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<th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;30.&nbsp;Configuring
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<h2 class="title"><a name="framelock" id=
"framelock"></a>Chapter&nbsp;30.&nbsp;Configuring Frame Lock and
<p>NOTE: Frame Lock and Genlock features are supported only on
specific hardware, as noted below.</p>
<p>Visual computing applications that involve multiple displays, or
even multiple windows within a display, can require special signal
processing and application controls in order to function properly.
For example, in order to produce quality video recording of
animated graphics, the graphics display must be synchronized with
the video camera. As another example, applications presented on
multiple displays must be synchronized in order to complete the
illusion of a larger, virtual canvas.</p>
<p>This synchronization is enabled through the frame lock and
genlock capabilities of the NVIDIA driver. This section describes
the setup and use of frame lock and genlock.</p>
<h3>Definition of Terms</h3>
<p>GENLOCK: Genlock refers to the process of synchronizing the
pixel scanning of one or more displays to an external
synchronization source. NVIDIA Genlock requires the external signal
to be either TTL or composite, such as used for NTSC, PAL, or HDTV.
It should be noted that the NVIDIA Genlock implementation is
guaranteed only to be frame-synchronized, and not necessarily
<p>FRAME LOCK: Frame Lock involves the use of hardware to
synchronize the frames on each display in a connected system. When
graphics and video are displayed across multiple monitors, frame
locked systems help maintain image continuity to create a virtual
canvas. Frame lock is especially critical for stereo viewing, where
the left and right fields must be in sync across all displays.</p>
<p>In short, to enable genlock means to sync to an external signal.
To enable frame lock means to sync 2 or more display devices to a
signal generated internally by the hardware, and to use both means
to sync 2 or more display devices to an external signal.</p>
<p>SWAP SYNC: Swap sync refers to the synchronization of buffer
swaps of multiple application windows. By means of swap sync,
applications running on multiple systems can synchronize the
application buffer swaps between all the systems. In order to work
across multiple systems, swap sync requires that the systems are
frame locked.</p>
<p>QUADRO SYNC DEVICE: A Quadro Sync Device refers to a device
capable of Frame lock/Genlock. See "Supported Hardware" below.</p>
<h3>Supported Hardware</h3>
<p>Frame lock and genlock are supported for the following
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
<p>Quadro G-Sync, used in conjunction with a Quadro FX 4400, Quadro
FX 4500, or Quadro FX 5500</p>
<p>Quadro G-Sync II, used in conjunction with a Quadro FX 4600,
Quadro FX 5600, Quadro FX 4800, Quadro FX 5800, Quadro 5000, or
Quadro 6000</p>
<p>Quadro Sync, used in conjunction with a Quadro K5000</p>
<p>Quadro Plex 1000 Models I, II and IV, Quadro Plex 2200 D2, or
Quadro Plex 7000.</p>
<h3>Hardware Setup</h3>
<p>Before you begin, you should check that your hardware has been
properly installed. The following steps must be performed while the
system is off.</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol type="1">
<p>On a Quadro Sync card with four Sync connectors, connect a
ribbon cable to any of the four connectors, if none are already
<p>On a Quadro G-Sync or G-Sync II card with two G-Sync connectors,
locate the G-Sync connector labeled "primary". If the associated
ribbon cable is not already joined to this connector, do so now. If
you plan to use frame lock or genlock in conjunction with SLI
FrameRendering or Multi-GPU FrameRendering (see <a href="sli.html"
"Chapter&nbsp;29.&nbsp;Configuring SLI and Multi-GPU FrameRendering">
Chapter&nbsp;29, <i>Configuring SLI and Multi-GPU
FrameRendering</i></a>) or other multi-GPU configurations, you
should connect the G-Sync connector labeled "secondary" to the
second GPU. A section at the end of this appendix describes
restrictions on such setups.</p>
<p>Install the Quadro Sync card in any available slot. Note that
the slot itself is only used for physical mounting, so even a known
"bad" slot is acceptable. The slot must be close enough to the
graphics card that the ribbon cable can reach.</p>
<p>On a Quadro Sync card with four Sync connectors, external power
is required. Connect a 6-pin PCIe power cable or a SATA power cable
to the card. No external power is required for Quadro G-Sync or
