

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 4c77ee7bdc3b78926c2a9a96fbaccee9 > files > 25


New in 0.2.4:

        * fixed possible crash when destroying MDI windows
        * fixed possible crash when destroying menus
        * fixed Tab key handling in Konversation
        * fixed detection of default font (KDE 4.4)
        * fixed menu item rectangle and input handler (Qt 4.6)
        * fixed text rendering in vertical ProgressBar
        * fixed frame in "east" TabWidget (Qt 4.6)
        * fixed workaround for KIntNumInput size bug (KDE 4.4)
        * fixed MDI window title placement with RTL layouts
        * fixed ToolBar icon size to respect KDE setting (KDE 4.4)
        * fixed single click mode to respect KDE setting (KDE 4.4)
        * fixed vertical centering regressions (Qt 4.6.1)
        * fixed vertical alignment of labels in FormLayout (Qt 4.6.2)
        * fixed flashing of ScrollBar in PlacesPanel
        * fixed widget flags in KWin window decoration client
        * fixed menubar margin for improved full-screen usability
        * fixed "Alternate Background" color in Skulpture color schemes
        * fixed build warnings (KDE 4.3)
        * fixed build failure with Qt 4.1

New in 0.2.3:

        * fixed ToolButton with menu (Qt 4.5)
        * fixed detection of Dolphin InformationPanel (KDE 4.3)
        * fixed rendering of transparent gradients (Qt 4.5)
        * fixed black frame in KRunner LineEdit
        * fixed MDI title shadow with raster graphics system (Qt 4.5.0 bug)
        * fixed ButtonMargin pixel metric regression
        * fixed menus not working after hovering menu titles
        * fixed focus rendering on menu titles
        * fixed corner buttons on document mode TabBar (Qt 4.5)
        * fixed shortcut underlines in preview (KDE 4.3)
        * fixed Esc key clearing preview window
        * fixed corner buttons on "south" TabWidget (Konversation)
        * fixed eliding of tabs in small TabBar
        * fixed disabled ToolButton in inactive windows
        * fixed "south" document mode tabs (Konsole 4.3)
        * fixed Dial tickmarks (Qt 4.6)
        * fixed right shadow on frameless spinbox
        * fixed a few build warnings

New in 0.2.2:

    New Style Configuration Options:
        * added option to change text cursor width (Qt 4.4)
        * added option to change submenu delay
        * added "KDE Style" to ScrollBar arrow placement options
    New KWin Decoration Configuration Options:
        * added option to change title bar height and symbol sizes
        * added option to center title bar on full window width
        * added option to configure pixel-exact border sizes
        * fixed arrow placement configuration in non english locales
        * fixed submenus appearing only when not moving the mouse (Qt bug)
        * fixed cursor indication to follow mouse on hover in LineEdit
        * fixed wrong color role on non-raised ToolButton/ToolBox labels
        * fixed keyboard focus indicator for view items
        * fixed double frame in KMail (KDE 4.2)
        * fixed build with KDE 4.0

New in 0.2.1:

    New Style Configuration Options:
        * added option to change TabBar size
        * added option to change Slider and minimum ScrollBar length
        * added option to change ScrollBar arrow placement
        * added option to make PlacesPanel transparent
    New KWin Decoration Configuration Options:
        * added option to adjust vertical text shift
        * added option to change horizontal text alignment
        * added option to disable inactive frame coloring
        * fixed possible crash when destroying TextEdit widgets
        * fixed Slider to have the specified pixel size
        * fixed large icons to only use standard sizes
        * fixed KLineEdit's clear button not respecting font size
        * fixed preview window to respect KDE UI standards
        * fixed clipped text on ToolButton with text under icon
        * fixed memory leak in ToolBar handle
        * fixed hover feedback of icon in KWin window decoration client
        * fixed tabs with icons (Qt 4.5)
        * fixed user installation script to not fail when installing twice

New in 0.2.0:

    New Configuration Options (requires KDE 4):
        * added option to respect "Disabled" colors from System Settings
        * added option to adjust vertical text shift
        * added option to change ScrollBar, Slider, and menu sizes
        * added option to change widget margins and spacing
        * added option to change password character
        * added option to disable icon in KWin window decoration client
    Visual Improvements:
        * improved appearance of CheckBox, RadioButton, and ProgressBar
        * implemented rendering of Qt 3 support elements
        * implemented rendering of KMenu titles (KDE 4.1)
        * unified appearance of SpinBox and ComboBox
        * made small visual improvements to other elements
        * fixed slow cursor movement in large TextEdit fields
        * fixed hover feedback of selected CheckBox
        * fixed CheckBox and RadioButton in dark color schemes
        * fixed NoButtons/PlusMinus SpinBox button modes
        * fixed ScrollBar slider covering both arrows at the same time
        * fixed layout and rendering with non-zero global strut
        * fixed tree expanders not respecting font size
        * fixed frameless SpinBox and ComboBox
        * fixed wrong usage of color roles in various places
        * fixed missing icons in MenuBar
        * fixed missing etching of disabled texts in menus
        * fixed check indicators covering menu icons
        * fixed missing separator texts in menus
        * fixed frames and shadows in more widgets
        * fixed HMTLView frame
        * fixed wrong frame in ComboBox popup menu
        * fixed missing shadow for views in menus
        * fixed missing shadow in sunken ScrollArea
        * fixed shadow in KColorSelector
        * fixed Restore decoration button to not look identical to Maximize
        * fixed vertical alignment of labels in FormLayout (Qt 4.4)
        * fixed password character to fall back to ASCII symbol
        * fixed LineEdit focus highlight in Arora (Qt 4 demo browser)
        * fixed user installation script to find KDE4 on Kubuntu
        * fixed build failure if KWin headers are not found
        * fixed memory leak
    Other Changes:
        * improved support for custom Qt style sheets
        * improved user installation script with build log file generation
        * refactored code to only depend on QCommonStyle
        * backported to Qt 4.2 for LSB 4.0 conformant systems
        * added a Skulpture web log

