

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 24b54904c704637815838c95002c9070 > files > 68


#!/usr/bin/perl -w


This is a direct port from C to Perl of the testdnd program in the gtk+
source distribution.  YMMV.


# Copyright (C) 2003 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the full
# list)
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
# $Id$


use Gtk2;

@drag_icon_xpm = (
'36 48 9 1',
' 	c None',
'.	c #020204',
'+	c #8F8F90',
'@	c #D3D3D2',
'#	c #AEAEAC',
'$	c #ECECEC',
'%	c #A2A2A4',
'&	c #FEFEFC',
'*	c #BEBEBC',
'               .....................',
'              ..&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'             ...&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'            ..&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'           ..&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'          ..&&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'         ..&&&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'        ..&&&&&.&&&@&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'       ..&&&&&&.*$%$+$&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'      ..&&&&&&&.%$%$+&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'     ..&&&&&&&&.#&#@$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'    ..&&&&&&&&&.#$**#$&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'   ..&&&&&&&&&&.&@%&%$&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
'  ..&&&&&&&&&&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',
' ..&&&&&&&&&&&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.',

@trashcan_closed_xpm = (
q{64 80 17 1},
q{ 	c None},
q{.	c #030304},
q{+	c #5A5A5C},
q{@	c #323231},
q{#	c #888888},
q{$	c #1E1E1F},
q{%	c #767677},
q{&	c #494949},
q{*	c #9E9E9C},
q{=	c #111111},
q{-	c #3C3C3D},
q{;	c #6B6B6B},
q{>	c #949494},
q{,	c #282828},
q{'	c #808080},
q{)	c #545454},
q{!	c #AEAEAC},
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                       ==......=$$...===                        },
q{                 ..$------)+++++++++++++@$$...                  },
q{             ..=@@-------&+++++++++++++++++++-....              },
q{          =.$$@@@-&&)++++)-,$$$$=@@&+++++++++++++,..$           },
q{         .$$$$@@&+++++++&$$$@@@@-&,$,-++++++++++;;;&..          },
q{        $$$$,@--&++++++&$$)++++++++-,$&++++++;%%'%%;;$@         },
q{       .-@@-@-&++++++++-@++++++++++++,-++++++;''%;;;%*-$        },
q{       +------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;;%%%;;##*!.        },
q{        =+----+++++++++++++++++++++++;;;;;;;;;;;;%'>>).         },
q{         .=)&+++++++++++++++++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%''>>#>#@.          },
q{          =..=&++++++++++++;;;;;;;;;;;;;%###>>###+%==           },
q{           .&....=-+++++%;;####''''''''''##'%%%)..#.            },
q{           .+-++@....=,+%#####'%%%%%%%%%;@$-@-@*++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-&-@$$=$=......$,,,@;&)+!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           =+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!+++=            },
q{            $.++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!+.$             },
q{              =.++++++++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++.=               },
q{                 $..+++++++++++++++!++++++...$                  },
q{                      $$=.............=$$                       },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                });

@trashcan_open_xpm = (
q{64 80 17 1},
q{ 	c None},
q{.	c #030304},
q{+	c #5A5A5C},
q{@	c #323231},
q{#	c #888888},
q{$	c #1E1E1F},
q{%	c #767677},
q{&	c #494949},
q{*	c #9E9E9C},
q{=	c #111111},
q{-	c #3C3C3D},
q{;	c #6B6B6B},
q{>	c #949494},
q{,	c #282828},
q{'	c #808080},
q{)	c #545454},
q{!	c #AEAEAC},
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                      .=.==.,@                  },
q{                                   ==.,@-&&&)-=                 },
q{                                 .$@,&++;;;%>*-                 },
q{                               $,-+)+++%%;;'#+.                 },
q{                            =---+++++;%%%;%##@.                 },
q{                           @)++++++++;%%%%'#%$                  },
q{                         $&++++++++++;%%;%##@=                  },
q{                       ,-++++)+++++++;;;'#%)                    },
q{                      @+++&&--&)++++;;%'#'-.                    },
q{                    ,&++-@@,,,,-)++;;;'>'+,                     },
q{                  =-++&@$@&&&&-&+;;;%##%+@                      },
q{                =,)+)-,@@&+++++;;;;%##%&@                       },
q{               @--&&,,@&)++++++;;;;'#)@                         },
q{              ---&)-,@)+++++++;;;%''+,                          },
q{            $--&)+&$-+++++++;;;%%'';-                           },
q{           .,-&+++-$&++++++;;;%''%&=                            },
q{          $,-&)++)-@++++++;;%''%),                              },
q{         =,@&)++++&&+++++;%'''+$@&++++++                        },
q{        .$@-++++++++++++;'#';,........=$@&++++                  },
q{       =$@@&)+++++++++++'##-.................=&++               },
q{      .$$@-&)+++++++++;%#+$.....................=)+             },
q{      $$,@-)+++++++++;%;@=........................,+            },
q{     .$$@@-++++++++)-)@=............................            },
q{     $,@---)++++&)@===............................,.            },
q{    $-@---&)))-$$=..............................=)!.            },
q{     --&-&&,,$=,==...........................=&+++!.            },
q{      =,=$..=$+)+++++&@$=.............=$@&+++++!++!.            },
q{           .)-++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++++++++++++++++++++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!+++!!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           .+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!++!.            },
q{           =+-++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!+++=            },
q{            $.++-+++-+++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++!+.$             },
q{              =.++++++++++++++!++++!++++!+++!++.=               },
q{                 $..+++++++++++++++!++++++...$                  },
q{                      $$==...........==$$                       },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                },
q{                                                                });

