

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 34eb3bdf126c353005eb488e319a7d13 > files > 25


		<title>Test Report</title>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.3.pack.js"></script>
		<style type="text/css">
 * TAP-Formatter-HTML: default report stylesheet
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Steve Purkis.  All rights reserved.
 * Released under the same terms as Perl itself.

html {
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;

body {
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, Tahoma;
	font-size: small;
	background-color: #efefef;

/* The summary bar
#summary {
	position: relative;
	padding: 2px 0 2 0;
	width: 90%;
	font-size: x-large;
	text-align: center;

#summary.passed {
	background-color: #99ff66;
	border: 1px solid #00ff00;

#summary.failed {
	background-color: #ff6450;
	border: 1px solid #ff0000;

#summary a {
	width: 100%;
	display: block;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #000000;

#summary a:hover {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #6666aa;

 * The report detail section
#detail {
	margin-top: 5px;
	width: 90%;

table.detail {
	width: 100%;
	border: 1px solid #3333ee;
	padding: 2px;
	border-spacing: 0px;


table.detail th {
	border-bottom: 2px solid #3333ee;
	padding-top: 2px;

table.detail tfoot tr td {
	border-top: 2px solid #3333ee;
	padding-top: 2px;

table.detail td {
	position: relative;
	top: 0px;
	left: 0px;
	border-top: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 2px 0 2 0;
	vertical-align: top;

 * The file column
table.detail td.file {
	width: 10%;
	padding-left: 2px;
	padding-right: 4px;

a.file {
	display: block;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #3333cc;

a.file:hover {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #6666ee;

a.file:visited {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #3333cc;

 * The time column
table.detail td.time {
	width: 2%;
	border-left: 1px solid #ddddff;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: small;

 * The percentage column
table.detail td.percent {
	padding-left: 2px;
	padding-right: 2px;
	width: 2%;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: small;
	vertical-align: middle;

table.detail td.passed {
	border: 1px solid #99cc99;
	background-color: #99ff66;

table.detail td.todo-passed {
	border: 1px solid #99cc99;
	background-color: #ddffbb;

table.detail td.severity-very-low {
	border: 1px solid #ffee33;
	background-color: #ffffaa;

table.detail td.severity-low {
	border: 1px solid #eecc33;
	background-color: #ffdd99;

table.detail td.severity-med {
	border: 1px solid #dd6633;
	background-color: #ffaa77;

table.detail td.severity-high {
	border: 1px solid #ff3333;
	background-color: #ff8866;

table.detail td.severity-very-high {
	border: 1px solid #ff0000;
	background-color: #ff6450;

 * The test run column

 * Test summaries

table.test-summary {
	clear: both;
	width: 100%;
	height: 10px;
	font-size: 8px; /* safari wants this less than 10px */
	margin: 0px;
	margin-bottom: 4px;
	padding: 0;
	border-spacing: 1px;

table.test-summary td {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	height: 10px;

table.test-summary td a {
	display: block;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	text-decoration: none;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;

/* base for passed/failed (should always be lower precedent in class list!) */
table.test-summary td.passed {
	border: 1px solid #66cc33;
	background-color: #99ff66;

table.test-summary td.failed {
	border: 1px solid #ff0000;
	background-color: #ff6450;

/* overrides for specific outcomes */
table.test-summary td.ok {
	border: 1px solid #66cc33;

table.test-summary td.not-ok {
	border: 1px solid #ff0000;

table.test-summary td.todo-ok {
	border: 1px solid #eeaa00;
	background-color: #ffcc00;

table.test-summary td.skip-ok {
	border: 1px solid #99d999;
	background-color: #99cc66;

table.test-summary td.todo-not-ok {
	border: 1px solid #99cc99;
	background-color: #ddffbb;

 * Test detail
div.test-detail {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
/*	display: none; /* let JS handle this... */

 * Test parse errors
ul.parse-errors {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	clear: left;

ul.parse-errors li {
	margin-left: 4px;
	list-style: none;
	color: red;

 * Test output
ul.test-out {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	clear: left;

ul.test-out li {
	margin-left: 4;
	border-left: none;
	list-style: none;

ul.test-out li.test {

ul.test-out li.comment {
	color: #666666;
	font-family: monospace;

ul.test-out li.plan {
	color: blue;

ul.test-out li.ok {

ul.test-out li.todo-ok {
	color: #cc3333;

ul.test-out li.todo-not-ok {
	color: #773322;

ul.test-out li.not-ok {
	color: #ff0000;

ul.test-out li.unplanned {
	color: #ff0000;

ul.test-out li.skip {
	color: #001111;

ul.test-out li.unknown {
	color: #996600;
	font-family: monospace;

ul.test-out li.exit-status {
	color: #ff0000;


