

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 30e069bbcdfa812d473f9f287cff5d38 > files > 176


# $Id: amavis,v 1.56 2009/02/20 18:01:49 mike Exp $
# $Log: amavis,v $
# Revision 1.56  2009/02/20 18:01:49  mike
# Patch from Ivan Varekova -mgt
# Revision 1.55  2008/06/17 21:46:40  mike
# Roll back to pre MrC version -mgt
# Revision 1.28  2006/05/26 18:32:50  bjorn
# Additional regexp adjustment, by 'Who Knows'.
# Revision 1.27  2006/05/21 18:17:41  bjorn
# Complies with recent amavis releases, by Who Knows.
# Revision 1.26  2006/04/02 17:26:52  kirk
# fixed spelling error
# Revision 1.25  2006/01/29 23:52:53  bjorn
# Print out virus names and sender, by Felix Schwarz.
# Revision 1.24  2005/12/07 19:15:56  bjorn
# Detect and count timeouts, by 'Who Knows'.
# Revision 1.23  2005/11/30 05:34:10  bjorn
# Corrected regexp with space, by Markus Lude.
# Revision 1.22  2005/11/22 18:34:32  bjorn
# Recognize 'Passed' bad headers, by "Who Knows".
# Revision 1.21  2005/10/26 05:40:43  bjorn
# Additional patches for amavisd-new, by Mike Cappella
# This was originally written by:
#    Jim O'Halloran <>
# Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports,
#    etc, to and

$CleanMsgs = 0;
$InfectedMsgs = 0;
$SpamMsgs = 0;
$BannedNames = 0;
$BadHeaders = 0;
$IntentionallyDrop = 0;
$NoDSNSent = 0;
$NoQuarantine = 0;
$Whitelisted = 0;
$Blacklisted = 0;
$SATimedout  = 0;

# Parse logfile
while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
   $From = "";
   $Towards = "";
   $Virus = "";
   $FileName = "";

   $ThisLine =~ s/^\([A-z\d-]+\) //;
   while ($ThisLine =~ s/\.\.\.$//) {
      $NextLine = <STDIN>;
      $NextLine =~ s/^\([\d-]+\) \.\.\.//;
      $ThisLine .= $NextLine;

   if ( ($ThisLine =~ /^do_ascii/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Found av scanner/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Found myself/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Module/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^TIMING/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Checking/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^(ESMTP|FWD|SEND) via/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^spam_scan/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Not-Delivered/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^SpamControl/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^SPAM-TAG/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /SPAM\.TAG2/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /BAD-HEADER\.TAG2/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Net/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Perl/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^ESMTP/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^LMTP/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^.* code[ \t]+(NOT)? loaded/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^tempdir being removed/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^(?:Found|Internal|No) decoder for/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Found primary av scanner/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Found \$[\S]+[\s]+at/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^No \$[\S]+,[\s]+not using it/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Found secondary av scanner/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Using (?:primary |secondary )?internal av scanner code/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^mail_via_smtp/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^local delivery: /)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^cached [a-zA-Z0-9]+ /)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^loaded policy bank/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^wbl: soft-whitelisted/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^p\d+ \d+(\/\d+)* Content-Type: /)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Requesting (a |)process rundown after [0-9]+ tasks/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: Not sending DSN, spam level [0-9.]+ exceeds DSN cutoff level/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /skip local delivery\([0-9]\): <> -> <(spam|bad-header|banned|virus)-quarantine>*/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /config files read: .*amavisd.conf/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /mangling by .* \([0-9]\) done, new size: [0-9]*, orig [0-9]* bytes/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /mangling by: [0-9], <.*>/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /mangling YES: [0-9] \(orig: [0-9]\), discl_allowed=.*, <.*> -> <.*>/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^initializing Mail::SpamAssassin/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^SpamAssassin debug facilities/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^SpamAssassin loaded plugins/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^logging initialized,/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^extra modules loaded/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^INFO: no optional modules/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^INFO: SA version/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /NOT loaded$/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^(?:Local-out|AM.PDP-in) proto code loaded/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^\.\.\./)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Creating db in/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^dkim: (?:VALID|FAILED)/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^Open relay\?/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^user=.*, EUID/)
        or ($ThisLine =~ /^starting.  \S*amavisd at/) ) {
       # We don't care about these
   } elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Passed( CLEAN)?, /) {
   } elsif (($FileName, $From) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:Blocked )?BANNED (?:name\/type )?\(([^\)]+)\)\, (?:\[([^\]]*)\] )*\<([^\>]*)\>/ )) {


