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<h1>PyTables 0.7.1 is out!<a class="headerlink" href="#pytables-0-7-1-is-out" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>This is a mainly a bug-fixing release, where the next problems has
been addressed:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Fixed several memory leaks. After that, the memory
consumption when using large object trees has dropped
sensibly. However, there remains some small leaks, but
hopefully they are not very important unless you use <em>huge</em>
object trees.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that make the __getitem__ special method in
table to fail when the stop parameter in a extended slice
was not specified. That is, table[10:] now correctly returns
table[10:table.nrows+1], and not table[10:11].</li>
<li>The removeRows() method in Table did not update the NROWS
attribute in Table objects, giving place to errors after
doing further updating operations (removing or adding more
rows) in the same table. This has been fixed now.</li>
<p>Apart of these fixes, a new lazy reading algorithm for attributes has
been activated by default. With that, the opening of objects with
large hierarchies has been improved by 60% (you can obtain another
additional 10% if using python 2.3 instead of python 2.2).  The
documentation has been updated as well, specially a more detailed
instructions on the compression (zlib) libraries installation.</p>
<p>Also, a stress test has been conducted in order to see if PyTables can
<em>really</em> work not only with large data tables, but also with large
object trees. In it, it has been generated and checked a file with
more than 1 TB of size and more than 100 thousand tables on it!. See
<a class="reference external" href=""></a> for details.</p>

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