

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 29fbd1dd1eecec54c41584a36845cf11 > files > 6


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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY klinkstatus "<application>KLinkStatus</application>">
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<book id="klinkstatus" lang="&language;">

<title>The &klinkstatus; Handbook</title>

<surname>Paulo Moura Guedes</surname>



<holder>Paulo Moura Guedes</holder>


<releaseinfo>0.7.0 (&kde; 4.7)</releaseinfo>

&klinkstatus; is a link checker for &kde;.

<keyword>link checker</keyword>


<chapter id="introduction">

  &klinkstatus; is a link checker for &kde;. It allows you to search internal and external links in your entire web site, just a single page and choose the depth to search. You can also check local files, ftp, fish, &etc;, as &klinkstatus; uses KIO. For performance, links can be checked simultaneously.
  Application capabilities can be extended with <ulink url="">Kross scripting</ulink>.

<chapter id="using-klinkstatus">
<title>Using &klinkstatus;</title>

  To check links on a web site or local file enter its address into the <guilabel>URL:</guilabel> field and hit &Enter;.
  You can also use folder icon to the right to navigate to the address needed using &GUI;.
<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &klinkstatus;</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/>
	      &klinkstatus; is checking links on KDevelop web site. Broken and malformed links are marked with red.
  If access to the inspected data is restricted, please check the <guilabel>Login</guilabel> option. After hitting &Enter; in &URL; field or push <guibutton>Start Search</guibutton> button on the toolbar the following dialog will be shown to enter the credentials.
<screeninfo>Credentials dialog of &klinkstatus;</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="login-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <phrase>Credentials dialog of &klinkstatus;</phrase>
	      &klinkstatus; is asking you to enter the credentials.
  Enter the credentials and push <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.
  You can narrow down the range of the links to be checked by unchecking <guilabel>Check external links</guilabel> item (if external links need not to be checked) or entering regular expression into <guilabel>Do not check Regular Expression</guilabel> field.
  Search results can be filtered using <guilabel>Search</guilabel> field or <guilabel>Status</guilabel> drop-down menu (<guimenuitem>All Links</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Good Links</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Broken Links</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Malformed Links</guimenuitem>, or <guimenuitem>Undetermined Links</guimenuitem>).
  From the context menu of each item in search results you can <guimenuitem>Recheck</guimenuitem> item, <guisubmenu>Edit Referrer</guisubmenu> in the default editor, <guimenuitem>Open URL</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Open Referrer URL</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Copy URL</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Copy Referrer URL</guimenuitem>, or <guimenuitem>Copy Cell Text</guimenuitem>.
  The check results can be saved as &XML; site map using <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create Site Map...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu item, or exported as &HTML; using <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>Export to HTML</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. You can choose to export <guimenuitem>All</guimenuitem> or just <guimenuitem>Broken</guimenuitem> links. An option <guimenuitem>Download New Stylesheets</guimenuitem> to use stylesheets from Get Hot New Stuff repository for export is also implemented.
Support several protocols (allowing fast checking of local documents): http, ftp, ssh (fish or sftp) and file.
Proxy support
Allows authentication when checking restricted documents
Limit the search depth
Pause/Resume of checking session
History of checked URLs
Kross Scripting
  How does scheduling auto link check work?
  starting klinkstatus via user crontab? apparently not!
  via a kded service?
  needs a running klinkstatus instance?
  is this unfinished work?

<chapter id="auto-check">
<title>Automatic Site Checking</title>

  Using <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Schedule Link Checks...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
  opens the <guilabel>Configure Site Check Automation</guilabel> dialog.

  Here you can add, remove and edit sessions.
  Scheduling Weekly (how to set day?), Daily, Hourly



<chapter id="config">
  <title>Configuring &klinkstatus;</title>
    Configuration options of &klinkstatus; can be accessed by opening the configuration dialog with selecting <menuchoice> <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Configure &klinkstatus;...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> from the menu.</para>
      <screeninfo>Configure &klinkstatus; Dialog</screeninfo>
	  <imagedata fileref="check-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
    In the <guilabel>Check</guilabel> page, you can change the default check parameters. This page is divided into three panes (<guilabel>Network</guilabel>, <guilabel>Input</guilabel>, and <guilabel>Quanta</guilabel>) with additional checkbox <guilabel>Remember settings when exit</guilabel>. If the latter is checked, &klinkstatus; remember configured settings when you exit &klinkstatus; and restore them during the next application run.
    The <guilabel>Network</guilabel> pane can be used to choose the <guilabel>Number of simultaneous connections</guilabel> and <guilabel>Timeout in seconds</guilabel>.
    You can change the <guilabel>Number of items in &URL; history</guilabel> (default is 50) and the <guilabel>Depth</guilabel> of check (can be overriden with &klinkstatus; main window, 0 for <guilabel>Unlimited</guilabel>). You can also decide if &klinkstatus; should <guilabel>Check parent folders</guilabel> and <guilabel>Check external links</guilabel> (can be overriden with &klinkstatus; main window).
    The <guilabel>Quanta</guilabel> pane is used to control &quantaplus; integration of &klinkstatus;. Check <guilabel>Use preview prefix</guilabel> if you want to use &quantaplus;'s project preview prefix in the &URL; to check.
    <screeninfo>Configure &klinkstatus; Dialog</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="results-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
    Using the <guilabel>Results</guilabel> page you can choose format of the check results list. <guilabel>Tree</guilabel> is the default tree view and <guilabel>Flat</guilabel> is the flat list (can be faster on low-end machines). You can also let &klinkstatus; <guilabel>Follow Last Link Checked</guilabel> and define <guilabel>Preferred Style Sheet</guilabel> for the check list. The new stylesheets can be downloaded from the Get Hot New Stuff repository using <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Export to HTML</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Download New Stylesheets</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu item.
    <screeninfo>Configure &klinkstatus; Dialog</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="identification-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
    Using the <guilabel>Identification</guilabel> page you can configure the way &klinkstatus; reports itself to the server that stores the page checked. You can choose to <guilabel>Send Identification</guilabel>. Use <guibutton>Default</guibutton> button to set the default identification of &konqueror;. <guilabel>Identity</guilabel> pane can be used to choose your identity for authentication on the server.
    <screeninfo>Configure &klinkstatus; Dialog</screeninfo>
	<imagedata fileref="mail-transport-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
	<phrase>Mail Transport</phrase>
    Using the <guilabel>Mail Transport</guilabel> page, you can configure email account which receives &klinkstatus; scheduled check results.

<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>

Program copyright 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email>pmg&#64;netcabo&#46;pt</email>
Documentation copyright 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email>pmg&#64;netcabo&#46;pt</email>


&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->

&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->


<chapter id="installation">
<title>Installation and Compilation</title>





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