

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 445242bbfcec8907b6ad03bb25101ea6 > files > 5


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  <!ENTITY package "kdemultimedia">
  <!ENTITY kappname "&juk;">
  <!ENTITY juk "<application>JuK</application>">
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<book id="juk" lang="&language;">

<title>The &juk; Handbook</title>

<author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>

<othercredit role="developer">




<releaseinfo>3.11 (&kde; 4.12)</releaseinfo>

&juk; is a jukebox, tagger and music collection manager.



<chapter id="introduction">

&juk; is, well, a jukebox.  As is typical with many jukebox
applications, &juk; allows you to edit the <quote>tags</quote> of your
audio files, and manage your collection and playlists.

<chapter id="using-juk">
<title>Using &juk;</title>

<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &juk;</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="juk-main.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <phrase>Screenshot of &juk; in action.</phrase>

<para>&juk; maintains a list of all files that it knows about.  This
is called the <guilabel>Collection List</guilabel>.  The collection
list is specific to &juk; and is not shared with other

<para>Independent of the Collection List, are playlists.  You can have
as many playlists as you want. You can use &juk; created playlists
with other media players (such as &amarok; or
<application>xmms</application>) and you can manage playlists created
in those applications from within &juk;.</para>

<para>You can add files to the Collection List individually, using
...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and selecting them from a standard
&kde; file dialog.  You can add entire folders using
Folders...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  Folders added this way
will be rescanned every time you start &juk;. You can even define folders
inside these folders that will be excluded from scan.
<!-- ask scott:
     Asked 2004-04-27 (mpyne), Choosing Reload from the Collection
     List context menu will result in a rescan.  Also, a KDirWatch
     watches the folders, but is apparently not recursive. -->
You can force the folders to be rescanned by right-clicking on the <guilabel>Collection List</guilabel>
icon, and selecting <guimenuitem>Reload</guimenuitem>.</para>

<para>Adding a song to a playlist will automatically add its file to
the Collection List, but adding a file to the Collection List won't
automatically add the song to any playlists.</para>

<para>You can quickly create a playlist from your entire Collection
List, by &RMB; clicking on the <guilabel>Collection List</guilabel>
icon, and choosing <guimenuitem>Duplicate</guimenuitem>.  The
resulting playlist is a normal playlist, and editing it will not
affect the <guilabel>Collection List</guilabel>.</para>

<para>You can add playlist files created outside &juk; individually by
selecting them with
...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  Any playlist files found in
folders you add with
Folders...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> will also be added

<para>You can create a new empty playlist, a search playlist or a 
playlist from a folder by choosing
or the <guiicon>New</guiicon> icon on the toolbar.  You will be
prompted for a name, and then an icon for that playlist will appear in
the playlist pane.  You can now drag and drop files from the
Collection List, or from other playlists, to your playlist.  Use the <guiicon>Save</guiicon>
icon or
<menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to
save the playlist at any time.</para>

<sect1 id="collection-list-gui">
<title>The Song List</title>

<para>When you are viewing the Collection List, the main pane contains
all the files that &juk; knows about.  When you are viewing a
playlist, only the songs that are in that playlist are shown.  In
either case, the appearance and behavior of the list is the

<para>Each song takes one row in the display. There is a column for
each metadata field that &juk; tracks.  These columns correspond to
the fields available to edit in the tag editor.</para>

<para>You can reorder the list at any time by &LMB; clicking on the
column header.  This will first sort the files in ascending order
based on the contents of that column.  If you &LMB; click again on the
same header, the files will be re-sorted in descending order.</para>

<para>The columns are initially sized wide enough to show the longest
entry available. You can resize the columns by placing your mouse
cursor on the divider between two columns.  When the cursor changes
from a pointer, &LMB; click and drag in the direction you want to
resize the columns.</para>

<para>You can reorder the columns by &LMB; clicking on a header and
dragging the header to the left or right.  You cannot drag past the
edge of the window when doing this however, so you may need to scroll
a little to the left or right, and repeat dragging the header, until
you have placed it in your preferred position.</para>

<para>You can hide or unhide columns by &RMB; clicking on a column header,
and clicking on the name of the column to change.</para>

<para>&LMB; double clicking on a file will play it with the built-in
player.  If another song was already playing, it will stop, and the
new song will play.</para>

<para>&RMB; clicking on a file offers you several options:</para>

<term><guimenuitem>Add to Play Queue</guimenuitem></term>
<para>This will start playing the file as soon as the current
song is over.  If no song is playing, the file will be played when
you next hit the <guiicon>Play</guiicon> button.  If you have already
chosen the <guimenuitem>Add to Play Queue</guimenuitem> option on a 
different file, then this file will override that selection.</para>


<term><guimenuitem>Remove from Playlist</guimenuitem></term>
<para>If you are viewing the Collection List, choosing
this action will remove the file from the list,
and will also remove all corresponding entries for this song from all
playlists.  You should note that if this file is in a folder that
&juk; scans on startup, it will be readded to the Collection List the
next time you start up &juk; but it won't be automatically added to
any playlists.</para>
<para>If you are viewing a playlist, <guimenuitem>Remove from Playlist</guimenuitem>
will simply remove the song from the playlist.</para>


