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<title>Dependency generator (ocamldep)</title>
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<h1 class="chapter" id="sec287">Chapter&#XA0;13&#XA0;&#XA0;Dependency generator (ocamldep)</h1>
<li><a href="depend.html#sec288">Options</a>
</li><li><a href="depend.html#sec289">A typical Makefile</a>
<p> <a id="c:camldep"></a>

</p><p>The <span class="c007">ocamldep</span> command scans a set of OCaml source files
(<span class="c007">.ml</span> and <span class="c007">.mli</span> files) for references to external compilation units,
and outputs dependency lines in a format suitable for the <span class="c007">make</span>
utility. This ensures that <span class="c007">make</span> will compile the source files in the
correct order, and recompile those files that need to when a source
file is modified.</p><p>The typical usage is:
        ocamldep <span class="c013">options</span> *.mli *.ml &gt; .depend
where <span class="c007">*.mli *.ml</span> expands to all source files in the current
directory and <span class="c007">.depend</span> is the file that should contain the
dependencies. (See below for a typical <span class="c007">Makefile</span>.)</p><p>Dependencies are generated both for compiling with the bytecode
compiler <span class="c007">ocamlc</span> and with the native-code compiler <span class="c007">ocamlopt</span>.</p><p>The <span class="c007">ocamlbuild</span> compilation manager (see chapter&#XA0;<a href="ocamlbuild.html#c%3Aocamlbuild">18</a>)
provide a higher-level, more automated alternative to the combination
of <span class="c007">make</span> and <span class="c007">ocamldep</span>. </p>
<h2 class="section" id="sec288">13.1&#XA0;&#XA0;Options</h2>
<p>The following command-line options are recognized by <span class="c007">ocamldep</span>.</p><dl class="description"><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c019"><span class="c007">-I</span> <span class="c013">directory</span></span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Add the given directory to the list of directories searched for
source files. If a source file <span class="c007"></span> mentions an external
compilation unit <span class="c007">Bar</span>, a dependency on that unit&#X2019;s interface
<span class="c007">bar.cmi</span> is generated only if the source for <span class="c007">bar</span> is found in the
current directory or in one of the directories specified with <span class="c007">-I</span>.
Otherwise, <span class="c007">Bar</span> is assumed to be a module from the standard library,
and no dependencies are generated. For programs that span multiple
directories, it is recommended to pass <span class="c007">ocamldep</span> the same <span class="c007">-I</span> options
that are passed to the compiler.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c019"><span class="c007">-ml-synonym</span> <span class="c013">.ext</span></span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Consider the given extension (with leading dot) to be a synonym for .ml.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c019"><span class="c007">-mli-synonym</span> <span class="c013">.ext</span></span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Consider the given extension (with leading dot) to be a synonym for .mli.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c010">-modules</span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Output raw dependencies of the form
<pre>      filename: Module1 Module2 ... ModuleN
</pre>where <span class="c007">Module1</span>, &#X2026;, <span class="c007">ModuleN</span> are the names of the compilation
units referenced within the file <span class="c007">filename</span>, but these names are not
resolved to source file names. Such raw dependencies cannot be used
by <span class="c007">make</span>, but can be post-processed by other tools such as <span class="c007">Omake</span>.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c010">-native</span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Generate dependencies for a pure native-code program (no bytecode
version). When an implementation file (<span class="c007">.ml</span> file) has no explicit
interface file (<span class="c007">.mli</span> file), <span class="c007">ocamldep</span> generates dependencies on the
bytecode compiled file (<span class="c007">.cmo</span> file) to reflect interface changes.
This can cause unnecessary bytecode recompilations for programs that
are compiled to native-code only. The flag <span class="c007">-native</span> causes
dependencies on native compiled files (<span class="c007">.cmx</span>) to be generated instead
of on <span class="c007">.cmo</span> files. (This flag makes no difference if all source files
have explicit <span class="c007">.mli</span> interface files.)</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c019"><span class="c007">-pp</span> <span class="c013">command</span></span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Cause <span class="c007">ocamldep</span> to call the given <span class="c013">command</span> as a preprocessor
for each source file.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c010">-slash</span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Under Windows, use a forward slash (/) as the path separator instead
of the usual backward slash (\). Under Unix, this option does
nothing.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c010">-version</span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Print version string and exit.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c010">-vnum</span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Print short version number and exit.</dd><dt class="dt-description"><span class="c019"><span class="c007">-help</span> or <span class="c007">--help</span></span></dt><dd class="dd-description">
Display a short usage summary and exit.
<h2 class="section" id="sec289">13.2&#XA0;&#XA0;A typical Makefile</h2>
<p>Here is a template <span class="c007">Makefile</span> for a OCaml program.</p><pre>OCAMLC=ocamlc
INCLUDES=                 # all relevant -I options here
OCAMLFLAGS=$(INCLUDES)    # add other options for ocamlc here
OCAMLOPTFLAGS=$(INCLUDES) # add other options for ocamlopt here

# prog1 should be compiled to bytecode, and is composed of three
# units: mod1, mod2 and mod3.

# The list of object files for prog1
PROG1_OBJS=mod1.cmo mod2.cmo mod3.cmo

prog1: $(PROG1_OBJS)
        $(OCAMLC) -o prog1 $(OCAMLFLAGS) $(PROG1_OBJS)

# prog2 should be compiled to native-code, and is composed of two
# units: mod4 and mod5.

# The list of object files for prog2
PROG2_OBJS=mod4.cmx mod5.cmx

prog2: $(PROG2_OBJS)
        $(OCAMLOPT) -o prog2 $(OCAMLFLAGS) $(PROG2_OBJS)

# Common rules
.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx

        $(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c $&lt;

        $(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c $&lt;

        $(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS) -c $&lt;

# Clean up
        rm -f prog1 prog2
        rm -f *.cm[iox]

# Dependencies
        $(OCAMLDEP) $(INCLUDES) *.mli *.ml &gt; .depend

include .depend
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