New in 0.1.3:

	* fixed black background on transparent buttons
	* fixed black background on LineEdit with certain style sheets
	* some other small fixes and improvements:
	* fixed title bar Help button to not depend on font shape
	* fixed MDI window shadows to not expand outside of MDI area
	* fixed title bar caption and buttons in vertical docks
	* fixed Menu icon column without icons (Qt 4.5)
	* improved arrows in MenuBar and ToolBar extender
	* added support for ToolButton with menu arrow in vertical ToolBar
	* improved ToolButton with menu arrow
	* fixed rendering of vertical tabs
	* improved scroll buttons in TabBar
	* fixed TabWidget corner buttons (KTorrent)
	* fixed wrong font on dragged item view header section
	* removed dash pattern from selection rubberband
	* fixed ScrollBar size to not depend on content font size

New in 0.1.2:

	* initial work on title bar decoration buttons (KWin, MDI, docks)
	* fixed custom KWin button placement
	* fixed crash in styled ItemView (Qt 4.4)
	* some other small fixes and improvements:
	* fixed size and disabled state for check indicators in MenuItem
	* fixed menu stripe in RTL layouts
	* improved size of submenu arrow
	* added clipping of window caption
	* added support for remaining KWin buttons (see NOTES)
	* fixed MDI window title bar to use KWin colors (see NOTES)
	* added mouse over highlight to flat PushButton
	* fixed arrow position on menu PushButton
	* implemented rendering of KLineEdit's clear button
	* implemented rendering of ToolBox (Marble, Kalzium)
	* implemented rendering of ToolBar handles
	* fixed item highlight border on Table without grid
	* initial work on color schemes (Skulpture in different flavors)

New in 0.1.1:

	* fixed missing check indicator in checked MenuItem with icon
	* fixed initial green title bar in KWin decoration (again)
	* some other small fixes and improvements:
	* fixed TabWidget without tabs
	* fixed shadow in editable ComboBox with icon
	* fixed separator line in Dolphin information panel
	* fixed MenuBar height in Konqueror
	* removed frame from TabWidget corner buttons
	* restored normal size of ComboBox in ToolBar

New in 0.1.0:

	* improved support for KDE color schemes
	* added preview to configuration page (KDE4)
	* added support for Qt 4.4.0
	* many other small fixes and improvements:
	* implemented rendering of dock titles
	* implemented rendering of tree lines and expanders
	* implemented rendering of resize grip
	* implemented rendering of view item backgrounds (Qt 4.4)
	* added button-like highlight of menu items
	* added shadows to MDI windows
	* added a slight shadow to Slider handles
	* added automatic cursor size depending on font width
	* added current line highlight to PlainTextEdit (Qt 4.4)
	* added mouse over hightlight to clickable header sections
	* fixed frames and shadows in more widgets
	* fixed rendering of TabBar background in Konquerer
	* fixed rendering of "south" tabs (Konsole, docks)
	* fixed corner rendering in scroll areas
	* fixed wrong palette on Qt 4.4
	* fixed initial green title bar in KWin decoration (Qt 4.4)
	* fixed background in KDE font selection preview
	* improved some layouting values (ComboBox, MDI buttons)
	* added RSS feed to Skulpture website

New in 0.0.4:

	* initial work on KWin window decoration client (KDE4)
	* fixed rendering of Slider with tickmarks
	* fixed bogus frames and shadows
	* improved appearance of arrows
	* some other small fixes and improvements

New in 0.0.3:

	* fixed margins of SpinBox and ComboBox on Qt 4.3.1
	* improved rendering of Dial and TabBar
	* some other small fixes and improvements
	* renamed to Skulpture (old name: Skandale)

New in 0.0.2:

	* initial work on ComboBox, SpinBox, ScrollBar, and Slider
	* initial work on Window (MDI), FocusFrame, and ToolButton
	* made Dial useable
	* fixed crash in TextEdit
	* fixed rendering of wide PushButton and non-editable ComboBox

New in 0.0.1:

	* imagery for RadioButton and CheckBox
	* more flat PushButton, with improved visual feedback
	* improved HeaderView
	* initial work on TabBar and Dial
	* highlight current line in TextEdit (same as in LineEdit)