<term><guimenuitem>Edit <replaceable>Column Title</replaceable></guimenuitem></term>
<para>Will allow you to edit the currently highlighted song, in the
column you clicked in.  For example, if you do not have the tag editor
visible, and you are busy creating a playlist, but you notice a
mis-spelling in an artist name, you can edit it directly with this
menu item.</para>
<para>Changes made in this manner are always saved immediately as soon
as you click elsewhere and are finished editing.</para>
<para>This menu item will be disabled if &juk; detects that the track you
have selected is read-only.</para>

<para>This will reload the tag information of the selected files, in
case the files have been changed while &juk; was running.</para>

<para>This will remove the file from the Collection List, remove all
entries for the song in all playlists, and delete the file from your
disk.  You cannot undo this, although you will be asked to confirm
your choice.  Use this with caution.</para>

<term><guisubmenu>Guess Tag Information</guisubmenu></term>
<para>This will make &juk; try to guess information such as the
Artist and Title of a song.  &juk; employs different methods of guessing:

  <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>From File Name</guimenuitem></term>
  <listitem><para>&juk; will try to guess the tags of the song based on its filename.
  For example, a song name such as <filename>Roxette - You've Got the Look.mp3</filename>
  would guess Roxette for the artist and You've Got the Look as the title.  You
  can adjust the way &juk; guesses for tags by selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings
  </guimenu><guimenuitem>Tag Guesser...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, which will open the
  <link linkend="juk-tag-guesser-configuration">Tag Guesser dialog</link>. &juk; will not
  replace tags that it did not guess from the file name.</para>

  <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>From Internet</guimenuitem></term>
  <listitem><para>&juk; will try to guess the tags of the song by using the
  MusicBrainz program.  You must have MusicBrainz installed for this command to work.


<term><guimenuitem>Rename File</guimenuitem></term>
<para>This will rename the selected files to conform to a given format.  You must
choose the way you want the files renamed first by selecting <menuchoice>
<guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>File Renamer...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
The resulting name of each file is based on its metadata tags.  For example,
the Ogg Vorbis song <quote>The Theme (Metroid)</quote> by Stemage could result in
<filename>/usr/share/music/Stemage/The Theme (Metroid).ogg</filename>.
<!--missing Cover Manager
View Cover
Get Cover From File
Get Cover From Internet
Delete Cover
Show Cover Manager
<term><guimenuitem>Create Playlist From Selected Items</guimenuitem></term>
<para>This allows you to quickly create a playlist from songs in your Collection List.
This function will prompt you for a name for the new playlist, and will then insert all of
the songs that are selected into the new playlist.</para>

<term><guimenuitem>Add Selected Items to Audio or Data CD</guimenuitem></term>
<para>This allows you to quickly create a K3b &CD;-burning project from your selected songs.  &juk; will ask you if you would like an Audio &CD; project or a Data &CD; project, unless K3b already has a project open.</para>

<para>If K3b is not already running, &juk; will start it up for you.  After that, &juk; will add your selected files to the current K3b project.  You can then save the project in K3b for burning later, or burn the &CD; right away.




<sect1 id="juk-playlists">
<title>&juk; Playlists</title>
<para>A playlist is simply a collection of songs grouped by some category.  For example, you
may have a playlist of songs that you listen to while coding, while trying to sleep, or even
when you need a laugh.  &juk; supports several different types of playlists.


<term id="juk-normal-playlists">Normal playlists</term>
<listitem><para><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="normal-playlist.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
This is the most common kind of playlist.  It is a playlist composed of files, just
like the Collection List.</para></listitem>

<term id="juk-history-playlists">The history playlist</term>
<listitem><para><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="history-playlist.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
If you enable this playlist (by enabling <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show History</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,
this playlist will record every song that &juk; plays.  The playlist will have an extra column, <guilabel>Time</guilabel>, which
records the exact time and date the song played.  The playlist doesn't start tracking the history until it is enabled, however.

<term id="juk-search-playlists">Search playlists</term>
<listitem><para><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="search-playlist.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
This is a playlist which is based off of a search.  You can create a playlist like this by clicking <menuchoice>
<guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Search Playlist</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, or by clicking on the
<link linkend="juk-advanced-search-dialog">Search Playlist</link>
 button on the toolbar.</para>
<para>After creating this playlist, it will keep track of which songs in the Collection List match your criteria, and automatically update itself accordingly whenever the
Collection List changes.</para></listitem>


<para>Playlists are organized in the <guilabel>Playlist pane</guilabel>, which is the vertical bar at the left.  In this pane is an icon
for every playlist you have.  There are different view mode for this pane, which can be selected from the
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>View Modes</guisubmenu></menuchoice> menu.


<term id="juk-viewmode-default">Default View mode</term>
This is the default view mode.  In this mode, all the playlists are shown as large icons, one above the other in the view mode.

<term id="juk-viewmode-compact">Compact View mode</term>
This mode is similar to the Normal Viewmode, with the exception that the playlists are represented with horizontal bars with small icons instead
of with square boxes.

<term id="juk-viewmode-tree">Tree View mode</term>
<para>This mode is the most powerful.  This mode is just like the Compact viewmode, except that the Collection List is now the root of a tree of virtual
playlists.  The Collection List has three children nodes, Artist, Album, and Genre.  Each of these node has children representing all of the entries
from that specific category.  For example, if your Collection List contains music from 4 different artists, you would have 4 entries under the artist
<para>One nifty feature of the tree view mode is something called drag-and-drop retagging.  Simply select some files in the track list, and drag them
onto one of the artist, album, or genre nodes under Collection List.  The songs will automatically be retagged to match the item you dropped the
tracks on.  For example, if you drag a group of tracks onto a Genre called "Rock", all of the tracks will be retagged will a Genre tag of Rock.




