

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1ae089cb0d3775dade01780b4008c287 > files > 9


<body> <!-- jay -->

  This is the homepage of <i>jay</i>, a LALR(1) parser generator:
  Berkeley <i>yacc</i> <a href='doc-files/copyright.html'>&copy;</a>
  retargeted to C# and Java.

    <li><a href='#Usage'> Usage </a>
    <li><a href='#Input Format'> Input Format </a>
    <li><a href='#Skeleton Files'> Skeleton Files </a>
    <li><a href='#Class Management'> Class Management </a>
    <li><a href='#Projects'> Projects </a>
    <li><a href='#Downloads'> Downloads </a>

  <p><b><a name='Usage'>
    Usage </a></b>

  <p><i>jay</i> reads a grammar specification from a file and
  generates an LALR(1) parser for it. A parser consists of a set
  of parsing tables and a driver routine from a skeleton which is
  read from standard input. Suitable skeletons exist for Java and
  C#. Tables and driver are written to standard output.

  <p style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>jay [-ctv] [-b <i>file-prefix</i>] <i>filename</i> &lt; skeleton</tt>

  <p>The following options are available:

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>-b <i>file-prefix</i></tt>
	changes the prefix prepended to the secondary output file
	names to the string denoted by <tt><i>file_prefix</i></tt>.
	The default prefix is the character <tt>y</tt>.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>-c</tt>
	arranges for C preprocessor <tt>#line</tt> directives to
	be incorporated in the output. This is only useful for C#.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>-t</tt>
	arranges for debugging information to be incorporated in
	the output. The actual information is controlled by
	the <a href='#Skeleton Files'>skeleton files</a>, as
	distributed it depends on additional runtime packages. For
	C# this is part of the source download, for Java see {@link

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>-v</tt>
	causes a human-readable description of the generated parser
	to be written to the file <tt><i>file_prefix</i>.output</tt>.

  <p>If the environment variable <tt>TMPDIR</tt> is set, the string
  denoted by <tt>TMPDIR</tt> will be used as the name of the directory
  where the temporary files are created.

  <p><b><a name='Input Format'>
    Input Format </a></b>

  <p>The input format and the LALR(1) algorithm have not been
  changed from <i>yacc</i>. One should consult the extensive
  literature on <i>yacc</i> for details on writing and debugging
  grammars, error recovery, strategies for actions, etc.

  <p>The only differences are the value stack, <a
  href='#Class%20Management'>the embedding of the generated parser
  in a class, and the interface to the scanner</a>.  All of these
  can be changed by modifying the <a href='#Skeleton Files'>skeleton
  files</a>.  The remainder of this section is based on the skeleton
  files distributed with <i>jay</i>.

  <p>The <tt>%union</tt> directive has been removed. <i>jay</i>
  uses {@link java.lang.Object} (or <tt>System.Object</tt> in C#)
  for the value stack. Consequently, the <tt><i>name</i></tt> in
  the tag notation <tt><b>&lt;</b><i>name</i><b>&gt;</b></tt> refers
  to a class or an interface.

  <p>This has implications for the casts that <i>jay</i> generates:
  Neither C# nor Java permit assignments to casted variables.
  Therefore, the notation <tt>$$</tt> refers to an {@link
  java.lang.Object} without cast because <tt>$$</tt> is usually
  assigned to. If <tt>$$</tt> is used for other purposes, it usually
  will have to employ an explicit type
  <tt><b>$&lt;</b><i>name</i><b>&gt;$</b></tt> which is turned into
  a cast to <tt><i>name</i></tt>.

  <p>Similarly, the notation <tt>$<i>n</i></tt> is rarely assigned
  to. Therefore, <i>jay</i> will generate a cast unless the notation
  <tt><b>$&lt;&gt;</b><i>n</i></tt> is used to prevent casting.

  <p><i>jay</i> does not emit casts to {@link java.lang.Object}.
  These casts are usually unnecessary and this strategy avoids
  numerous warning messages but it could cause a surprise in an
  overloading situation.

  <p><i>jay</i> has no notion of inheritance. This can lead to
  unwarranted warning messages complaining about questionable
  assignments. It was felt that these messages are generally useful
  even if some of them are erroneous.

  <p><b><a name='Skeleton Files'>
    Skeleton Files </a></b>

  <p>The binary or source download includes two skeleton files for
  Java and one for C#. A skeleton file is read from standard input
  and controls the format of the generated tables and it includes
  the actual parser algorithm that interprets the tables. The
  algorithms are the same in all distributed files but
  <tt>skeleton.tables</tt> initializes the various tables by reading
  a resource file at  execution time; this avoids a limit which the
  Java system imposes on the size of the code segment for a class.

