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<h1>What&#8217;s new in PyTables 0.7.2<a class="headerlink" href="#what-s-new-in-pytables-0-7-2" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>This is a mainly a maintenance release, where the next issues has
been addressed:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Fixed a nasty memory leak located on the C libraries (It was
occurring during attribute writes). After that, the memory
consumption when using large object trees has dropped quite
a bit. However, there remains some small leaks that has been
tracked down to the underlying numarray library. These leaks
has been reported, and hopefully they should be fixed more
sooner than later.</li>
<li>Table buffers are built dinamically now, so if Tables are
not accessed for reading or writing this memory will not be
booked. This will help to reduce the memory consumption.</li>
<li>The opening of files with lots of nodes has been optimized
between a factor 2 and 3. For example, a file with 10 groups
and 3000 tables that takes 9.3 seconds to open in 0.7.1, now
takes only 2.8 seconds.</li>
<li>The method has been refactored and optimized
and some parts of its code has been moved to Pyrex. In
particular, in the special case of step=1, up to a factor 5
of speedup (reaching 160 MB/s on a Pentium4 &#64; 2 GHz) when
reading table contents can be achieved now.</li>
<p>&#8211; Francesc Alted
<a class="reference external" href="mailto:falted&#37;&#52;&#48;openlc&#46;org">falted<span>&#64;</span>openlc<span>&#46;</span>org</a></p>

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