<sect1 id="juk-tagger">
<title>The &juk; Tag Editor</title>

<para>For many file formats, it is practical to use the filename to
describe the contents of the file: <quote><filename>Report for the
board - June 2003.doc</filename></quote> for example, may be all the
information you need in order to find that file again.  Trying to
capture all the useful information about a particular song however,
could lead to filenames like this: <quote><filename>Type O Negative -
The Glorious Liberation Of The Peoples Technocratic Republic Of
Vinnland By The Combined Forces Of The United Territories Of
Europa.mp3</filename></quote> or <quote><filename>Various
Artists_15_The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz Volume II_Jimmie
Lunceford &amp; His Orchestra - Organ Grinder's
Swing.mp3</filename></quote>.  These are neither very practical to
use, nor do they contain all of the useful information that you might
have collected about the song.  Adding the album, and track number,
for example, to the first would make it even longer and more
unmanageable, while still not telling you at a glance the year it was
released, or what style of music it is, if you're not familiar with
the artist.</para>

<para>The solution then, is to store this kind of metadata inside the
files themselves. Mp3 and ogg files can also contain small snippets of
text which you can use to describe the content of the file.  There are
several formats, but &juk; hides the details of the differences
between them, and provides a standard way to edit a standard subset of
well known tags for all your audio files.</para>

<para>&juk;'s full featured tag editor allows you to edit the tags in
both mp3 and ogg files.  You can edit single files or multiple files,
and you can select a mix of mp3 and ogg files to edit.  The only
requirement is that you have write access to the files themselves; you
cannot edit the tags of a file that is mounted from a &CD-ROM; for

<sect2 id="tagging-a-single-file">
<title>Editing the Tags in a Single File</title>

<para>To edit the tag in a single file, select it in either the
collection list or any entries it has in any playlist.  If the tag
editor is not visible, enable it by choosing
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Tag
Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  The tag editor displays in the
bottom of the list view.</para>

<para>Simply type into any of the editable fields to change the
information.  When you are done, &LMB; click back in the list, and you
will be prompted to save your changes.</para>

<para>You may find that the tag editor remains disabled when you've
clicked on a file.  This happens when &juk; has detected that the track
is read-only.</para>

<title>Tag Editor Fields</title>
<term><guilabel>Artist Name:</guilabel></term>
<para>The name of the Artist(s) who released the song.</para>

<term><guilabel>Track name:</guilabel></term>
<para>The name of the song.</para>

<term><guilabel>Album name:</guilabel></term>
<para>The name of the album the song was released on.</para>

<para>The <quote>Style</quote> of the music.  &juk; provides a list
corresponding roughly to the informal id3 standard, but you are free
to type your own entries in this list.</para>

<term><guilabel>File name:</guilabel></term>
<para>The file name of the actual file on disk.  You can edit this
directly, and when you save, the file will be renamed.</para>

<para>The position of the track on the original recording.</para>

<para>The year the song was released.</para>

<para>This is not editable, it is simply shown for information.</para>

<para>This is not editable, it is simply shown for information.</para>

<para>You can add your own free text comment here, with additional
notes &etc;</para>

<para>You can explicitly and immediately save your changes at any time
using the
menu entry or by pressing
<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>.</para>


<sect2 id="tagging-multiple-files">
<title>Editing the Tags in Multiple Files</title>

<para>You can select multiple files in the list view, and edit one or
more fields in the tags for all files at once.</para>

<para>Use &Shift; and the &LMB; to select a contiguous
list of files, and &Ctrl; and &LMB; to select individual
non-contiguous files.</para>

<para>If the tag editor is not visible, you can enable it by choosing
<menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Tag
Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  The tag editor displays in the
bottom of the list view.</para>

<para>The tag editor behaves slightly differently when you have
selected multiple files.</para>

<para>Each field in the tag editor will now show an
<guilabel>Enable</guilabel> check box next to it.  Any field that has
exactly the same contents for all the files you selected, displays
that content, and is enabled for editing, with the
<guilabel>Enable</guilabel> check box checked.</para>

<!-- put screeny here -->

<para>Any field that does not have matching contents in all selected
files is not initially editable, and does not display any contents at

<para>To change the content of any field, check the
<guilabel>Enable</guilabel> check box if it is not already checked, and
edit the field as you normally would.</para>

<para>When you are done, &LMB; click back in the list view and you
will be prompted to save your changes.  The prompt dialog will show
you a list of the affected files, so you have a chance to check that
you are indeed altering the files you intended to.</para>

<para>You can explicitly and immediately save your changes at any time
using the
menu entry or by pressing
<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>.</para>



<sect1 id="juk-rename-dialog">
<title>The Rename File dialog</title>
<screeninfo>The Rename File dialog</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="juk-file-renamer.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Rename File dialog.</phrase>