		<script type="text/javascript">
// temporary hack, move external
  scrollTo : function(speed, easing) {
    return this.each(function() {
      var targetOffset = $(this).offset().top;
      $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, speed, easing);

	$("div.summary").find("a").click(function(){return false;});

	// expand test detail when user clicks on a test file
		// go all the way to the tr incase table structure changes:
		return false;

	// expand test detail when user clicks on an individual test
		var testId = $(this).attr("href")
		// go all the way to the tr incase table structure changes:
		var $detail = $(this).parents("td.results").parents("tr:first").find("div.test-detail");
		var $testElem = $detail.find(testId);
		var bgColor = $testElem.css("background-color");
		$testElem.css({ backgroundColor: "yellow" });
		// shame you can't animate bg color w/o a plugin...
		setTimeout(function(){$testElem.css({ backgroundColor: bgColor })}, 3000);
		return false;

				<div id="summary" class="failed">
			<a href="#" title="Test Summary (91.7% ok)
	severity: med
	passed 31/36 tests in 10 files
	total time: 0.62s
	1 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr  0.08 sys +  0.58 cusr  0.18 csys =  0.94 CPU)">FAILED</a>

		<div id="detail">
			<table class="detail">
						<th class="file">Test file</th>
						<th class="results">Test results</th>
						<th class="time">Time</th>
						<th class="percent">%</th>
					<tr id="" class="test-run passed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test ok.
	9 planned, 9 run
	9 ok, 0 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 0
	wait status: 0">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-1" title="ok 1 - im ok">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-2" title="ok 2 - one is one">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-3" title="ok 3 - contains b">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-4" title="not ok 4 - one is two? # TODO just cant get these working?">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-5" title="not ok 5 - contains d? # TODO just cant get these working?">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test skip-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-6" title="ok 6 # skip to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test skip-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-7" title="ok 7 # skip to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-8" title="not ok 8 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo again">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-01-pass-pl-9" title="not ok 9 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo again">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-1"											class="test ok">ok 1 - im ok</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-2"											class="test ok">ok 2 - one is one</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-3"											class="test ok">ok 3 - contains b</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-4"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 4 - one is two? # TODO just cant get these working?</li>
									<li 											class="unknown"></li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   Failed (TODO) test 'one is two?'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   at t/data/ line 12.</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#          got: '1'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#     expected: '2'</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-5"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 5 - contains d? # TODO just cant get these working?</li>
									<li 											class="unknown"></li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   Failed (TODO) test 'contains d?'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   at t/data/ line 13.</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#                   'abc'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#     doesn't match '(?-xism:d)'</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-6"											class="test skip-ok">ok 6 # skip to the loo</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-7"											class="test skip-ok">ok 7 # skip to the loo</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-8"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 8 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo again</li>
									<li id="t-data-01-pass-pl-9"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 9 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo again</li>
									<li 											class="plan">1..9</li>
						<td class="time">0.06s</td>
						<td class="percent passed">100.0%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run failed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test failed!
	did not exit cleanly!
	7 planned, 7 run
	4 ok, 3 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 3
	wait status: 768">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-1" title="ok 1 - im ok">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-2" title="ok 2 - one is one">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-3" title="ok 3 - contains b">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test not-ok failed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-4" title="not ok 4 - one is two?">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test not-ok failed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-5" title="not ok 5 - contains d?">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-6" title="ok 6 - youre ok">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test not-ok failed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-02-fail-pl-7" title="not ok 7 - dont run me">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-1"											class="test ok">ok 1 - im ok</li>
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-2"											class="test ok">ok 2 - one is one</li>
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-3"											class="test ok">ok 3 - contains b</li>
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-4"											class="test not-ok">not ok 4 - one is two?</li>
									<li 											class="unknown"></li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   Failed test 'one is two?'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   at t/data/ line 11.</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#          got: '1'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#     expected: '2'</li>