Quadro G-Sync II cards with two framelock connectors.</p>
<p>Connect the other end of the ribbon cable to the Quadro Sync
connector on the graphics card.</p>
<p>On supported Quadro Kepler cards, the Quadro Sync connector is
identical in appearance to the SLI connector. The ribbon cable from
the Quadro Sync card should be connected to the connector labeled
"SDI | SYNC". If the ribbon cable is connected to the SLI
connector, the GPU will not be able to synchronize with the Quadro
Sync card.</p>
<p>You may now boot the system and begin the software setup of
genlock and/or frame lock. These instructions assume that you have
already successfully installed the NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver
Set. If you have not done so, see <a href="installdriver.html"
"Chapter&nbsp;4.&nbsp;Installing the NVIDIA Driver">Chapter&nbsp;4,
<i>Installing the NVIDIA Driver</i></a>.</p>
<h3>Configuration with nvidia-settings GUI</h3>
<p>Frame lock and genlock are configured through the
nvidia-settings utility. See the <code class=
"filename">nvidia-settings(1)</code> man page, and the
nvidia-settings online help (click the "Help" button in the lower
right corner of the interface for per-page help information).</p>
<p>From the nvidia-settings frame lock panel, you may control the
addition of Quadro Sync (and display) devices to the frame
lock/genlock group, monitor the status of that group, and
enable/disable frame lock and genlock.</p>
<p>After the system has booted and X Windows has been started, run
nvidia-settings as</p>
<pre class="screen">
    % nvidia-settings
<p>You may wish to start this utility before continuing, as we
refer to it frequently in the subsequent discussion.</p>
<p>The setup of genlock and frame lock are described separately. We
then describe the use of genlock and frame lock together.</p>
<h3>Genlock Setup</h3>
<p>After the system has been booted, connect the external signal to
the house sync connector (the BNC connector) on either the graphics
card or the Quadro Sync card. There is a status LED next to the
connector. A solid red or unlit LED indicates that the hardware
cannot detect the timing signal. A green LED indicates that the
hardware is detecting a timing signal. An occasional red flash is
okay. On a Quadro Sync card with four Sync connectors, a blinking
green LED indicates that the server is locked to the house sync.
The Quadro Sync device (graphics card or Quadro Sync card) will
need to be configured correctly for the signal to be detected.</p>
<p>In the frame lock panel of the nvidia-settings interface, add
the X Server that contains the display and Quadro Sync devices that
you would like to sync to this external source by clicking the "Add
Devices..." button. An X Server is typically specified in the
format <code class="computeroutput">system:m</code>, e.g.:</p>
<pre class="screen">
<pre class="screen">
<p>After adding an X Server, rows will appear in the "Quadro Sync
Devices" section on the frame lock panel that displays relevant
status information about the Quadro Sync devices, GPUs attached to
those Quadro Sync devices and the display devices driven by those
GPUs. In particular, the Quadro Sync rows will display the server
name and Quadro Sync device number along with "Receiving" LED,
"Rate", "House" LED, "Port 0"/"Port 1" Images, and "Delay"
information. The GPU rows will display the GPU product name
information along with the GPU ID for the server. The Display
Device rows will show the display device name and device type along
with server/client check boxes, refresh rate, "Timing" LED and
"Stereo" LED.</p>
<p>Once the Quadro Sync and display devices have been added to the
frame lock/genlock group, a Server display device will need to be
selected. This is done by selecting the "Server" check box of the
desired display device.</p>
<p>If you are using a Quadro Sync card, you must also click the
"Use House Sync if Present" check box. To enable synchronization of
this Quadro Sync device to the external source, click the "Enable
Frame Lock" button. The display device(s) may take a moment to
stabilize. If it does not stabilize, you may have selected a
synchronization signal that the system cannot support. You should
disable synchronization by clicking the "Disable Frame Lock" button
and check the external sync signal.</p>
<p>Modifications to genlock settings (e.g., "Use House Sync if
Present", "Add Devices...") must be done while synchronization is
<p><a name="framelocksetup" id="framelocksetup"></a></p>
<h3>Frame Lock Setup</h3>