  The File Renamer Configuration dialog box is used to configure the
  Rename File action, which renames a song's based on the information contained
  within its metadata tags.
  The whole Rename File feature is used to get consistent file names for your
  music collection (including moving the files if necessary). For example you
  may have some songs which appear on disk as <filename>01 - Title.mp3</filename>
  if you got them from <ulink url="">Amazon</ulink>, while songs
  from <ulink url="">OCRemix</ulink> might be <filename>Ailsean-
  Mega_Man_3_Mega_Fire_(OC_Remix).mp3</filename> or something along those lines.
  Using the file renamer allows &juk; to rename those songs to something <quote>sane</quote>
  on-disk, such as <filename>Ailsean - Mega Fire.mp3</filename> and <filename>The Strokes - Reptilia.mp3</filename>.
  You can even include paths throughout to automatically sort the music (&eg;
  by year or album), like <filename>$HOME/Music/2003/The Strokes - Reptilia.mp3</filename>.
  Doing this is as simple as activating the <quote>Rename File</quote> action, either from
  the <guimenu>Tagger</guimenu> menu, or right-clicking on the files. The default is the
  <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo> shortcut. But before this is done you should
  setup how the files are to be renamed.
  That is done from the above mentioned dialog that can be opened with 
  <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>File Renamer...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu item.
  You can define a destination path, by using a base music folder and
  then adding pieces to there. These path pieces would be based on the music
  metadata such as song title, artist, &etc;, and are added using the <guilabel>Add Category</guilabel>
  Each "path piece" has a check box between it allowing a folder separator to be added.
  The options for each piece, which
  simply control what happens if the appropriate metadata is empty, and allow a
  prefix/suffix when the entry is substituted in, can help you to make the renaming
  procedure more effective.

<sect1 id="juk-tag-guesser-configuration">
<title>The Tag Guesser Configuration dialog</title>
<screeninfo>The Tag Guesser Configuration dialog</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="juk-tag-guesser.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Tag Guesser Configuration dialog.</phrase>

<para>The Tag Guesser Configuration dialog is used to configure the
<guilabel>Guess from File Name</guilabel> action.</para>

<para>In the dialog you will see a list on the left of different filename scheme patterns.
&juk; includes an extensive set of defaults patterns to match most common filenaming styles.
If you'd like to add a new scheme, click on the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button, and type
in your scheme and click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>  

<para>Here you can see the currently configured file name schemes which the 
tag editor uses to extract tag information from a 
file name. Each string may contain one of the following placeholders:</para>

<listitem><para>%t: Title</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>%A: Album</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>%a: Artist</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>%T: Track</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>%c: Comment</para></listitem>

<para>For example, the file name scheme <quote>[%T] %a - %t</quote> would match <quote>[01] Deep 
Purple - Smoke on the water</quote> but not <quote>(Deep Purple) Smoke on the water</quote>. 
For that second name, you would use the scheme <quote>(%a) %t</quote>.</para>

<para>&juk; will try the schemes you have listed one at a time, starting at the top of the list.
The first scheme which results in a match will be the scheme used to guess the song's tags.
Some songs may match more than one scheme.  You can make sure that the correct scheme matches
first by selecting the scheme in the list box and then using the arrow buttons to move it to the
top of the list.

<para>You can also edit or remove a scheme from the list.  Just select the scheme in the list,
and use the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to change the scheme, or the
<guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button to remove the scheme from the list.

<sect1 id="juk-advanced-search-dialog">
<title>The Advanced Search dialog</title>
<screeninfo>The Advanced Search dialog</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="juk-adv-search.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Advanced Search Dialog.</phrase>

<para>The Advanced Search dialog is used to create <link linkend="juk-search-playlists">Search
Playlists</link>.  It allows you to make a fine-grained search among the different tags of
your song collection.</para>

<para>At the top of the dialog, you can type in the name of your search playlist.  Then, you
can define your search criteria in the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> group.

<para>The top of the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> group has two radio buttons,
<guilabel>Match any of the following</guilabel> and <guilabel>Match all of the
following</guilabel>.  If you select <guilabel>Match any of the following</guilabel>, then
a match by any of the conditions you define will include the song in the playlist.  Otherwise,
every condition you define must match in order to include the song in the playlist.

<para>Below the radio buttons are the condition definitions.  You can add more conditions
by using the <guibutton>More</guibutton> button, and remove conditions by using the
<guibutton>Fewer</guibutton> button.  Any conditions you leave blank are ignored, so you do
not have to use <guibutton>Fewer</guibutton> to eliminate empty conditions.

<para>Every condition definition has three parts:  The tag chooser list on the left, the
matching style list on the right, and the search text in the middle.  The tag chooser
lets &juk; know what tag you want to search for the text in.  If you choose the special
tag "&lt;All Visible&gt;", then any tag that you can see in the Collection List listing
is fair game to match the search text.

<para>The match style list lets &juk; know which search method to use.
The search methods you can use are as follows:
<term>Normal Matching</term>
<listitem><para>This is the default matching style.  It searches for the given
text anywhere in the chosen tag, ignoring case differences.  For example a
search for mode in the Artist tag would match Depeche Mode.</para></listitem>

<term>Case Sensitive</term>
<listitem><para>This search is just like Normal Matching, except that
the search must match the exact case of the text.</para></listitem>

<term>Pattern Matching</term>
<listitem><para>This is the most powerful search method.  The search
text you type in will define a regular expression used to search within
the tag.  Regular expressions are beyond the scope of this documentation, but
the application &kregexpeditor; can help you form a regular expression.
&juk; uses the &Qt; regular expression style.</para></listitem>



<para>Simply choose the conditions you want to include in your search, and
click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to create your search playlist!
<!-- is this still relevant?