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-5"											class="test not-ok">not ok 5 - contains d?</li>
									<li 											class="unknown"></li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   Failed test 'contains d?'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   at t/data/ line 12.</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#                   'abc'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#     doesn't match '(?-xism:d)'</li>
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-6"											class="test ok">ok 6 - youre ok</li>
									<li id="t-data-02-fail-pl-7"											class="test not-ok">not ok 7 - dont run me</li>
									<li 											class="unknown"></li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   Failed test 'dont run me'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   at t/data/ line 17.</li>
									<li 											class="plan">1..7</li>
									<li 											class="comment"># Looks like you failed 3 tests of 7.</li>									<li class="exit-status">exit status: 3, wait status: 768</li>
						<td class="time">0.11s</td>
						<td class="percent failed severity-med">57.1%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run failed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test failed!
	1 parse error(s)!
	did not exit cleanly!
	2 planned, 3 run
	2 ok, 1 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 255
	wait status: 65280">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-03-plan-fail-pl-1" title="ok 1 - im ok">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-03-plan-fail-pl-2" title="ok 2 - one is one">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok failed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-03-plan-fail-pl-3" title="ok 3 - contains b">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
									<li>Parse error: Bad plan.  You planned 2 tests but ran 3.</li>
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li 											class="plan">1..2</li>
									<li id="t-data-03-plan-fail-pl-1"											class="test ok">ok 1 - im ok</li>
									<li id="t-data-03-plan-fail-pl-2"											class="test ok">ok 2 - one is one</li>
									<li id="t-data-03-plan-fail-pl-3"											class="test ok unplanned">ok 3 - contains b<em> (unplanned!)</em></li>
									<li 											class="comment"># Looks like you planned 2 tests but ran 1 extra.</li>									<li class="exit-status">exit status: 255, wait status: 65280</li>
						<td class="time">0.04s</td>
						<td class="percent failed severity-very-low">150.0%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run failed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test failed!
	did not exit cleanly!
	3 planned, 3 run
	3 ok, 0 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 255
	wait status: 65280">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-04-die-fail-pl-1" title="ok 1 - im ok">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-04-die-fail-pl-2" title="ok 2 - one is one">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-04-die-fail-pl-3" title="ok 3 - contains b">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li 											class="plan">1..3</li>
									<li id="t-data-04-die-fail-pl-1"											class="test ok">ok 1 - im ok</li>
									<li id="t-data-04-die-fail-pl-2"											class="test ok">ok 2 - one is one</li>
									<li id="t-data-04-die-fail-pl-3"											class="test ok">ok 3 - contains b</li>
									<li 											class="unknown">this is an error test, not some horrible error at t/data/ line 10.</li>
									<li 											class="comment"># Looks like your test died just after 3.</li>									<li class="exit-status">exit status: 255, wait status: 65280</li>
						<td class="time">0.11s</td>
						<td class="percent failed severity-very-high">100.0%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run failed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test failed!
	1 parse error(s)!
	did not exit cleanly!
	0 planned, 0 run
	0 ok, 0 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 255
	wait status: 65280">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
								<tr>									<td class="stub not-ok" width="100%"><a href="#" title="No tests run!">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
									<li>Parse error: No plan found in TAP output</li>
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li 											class="unknown">Bareword found where operator expected at t/data/ line 6, near &quot;be ok&quot;</li>
									<li 											class="unknown">	(Do you need to predeclare be?)</li>
									<li 											class="unknown">Semicolon seems to be missing at t/data/ line 8.</li>
									<li 											class="unknown">syntax error at t/data/ line 6, near &quot;be ok&quot;</li>
									<li 											class="unknown">Execution of t/data/ aborted due to compilation errors.</li>
									<li 											class="comment"># Looks like your test died before it could output anything.</li>									<li class="exit-status">exit status: 255, wait status: 65280</li>
						<td class="time">0.05s</td>
						<td class="percent failed severity-very-high">n/a</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run passed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test ok.
	skipped all
	exit status: 0
	wait status: 0">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
								<tr>									<td class="skip-ok" width="100%"><a href="#" title="1..0 # Skip likity skipity">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li 											class="plan">1..0 # Skip likity skipity</li>
						<td class="time">0.03s</td>
						<td class="percent passed">n/a</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run passed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test ok.
	some todo tests unexpectedly passed!
	7 planned, 7 run
	7 ok, 0 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 0