<p>Frame Lock is supported across an arbitrary number of Quadro
Sync systems, although mixing different generations of Quadro Sync
products in the same frame lock group is not supported.
Additionally, each system to be included in the frame lock group
must be configured with identical mode timings. See <a href=
"programmingmodes.html" title=
"Chapter&nbsp;20.&nbsp;Programming Modes">Chapter&nbsp;20,
<i>Programming Modes</i></a> for information on mode timings.</p>
<p>Connect the systems through their RJ45 ports using standard CAT5
patch cables. These ports are located on the frame lock card.
<span class="emphasis"><em>Do not connect a frame lock port to an
ethernet card or hub. Doing so may permanently damage the
hardware</em></span>. The connections should be made in a
daisy-chain fashion: each card has two RJ45 ports, call them 1 and
2. Connect port 1 of system A to port 2 of system B, connect port 1
of system B to port 2 of system C, etc. Note that you will always
have two empty ports in your frame lock group.</p>
<p>The ports self-configure as inputs or outputs once frame lock is
enabled. Each port has a yellow and a green LED that reflect this
state. A flashing yellow LED indicates an output and a flashing
green LED indicates an input. On a Quadro G-Sync or Quadro G-Sync
II card with two G-Sync connectors, a solid green LED indicates
that the port has not yet been configured; on a Quadro Sync card
with four Sync connectors, a solid green LED indicates that the
port has been configured as an input, but no sync pulse is
detected, and a solid yellow LED means the card is configured as an
output, but no sync is being transmitted.</p>
<p>In the frame lock panel of the nvidia-settings interface, add
the X server that contains the display devices that you would like
to include in the frame lock group by clicking the "Add Devices..."
button (see the description for adding display devices in the
previous section on GENLOCK SETUP. Like the genlock status
indicators, the "Port 0" and "Port 1" columns in the table on the
frame lock panel contain indicators whose states mirror the states
of the physical LEDs on the RJ45 ports. Thus, you may monitor the
status of these ports from the software interface.</p>
<p>Any X Server can be added to the frame lock group, provided
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol type="1">
<p>The system supporting the X Server is configured to support
frame lock and is connected via RJ45 cable to the other systems in
the frame lock group.</p>
<p>The system driving nvidia-settings can communicate with the X
server that is to be included for frame lock. This means that
either the server must be listening over TCP and the system's
firewall is permissive enough to allow remote X11 display
connections, or that you've configured an alternative mechanism
such as ssh(1) forwarding between the machines.</p>
<p>For the case of listening over TCP, verify that the "-nolisten
tcp" commandline option was not used when starting the X server.
You can find the X server commandline with a command such as</p>
<pre class="screen">
    % ps ax | grep X
<p>If "-nolisten tcp" is on the X server commandline, consult your
Linux distribution documentation for details on how to properly
remove this option. For example, distributions configured to use
the GDM login manager may need to set "DisallowTCP=false" in the
GDM configuration file (e.g., /etc/gdm/custom.conf,
/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf, or /etc/gdb/gdb.conf; the exact
configuration file name and path varies by the distribution). Or,
distributions configured to use the KDM login manager may have the
<pre class="screen">
    ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp
<p>in their kdm file (e.g., /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc). This line can be
commented out by prepending with "#".</p>
<p>The system driving nvidia-settings can locate and has display
privileges on the X server that is to be included for frame
<p>A system can gain display privileges on a remote system by
<pre class="screen">
    % xhost +
<p>on the remote system. See the xhost(1) man page for details.</p>
<p>Typically, frame lock is controlled through one of the systems
that will be included in the frame lock group. While this is not a
requirement, note that nvidia-settings will only display the frame
lock panel when running on an X server that supports frame
<p>To enable synchronization on these display devices, click the
"Enable Frame Lock" button. The screens may take a moment to
stabilize. If they do not stabilize, you may have selected mode