write new for kde4

<sect1 id="juk-cover-manager">

<title>The &juk; Cover Manager</title>

<para>&juk; 2.3 (part of &kde; 3.5) includes improved cover management code which introduces some new possibilities for users compared with &juk; 2.2 (which was shipped with &kde; 3.4).  It also can change the workflow slightly for you if you are used to the way covers were handled in &juk; 2.2.  So first, let's review how things used to be.</para>

<sect2 id="covers-in-juk-2.2">
<title>How Covers Worked in &juk; 2.2</title>

<para>In &juk; 2.2, the cover for a track was strictly tied to its <guilabel>Artist</guilabel> and <guilabel>Album</guilabel> information. Although this proved useful enough, and had a few advantages, it wasn't a great way to organize the covers. If you wanted to use a cover for a different track, you either had to rename the tags in the track, or you had to duplicate the cover, wasting hard disk space. And if your track had no <guilabel>Artist</guilabel> or <guilabel>Album</guilabel> information, &juk; would prevent you from setting a cover since it had no information to go by. It worked, but it could be better.</para>


<sect2 id="covers-in-juk-2.3">

<title>How Covers work in &juk; 2.3</title>

<para>In &juk; 2.3, the code was redesigned to add a core component responsible for dealing with cover art.  Instead of looking on disk for a picture file with a specific name like &juk; 2.2, the Cover Manager in &juk; 2.3 associates every cover with an identification tag, and then uses the tag with your music.  It's still not perfect, but it works, and it can save you time while allowing you to do more.</para>

<sect3 id="examples-adding-covers">

<title>Examples of adding covers</title>

<para>So just as an example, let's say you wanted to set a cover for tracks you just ripped off of your &CD;. We'll use <quote>Alabama - Greatest Hits III</quote> for the sake of discussion. In &juk; 2.2, you could simply select any one of those tracks, and import a cover from the Internet by right-clicking on that track, and using the <menuchoice><guimenu>Tagger</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Cover Manager</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Get Cover From Internet</guimenuitem></menuchoice> command. As a side effect of the way &juk; worked, the cover would then be immediately applied to <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the <quote>Alabama - Greatest Hits III</quote> tracks, <emphasis>whether you wanted that or not</emphasis>.</para>

<para>In &juk; 2.3, the procedure is exactly the same, with one exception: You should select all of the tracks you want to apply the cover to first. So you would select all the <quote>Alabama - Greatest Hits III</quote> tracks before using the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Get Cover From Internet</guimenuitem></menuchoice> command. Or if you only wanted to set cover art to half of the tracks for some reason, you'd only select half the tracks before running the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Get Cover From Internet</guimenuitem></menuchoice> command. Don't worry about duplicating covers, either: &juk; is smart enough to re-use the same image, so you won't get 14 duplicate <literal role="extension">.png</literal> images cluttering your hard drive.</para>

<sect3 id="reusing-old-covers">

<title>Reusing Old Covers</title>

<para>But what happens if you forgot to select all the tracks you wanted to tag? You could select them and repeat the process, but that would leave a duplicate cover on your hard drive because &juk; cannot quickly tell that the cover you've found is the same as one you already have. But that's alright, because you can tell &juk; to use the cover from another track.</para>

<para>There are two ways of doing this:</para>

<para>1. Open the <guilabel>Cover Manager</guilabel> dialog using the <guimenu>Tagger</guimenu> menu (<menuchoice><guimenu>Tagger Cover</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Manager</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Show Cover Manager</guimenuitem></menuchoice>). The Cover Manager will display a list of all the covers &juk; knows about on the right, and after they have loaded you can quickly pare the list down using the search line at the top, or by using the list of Artists on the left. Once you see the cover you want to use, you can drag-and-drop the cover onto a track to apply it. It should happen nearly instantaneously since &juk; is reusing the same cover (and you'll see the cover while you're dragging it as well). Unfortunately, it can take awhile to load the covers in the first place, and the Cover Manager isn't really useful for much else besides.</para>

<para>2. I prefer to use this method because it's rather easy. All you do is double-click on the track that has the cover you want, in order to start it playing. This will cause its cover to show up in the <interface>Now Playing bar</interface>, and you can drag-and-drop the cover to the track you want to change exactly as you would for the Cover Manager.</para>


<sect3 id="dragging-covers">

<title>Dragging covers to more than one track at once</title>

<para>Also note that you can use drag-and-drop to quickly apply covers to more than one track. Just select the tracks you want to apply a cover to, and drag the cover onto any one of the selected tracks.</para>

<sect3 id="old-covers">

<title>What happens to my old covers?</title>

<para>You may be wondering what &juk; will do if you already have covers from &juk; 2.2.  What happens is that &juk; will automatically convert the old covers and merge them into the cover management system.</para>

<para>Because this is a time consuming process, it does not happen all at once.  Instead, the old cover is only converted when the cover needs to be shown on screen.  As the conversion process is happening, &juk; will recognize what tracks would have shown the cover being converted, and will automatically apply the new cover to those tracks.  The end result is that there should be no visible changes: &juk; will keep the same cover on your tracks that they've always had, except that now you can immediately take advantage of the new cover management features.</para>

<sect3 id="removing-covers">

<title>Removing Covers</title>

<para>Another side effect is that you can now remove a cover from a track without simultaneously removing it from all other tracks with the same <guilabel>Artist</guilabel> and <guilabel>Album</guilabel>.</para>

<para>In &juk; 2.3, the Remove Cover command now only removes the covers from the selected tracks.