      if ($Detail >= 10) {
      }; # if

   } elsif (($Virus, $FromIP, $From) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:Virus found - quarantined|INFECTED|Blocked INFECTED) \(([^\)]+)\)\, (?:\[([^\]]*)\] )*[\(\<]([^\>\)]*)[\)\>]/ )) {


      if (defined($From)){
         $From="$From [$FromIP]" if defined($FromIP);
      else {

      if ($Detail >= 5) {
      }; # if

      if ($Detail >= 10) {
      }; # if

   } elsif (($FromIP, $Fromspam, $Towards) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:Passed )?(?:SPAM|SPAMMY|Blocked SPAM|Blocked SPAMMY), (?:\[([^\]]*)\] )*[(<]([^>)]*)[)>] -\> [\(\<]([^\>\)]+)[\)\>]/ )) {

      if ($Fromspam =~ /^$/) {
      else {
         $Fromspam="$Fromspam [$FromIP]" if defined($FromIP);

      if ($Detail >= 5) {
      }; # if

      if ($Detail >= 10) {

            #print "Fromspam is '", $Fromspam, "', ";
            #print "Towards is '", $Towards, "'\n";
      }; # if

   } elsif (($Towards) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:Passed )?SPAM, \<\> -\> [\(\<]([^\>\)]+)[\)\>]/ )) {

      if ($Detail >= 5) {
      }; # if

      if ($Detail >= 10) {
      }; # if

   } elsif (($FromIP, $From, $Why) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:Blocked |Passed )?BAD[ -]HEADER(?: from|\,) (?:\[([^\]]*)\] )*[\(\<]([^\>\)]+)[\)\>](?: -\> [\(\<](?:[^\>\)]+)[\)\>])[^\:]*(?:\: (.*) in message header)?/ )) {

      if (defined($From)){
         $From="$From [$FromIP]" if defined($FromIP);
      else {

      $Why="" if not defined($Why);

      if ($Detail >= 10) {
      }; # if

   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: Not sending DSN, spam level exceeds DSN cutoff level(| for all recips), mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^do_spam: spam level exceeds quarantine cutoff level/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: DSN contains SPAM; bounce is not bouncible, mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: Not sending DSN to believed-to-be-faked sender/ ) {
		#I'm not incrementing infections since that was caught by INFECTED
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: DSN contains VIRUS; bounce is not bouncable, mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: DSN contains BANNED NAME; bounce is not bouncable, mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: DSN contains VIRUS & BANNED NAME; bounce is not bouncable, mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: DSN contains VIRUS & BAD HEADER; bounce is not bouncable, mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^NOTICE: DSN contains VIRUS & BANNED NAME & BAD HEADER; bounce is not bouncable, mail intentionally dropped/ ) {
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^SA TIMED OUT,/ ) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /^white_black_list: whitelisted sender/ )
	 		or ( $ThisLine =~ /.* WHITELISTED/) ) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /^white_black_list: blacklisted sender/ )
	 		or ( $ThisLine =~ /.* BLACKLISTED/) ) {
   } else {
      # Report any unmatched entries...
   } # else
} # while