my ($have_drag);

use constant  TARGET_STRING => 0;
use constant  TARGET_ROOTWIN => 1;

@target_table = (
	{'target' => "STRING", 'flags' => [], 'info' => TARGET_STRING},
	{'target' => "text/plain", 'flags' => [], 'info' => TARGET_STRING},
	{'target' => "application/x-rootwin-drop", 'flags' => [], 'info' => TARGET_ROOTWIN},

sub target_drag_leave {
  my ($widget, $context, $time) = @_;
  print "leave\n";
  $have_drag = 0;
  $widget->set_from_pixmap ($trashcan_closed, $trashcan_closed_mask);

sub target_drag_motion {
  my ($widget, $context, $x, $y, $time) = @_;
  my ($source_widget);

  if (!$have_drag)
      $have_drag = 1;
      $widget->set_from_pixmap ($trashcan_open, $trashcan_open_mask);

  $source_widget = $context->get_source_widget ();
  printf("motion, source %s\n", $source_widget ?
	    ref($source_widget) : "unknown");

  $context->status ($context->suggested_action, $time);
  return 1;

sub target_drag_drop {
  my ($widget, $context, $x, $y, $time) = @_;
  my ($atom);
  print "drop\n";
  $have_drag = 0;

  $widget->set_from_pixmap ($trashcan_closed, $trashcan_closed_mask);

  if (($atom=$context->targets))
      $widget->drag_get_data($context, $atom, $time);
      return 1;
  print "no targets in drop\n"; 
  return 0;

sub target_drag_data_received {
  my ($widget, $context, $x, $y, $data, $info, $time) = @_;
  print "Receiving $data in trashcan\n";
  print "\$data->length = ".$data->length."\n";
  print "\$data->format = ".$data->format."\n";
  if (($data->length >= 0) && ($data->format == 8))
      printf ("Received \"%s\" in trashcan\n", $data->data);
      $context->finish (1, 0, $time);
  $context->finish (0, 0, $time);
sub label_drag_data_received {
  my ($widget, $context, $x, $y, $data, $info, $time) = @_;
  if (($data->length >= 0) && ($data->format == 8))
      printf ("Received \"%s\" in label\n", $data->data);
      $context->finish (1, 0, $time);
  $context->finish (0, 0, $time);

sub source_drag_data_get {
  my ($widget, $context, $data, $info, $time) = @_;
  if ($info == TARGET_ROOTWIN) {
    print ("I was dropped on the rootwin\n");
  } else {
	  print "\$data is $data\n";
    $data->set ($data->target, 8, "I'm Data!");
#/* The following is a rather elaborate example demonstrating/testing
# * changing of the window heirarchy during a drag - in this case,
# * via a "spring-loaded" popup window.
# */
$popup_window = undef;

$popped_up = 0;
$in_popup = 0;
$popdown_timer = 0;
$popup_timer = 0;

sub popdown_cb
  $popdown_timer = 0;