<sect3 id="suggested-use">

<title>Suggested Uses:</title>

<para>1. You can now apply the same cover to tracks with Albums that have <quote>Disc 1</quote>, <quote>Disc 2</quote>, etc, which you couldn't do in &juk; 2.2 without duplicating the cover.</para>

2. Applying a generic cover to tracks if you simply must have a cover on every track, or if you have music that wasn't released as an album but fits a genre well.  You could make yourself a cover for that type of music and apply it to the songs in question.</para>


<chapter id="toolbar-reference">
<title>The &juk; Toolbar</title>

<sect1 id="main-toolbar">
<title>The Main Toolbar</title>

<screeninfo>The &juk; toolbar.</screeninfo>
<imagedata format="PNG" fileref="toolbar.png" />
<phrase>The &juk; toolbar.</phrase>
<caption><para>The &juk; toolbar.</para></caption>

<para>From left to right in the screenshot above, the icons on the
default toolbar are:</para>

<listitem><para>Create a new playlist.  If you hold down the button, a
menu will pop up allowing you to select the different kinds of playlists
to create.
  <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>Empty Playlist...</guimenuitem></term>
  <listitem><para>This prompts you for a playlist name, and then inserts it into the
    Playlist view.  The playlist starts out completely empty.</para></listitem>

  <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>Playlist From Folder...</guimenuitem></term>
  <listitem><para>This prompts you for a folder to open, and then creates a playlist
    containing the music within the folder and any sub-folders.  The name of the created
    playlist is the same as the name of the selected folder.</para></listitem>

  <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>Search Playlist...</guimenuitem></term>
  <listitem><para>This brings up the Advanced Search Dialog, allowing you to create a
  <quote>virtual playlist</quote>.  Any songs in your Collection List that match the search
  criteria that you specify in the Advanced Search Dialog will be added to the new playlist.
  As your Collection List changes, the new playlist will as well.  For example, if you create a playlist
  of all of your Depeche Mode songs, and then add another Depeche Mode song to your Collection List,
  it will show up in the Depeche Mode playlist with no special action required on your part.


<listitem><para>Add a file to the collection list (if it's active) or
to the currently selected playlist.  Adding a file to a playlist will
add it to the collection list automatically, but not vice

<listitem><para>Save the currently selected playlist.  To save a tag
you have edited, either select another item, or press <keycombo

<listitem><para>If a playlist or song is selected, cut (remove) it from the
list.  If the tag editor is active, this works like cut in any editor,
removing the selected text, but keeping a copy on the

<listitem><para>If the tag editor is active, this works like copy in
any editor, placing a copy of the selected text on the
<para>If you use copy on a song in the collection list, the url is
placed on the clipboard, so you can paste it.  For example, you could
paste the url into a text editor, &konqueror;, or another

<listitem><para>If you previously either cut or copied a url from the
collection list, you can paste the url back into a new playlist.  You
could also paste a url you have copied from &konqueror; or any other
application. If you are operating in the tag editor, paste will paste
any text currently on the clipboard into the selected

<term><guiicon>Show Search Bar</guiicon></term>
<listitem><para>Show or hide <link linkend="search-bar">the search

<term><guiicon>Show Tag Editor</guiicon></term>
<listitem><para>Show or hide <link linkend="tagging-a-single-file">the
tag editor</link>.</para></listitem>

<varlistentry id="play-toolbar">
<term>Play controls</term>
<para>These work like any standard media player you may have come
across.  The controls are <guiicon>Play</guiicon>,
<guiicon>Pause</guiicon>, <guiicon>Stop</guiicon>, <guiicon>Previous
</guiicon> and <guiicon>Next</guiicon>.</para>
<para>There is also a tracking bar, showing how far along (relatively)
in the current song you are.  You can drag this slider with the mouse
in order to skip forwards or backwards within a track.</para>
<para>Finally there is a volume slider.  As you may expect, this
raises and lowers the volume.  <quote>Loud</quote> is on the right,
and <quote>Quiet</quote> is on the left.</para></listitem>


<sect1 id="search-bar">
<title>The Search bar</title>

<para>The search bar allows you to quickly search for a song in the
collection list or a playlist.</para>

<para>Simply typing text into the search bar will reduce the visible
list of songs to those which contain that text in any visible
column.  Pressing &Enter; will start playing the top match in the playlist view.</para>

<para>Searching begins instantly when text is entered into the search
field.  Searching is incremental, that is, as you type each character
into the text field, the search is narrowed further.  This is useful
to find a song where you only remember part of a name, for

<!-- Not here in KDE 4.11
<para>If you would like to make a more fine-grained search, you can click
the Advanced Search button to the right of the search bar, which will allow
you to create a virtual playlist.  If you would like to cancel the search,
you can simply click on the Clear button to the left of the search bar.</para>



<chapter id="menu-and-command-reference">
<title>Menu and Command Reference</title>

<sect1 id="menus">

<sect2 id="menu-file">
<title>File Menu</title>

<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Empty Playlist...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>Create a new playlist</para>

<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Search Playlist...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>Creates a new <link linkend="juk-search-playlists">search playlist</link>.</para>

<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Playlist From
<listitem><para>Creates a new playlist, containing all music files
in a folder and any sub-folders.  Any music within playlists files that
&juk; recognizes will also be added.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
<listitem><para>Select a file (or files) to add to the collection list.  If you select
a playlist file, every file in the playlist will be added.</para>

<guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Folders...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This menu item opens the same window that is shown on a first &juk; start
<para>Select a folder (or folders) to add to the
collection list.  These folders will also be rescanned whenever
&juk; is started or
</menuchoice> is chosen.</para>
<para>You can also select folders that
should not be automatically searched (which would override
the list of folders to scan on startup). This way you can avoid having
to completely change up your music layout on-disk just to keep &juk; from
automatically grabbing songs you do not want or need managed from within
<screeninfo>The Manage Folders dialog</screeninfo>
	    <imagedata fileref="juk-manage-folders.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Manage Folders Dialog.</phrase>
If you want to remove files that are already in the collection
list, you can enable the <guilabel>File Name (full path)</guilabel> column in a playlist
and then use the search bar to find the offending path name, select and remove
the files that are shown.

<listitem><para>Rename a playlist.</para>

<!-- Edit Search... -->
<listitem><para>Create a duplicate of the selected playlist, and
prompt for a new name.

<listitem><para>Reloads the tag information on every file in the selected

<listitem><para>Remove the selected playlist.</para></listitem>

<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
<listitem><para>Save the selected playlist.</para>

<guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>Save the selected playlist, with a different name.</para>


<sect2 id="menu-edit">
<title>Edit Menu</title>


<listitem><para>Removes the selected songs from the playlist.</para>
<!-- Undo Cut Copy Paste Clear Select All -->

<sect2 id="menu-view">
<title>View Menu</title>

<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Search Bar</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle action that sets whether or not the
<link linkend="search-bar">Search Bar</link> is shown.</para>

<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Tag Editor</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle action that sets whether or not the
<interface>Tag Editor</interface> is shown.</para>
<!--Show Lyrics-->
<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show History</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle action that sets whether or not the
<link linkend="juk-history-playlists">History Playlist</link> is shown.</para>

<!-- missing
Show Play Queue
Show Columns
Resize Playlist Columns Manually
<guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>View Modes</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Default</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>Switches to <link linkend="juk-viewmode-default">Default View mode</link>.

<guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>View Modes</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Compact</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>Switches to <link linkend="juk-viewmode-compact">Compact View mode</link>.

<guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>View Modes</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Tree</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>Switches to <link linkend="juk-viewmode-tree">Tree View mode</link>.


<sect2 id="menu-player">
<title>Player Menu</title>

<guimenu>Player</guimenu><guimenuitem>Random Play</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle option which controls the Random Play setting.
If Random Play is enabled, then &juk; will randomly select a random song from the
current playlist when the currently playing song is over.</para>

<guimenu>Player</guimenu><guimenuitem>Loop Playlist</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle option which controls the Loop Playlist setting.
If Loop Playlist is enabled, then &juk; will start playing from the beginning when
it has finished playing every song in the current playlist.</para>
Crossfade Between Tracks
<listitem><para>This command starts playing the currently selected song, or resumes
playback of the song if it was paused.</para>

<listitem><para>This command pauses the currently playing song.  Use the
Play command to restart playback.</para>

<listitem><para>This command stops the playback of the currently playing song.
You cannot resume playback from its current position after that.</para>

<listitem><para>This command skips to the next song to play in the

<listitem><para>This command plays the song that was playing before
the currently playing song.</para>
Play Next Album

<sect2 id="menu-tagger">
<title>Tagger Menu</title>


<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
<listitem><para>This command saves any changes to the tags that you are
editing.  Normally, changes are not saved until you deselect the file you
are editing.</para>

<listitem><para>This command deletes the currently selected files from
the Collection List and any playlists containing it, and then deletes
the selected file from the disk.
<!-- God this is a dumb place to put this particular command --></para>

<listitem><para>This command allows you to refresh playlist tags after
changing them.

<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>G</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
<guimenu>Tagger</guimenu><guisubmenu>Guess Tag
Information</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>From Filename</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This command tries to guess the tags of the selected files
by scanning the filename.  You can configure the patterns used for guessing
by selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Tag Guesser...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, which opens the
<link linkend="juk-tag-guesser-configuration">Tag Guesser Configuration dialog</link>.</para>

<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
<guimenu>Tagger</guimenu><guisubmenu>Guess Tag
Information</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>From Internet</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This command tries to guess the tags of the selected files
by using the <application>TunePimp</application> library provided with
<ulink url="">MusicBrainz</ulink>.</para>
Cover Manager
<shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
<guimenu>Tagger</guimenu><guimenuitem>Rename File</guimenuitem>
    This command allows you to rename a file or a group of files for the selected songs in the playlist.
    Before the real rename happens &juk; will show a preview dialog where you can confirm or cancel the action.
    The files will be renamed according to the parameters defined using <link linkend="juk-rename-dialog">Rename File dialog</link>.


