [--disable-install] [--disable-dl]
      --disable-sound:       no sound
      --disable-install:     no installation; play from source directory
      --disable-dl:          disable use of AI modules and stick to the
                             built-in AI
  > make
  > su (become root)
  > make install (if install wasn't disabled)
The LGeneral engine and the converter lgc-pg are now installed. Please download
the data package or use your copy of PG (DOS version) and feed the engine 
according to the instructions in README.lgc-pg.

2.1 Building LGeneral on Mac OS X

Some hints about building LGeneral on Mac OS X:
 * Build SDL from source.
 * Build gettext from source.
 * Compile LGeneral on a case-sensitive file system, otherwise sdl.h
   and SDL.h conflict.

3. Troubleshooting

  1) If SDL is not found remember that you'll additionally need the development
package for compiling though not for running. (a popular Mandrake user mistake)
  CY reported a hint for Mandrake: It seems that their SDL package scheme is
somewhat broken. When you try to install the latest devel package, it might fail
because some files have to be replaced. Easier than re-installing SDL is to use
the rpm option --replacefiles for installing the devel package.
  2) The same applies to SDL_mixer!
  3) If your sound is out of sync change the last argument for Mix_OpenAudio()
in audio_open() in audio.c from 256 to 2048. This might help.

4. Main Menu

When the LGeneral title screen is displayed click any mouse button to move
on and you'll see the themes background without anything on it. Now click the 
*right* mouse button to popup the menu. Each menu item has a tooltip displayed
at the top of the screen and I consider them quite self-explaining for most
of the time. ;-)
  1) Resolution:
Modifications to the resolution settings are not applied
immediately but must be confirmed with the apply button.
  2) Start Scenario:
Clicking on 'Load Scenario' will bring up the selection dialogue. If you did 
not install any scenarios this is a dead end (get lgc-pg!) else there should
be a 'pg' directory. Open it and select a scenario. If the selected scenario
is valid some information is shown and you may now run it or modify its 
settings (control and ai module for each player).
  3) Start Campaign:
Works analogously to 'Load Scenario'. The only campaign so far is 'PG'
which is a full WW2 campaign starting in Poland and ending up in
Washington if you are good enough. There are some modifications compared
to the original PG campaign. Please check src/campaigns/PG for more

5. Interface

If you start a scenario or load a game you'll be at the tactical map. Moving
the cursor above a unit displays a quick info about the unit(s) and the
hex tile.
  1) Select A Unit:
A unit is selected by left-click on it where a hex tile is split into two 
regions. The upper one contains the air unit and the lower one the ground unit.
For example if there is no air unit and you click into the air region the
ground unit will be selected if there is one.
  2) Unselect Unit:
A simple right-click anywhere will unselect the unit.
  3) Move Unit:
When selecting a unit the fog mask will change to show where the unit may move
or em/debark. Left-click on any of the highlighted hex tiles to execute the 
  For aircrafts there is a danger mask. If a hex tile is potentially out of 
range, it is covered with red color. This means the aircraft is unlikely (well
this is almost sure) to reach an allied airfield to supply in time. (If there is
not at least one fuel remaining, by the end of the turn, the aircraft will crash
inevitably!) Also, even if a tile is not marked, it may happen that (due to 
enemy aircrafts in the way) the fuel does not suffice. So this is really more of
a warning. E.g., if you are close to an airfield and sure that you will conquer
it the next turn, you can ignore any warnings of being out of reach for your 
aircrafts, because as soon as you have the airfield they can supply.
  4) Attack An Enemy:
If the unit within the hextile and region the pointer is on is a valid target
it will change into a crosshair. A left-click initiates the attack. To decide
whether an attack is useful or not have a look at the expected losses displayed
at the top of the screen. (very useful!)
  5) Unit Menu:
If you left-click on a selected unit the unit menu will popup. (is explained 
  6) Full Unit Info:
If you have no unit selected and you right-click on one a full unit info will
be displayed. Note: It is still possible (though a bit slow) to move the
pointer above other units to compare properties. A right-click will close
the unit info.
  7) Main Menu:
If you have no unit selected and you right-click into an empty hextile the main
menu (as described in the section above) will popup.
  8) Scrolling:
To scroll the tactical map either use the cursor keys or move the pointer to
the border of the screen.
  9) Shortcuts:
You may use the keys 'n' and 'p' to cycle through all your units that may still
either fire or move. 'f' and 'F' allow to cycle through only those units that 
may still fire. 'm'/'M' will give you the moving units list. 
  With '-' you can toggle whether a unit is included to any of these cycles. If 
it is not, a purple bar is shown above the strength label. This is useful if 
you have a number of units in, e.g. towns, that are supposed to simply stay 
there. As soon as you move a unit or attack with it, the 'guard' label is 
removed. Same applies if the unit is attacked.
  Besides, there are many short cuts for the most important menu options. Check
the menu, the key is shown in brackets behind the description, e.g., 'u' for
undo a unit's move.
  'TAB' allows you to flip the layout of asymmetrically positioned windows (like
the unit quick infos or the deploy window) to see clearly what lies behind.