  $popped_up = 0;

  return 0;

sub popup_motion
  my ($widget, $context, $x, $y, $time) = @_;
  if (!$in_popup)
      $in_popup = 1;
      if ($popdown_timer)
	  print ("removed popdown\n");
	  Glib::Source->remove ($popdown_timer);
	  $popdown_timer = 0;

  return 1;

sub  popup_leave {
  my ($widget, $context, $time) = @_;
  if ($in_popup)
      $in_popup = 0;
      if ($popdown_timer)
	  print ("added popdown\n");
	  $popdown_timer = Gtk2::Timeout->add (500, \&popdown_cb);

sub popup_cb {
  if (!$popped_up)
      if (!$popup_window)
	  my ($button, $table, $i, $j);
	  $popup_window = Gtk2::Window->new ('popup');

	  $table = Gtk2::Table->new (3, 3, 0);

	  for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
	    for ($j=0; $j<3; $j++)
		$button = new Gtk2::Button ("$i,$j");
		$table->attach ($button, $i, $i+1, $j, $j+1,
				  ['expand','fill'],['expand','fill'], 0, 0);

		$button->drag_dest_set ('all', ['copy', 'move'],
			@target_table[0..1]); # no rootwin
		$button->signal_connect ("drag_motion", \&popup_motion);
		$button->signal_connect ("drag_leave", \&popup_leave);
	  $table->show_all ();

      $popped_up = 1;

  $popdown_timer = Glib::Timeout->add (500, \&popdown_cb);
  print ("added popdown\n");

  $popup_timer = 0;

  return 0;

sub popsite_motion {
  my ($widget, $context, $x, $y, $time) = @_;
  if (!$popup_timer) {
    $popup_timer = Glib::Timeout->add (500, \&popup_cb);
  return 1;

sub  popsite_leave {
  my ($widget, $context, $time) = @_;
  if ($popup_timer)
      Glib::Source->remove ($popup_timer);
      $popup_timer = 0;

sub source_drag_data_delete {
  my ($widget, $context, $data) = @_;
  print ("Delete the data!\n");
init Gtk2;

$window = new Gtk2::Window;
$window->signal_connect('destroy', sub {Gtk2->main_quit});

$table = new Gtk2::Table(2, 2, 0);


($drag_icon, $drag_mask) = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->colormap_create_from_xpm_d (
	undef, $window->get_colormap(), undef, @drag_icon_xpm);
($trashcan_open, $trashcan_open_mask) = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->colormap_create_from_xpm_d (
	undef, $window->get_colormap(), undef, @trashcan_open_xpm);
($trashcan_closed, $trashcan_closed_mask) = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->colormap_create_from_xpm_d (
	undef, $window->get_colormap(), undef, @trashcan_closed_xpm);

$label = new Gtk2::Label("Drop Here\n");

$label->drag_dest_set('all', ['copy', 'move'], @target_table[0..1]); # no rootwin

$label->signal_connect("drag_data_received", \&label_drag_data_received);

$table->attach ($label, 0, 1, 0, 1, ['expand', 'fill'], ['expand', 'fill'], 0, 0);

$label = new Gtk2::Label("Popup\n");

$label->drag_dest_set('all', ['copy', 'move'], @target_table[0..1]); # no rootwin

$table->attach ($label, 1, 2, 1, 2, ['expand', 'fill'], ['expand', 'fill'], 0, 0);

$label->signal_connect ("drag_motion", \&popsite_motion);
$label->signal_connect ("drag_leave", \&popsite_leave);
$pixmap = Gtk2::Image->new_from_pixmap ($trashcan_closed, $trashcan_closed_mask);
$pixmap->drag_dest_set ([], []);
$table->attach ($pixmap, 1, 2, 0, 1, ['expand', 'fill'], ['expand', 'fill'], 0, 0);

$pixmap->signal_connect ("drag_leave", \&target_drag_leave);

$pixmap->signal_connect ("drag_motion", \&target_drag_motion);

$pixmap->signal_connect ("drag_drop", \&target_drag_drop);

$pixmap->signal_connect ("drag_data_received", \&target_drag_data_received);

# Drag site

$button = new Gtk2::Button ("Drag Here\n");

$button->drag_source_set (['button1_mask', 'button3_mask'], ['copy', 'move'], @target_table);
$button->drag_source_set_icon ($window->get_colormap,  $drag_icon, $drag_mask);

$table->attach ($button, 0, 1, 1, 2, ['expand', 'fill'], ['expand', 'fill'], 0, 0);

$button->signal_connect ("drag_data_get", \&source_drag_data_get);
$button->signal_connect ("drag_data_delete", \&source_drag_data_delete);


Gtk2->main ();