<sect2 id="menu-settings">
<title>Settings Menu</title>


<guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guisubmenu>Toolbars Shown</guisubmenu>
<guimenuitem>Main / Play Toolbar</guimenuitem> 
<listitem><para>These commands show or hide the <link linkend="main-toolbar">Main
Toolbar</link> and the <link linkend="play-toolbar">Play Toolbar</link>.</para>

<guimenuitem>Show Splash Screen on Startup</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle option.  If enabled, &juk; will display
an informational screen upon startup as it loads your music collection.</para>

<guimenuitem>Dock in System Tray</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle option.  If enabled, &juk; will display an
icon in your system tray.  You can use the system
tray icon to tell if &juk; is playing, and control playback.</para>

<guimenuitem>Stay in System Tray on Close</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle option.  If enabled, &juk; will remain
  running if you close the main window.  The <guimenuitem>Dock in System Tray</guimenuitem> option must
also be enabled.  To quit &juk;, use the <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem></menuchoice> command from the main window, or
the <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> command from the system tray's context
If &juk; is started up when it is set to dock in the system tray on startup
a simple notification will be shown (as otherwise the user may wonder why &juk;
window did not open up). It is possible to remove this additional
notification by going to <menuchoice><guimenu>Common Appearance and Behavior</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Application and System Notifications</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in
&systemsettings; to manage <guilabel>JuK music player</guilabel> application notifications.
Just uncheck <guilabel>Show a message in a popup</guilabel> item for <guimenuitem>JuK running
in dock mode</guimenuitem>. More information on &kde; notification settings can be found
<ulink url="help:/kcontrol/kcmnotify">here</ulink>.

<guimenuitem>Popup Track Announcement</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This is a toggle option.  If enabled, &juk; will display
an indicator whenever a song starts playing, with information on the artist and
title, and with buttons allowing you to quickly switch to a different song.  The
Dock in System Tray option must also be enabled.</para>

<guimenuitem>Tag Guesser...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This command brings up the <link linkend="juk-tag-guesser-configuration">Tag Guesser Configuration
dialog box</link>, where you can alter the patterns used to guess tag information
from filenames.</para>

<guimenuitem>File Renamer...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This command brings up the <link linkend="juk-rename-dialog">File Renamer Configuration
dialog box</link>, where you can alter the way &juk; renames files for you.</para>
Configure scrobbling

Additionally &juk; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
menu items, for more information read the sections about the
<ulink url="help:/fundamentals/ui.html#menus-settings">Settings Menu</ulink> and
<ulink url="help:/fundamentals/ui.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink> of the &kde; Fundamentals.



<sect1 id="keybindings">
<title>Keybinding Reference</title>

ctrl-a select all
ctrl-c copy
ctrl-r rename file
ctrl-i guess tag entries from internet
ctrl-f guess tag entries based on filename
ctrl-f new search playlist
ctrl-n new empty playlist
ctrl-d new playlist from folder
ctrl-o open file (add to the collection or a playlist)
ctrl-q quit
ctrl-s save
ctrl-t save edited tag information
ctrl-v paste
ctrl-x cut
f1 Show manual
shift-f1 what's this help

<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Key Combination</entry>
<entry>Select all</entry>
<entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo></entry>
<entry>Rename file</entry>
<entry>Guess tags from the Internet.</entry>
<entry>Guess tags from the filename.</entry>
<entry>New <link linkend="juk-search-playlists">search playlist</link>.</entry>
<entry>New empty Playlist</entry>
<entry>New playlist from folder.</entry>
<entry>Save changes to edited tags.</entry>


<chapter id="credits-and-license">
<title>Credits and License</title>

<para>&juk; Copyright &copy; 2002-2013 &Scott.Wheeler;, Michael Pyne, and others.

 <para>&juk; is developed and maintained by &Scott.Wheeler;
&Scott.Wheeler.mail; and Michael Pyne <email></email>.</para>

<para>Many thanks to the following people who have contributed to &juk;:</para>

<listitem><para>&Daniel.Molkentin; &Daniel.Molkentin.mail; for system tray docking, <quote>inline</quote> tag
editing, bug fixes, evangelism, moral support.</para>
<listitem><para>Tim Jansen <email></email> for
the <application>GStreamer</application> port</para>

<listitem><para>Stefan Asserh&auml;ll <email></email>
for global shortcut support.</para>

<listitem><para>Stephen Douglas <email></email>
for track announcement popups.</para>

<listitem><para>&Frerich.Raabe; &Frerich.Raabe.mail;
for automagical track data guessing, and bugfixes.</para>

<listitem><para>Zack Rusin <email></email>
for more automagical things, including MusicBrainz support.</para>

<listitem><para>Adam Treat <email></email>
for co-conspiring in MusicBrainz wizardry.</para>

<listitem><para>Matthias Kretz <email></email>
for being the friendly neighborhood &arts; guru.</para>

<listitem><para>Maks Orlovich <email></email>
for making &juk; friendlier to people with terabytes of music.</para>

<listitem><para>Antonio Larrosa Jimenez <email></email>
for the &DCOP; interface.</para>

<listitem><para>Allan Sandfield Jensen <email></email>
for the <acronym>FLAC</acronym> and <acronym>MPC</acronym> support.</para>

<listitem><para>Nathan Toone <email></email>
for the Album cover manager.</para>

<listitem><para>Pascal Klein <email></email>
for the splash screen.</para>

<listitem><para>Laurent Montel <email></email>
for the porting to &kde; 4 when no one else around.</para>

<listitem><para>Georg Grabler <email></email>
for the &kde; Platform porting efforts.</para>

<listitem><para>Martin Sandsmark <email></email>
for the scrobbling support, lyrics, prepping for &kde; Frameworks.</para>

<listitem><para>Eike Hein <email></email>
for the MPRIS2 interface implementation.</para>


<para>Documentation Copyright &copy; 2003, &Lauri.Watts;, and copyright
&copy; 2004-2013 Michael Pyne.</para>





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