  <p>To create the resource file, generate the parser using
  <tt>skeleton.tables</tt>. From the parser source extract exactly
  the lines starting with <tt>//yy</tt> and remove exactly that
  prefix. The resulting file should be located in the same directory
  as the class file of the parser and should use the class name of
  the parser and the suffix <tt>.tables</tt>.

  <p>It should not be necessary to change the skeleton files, but
  just in case they are extensively commented. The files are
  line-oriented. A character in the first column determines what
  happens to a line: <tt>#</tt> marks a comment and the line is
  ignored. <tt>.</tt> marks a line which is copied without the
  leading period.

  <p><tt>t</tt> marks a line that is relevant for tracing. Normally
  it is copied with a leading <tt>//t</tt>; if the option <tt>-t</tt>
  is set the line is copied without the leading <tt>t</tt>.

  <p>Finally, a line with a leading blank contains a command which
  results in the output of some table information and which can use
  the rest of the line as a parameter.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>actions</tt>
      <td>emit code from the actions as body of a <tt>switch</tt>.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>epilog</tt>
      <td>emit the text following the second <tt>%%</tt>.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>local</tt>
      <td>emit the text within <tt>%{ %}</tt> following the first <tt>%%</tt>.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>prolog</tt>
      <td>emit the text within <tt>%{ %}</tt> prior to the first <tt>%%</tt>.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>tokens <i>prefix</i><tt>
      <td>emit each token value as an initialized identifier with
        the remainder of the line as a prefix.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>version <i>comment</i><tt>
      <td>emit a <tt>//</tt> comment with the remainder of the line.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>yyCheck <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyDefRed <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyDgoto <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyGindex <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyLen <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyLhs <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyRindex <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yySindex <i>prefix</i>
        <br>yyTable <i>prefix</i></tt>
      <td valign='top'>emit the body of the relevant table with
        the remainder of the line as a prefix for each output line.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>yyFinal <i>prefix</i><tt>
      <td>emit the value as an initializer with the remainder of
        the line as a prefix.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>yyNames <i>prefix</i></tt>
      <td>emit the table as a list of words with the remainder of
        the line as a prefix for each output line.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>yyNames-strings</tt>
      <td>emit the table as a list of string initializers.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>yyRule <i>prefix</i></tt>
      <td>emit the table as a list of lines with the remainder of
        the line as a prefix for each output line.

      <td valign='top' style='white-space: nowrap'><tt>yyRule-strings</tt>
      <td>emit the table as a list of string initializers.

  <p>Each table is prefixed by a comment with dimension information.

  <p><b><a name='Class Management'>
    Class Management </a></b>

  <p>The design of a skeleton file has to consider two problems:
  how to embed the parser in a class and how to interface to the

  <p>The distributed skeleton files expect the user to supply a
  prolog within <tt>%{ %}</tt> containing a class header and to
  supply an epilog following the second <tt>%%</tt> which closes
  this class. <i>jay</i> does not know the class name of the parser.

  <p>The interface to the scanner <tt>yyInput</tt> is generated as
  a member of each parser class; this may or may not be a good
  choice. There are three methods: <tt>advance</tt> has no arguments
  and must return a boolean value indicating that the scanner has
  successfully extracted another input symbol; <tt>token</tt> has
  no arguments and must return the current input symbol as an integer
  value which the parser expects; <tt>value</tt> has no arguments
  and can return an object value to be placed on the state/value
  stack for the input symbol. Tracing expects <tt>token</tt> and
  <tt>value</tt> to be constant functions between each call to

  <p>Explicit token values are generated as constants in the parser
  class. Single characters represent themselves; however, for those
  <i>jay</i> believes in the ASCII rather then the Unicode character
  set. It might have been better to define the constants in the
  scanner interface but it is expected that the scanner is implemented
  as an inner class of the parser. {@link pj} supports this view
  even if the scanner is explicitly constructed using <a target='_blank'

  <p><b><a name='Projects'>
    Projects </a></b>

    <li>There could be a benefit from recoding in Java: if the
    target is Java the inheritance relation among the value classes
    could be checked. On the other hand, {@link pj} shows that this
    is unlikely to be completely successful.

    <li>Generics should be supported. However, when we checked,
    Java produced very annoying warning messages when casting
    generics. Supporting generics simply by allowing nested angle
    brackets for types is unlikely to be sufficient.

  <p><b><a name='Downloads'>
    Downloads </a></b>

    <li><a href='doc-files/jay-mosx.tgz'>
      archive with executable and skeletons for MacOS X, 48 kb</a>
    <li><a href='doc-files/'>
      archive with executable and skeletons for Windows, 104 kb</a>,
      compiled with GNU C and Visual C++ on Windows Services For Unix.
    <li><a href='doc-files/src.tgz'>source files, 228 kb</a>

  @author <a href="">Axel T. Schreiner<a>.
  @version 1.0.2, July 2004.