timings that one or more of the systems cannot support. In this
case you should disable synchronization by clicking the "Disable
Frame Lock" button and refer to <a href="programmingmodes.html"
title="Chapter&nbsp;20.&nbsp;Programming Modes">Chapter&nbsp;20,
<i>Programming Modes</i></a> for information on mode timings.</p>
<p>Modifications to frame lock settings (e.g. "Add/Remove
Devices...") must be done while synchronization is disabled.</p>
<p>nvidia-settings will not automatically enable Frame Lock via the
nvidia-settings.rc file. To enable Frame Lock when starting the X
server, a line such as the following can be added to the
<code class="filename">~/.xinitrc</code> file:</p>
<pre class="screen">
    # nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=1
<h3>Frame Lock + Genlock</h3>
<p>The use of frame lock and genlock together is a simple extension
of the above instructions for using them separately. You should
first follow the instructions for <a href=
"framelock.html#framelocksetup" title="Frame Lock Setup">Frame Lock
Setup</a>, and then to one of the systems that will be included in
the frame lock group, attach an external sync source. In order to
sync the frame lock group to this single external source, you must
select a display device driven by the GPU connected to the Quadro
Sync card (On Quadro G-Sync or G-Sync II cards, this display device
must be connected to the primary connector) that is connected to
the external source to be the signal server for the group. This is
done by selecting the check box labeled "Server" of the tree on the
frame lock panel in nvidia-settings. If you are using a Quadro Sync
based frame lock group, you must also select the "Use House Sync if
Present" check box. Enable synchronization by clicking the "Enable
Frame Lock" button. As with other frame lock/genlock controls, you
must select the signal server while synchronization is
<h3>GPU Status LEDs on the Quadro Sync Card</h3>
<p>In addition to the graphical indicators in the control panel
described in the Genlock Setup section above, the Quadro Sync card
for Quadro Kepler GPUs has two status LEDs for each of the four
<p>A sync status LED indicates the sync status for each port. An
unlit LED indicates that no GPU is connected to the port; a steady
amber LED indicates that a GPU is connected, but not synced to any
sync source; and a steady green LED indicates that a GPU is
connected and in sync with an internal or external sync source. A
flashing LED indicates that a connected GPU is in the process of
locking to a sync source; flashing green indicates that the sync
source's timings are within a reasonable range, and flashing amber
indicates that the timings are out of range, and the GPU may be
unable to lock to the sync source.</p>
<p>A stereo status LED indicates the stereo sync status for each
port. The LED will be lit steady amber when the card first powers
on. An unlit LED indicates that stereo is not active, or that no
GPU is connected; a blinking green LED indicates that stereo is
active, but not locked to the stereo master; and a steady green LED
indicates that stereo is active and locked to the stereo
<h3>Configuration with nvidia-settings command line</h3>
<p>Frame Lock may also be configured through the nvidia-settings
command line. This method of configuring Frame Lock may be useful
in a scripted environment to automate the setup process. (Note that
the examples listed below depend on the actual hardware
configuration and as such may not work as-is.)</p>
<p>To properly configure Frame Lock, the following steps should be
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol type="1">
<p>Make sure Frame Lock Sync is disabled on all GPUs.</p>
<p>Make sure all display devices that are to be frame locked have
the same refresh rate.</p>
<p>Configure which (display/GPU) device should be the master.</p>
<p>Configure house sync (if applicable).</p>
<p>Configure the slave display devices.</p>
<p>Enable frame lock sync on the master GPU.</p>
<p>Enable frame lock sync on the slave GPUs.</p>
<p>Toggle the test signal on the master GPU (for testing the
hardware connectivity.)</p>
<p>For a full list of the nvidia-settings Frame Lock attributes,
please see the <code class="filename">nvidia-settings(1)</code> man
page. Examples:</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol type="1">
<p>1 System, 1 Frame Lock board, 1 GPU, and 1 display device
syncing to the house signal:</p>
<pre class="screen">
  # - Make sure frame lock sync is disabled
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable

  # - Query the enabled displays on the gpu
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/EnabledDisplays

  # - Check that the refresh rate is the one we want
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/RefreshRate

  # - Set the master display device to CRT-0.  The desired display
  #   device(s) to be set are passed in as a hexadecimal number
  #   in which specific bits denote which display devices to set.
  #   examples:
  #   0x00000001 - CRT-0
  #   0x00000002 - CRT-1
  #   0x00000003 - CRT-0 and CRT-1
  #   0x00000100 - TV-0
  #   0x00000200 - TV-1
  #   0x00020000 - DFP-1
  #   0x00010101 - CRT-0, TV-0 and DFP-0
  #   0x000000FF - All CRTs
  #   0x0000FF00 - All TVs
  #   0x00FF0000 - All DFPs
  #   Note that the following command:
  #     nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/EnabledDisplays
  #   will list the available displays on the given GPU.

  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockMaster=0x00000001
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/FrameLockMaster

  # - Enable use of house sync signal
  nvidia-settings -a [framelock:0]/FrameLockUseHouseSync=1

  # - Configure the house sync signal video mode
  nvidia-settings -a [framelock:0]/FrameLockVideoMode=0

  # - Set the slave display device to none (to avoid
  #   having unwanted display devices locked to the
  #   sync signal.)
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000000
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/FrameLockSlaves

  # - Enable frame lock
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=1

  # - Toggle the test signal
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockTestSignal=1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockTestSignal=0
<p>2 Systems, each with 2 GPUs, 1 Frame Lock board and 1 display
device per GPU syncing from the first system's first display
<pre class="screen">
  # - Make sure frame lock sync is disabled
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:1]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -a myslave1:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -a myslave1:0[gpu:1]/FrameLockEnable=0

  # - Query the enabled displays on the GPUs
  nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:0]/EnabledDisplays
  nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:1]/EnabledDisplays
  nvidia-settings -q myslave1:0[gpu:0]/EnabledDisplays
  nvidia-settings -q myslave1:0[gpu:1]/EnabledDisplays

  # - Check the refresh rate is the same for all displays
  nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:0]/RefreshRate
  nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:1]/RefreshRate
  nvidia-settings -q myslave1:0[gpu:0]/RefreshRate
  nvidia-settings -q myslave1:0[gpu:1]/RefreshRate

  # - Make sure the display device we want as master is masterable
  nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockMasterable

  # - Set the master display device (CRT-0)
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockMaster=0x00000001

  # - Disable the house sync signal on the master device
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[framelock:0]/FrameLockUseHouseSync=0

  # - Set the slave display devices
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:1]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000001
  nvidia-settings -a myslave1:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000001
  nvidia-settings -a myslave1:0[gpu:1]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000001

  # - Enable frame lock on server
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=1

  # - Enable frame lock on slave devices
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:1]/FrameLockEnable=1
  nvidia-settings -a myslave1:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=1
  nvidia-settings -a myslave1:0[gpu:1]/FrameLockEnable=1

  # - Toggle the test signal
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockTestSignal=1
  nvidia-settings -a myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockTestSignal=0
<p>1 System, 4 GPUs, 2 Frame Lock boards and 2 display devices per
GPU syncing from the first GPU's display device:</p>
<pre class="screen">
  # - Make sure frame lock sync is disabled
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:1]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:2]/FrameLockEnable=0
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:3]/FrameLockEnable=0

  # - Query the enabled displays on the GPUs
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/EnabledDisplays
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:1]/EnabledDisplays
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:2]/EnabledDisplays
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:3]/EnabledDisplays

  # - Check the refresh rate is the same for all displays
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/RefreshRate
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:1]/RefreshRate
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:2]/RefreshRate
  nvidia-settings -q [gpu:3]/RefreshRate

  # - Make sure the display device we want as master is masterable
  nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:0]/FrameLockMasterable

  # - Set the master display device (CRT-0)
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockMaster=0x00000001

  # - Disable the house sync signal on the master device
  nvidia-settings -a [framelock:0]/FrameLockUseHouseSync=0

  # - Set the slave display devices
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000002 # CRT-1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:1]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000003 # CRT-0 and CRT-1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:2]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000003 # CRT-0 and CRT-1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:3]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000003 # CRT-0 and CRT-1