	wait status: 0">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-1" title="ok 1 - im ok">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-2" title="ok 2 - one is one">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-3" title="ok 3 - contains b">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-4" title="ok 4 - one is one! # TODO just cant get these working?">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-5" title="ok 5 - contains c? # TODO just cant get these working?">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-6" title="not ok 6 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-7" title="not ok 7 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li 											class="plan">1..7</li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-1"											class="test ok">ok 1 - im ok</li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-2"											class="test ok">ok 2 - one is one</li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-3"											class="test ok">ok 3 - contains b</li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-4"											class="test todo-ok">ok 4 - one is one! # TODO just cant get these working?<em> (unexpectedly succeeded!)</em></li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-5"											class="test todo-ok">ok 5 - contains c? # TODO just cant get these working?<em> (unexpectedly succeeded!)</em></li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-6"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 6 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo</li>
									<li id="t-data-07-todo-pass-pl-7"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 7 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo</li>
						<td class="time">0.09s</td>
						<td class="percent passed todo-passed">100.0%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run failed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test failed!
	did not exit cleanly!
	3 planned, 3 run
	2 ok, 1 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 1
	wait status: 256">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-08-html-in-output-pl-1" title="ok 1 - escape some of these chars: !@\#$%^++_)(*&amp;^%$\#@!&gt;&lt;">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-08-html-in-output-pl-2" title="ok 2 - contains &lt;b&gt; in the &lt;output&gt;">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test not-ok failed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-08-html-in-output-pl-3" title="not ok 3 - &lt;html&gt; in the diag messages..">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li id="t-data-08-html-in-output-pl-1"											class="test ok">ok 1 - escape some of these chars: !@\#$%^++_)(*&amp;^%$\#@!&gt;&lt;</li>
									<li id="t-data-08-html-in-output-pl-2"											class="test ok">ok 2 - contains &lt;b&gt; in the &lt;output&gt;</li>
									<li id="t-data-08-html-in-output-pl-3"											class="test not-ok">not ok 3 - &lt;html&gt; in the diag messages..</li>
									<li 											class="unknown"></li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   Failed test '&lt;html&gt; in the diag messages..'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#   at t/data/ line 8.</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#          got: 'a&lt;b&gt;c'</li>
									<li 											class="comment">#     expected: '&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;h1&gt;eeek&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;'</li>
									<li 											class="plan">1..3</li>
									<li 											class="comment"># Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.</li>									<li class="exit-status">exit status: 1, wait status: 256</li>
						<td class="time">0.02s</td>
						<td class="percent failed severity-med">66.7%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run failed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test failed!
	did not exit cleanly!
	2 planned, 2 run
	2 ok, 0 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 255
	wait status: 65280">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test skip-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-09-skip-error-pl-1" title="ok 1 # skip to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test skip-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-09-skip-error-pl-2" title="ok 2 # skip to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li id="t-data-09-skip-error-pl-1"											class="test skip-ok">ok 1 # skip to the loo</li>
									<li id="t-data-09-skip-error-pl-2"											class="test skip-ok">ok 2 # skip to the loo</li>
									<li 											class="unknown">Label not found for &quot;last SKIP&quot; at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.4/Test/ line 1023.</li>
									<li 											class="plan">1..2</li>
									<li 											class="comment"># Looks like your test died just after 2.</li>									<li class="exit-status">exit status: 255, wait status: 65280</li>
						<td class="time">0.01s</td>
						<td class="percent failed severity-very-high">100.0%</td>
					<tr id="" class="test-run passed">
						<td class="file">
							<a class="file" href="#" title="Test ok.
	2 planned, 2 run
	2 ok, 0 failed
	0 todo, 0 skipped
	exit status: 0
	wait status: 0">t/data/</a>
						<td class="results">
							<table class="test-summary">
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-10-todo-skip-pl-1" title="not ok 1 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
									  <td class="test todo-not-ok passed"><a class="test-summary" href="#t-data-10-todo-skip-pl-2" title="not ok 2 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo">&nbsp;</a></td>
							<div class="test-detail">
								<ul class="parse-errors">
								<ul class="test-out">
									<li 											class="plan">1..2</li>
									<li id="t-data-10-todo-skip-pl-1"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 1 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo</li>
									<li id="t-data-10-todo-skip-pl-2"											class="test todo-not-ok">not ok 2 # TODO &amp; SKIP to the loo</li>
						<td class="time">0.10s</td>
						<td class="percent passed">100.0%</td>
						<td class="file">10 files</td>
						<td class="results">
							36 tests,
							31 ok,
							5 failed,
							10 todo,
							4 skipped,
							2 parse errors<br/>
							exit status: 1024,
							wait status: 262144<br/>
							elapsed time: 1 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr  0.08 sys +  0.58 cusr  0.18 csys =  0.94 CPU)</td>
						<td class="time">0.62s</td>
						<td class="percent  severity-med todo-passed">91.7%</td>

		<div id="footer">Generated by TAP::Formatter::HTML v0.01 @ 13:15:29 18-May-2008</div>