# Output report

if ($CleanMsgs > 0) {
   print "\n$CleanMsgs messages checked and passed.\n";
}; # if

if ($InfectedMsgs > 0) {
   print "$InfectedMsgs virus infected messages were found.\n";
}; # if

if ($SpamMsgs > 0) {
   print "$SpamMsgs spam messages were found.\n";
}; # if

if ($BannedNames > 0) {
   print "$BannedNames messages rejected with banned file names.\n";
}; # if

if ($BadHeaders > 0) {
   print "$BadHeaders messages with bad headers were found.\n";
}; # if

if ($IntentionallyDrop > 0) {
   print "$IntentionallyDrop messages intentionally dropped (bad DSN).\n";

if ($NoDSNSent > 0) {
   print "$NoDSNSent DSNs intentionally not sent (spam level exceeds DSN cutoff level).\n";

if ($NoQuarantine > 0) {
   print "$NoQuarantine messages destined for quarantine intentionally not quarantined (spam level exceeds quarantine cutoff level).\n";

if($SATimedout > 0) {
   print "$SATimedout messages caused SpamAssassin to timeout during message processing.\n";

if ($Whitelisted > 0 && $Detail >= 5) {
   print "$Whitelisted messages were whitelisted.\n";

if ($Blacklisted > 0 && $Detail >= 5) {
   print "$Blacklisted messages were blacklisted.\n";

if ((keys %Virustypes)) {
   print "\nViruses Detected:\n";
   foreach $Virus (sort keys %Virustypes) {
      if ($Detail < 10 && $Detail >= 5) {
         print "   $Virus: $Virustypes{$Virus} Times(s)\n";
      } elsif ($Detail >= 10) {
         $VirCount = 0;
         $OutString = "";
         foreach $From (sort keys %{ $Viruses{$Virus}}) {
            $VirCount += $Viruses{$Virus}{$From};
            $OutString .= "      $From  $Viruses{$Virus}{$From} Time(s)\n";
         }; # foreach
         print "   $Virus: $VirCount Times(s)  From:\n$OutString\n";
      }; # if
   }; # foreach

}; # if

if ((keys %Spams)) {
   print "\nSpam Detected:\n";
   foreach $Towards (sort keys %Spams) {
      if ($Detail < 10 && $Detail >= 5) {
         print "   Spam to $Towards: $Spamtypes{$Towards} Times(s)\n";
      } elsif ($Detail >=10) {
         $SpamCount = 0;
         $OutString = "";
         foreach $From (sort keys %{ $Spams{$Towards}}) {

            $SpamCount += $Spams{$Towards}{$From};
            #print "From is '", $From, "'\n";
            if ($From =~ /^$/) {
               $OutString .= "      <>";
            else {
               $OutString .= "      $From  ";
            $OutString .= "  $Spams{$Towards}{$From} Time(s)\n";
         }; # foreach
         print "   Spam to $Towards: $SpamCount Times(s) From:\n$OutString\n";
      }; # if
   }; # foreach

}; # if

if ((keys %Headers) && $Detail >= 10) {
   print "\nBad Headers Detected:\n";
   foreach $From (sort keys %Headers) {
      $Count = 0;
      $OutString = "";
      foreach $Why (sort keys %{ $Headers{$From}}) {
         $Count += $Headers{$From}{$Why};
         $OutString .= "      $Why  $Headers{$From}{$Why} Time(s)\n";
      }; # foreach
      print "   Bad Header from $From: $Count Times(s) Reason(s):\n$OutString\n";
   }; # foreach
}; # if

if (keys %Banned) {
  print "\nBanned File Names:\n";
   foreach $FileName (sort keys %Banned) {
      $BanCount = 0;
      $OutString = "";
      foreach $From (sort keys %{ $Banned{$FileName}}) {
         $BanCount += $Banned{$FileName}{$From};
         $OutString .= "      $From  $Banned{$FileName}{$From} Time(s)\n";
      }; # foreach
      print "   $FileName: $BanCount Times(s)  From:\n$OutString\n";
   }; # foreach
}; # if

if (keys %OtherList) {
   print "\n\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
   foreach $line (sort {$OtherList{$b}<=>$OtherList{$a} } keys %OtherList) {
      print "   $line: $OtherList{$line} Time(s)\n";
   }; # foreach
}; # if


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