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    <meta name="description" content="This page describes how to generate multi-volume backups on CD-RW. You can download a set of shell scripts which make this very easy.">
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                <td class="h1">&nbsp;&nbsp;Backups on CD
                 Chapter 1 Overview</td>
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          <h2><a name="s-usage">1.1 Usage</a></h2>

          <p>Just type <code>backuponcd -s (directory) -e (excludelist)</code>, where <code>(directory)</code> is the full path to the directory which you want to archive and <code>(excludelist)</code> is a grep-script.</p>

          <p>The output of <code>backuponcd -h</code> is:</p>

          <table width="90%">
              <td class="pre">
     -s directory which is to archived
     -e excludelist may be a empty file, usually a list of mountpoints,
        view example in /etc/backuponcd/excludelist
     -a archiver (optional) overrides your setting (archiver=..)
        in /etc/backuponcd/global.rc
     -rc global settings (optional).
         Overrides built in parameter &quot;-rc /etc/backuponcd/global.rc&quot;.
         Must be full path to rc file.

          <p>If you want to generate a backup on a running system, some folders must be excluded, have a look on an example exclude list (see <a href="ch-settings.html#s-excludelist"><code>/usr/doc/backuponcd/samples/excludelist</code>, Section 4.1</a>).</p>
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          <h2><a name="s-whatdoesit">1.2 What does it do?</a></h2>

          <p>The script generates a backup providing tar or afio relative to <code>(directory)</code> and stores it temporary in the backuppath, depending on your settings in <a href="ch-settings.html#s-global.rc"><code>/etc/backuponcd/global.rc</code>, Section 4.2</a>. The archive can have any length, it is splitted into smaller pieces and burned while the backup runs continuous.</p>

          <p>This is done by using pipes and burning multisession CDs, so don&#39;t worry if the gzipped tarball of your system amounts 1.5 + Gbyte. In this case you need 3 CDs with a media cost of 6$ if you use CD-RW.</p>
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          <h2><a name="s-howitworks">1.3 How does it work?</a></h2>

          <p>Extracting an archive looks like this:</p>

          <table width="90%">
              <td class="pre">
     cat /cdwriter/tar.gz.* | tar --compare --gzip --file=- | \
     tee -a /tmp/logfile

          <p>while the filenames of the archive are <code>tar.gz.00</code>, <code>tar.gz.01</code> and so on.</p>

          <p>A bit more complicated is reading a multisession backup:</p>

          <table width="90%">
              <td class="pre">
     # /usr/doc/backuponcd/samples/simple_read
     # a very simple example how to read an archive stored on
     # several CDs. Must be killed by typing ^C if reading is
     # finished.
     while true; do
       cdrecord dev=$device -eject &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1
       echo -e &quot;\a\n Please insert the (next) volume&quot; &gt; /dev/tty
       read ans
       mount -t iso9660 -o ro,noexec $rawdevice $mountpt
       if test $? -eq 0; then
         echo &quot;Now reading the volume...&quot; &gt; /dev/tty
         cat /cdrom/*gz*
         echo -e &quot;\a\n Mount failed.&quot; &gt; /dev/tty
       umount $mountpt
     done 2&gt; /dev/tty &lt; /dev/tty

          <p>The script is used as follows:</p>

          <table width="90%">
              <td class="pre">
     ~/bin/simple_read | tar --compare --gzip --file=- | \
     tee -a /tmp/logfile

          <p>BackupOnCd comes with longer shell scripts which recognize multi- and singlesession CD and type out better comments, know which volume is inserted and so on.</p>

          <p>If you assume that burning does work similar you&#39;re right, it does (see <a href="ch-details.html">Details, Chapter 3</a> if you are interested).</p>
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           Backups on CD

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                  17 April 2000
                   Holger Nassenstein <code><a href=""></a></code>

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