  # - Enable frame lock on master GPU
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockEnable=1

  # - Enable frame lock on slave devices
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:1]/FrameLockEnable=1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:2]/FrameLockEnable=1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:3]/FrameLockEnable=1

  # - Toggle the test signal
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockTestSignal=1
  nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockTestSignal=0
<h3>Leveraging Frame Lock/Genlock in OpenGL</h3>
<p>With the GLX_NV_swap_group extension, OpenGL applications can be
implemented to join a group of applications within a system for
local swap sync, and bind the group to a barrier for swap sync
across a frame lock group. A universal frame counter is also
provided to promote synchronization across applications.</p>
<h3>Frame Lock Restrictions:</h3>
<p>The following restrictions must be met for enabling frame
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol type="1">
<p>All display devices set as client in a frame lock group must
have the same mode timings as the server (master) display device.
If a House Sync signal is used (instead of internal timings), all
client display devices must be set to have the same refresh rate as
the incoming house sync signal.</p>
<p>All X Screens (driving the selected client/server display
devices) must have the same stereo setting. See <a href=
"xconfigoptions.html" title=
"Appendix&nbsp;B.&nbsp;X Config Options">Appendix&nbsp;B, <i>X
Config Options</i></a> for instructions on how to set the stereo X
<p>The frame lock server (master) display device must be on a GPU
on the primary connector connected to a Quadro G-Sync or G-Sync II
device. This restriction does not apply to Quadro Sync devices with
four Sync connectors.</p>
<p>If connecting a single GPU to a Quadro G-Sync or G-Sync II
device, the primary connector must be used. On a Quadro Sync device
with four Sync connectors, any connector may be used.</p>
<p>In configurations with more than one display device per GPU, we
recommend enabling frame lock on all display devices on those
<p>Virtual terminal switching or mode switching will disable frame
lock on the display device. Note that the glXQueryFrameCountNV
entry point (provided by the GLX_NV_swap_group extension) will only
provide incrementing numbers while frame lock is enabled.
Therefore, applications that use glXQueryFrameCountNV to control
animation will appear to stop animating while frame lock is
<h3>Supported Frame Lock Configurations:</h3>
<p>The following configurations are currently supported:</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol type="1">
<p>Basic Frame Lock: Single GPU, Single X Screen, Single Display
Device with or without OpenGL applications that make use of
Quad-Buffered Stereo and/or the GLX_NV_swap_group extension.</p>
<p>Frame Lock + TwinView: Single GPU, Single X Screen, Multiple
Display Devices with or without OpenGL applications that make use
of Quad-Buffered Stereo and/or the GLX_NV_swap_group extension.</p>
<p>Frame Lock + Xinerama: 1 or more GPU(s), Multiple X Screens,
Multiple Display Devices with or without OpenGL applications that
make use of Quad-Buffered Stereo and/or the GLX_NV_swap_group
<p>Frame Lock + TwinView + Xinerama: 1 or more GPU(s), Multiple X
Screens, Multiple Display Devices with or without OpenGL
applications that make use of Quad-Buffered Stereo and/or the
GLX_NV_swap_group extension.</p>
<p>Frame Lock + SLI SFR, AFR, or AA: 2 GPUs, Single X Screen,
Single Display Device with either OpenGL applications that make use
of Quad-Buffered Stereo or the GLX_NV_swap_group extension. Note
that for Frame Lock + SLI Frame Rendering applications that make
use of both Quad-Buffered Stereo and the GLX_NV_swap_group
extension are not supported. Note that only 2-GPU SLI
configurations are currently supported.</p>
<p>Frame Lock + Multi-GPU SFR, AFR, or AA: 2 GPUs, Single X Screen,
Single Display Device with either OpenGL applications that make use
of Quad-Buffered Stereo or the GLX_NV_swap_group extension. Note
that for Frame Lock + Multi-GPU Frame Rendering applications that
make use of both Quad-Buffered Stereo and the GLX_NV_swap_group
extension are not supported.</p>
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Chapter&nbsp;29.&nbsp;Configuring SLI and Multi-GPU
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&nbsp;Chapter&nbsp;31.&nbsp;Configuring SDI Video Output</td>