6. Unit Menu

These are the options in the unit menu:
  1) Supply:
Ships and aircraft must be close to their supply point (harbor, airfield) and
receive a supply level of 100 (full supply) there. Ground units receive 100 if 
close to an allied town and airfield and lose 10 for each hex tile away 
from the nearest supply point. As soon as an enemy is close the ground units 
supply at 75% of the actual supply level and aircrafts at 50%. If more than one 
enemy is close, the rate drops to 50% for ground units and 0% for aircrafts.
So be aware that long sieges with no town near in the back may cause trouble if 
you take too long or move too fast!
  As a help, the unit strength is displayed in red color if the unit is either
low in fuel (aircrafts <= 20, other units <= 10) or low in ammo (<=2).
  2) Air Embark/Debark:
If your unit is on an allied airfield and can use an air transport it may 
embark. If your unit is using an air transport and uses parachutes it
may debark anywhere on the map (if the embarked unit is able to enter this
tile, of course) else it is only allowed to debark at an allied airfield.
It may not have moved yet, when trying to embark/debark (so it must come to
a halt on or above the airfield before actually em-/debarking) but can move 
directly on the ground after debark.
  3) Merge Units:
LGeneral's way of reinforcements differs from PG's. Instead of purchasing 
replacement or elite replacement a unit may merge with another of the same 
class to compensate damage as long as the total strength is less or equal to
  The unit, marked by the red up arrow, is merged into the selected unit. The 
new entrenchment is then the weighted sum, assuming entrenchment 0 for the 
marked unit (since it had to move). So to keep entrenchment you must select 
the unit with the high entrenchment first and merge the other into it.
  4) Split Units:
This allows splitting up some strength and either direct it to another close 
unit (which makes it an inverse merge) or put it as a new standalone unit. The
unit doing the split must keep at least 4 strength. When transfering to another
unit, any strength from 1 to maximum (this unit needs 4 remaining, target may 
not go above 13) may be selected. But if the unit is supposed to be standalone
it must again have at least 4 strength. So you can only split to a new unit if
the splitting unit itself has more than 7 strength.
  4) Undo Turn:
A unit may undo it's movement if no enemy was spotted.
  5) Rename Unit:
Change the name of the unit.
  6) Disband Unit:
  If the unit did not yet act in the current turn, it may be disbanded. The unit
is than permanently (after confirmation) removed from the game.
7. Differences between LGeneral and Panzer General

As LGeneral is heavily inspired by Panzer General Werner Archan's FAQ
'PanzerGeneral-Guru.txt' is included to this package since it provides many 
helpful hints to master the game.

However, LGeneral and PG differ in two main aspects:
  1) Reinforcements: Initially I wanted to have fixed reinforcements arriving
in later turns but to define these in a balanced and accurate manner proved to
be quite difficult. Only a handful of scenarios feature such reinforcements. 
Therefore LGeneral now provides a purchase option and means to acquire prestige
as in Panzer General.
  There will be no option for replacement though. Units may be merged and split
as described in section 6.
  Requested units will arrive next turn for deployment. Unit orders may be
cancelled any time in the same turn (prestige gets refunded). Once a unit has
arrived and is ready for deployment it can no longer be refunded.
  The reinforcements editor lgeneral-redit (a subpackage of this package) and 
already defined reinforcements are still present but deactivated by default. To
re-enable these and to disable the purchase option run LGeneral with command
line option --no-purchase. But as I said already only a few scenarios have 
reinforcements defined yet so most of the time this means you just play without
reinforcements. Any submissions for predefined reinforcements are still very
  2) Core Units:
There will be none. It is nice to have a fully experienced killer troop you
brought all the way from Poland to Washington but how did you manage that? You
loaded and saved to get good combat results with this unit at a low damage 
rate. Anyone must admit that this is a very untactical way of using a unit.
Much better going with the auxiliaries: If there was a town to be taken they
had to go for it at any cost thus they were used to their full tactical extent.
And that is what should be done with all units on the battle field. With core
units that are treated like being on holidays this can't be done, so there 
simply will be no way to re-use units in the next scenario of a campaign.

8. Bugs
We tested as much as we could and already removed a lot of funny and mysterious
bugs but this game is still under development so report any suspicious
behaviour to
Known bugs:
  1) Loading the dynamic AI now works but it seems to screw some pointers which
results in no unit movement. However on some machines it does work. I wasn't
able to spot the reason so if you do please tell me!

9. Feedback
Any comments and bugreports are welcome. Please use the contact form at
And don't forget to look at for updates sometimes!

     Enjoy the game!
       Michael Speck