

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 30e069bbcdfa812d473f9f287cff5d38 > files > 203


# $Id: ftpd-messages,v 1.29 2008/03/24 23:31:26 kirk Exp $

## Copyright (c) 2008 Kirk Bauer
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
## and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
## under your own copyright or a different license this
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
## contributions.  If you have made significant
## contributions to this script and want to claim
## copyright please contact

$IgnoreUnmatched = $ENV{'ftpd_ignore_unmatched'} || 0;

my $SegFault = 0;

while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
   if ( ( $ThisLine =~ /FTP session closed$/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^getpeername \(in.ftpd\): Transport endpoint is not connected$/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^QUIT$/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[\w\.]+: connected: IDLE\s\[\d+\]: failed login from/ ) or         ( $ThisLine =~ /^lost connection to / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^wu-ftpd - TLS settings:/ ) or

    # The connect info is extracted elsewhere:
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^USER / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: USER [^ ]+\[\d+\]:/ ) or

         ( $ThisLine =~ /^PASS / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: IDLE\[\d+\]: PASS password$/ ) or

    # These are uninteresting:
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: TYPE / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: PORT / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: STOR / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: RNFR / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: RNTO / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: SYST\[\d+\]: SYST$/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: QUIT\[\d+\]: QUIT$/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: PASV\[\d+\]: PASV$/ ) or

    # Some people may want these things below, but not in a simple upfront security
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: RETR / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: LIST / ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: NLST / ) or

    # connected: SYST[27800]: cmd failure - not logged in
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^[^ ]+: [^ ]+: SYST\[\d+\]: cmd failure - not logged in$/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^User .* timed out after .* seconds at .*$/ )   ) {

            # We don't care about any of these

   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP,$Email) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN FROM ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\], (.*)$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): " . $Email . " - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP,$User) = ( $ThisLine =~ /FTP LOGIN FROM ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\], (.*)$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): " . $User . " - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP,$User) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP LOGIN REFUSED \(.+\) FROM ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\], (.*)$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): " . $User . " - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP,$User) = ( $ThisLine =~ /REFUSED .+ from ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\], (.*)$/i ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): " . $User . " - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP,$User) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^failed login from ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\], (.*)$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): " . $User . " - ";
   } elsif ( ($Limit,$Class,$Host,$IP) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^ACCESS DENIED \(user limit (.*)\; class (.*)\) TO (.*) \[(.*)\]/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): class " . $Class . " (Limit: " . $Limit . ") - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP ACCESS REFUSED \(anonymous password not rfc822\) from (.*) \[(.*)\]/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . ") - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP,$User) = ( $ThisLine =~ /failed login from ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\]$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . ") - ";
   } elsif ( ($IP,$Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^refused PORT ([\d.]+),\d+ from (.*)$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . ") - ";
   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /^exiting on signal 11: Segmentation fault$/ ) {
   } elsif ( ($User,$Host,$IP,$File) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^([^ ]+) of ([^ ]*) \[(.*)\] deleted (.*)$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): " . $User . "\n";
      $Temp2 = "      " . $File . "\n";
      push @{$DeletedFiles{$Temp}}, $Temp2;
   } elsif ( ($User,$Pass,$Host,$IP) = ( $ThisLine =~ /(.*)\((.*)\) of (.*) \[(.*)\] tried to/) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " ($IP): " . $User . " ($Pass) - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$User,$IP) = ( $ThisLine =~ /(.*)\: (.*)\: SITE .* \[(.*)\] tried to/) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " ($IP): " . $User . " - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host,$IP) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP LOGIN FAILED \(cannot set guest privileges\) for ([^ ]+) \[(.*)\], ftp$/ ) ) {
      $Temp = "   " . $Host . " (" . $IP . "): - ";
   } elsif ( ($Host, $User) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^([^ ]+): ([^ ]+): IDLE\[\d+\]: User [^
]+ timed out after / ) ) {
      # visitor: IDLE[23195]: User visitor timed out after 900 seconds at Mon Jan 13 00:25:24 2003
      $TimedOut{"   " . $Host . " : " . $User}++;
   } else {
      # Report any unmatched entries...
      push @OtherList,$ThisLine;

if ( (keys %AnonLogins) and ($Detail >= 10) ) {
   print "\nAnonymous FTP Logins:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %AnonLogins) {
      print $ThisOne . $AnonLogins{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if ((keys %DeletedFiles) and ($Detail >= 10)) {
   print "\nFiles deleted through FTP:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %DeletedFiles) {
      print $ThisOne;
      print @{$DeletedFiles{$ThisOne}};

if ((keys %UserLogins) and ($Detail >= 5)) {
   print "\nUser FTP Logins:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %UserLogins) {
      print $ThisOne . $UserLogins{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if (keys %FailedLogins) {
   print "\nFailed FTP Logins:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %FailedLogins) {
      print $ThisOne . $FailedLogins{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if ( (keys %RefusedPorts) and ($Detail >= 10) ) {
   print "\nRefused PORTs:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %RefusedPorts) {
      print $ThisOne . $RefusedPorts{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if (keys %TimedOut) {
   print "\nConnections timed out:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %TimedOut) {
      print $ThisOne . $TimedOut{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if ( (keys %SecurityViolations) and ($Detail >= 5) ) {
   print "\nFailed filesystem violations:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %SecurityViolations) {
      print $ThisOne . $SecurityViolations{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if (keys %RefusedAnonLogins) {
   print "\nRefused anonymous FTP Logins:\n";
   foreach $ThisOne (keys %RefusedAnonLogins) {
      print $ThisOne . $RefusedAnonLogins{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";

if ($SegFault > 0) {
   print "\nexiting on signal 11: Segmentation fault: $SegFault Time(s)\n";

if (($#OtherList >= 0) and (not $IgnoreUnmatched)){
   print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
   print @OtherList;


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# mode: perl
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